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Groan! Need to go on a diet

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    Groan! Need to go on a diet

    Thanks for bumping this thread up again - it reminds me I have done nothing about losing weight!! LOL!! You're right about it needing NOT to be a diet. The minute I use that word I feel a sense of deprivation and a need to reach for a chocolate bar!

    Cutting out the white carbs is what I am generally trying to do for my health (rather than a 'diet') and as I don't really eat a lot of those anyway, it's not too bad. I have quite a lot of wholemeal stuff and starch in potatoes though so maybe need to cut those back. Had baked fish and salad last night without any starch for the first time in ages and seemed to wake up feeling better than normal.

    Haven't bought Hippie's recommended book yet but got it bookmarked.

    23lbs is great guns Darling!

    Bessie xx


      Groan! Need to go on a diet

      I love Weight Watchers. I did the "South Beach Diet" with my husband and dropped a ton of weight very quickly, but hated the feeling of being deprived. I lost over 50 pounds a few years ago on WW and maintained it for years. I was working out a lot back then which helped tremendously. Since, then the A consumption increased and I put it all back on, but you can do WW online and their Website is full of ideas, menus, recipes and support. They have message boards for support. I use a lot of the South Beach principles and plug them into the WW program. I have been "trying" to do this for a long time. It is time I get serious again. That is why I am here.

