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Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

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    Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

    Hi BK, glad you like this progress thread. Good to hear that you're starting a weightlifting program. I've read that many distance runners tend to have problems with joint issues, sorry to hear that you're in that situation. I bet weights will help you! Also, females who lift weights are often super foxy so there's that to look forward to. Never hurts us to feel more attractive and confident, eh?

    As for the depression and sadness... well maybe it's OK to just feel it and be OK with that. Sometimes we just need to get through a period of sadness and there's nothing wrong with that... listen to yourself and be good to yourself. Stay in bed late if you need to, or force yourself up out of the house when you need to.

    You're smart and strong, and you already have everything you need to be good to yourself, so do that.


      Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

      OK I'm back. I detailed all the turbulent happenings over the holidays over in my progress thread, but I'm back home now on the third day of January and ready to rocket back into my health.

      So- I meant to be "perfect" (lol) as of Jan 1, but Jan 1 was a bit of a mess, as was part of Jan 2. So, looks like for all intents and purposes, today will serve as New Year's Day. That works fine too as Jan 1 is an arbitrary start day anyway, so today it is.

      So- to renew my commitment- it's 3 days of weightlifting plus 1 day of running (alternating sprints/medium distance running). Then yoga/stretching on alternate days as much as I can- at least once a week, striving for twice. That makes 5 to 6 days active, with 1 to 2 days off.

      New developments- I'm talking to an online coach who I'll be working with on nutrition/training for chunks of 12 weeks. Very much looking forward to his. Today I'm taking shirtless body fat percentage pics (yep... can't be avoided) and sending him those plus measurements plus training stats. More on this soon.

      Other new development is that I've purchased all I need for my home gym-- got a great setup, perfect amount of gear- not too much not too little- can now handle bench, upright, squats, deads, dips, pulls, chins, legs, all from studio and home. Now, I can just knock them out at the end of my day and not have to sit in traffic for minimum of 30 minutes each way! YAAAY!

      I'm going to be setting up all the gear today, then starting back into weight training tomorrow-- back and chest. Then sprints on Sunday or Monday.

      Also, I've been terrible about resisting smoking lately. I'm calling today Day 1 CF (cigarette free). Though I may puff away on my e-cig for a bit when cravings hit.


        Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

        Quick update- As I posted on other threads, today is Day 3 CF (cig free). I've been able to do this by puffing away on my e-cig (so, still getting nicotine, but none of the smoke/tar/chemicals/carcinogens/STINK). I'll keep using the e-cig and slowly doing less and less. I'm glad this seems to be working- the last 2 days of no cigs seemed long and strained, but I did it.

        Anyway- today, setting up all the workout gear and doing a workout, even though I'm dragging my feet a little. DO YOUR WORKOUT, SKULL. haha

        One other milestone was hit today- for the first time in probably 15 years, I was UNDER 190 lbs on the scale! 189.4 . MILESTONE HIT OH HELL YEAH!!!! Smiling today as it took me months but I've finally, officially, hit my goal. Just for the record, at my biggest I was 220 lbs (pretty fat, at 5'8" tall). So this means, since I've started my goal to get healthy, I've officially lost at least 30 lbs of fat (but I've gained muscle and strength significantly). I'm pretty proud of myself at the moment, I don't mind saying

        Next up- 185 lbs. I expect this will take me at least a month. Then on to 180. Wowzers that will be crazy~!


          Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

          Hey you! Good for you. How I remember the bad old days of a pack and a half a day, with the first one in the morning right out of bed, and the last one at night finished with the bedside light still on...

          You really should be very happy with all your progress. And the weight too. You do low-carb, if I remember correctly. Your SO must be pretty happy with you too, eh?
          My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


            Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

            Thanks, JM. Yes, even though the addict in me misses the days of puffing on a smoke, even in the freezing rain, the rational, healthy part does not miss being a slave to that addiction at all. Though this quit is VERY new and I need to guard it, and still to gradually drop nicotine levels on this ecig. But I'm happily surprised that I haven't bought a pack in 3 days.

            As for my diet- I only do low-carb on some days, as it's not a great idea to do low-carb for too long- the body does need some carbs. I do high fat (healthy fats) on off-days and moderate carbs on on days (weightlifting/running days). The low carb days do tend to drop the weight a bit more than the carb days, but I also notice my energy is less on those days. That's cool as it's only temporary, til I reach my ideal weight. When I get there, I'll be more regular with my carbs (though still watch them for maintenance).

            Today- I commit to getting to my studio and putting together my newly purchased weight equipment, and getting a good workout in- chest/back.

            And my GF does make flattering comments That's always nice. We met when I was 220lbs, so she's never seen me this fit. She accepted me then as now, but she likes that I'm healthier now.


              Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

              Skull really like this thread you have going here, you are doing AWESOME!!!!!

              I am also looking at trying to reach my fitness peak! I want to be in the best shape of my life before my 41st, have about 7 months till that date. While on my last mat leave (I took almost two years) I was in awesome shape as I was going to the gym 6 days a week 2 hours a day while my little one was in child care, it was my me time to workout, sauna and shower, loved the routine! However when I went back to work finding time for me became very difficult. I am putting things off to the side now (some work, laundry, vacuming!) and am finding time for me because when I feel healthy and fit I am so much happier, and a happier me is soooo much better for my family. Feeling good for the last 4 months have been doing weights 3 days, core and cardio 3 days. My new thing is skipping rope(200 jumps) between weight sets! Keep up this great thread, I will be visitng alot!
              On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

                Thanks for the kind words, Halo I'm glad you're enjoying this thread, I wasn't sure if anyone was reading it! I thought I was just posting here for my own journaling... glad to hear you like it.


                First, the good. My current protocol of nutrition, intermittent fasting, and restricting calories to 1800/day is going GREAT- today the scale read 187 lbs. I haven't been this lean since high school, and I'm loving it.


                Day 71 AF (alcohol free)
                Day 8 SGF (sugar/gluten free)
                Day 1 CF!!!!! (cigarette free)

                As is obvious from the numbers above, I've been letting smoking slip. I've been thinking on this and I don't think it's just the physical cravings for nicotine. I think it's my brain wanting a constant distraction from whatever I really want to be doing (such as working or pursuing things of value). I feel it constantly- every 10 minutes I want to ignore what I'm doing and go smoke. But there's another component to it.

                I was thinking on this last night while smoking-- and I had an epiphany. What I am chasing, by smoking, is I am trying to replicate the feeling of 'checking out' or 'turning off my brain' that I so often did with alcohol, and more recently did with Valium the day of my Lasik surgery. I feel like my brain is desperately trying to find that "feel good". That day on Valium was very interesting in that it felt WAAAAYYY too awesome. I could really see myself getting addicted to it really easily, which is why I won't let myself even think about trying to find more. It felt a lot like getting drunk- the feeliing of all my worries floating away.

                So, putting aside for the moment that my goal is not to be searching for ways to check out, obviously cigarettes are a poor substitute for alcohol or pills. Just a momentary subtle buzz, if at all, and then I'm stinky and my lungs hurt and I feel guilty and anxious.

                I'm also recently more aware that I have a large component of fear and anxiety running through my life. I'm like, always kinda scared. I almost always feel scared of something- other people, infringing on others, being seen as rude and shitty, others being rude and shitty, doing the 'wrong' thing in others eyes, strangers being potentially aggressive, it goes on and on. Worse than that, I'm scared of my own confusion around my identity, myself as an artist. I can't seem to get myself going to create art, and it frightens me. This is a bigger topic, a whole midlife crisis/loss of identity topic, but anyway I've been using cigs to self-soothe while all this goes on. But again, cigs highten anxiety, so it's a poor tool obviously, in so many ways.

                Also, cigarettes have become an excuse to avoid workouts. This, dear friends, is unacceptable. So as of today, I am CF. I'm going to the pharmacy on my way to the studio, to get nicotine patches. When I crave today, so be it- I'll just crave. I'll feel like shit. I'll hate life and hate everything. I'll fear and loathe everything, most of all myself. I'll literally salivate. And I'll know that it'll soon pass. And I'll get my ass over to the weight bench and I'll lift heavy things. This, I vow!!!


                  Skullbaby's Fitness Progress


                  Day 75 AF
                  Day 12 SGF
                  Day 1 CF yet again

                  I updated in length over on my regular progress thread, so I'll keep this brief. Other than the stuff described there, a couple noteworthy things going on--

                  1. Finally dove back in to workouts. Felt good after my last one, and today is another. Today- kettlebells, back, chest.

                  2. Been restricting carbs on off days and have been feeling emotionally low energy, mood is diving due to many factors but I think the low carbs is part of it. I may need to add a bit more carbs daily. Today, as a workout day, I'll have rice with meals.

                  3. Cigs remain a crutch, but I was able to throw out my last half-smoked packs midday yesterday and switch to nic lozenges. Today I'll strive to remain CF and use the nic candies as needed. I really need to work on this if I want to achieve my health goals.


                    Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

                    How are the workouts going skull, have remained on track and am working out 6 days a week between 40-60 minutes a shot. Getting strong and feeling good...
                    You must be able to accomplish more at the gym with the cigs gone!! Keep up the great work
                    On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                      Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

                      Hi Halo, thanks for checking in! Sounds like you're doing fantastic, 6 days a week is incredible...

                      As for me, well my compliance to my training has been moderate, I'd say- 1 to 2 times a week, which actually is only halfway where I want to be. Yesterday I got back on track though, with a tough workout and though I'm super sore (particularly in my hips, which always happens after heavy squats such as yesterday) I'm feeling good. Got that "good" sore feeling today... the good kinda pain.

                      Overall update-
                      Day 5 SGCAF (sugar, gluten, cig, alcohol free) seems pretty ridiculous when I spell it out like that... but I'm actually proud of myself since I've replaced all those things with healthier alternatives.

                      I've gotten my bike tuned up, put sidebags on it, and I've been riding it back and forth to the studio a couple days now... I didn't realize how out of shape I was cardio wise, and my quads fire like crazy, even though it's a pretty short (but slightly uphill) ride. I'm going to keep this up, to get to where biking is easier. I've been pretty good about weightlifting but ignoring cardio so I think riding my bike when commuting will help with this.

                      Weightlifting workouts (which include stretching and kettlebells) are now a joy, I put on a couple eps of the Daily Show and Colbert Report and do my stretching and lifting in my studio. Between my bike, my sprinting shoes, my pullup/chinup bar, and bench/squat rack/dumbbells/kettlebell at the studio, I know own everything I need to workout right where I live and/or work, so I've minimized any possible excuses! I'm happy about this, and workouts at the studio have been fun.

                      Yesterday was squatting, back, chest, shoulders, abs. That's probably overworking, now that I think about it. I'll dial it back tomorrow, as today is a rest day. My goal is to do one area plus a couple small supplemental exercises per session. So, it'd look something like--

                      Day 1- Back/chest, abs, shoulders, stretching/kettlebell
                      Day 2- rest, yoga
                      Day 3- Legs, abs, stretching/kettlebell
                      Day 4- rest, yoga
                      Day 5- Arms- biceps/triceps, shoulders, stretching/kettlebell
                      Day 6- sprinting
                      Day 7- rest

                      This is my best case scenario, and if I can comply with 70-80% of it I'll consider it successful.

                      Still doing good with nutrition- been under-eating, if anything, the last couple days. 1500 cals or so when I'm shooting for 1800- I probably should make sure not to do this, as my body will need the cals especially while lifting weights. So, I'll make sure to eat more.

                      No smoking still on track- I've been using nicandies instead and genuinely prefer them, though I'll lessen them slowly over time. Glad to not be sucking in cancer regularly... whew that has been a tough one to kick, but I'm gaining momentum on it.


                        Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

                        Quick update- After a somewhat rocky January, I seem to be back on track for the most part. Now lifting three times a week consistently, with lots of stretching. Good adherance to healthy nutrition and no smoking.

                        I've been riding my bike to and from the studio which I'm still getting used to. My lungs/cardio feel fine, but my quads still fire like crazy, which is interesting/surprising because I have pretty strong legs. Well, I'll just keep up with it til my legs get more acclimated. Nothing else to do about it, right?

                        Today I train legs- deadlift (which I'll have to go a little easy on til I get my safety belt), leg press, calves.


                          Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

                          Quick update- training is going well. I'm lifting heavy and hard and loving how my body and mood feel afterwards. I love the sensation of my body being sore while it repairs itself.

                          Yesterday was arms- biceps/triceps/shoulders as well as abs. Today is a rest day.

                          I did some reading yesterday on calculating my macros- protein, fats, and carbs, and realized that I was essentially lacking in all 3. I thought that I was doing great, but wasn't paying enough attention to hitting the levels I should be at to maintain my muscle while cutting fat. Basically I've calculated that I need to be around 150g protein per day and between 60-90g fat per day. And then after I hit those, between 100-200g carbs. So this is what I'll be shooting for going forward. Getting all those into an 1800 calorie diet will be interesting, but I can do it. It'll only be AFTER i hit those that I'll allow myself treats (like the sugar-free ice cream and dark chocolate/peanut butter that I like to indulge in).

                          To hit those levels of protein I'll need to add in two more protein shakes per day and get more of my protein from chicken (and slightly less with beef). To get those levels of fat I'll be adding grass-fed butter and MCT oil in the form of Bulletproof Coffee (but only 1 large cup of it per day, since it's high calories). To hit the level of carbs shouldn't be difficult since I was restricting them too much previously, at less than 100g. To hit approx 150g, should be easy with rice and sweet potatoes (and fruits/veggies of course).

                          I'm happy about my adjusted macro plan and I'm hoping that it'll counter the keto fatigue I was feeling on those lower carb days. I'll keep note of how I feel and keep this thread updated.

                          Happy to report that everything else is on track. Haven't smoked in over two weeks, I'm riding my bike to the studio about 3x/week for some cardio, and aside from a speed bump over the weekend, compliance with healthy whole foods is great.


                            Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

                            Quick update. Today is Day 100 AF. Day 20 cig free, and Day 7 sugar/gluten free.

                            Today the scale read 185.6 lbs, so cutting weight is going well. I've been making sure to hit my macros:

                            protein- between 120 to 150g per day (.8 to 1.0 g per lb of lean body weight)
                            fat- between 60 and 90g per day (shooting for usually around 75g)
                            carbs- rest days, restricted to 150g. training days, between 150 to 300g.

                            This has been made easier by adding Bulletproof Coffee in the morning (fats) and adding 3 to 4 whey protein shakes during the day. (also between 1 and 1.5 scoops creatine in those). Then, all healthy whole foods during the day with just a little treat like sugar free ice cream at dessert.

                            So far, energy has been good, training has been good, weight loss has been steady. I hope to be down to 182-180 by end of month. I'm starting to look a bit lean in the mirror, so that helps too


                              Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

                              Quick update-

                              Been away from this thread for a while but I've been good about nutrition/exercise. Workouts 2 to 3 times a week.

                              I was overly optimistic in shooting for 182 lbs by end of February- As of today, I'm still at 186. But that's not too distressing to me bc I've been steadily adding muscle tissue while I lose fat.

                              I've dialed in my macros better recently- cut out the bulletproof coffee in an effort to truly fast during my daytime IF. Now it's just black coffee and water during the day, and all my calories start around 4 pm and done by 10 pm. Additionally, I'm shooting for-

                              protein- 120g
                              fat- 60g
                              carbs- 150-250g

                              One other interesting thing- I heard on a health podcast about nasal breathing- breathing completely in and out through the nose, and doing so deep into the belly until the lungs are full, then breathing out til the lungs are completely empty (expelling all the old Co2 and bringing in fresh O2). I heard this triggers the sympathetic nervous system (i THINK that's right but I could be switched around, might be the para-sympathetic). Anyway, it's supposed to focus the mind and spirit and body, and bring balance. I tried this all through my workout, in between sets, and then even DURING my sets. For the most part it seemed to work nicely, though I did have to breathe forcefully in my out-breath while pushing up the dumbbells in my overhead press. But other than that, I did seem to be more focused and more strong- I hit some higher weights for a few more reps.

                              So, that seems to be going well and I'll keep it up to see how it progresses. Supposedly this practice actually increases lung capacity. That'd be nice!

                              Related to that, I'm actually getting interested in yogic breathing methods and meditation. I'm not sure about transcendental meditation vs. other types, I've got to learn about this-- but I'm interested in getting to know this kind of stuff. I haven't been doing yoga on my off days because I've heard on health podcasts about how important it is to truly rest on off days, and that includes running and yoga, so I'm doing that. I do want to add more yoga, flexibility, and meditation soon though, I've got to figure out how best to work these in. Should I go to yoga first, then go lift weights, all in the same day? Seems like that may be overtraining. Not sure yet... gotta give this more thought.

                              Other random/"fun" goals I'm shooting to cross off my bucket list (though I'm sure these may take a good long while)-

                              3.handstand pushup
                              4.balance body weight on just hands- plank
                              5.balance body weight on just hands- pushup
                              6.pullup/chinup with weight plates (want to work up to 100lbs)
                              7.dips with weight plates (work up to 100lbs)

                              Once I'm at a level of fitness I'm happy with, which I expect to come mid-later this year, then I'll begin branching out into other fitness sports. areas of interest I'd like to expand into- boxing, krav maga, BJJ, circus aerial/balancing.

                              So yeah, i've got my work cut out for me... haha


                                Skullbaby's Fitness Progress

                                Skull... You are to funny... We are definitely birds of a feather.. I always want to get more and more training in til I completely just crash. In my humble opinion I would do yoga in your off days or days of rest and shred it the other days. Love you bucket list... Hand stand with push up... Video please.

