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Hi I'm a Newbie

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    Hi I'm a Newbie

    Keke, I am in Day 3, and upon starting MYO, I ask the question if at the on set should I moderate or abstain. I believe it was Donna who responded. She said that either way you choose to go (moderation or abstenence) you should obstain for the first thirty days if I remember correctly. Donna, if you are out there, correct me if I'm wrong. I think I want to mederate, but I know right now, if I had taken one glass of wine when having cravings the last two nights, I would have crashed. You may be stronger than I am. Good luck, be strong, and know we all are going through this together. Eliziby


      Hi I'm a Newbie

      I am from Toronto. Did you find a place to get Topamax?
      Not much luck yet.


        Hi I'm a Newbie

        I found a site for topamax

        I was able to get it from my GP though. I was just checking out my options if she wouldn't write the script for me.


          Hi I'm a Newbie

          new here

          Hi all

          I have been reading the posts over the last week or so and actually had a couple of non drinking days only to really go on a bender Friday & all day Saturday. My problem is Chardonnay. I also am lonely but only because I isolate (AA word). I have ordered the starter kit and really want to get going.



            Hi I'm a Newbie

            Re: new here

            Pebbles, welcome to our group. You have taken the first and one of the hardest steps to overcoming your problem drinking. Keep coming here for support and what ever questions you might have about the program. There are a bunch of great people here who stand ready to help. Eliziby


              Hi I'm a Newbie


              Thanks Elizby - I like most people on these boards am a very "high functioning" drinker. Great career and lifestyle but get me alone for a weekend (yep this is a bad one) and everything goes right out the window. Even missed taking mom to brunch as I was too sick (drunk). Pretty bad for a 41 yo. I have done the AA thing but the whole inventory and telling everyone your forgiveness yadayada not to mention some real bi%$tchy women has made me a non AA person.

              Well, thanks and I hope this program can get me back on track.



                Hi I'm a Newbie

                Re: Thanks

                Welcome Pebbles!


                  Hi I'm a Newbie

                  Re: Thanks

                  Hi Peb, I too was a highly functioning drinker. In fact, I was a clauset drinker. For many years, no one knew I drank. If we had places to go or things to do, I waited till afterwards to start drinking, which might mean I would stay up later to get the effect I wanted from my wine. If I could start drinking earlier, I would go to bed earlier. Whatever was the case, I drank nightly. I could never reveal my secret which is why I too, was never a candidate for AA. First of all I had too much pride to admit I was unable to stop on my own. I have always felt that I was in control. Secondly, I would hurt alot of people who I have kept it from. I may tell them some day when I have it under control. I prayed for several years for something other than AA that would help me get control over this terrible habit, and I think MYO just might be it. I am in my eighth day. There are others in this group who are at the same place and we are keeping each other posted on what's happening each day. I hope you will join us. We are here for each other. E.


                    Hi I'm a Newbie


                    Thanks E - I will be touching base. Sure feels good that the hangover will be gone soon! I love those nondrinking mornings - jogging without the hangover is heaven.

                    It is nice to have people here to confide in about our issues. There must be millions of people like us out there.


                    Oh, I am taking Mom out to lunch on Wednesday to make up for my "sick" day yesterday.


                      Hi I'm a Newbie

                      Re: Thanks

                      Enjoy your Mom, tell her you you love her while you can. I can't do that any more. My mom passed away several years ago. I miss her. E.


                        Hi I'm a Newbie

                        Another Newbie

                        Wow. cQN i actually post without registering first? I've used bulletin boards for years (atkins, for example). Anyway, I am extremely intrigued and like Ms. Jewell I am a professional woman who does not want to involve my work, my doctor, or anything else that would put me totally out of the closet.

                        Of course I realize that some of my behaviors - and cripes, the odor - we drinkers don't even realize that we smell like drinkers to regular folk - in spite of the mouthwash and perfume, etc. etc.

                        Well, I'm looking forward to learning here and hope this is finally where I'll find some answers. Please wish me luck.

                        P.S. Not making excuses, but a little background. I got divorced five years ago from a very unhappy, verbally abusive relationship. Thankfully I got my only daughter through high school before I had to make that decision (last straw was the cheating). I stayed single for the time my daughter lived at home and went to a local university; two years. When she left I kind of burnt out and hooked up with a lovely man who also has a serious drinking problem. And it is costing us a lot. I am thinking of leaving him ... i can afford to pay my own way .. I foolishly thought that if we had the same problem we could help each other. We tried AA, we tried cutting down and abstaining completely but neither worked. Can any one relate to this?


                          Hi I'm a Newbie

                          Re: Another Newbie

                          losingtouch, The only thing I can relate to is the problem drinking and AA not being the answer. You should post this where it is more visable. This is on page 6 of this thread. If you start it as a new topic, you'll get a lot of response. There are really great people here who ready to help you. Eliziby


                            Hi I'm a Newbie

                            Hi! I'm new!

                            Hey guys and girls...I stumbled upon this site searching for alchol rehab programs. I don't see the AA thing working for me, and it's kind of hard facing people and saying I'm an alcoholic at 22. I have been since I was about 16, though.

                            Anyway, I was justing going to say hi and introduce myself and all that jazz. I'm going to work on getting the book this week and read up on the message board and such.

                            I look forward to seeing where this can take me!



                              Hi I'm a Newbie

                              Welcome Amanda.

                              There are a lot of great folk here. Hang in there and try to learn as much as you can about the program and folks. Hope you stay with us! Cathy


                                Hi I'm a Newbie


                                hi there lushliar

