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all one supp new weight loss formula

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    all one supp new weight loss formula


    I got a Magic Bullet for Christmas last year. It is actually pretty cool - and not too big or cumbersome like some things. I may just have to try the AllOne thing. I am so bad about not taking things consistently so I hate to buy something and then it go to waste.
    I can never tell a difference when taking vitamins so it's hard for me to remember to take it too.
    Exercise is good for frustration. But it is so hard to get out the door right this minute. I'm off work today, and sitting here in my gym clothes...can't get out the door.

    I am so sore from working out on Tuesday that my arms (biceps I guess) feel sore when I'm not even moving them. I think my trainer went a little overboard with me.
    I also think I may have to get a different trainer but that's another story.

    Ok- so now I have to I can come back here and tell you I went
    I've now lost a total of 3 lbs!! 139!! Woo hoo!!! Yea! 9 to go..

    Have a great day..


      all one supp new weight loss formula

      Lisa, I just got done and I feel great. I got up at 4:30 and it took me til 7:00 to talk myself into it. I did a tape I haven't done in a very long time (an hour) and I am so happy I did it. Remember - you never feel bad when you do it, but you do when you don't. It will probably do your bicepts some good to work them a little after a few days rest.

      C'mon - do us (and yourself) proud:thumbs:


        all one supp new weight loss formula

        Good Mornng you all,

        Lush, to answer your question about the taste of All One Weight Loss. It certainly tasted better than the Vitiiamin mix. I got the plain (it also comes in coco), and it was good, just took on the flavor of what I mixed it with.

        I used 4 oz of Diet V-8 Splash Berry juice, and 4 oz of plain soymilk, placed the 2 scoops of powder on top, added to ice cubes to act as mixing beads, all in the shaker they send you.

        Too early to tell if it will work or not, but I'll keep you updated.

        I decided I am going to watch my weight before the holidays, not after the holidays like everyone else.

        Barb, I can't imagine getting up at 4:30 am. Getting up at 6 am to take the kids to school practically kills me.

        Lisa, wow, your trainer is pushing you too hard, you shouldn't be that sore. I use to have a trainer, but after she taught me all the exercises, and how to use the equip, I did it on my own. I have to admit, I worked hard for her, than I do on my own.

        Tuma, I love your peaceful aviator. Looks like a happy place.

        Barb, thanks for that breakfast suggestion, sounds wonderful.

        Becca, I was told bread turns to sugar in your body?

        Have a great day you all.


          all one supp new weight loss formula

          I don't pick when I get up - it picks me. I fall asleep watching TV at 8:00, tho


            all one supp new weight loss formula

            Yes, Mona please keep me up to date on how "filling" you find the drink. It would be great to find something like that for a lunch replacement when I do not have much time. Reagrding the bread turning to sugar thing; white bread, white flour, etc., all of that white stuff is just as bad as eating sugar because it raises your glucose levels quickly but provides little nutrition and then you are hungry again within a short period of time. With whole grains it satiates you for longer and the fiber is excellent to keep you regular. Basically all foods turns to sugar in your body in some form or another but that is not neccesarily a bad thing. It is the quality of the foods you are eating that matter. Barb is totally right on about needing healthy fats and healthy carbs in your diet. Your body has to have carbs; they just should be healthy ones.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              all one supp new weight loss formula

              Wow!! I want one of those Magic Bullet things!! I have a small food processor. Do you think the magic bullet works better? How much does it hold?

              Think I'll send the link to my hubby right now. Christmas is coming you know.

              Lisa, I must say that I LOVE being sore after a workout. Especially after I paid a trainer big $$.

              I can't afford my FANTASTIC personal trainer right now so I went to a kickboxing gym to have a look around yesterday. Unfortunately that's as far as I've gotten. :H

              Congratulations on the weight loss!! Always a fun thing!! :thumbs:
              Tomorrow I get to wake up and not feel guilty. :yay:


                all one supp new weight loss formula

                Barb, well 8 pm to 4:30 am is 8.5 hours of sleep...that's perfect!

                Lush, the directions on the All One Weight Loss product says use it as a lunch replacement. My busiest time is morning, so I took it at 7 am, drank it in the car while driving the kids, to school. You know the multi task Mommy thing. Well I didn't feel hungry until 6 hours later. I'll keep you posted.


                  all one supp new weight loss formula

                  Wow, right on Mona. Please keep giving me the update.....
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    all one supp new weight loss formula

                    Made it to the gym! Very glad I went. Thanks for all the encouragement. Arms still pretty stiff/sore now but felt better when I was there. Got up to 26 minutes on the eliptical today too. Did some weights (that fun abductor/adductor thing) -and sat in the hot tub( the best part). Barb- what kind of tape did you do? Pilates? Ty Bo?
                    My trainer stood me up on Thursday and hasn't called me yet. She has done a couple of other things that have annoyed me having another person work out with us the last time without telling me. These are supposed to be one on one.
                    I think I'm doing the 'economy' gym trainer....not so much the fancy schmancy trainer.
                    But good or bad, I've signed up for and Paid for 48 sessions. So, gotta get this worked out.
                    Anyone else have this kind of trainer experience? Like you Mona, I find I work much harder with a trainer so I want to keep this up.

                    Interesting info on the food and suppliments etc. I've never been a big fan of oatmeal either...I make it too sweet and then eat too much and then feel kinda I tend to avoid it. But I've heard it is so good for you. hmmm...I'll have to think about it more.

                    Well, gotta go clean the house now.
                    take care all-


                      all one supp new weight loss formula

                      Hey LtLM- I think the magic bullet holds about 16oz There is a large and small blender.
                      I have two friends who have them and they use them quite a bit. One friend makes herself a smoothy each morning in it.



                        all one supp new weight loss formula

                        The tape I did was 1/2 hour step aerobics/1/2 hour floor aerobics. I buy my tapes from a website call Exercise Videos and Fitness Videos. Don't put an end at the end of "videos" - you'll get an x rated sight. You can choose by category, instructory, etc. The one I did today was Phillip Gray. It had a lot of choreography and took me a long time to learn, but I love it. Another one I do all the time is Christi Taylor Solid Gold - she has a step and a floor. I love em both. Again, the choreography takes a lot of practice, but I love to dance, so it is worth putting the time in. The descriptions are pretty extensive, and it even gives you a 60 second preview. Cathy Fredricks is another one I've worked with; she's tough.

                        There are all kinds of different categories like yoga, pilates, etc. It's worth looking at.

                        Congrats on working out and the weight loss, Lisa!


                          all one supp new weight loss formula

                          Lisa, did you sign up through the gym with the trainer? I would call the manager. You signed up for one-on-one. You signed up for 48 sessions. You should get what you signed up for. If you don't, you deserve "make up sessions" at the very least. That's just plain rude. You paid for a service you didn't get.

                          My two cents.


                            all one supp new weight loss formula

                            Love your two cents Barb! I'm going to ask for another trainer.

                            I'm terribly uncoordinated so dance is hard for me. Always looks like so much fun though. Enjoy your tapes!



                              all one supp new weight loss formula

                              Hey Barb, you are absolutely correct about the selection of things I could get if I lived in Phoenix. We have nothing here in the boonies, except a few lousy chain markets. I dream of going to AJ's or Trader Jo's someday.

                              Barb, I checked out the video site, and it's awesome. They even have "walking music" very cool.

                              Lush, thanks for the Christmas ideas, and the get of town comment made me laugh. I did print out your suggestions, and will use them.

                              Lisa, my personal trainer was so professional, she would apologizeto me, if someone at the gym would speak to her during my sessions. She had young children, and never showed up late or missed a session.

                              My friend did have a similar situation to yours and had to ditch the trainer. It's so expensive you should not be treated like that. Plus, you shouldn't have to feel cheated or negative. This is about you and your money, it should be a wonderful experience.

                              LtLM, There was some chatter on this board about the magic bullet, lots of positive comments. I do recall someone saying it was easy to clean too. If you get one, let us know how you like it.

                              Carry on you all.


                                all one supp new weight loss formula

                                The Cheapest ALLONE on the Internet!!!

                                I just had to share this bargin!

                                The Original Formula 2.2 lbs $38.50 every day!!

                                30 Day Supply 15.9 oz $22.95 every day

                                Shipping is $4.95 flat rate so you can stock up, get as many as you like and pay the one flat rate fee. I've been getting my AllOne, and all my other supplements on this site for over a year, customer service is unbeatable. Their prices are always the lowest, and they have all the different types of ALLONE!!

