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30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

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    30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

    Good Morning to all my sober, sexy, sisters!

    Barb I am there with you even though we are on different time zones, and I know you will not drink AL because how good does it feel not to!! We are all doing so well. I know I will be strong when it comes to a social party, or whatever the occassion but I have not put myself in that situation yet, I have been a hermit the only thing i am doing is running and shopping because I am on holidays. I have not seen anyone besides my partner and his 2 children.


      30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

      Doing two posts as the same thing keeps happening to me as Barb my posts keep disappearing and this one just did! So frustating!!! So I am going to keep this short.

      Keepwalking I just love your shirt! I will put a picture of my hew Hot Pink shoes on!

      No running today it is pouring rain, cold and wet over here. Yummy day at home.

      Day 17 AF for me!!! XXXXXXXXXXXX


        30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

        One more post.

        To MYHealth, my partners children are seven and eight and yes I have got a fantastic relationship with them! One of the reasons why I stopped my madness! They are very special to me!!


          30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

          Hi there little "Diva Darlins"
          Sorry I've been MIA for a few days, but just had a big honkin tooth pulled, & haven't felt much like me lately...
          In fact a little piece of it just came outa my gum! Might explain some of the discomfort I've been feeling.

          I had to go to an oral surgeon, my dentist, took one look @ it & & said he didn't want to touch it...(there wasn't a whole lot there to grab onto)
          Thankfully, it's near the back of my mouth, so it's not too obvious. Good thing I survive on a diet of mostly veggies

          Hope everybody's doing well.
          My niece is graduating from college today! She'll be an oral hygienist...and I cant even spell the word right!:H
          Take Care,
          "G00d things come in small packages!" (Doncha know)
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

            Had sad news last night about a friend. Then after catering for a party this evening and seeing the guests enjoying themselves, felt it would have been nice to have been one of them; part of the was at my aunts house; I left when the food was laid out - was so tempted to go to the off-licence, but have promised to lift my parents from a party later, and my daugther needs picked up after that. Feel kinda left out and like I am part of making everyone elses evenings more fun by helping out and doing sorry for bringing the tone down here - you are all so upbeat! Shocked at how strong this feeling is as I felt so good....
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

              Daisy45. I m sorry about your sad news.

              You are not left out here we are all in this together! If you are feeling down just let it happen do not fight it. It is a natural process. Let that feeling have its turn. It will disappear! Happiness will be just around the corner I promise you! Love and Light my beautiful friend. xxxxxxxxxxxxx


                30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

                thanks Mia
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

                  Hi all, I know a lot of you in bed right now but anyway, 3am here. After my 'downer' in my earlier post I have had a turnaround, thank goodness.
                  Had to go to a house party to pick up my parents, both in early 70s. I had to go in and wait for them. Talk about 'enough to put you off drink'! And that was just from listening to what they all had to say.........
                  Then mum and dad had to be helped to the car and into the house......when I said to mum to go to bed in case she falls, she acted, staggeringly, insulted! Made me remember how I felt as a teenager when they drank. My daughter was with me; when she got back in the car to go home she said 'I am never going to drink'. I came home worried that they'd be ok.....
                  Then downtown to pick up other daughter and her friends. They were ok but loads of young people staggering about, fighting and the rest.....police and ambulance there too.
                  I think you get my drift....after tonight I am glad I didnt give in earlier....
                  Upwards and onwards!
                  A sober Sunday to you all!:h
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

                    Hi Ladies- I didn't manage a workout yesterday. I went to see Paul McCartney last night and had to go straight to work after the show so I just couldn't squeeze one in. Sir Paul was FANTASTIC!!! I didn't feel an urge to drink (didn't want to risk missing any of the show for a bathroom break. lol) . Once I got to work my co-bartender thought it felt like a night we should get drunk. I declined. We both drank water instead. And then a bunch of crazy other stuff happened. Money went missing. We fretted about for hours trying to figure what had happened only to find out another co-worker had taken it ( she was trashed, she found it in her jeans this morning). I asked a friend to drive home another friend because she was in no condition to drive and they got hit by a drunk driver a block from the bar. Needless, to say I'm feeling pretty grateful today to be a member of the Hot Pink Ladies and not a part of the I get drunk and drink club anymore. I was a little annoyed with my friend for suggesting we get drunk last last night. She was my original workout and AF buddy, but I dumped her for you guys.
                    I am hiding my scale from myself. I have been working out like a demon and eating healthy and havn't lost an ounce. But, jeans that didn't fit last week, fit today so that's something.
                    I'm going to jump on my trampoline, and do an abs dvd right after this.
                    Daisy- I know it's hard to watch others drink especially when seems like they're having good time. I just try to remind myself that the morning after isn't worth it.
                    Have a happy and healthy AF weekend everyone.
                    Good night Ladies
                    AF since 06/27/2011

                    Of all vices, drinking in the most imcompatible with greatness. Sir Walter Scott


                      30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

                      Daisy- we must have been posting at the same time. Lol. Glad you've had a turn around and are feeling better.
                      AF since 06/27/2011

                      Of all vices, drinking in the most imcompatible with greatness. Sir Walter Scott


                        30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

                        BluesDancer, thanks, feeling much better. You had quite a night! Glad you enjoyed yourself......and looking at how people behave when drunk does make you think, doesnt it.....
                        3.50am here and daylight is you think that may be a sign I should go to bed??? Doing these late night runs keeps me alert for ooooh too long.... If I'd been drinking I'd be asleep on the toilet by now - haha, but true!
                        Anyway goodnight and will check in tomorrow...
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

                          My Mom told me years ago, that I didn't have to claim ALL of my family...(I am related to the most of the county here...)

                          One of my cousins told me he was @ the family reunion, ( a few years back) "to find a date",... I'm still not sure if he was kidding or not!

                          Just one more reason to update my passport!

                          Daisy, on a more serious note. I'm so sorry about the news of your friend.:l
                          Part of me wants to just get the "H" outa Dodge..., but another part of me feels like, I've been there & done that. My Folks aren't gonna be here forever. I'm here for a reason. It's not for me to question.

                          Then again, it's always good to question...why not?

                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

                            I started my running clinic this week so ran 6kms yesterday. I could not run today, way to busy but tomorrow our group will do 7kms. This is day 14 and day 5 on a diet. I am feeling so much better now. Sleep is wonderful. Hot flushes have settled down and life is good.
                            Hope everyone is doing well.
                            Don't worry, be happy!


                              30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

                              Good morning HoT Pink Ladies,
                              I can relate so much to what you are all saying. Daisy, I am sorry about your friend. I was feeling the same way last night socially- I had been at work all day & had to do lots of domestic stuff when I got home. All of my friends were going to a party & I was too tired to go & ended up going to bed early & didn't sleep. I kept thinking that if I had been drinking, I would have been in the mood & had a great time. I felt like the whole world was out having fun & I wasn't because I was sober. Not feeling much better this morning but am about to go for a run so that will probably make me feel better.
                              Running4Life can I ask you what diet you are on? My weight is getting to me, I know I have lost a few pounds since I stopped drinking but I still feel huge.
                              Day 11 today, I know I am doing well but am struggling a bit. Next time I think I will just go to the party, see that I am not missing out on anything by not drinking, have a good chat to a few people & happily drive off sober when it suits me. It is the tiredness that is getting to me really- I thought I would be feeling great by this stage. I need to be patient with it all.
                              Hope you are all having a great Sunday.
                              SJ xxx :groupluv:

                              'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                                30 days, no wine, no junk, lots of exercise?

                                Hi Hot Pink Pretties!

                                KeepWalking-We should all get that shirt your have on your avatar...pretty much says it all, doesn't it!

                                Tipp-have a glorious time in Niagra Falls! I have never been but would love to check it out someday. Fill us in when you have a chance! Must be a beautiful time of the year to go!

                                Rainy weekend here but managed a long walk yesterday after I got out of work. Had some strong cravings for wine last night but didn't give in. Glad to see we are all doing well this weekend with staying sober!
                                My weight is still the same and it's a relief to get on the scale in the morning after being sober the night before because I know that I didn't over due it with wine which also leads to eating badly. I know that the weight I have is the result of eating well and not drowning myself in wine. So, no more holding my breath when I get on the scale...any excess bloat this week is from my good old monthly visit which I hope would get here already as I feel like I've had PMS for longer than usual. No, I'm not pregnant by the way!

                                Way to go everyone! Gidget, nice to have you on board! To everyone else, keep fit, sober and smiling!
                                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                                BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

