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Sharing Faith In Healing

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    Sharing Faith In Healing

    Nancy, this was a very inspiring post -- that you for sharing!!

    My Shared Faith In Healing Today is centered around "Love" and was inspired by the help that everyone gave me yesterday As we discuss our issues around the forum, many of us become insecure about how difficult it is for us to achieve some of our goals and how it makes us feel like a failure. But when I look around this forum and see how many times everyone steps up and helps each other deal with their struggles, it is very clear that there are no failures here.

    My Shared Prayer today is a prayer is all the wonderful people here; may you give inspiration through your supporting Biblical passages

    People on this forum are among the most loving caring people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.
    Since Ancient times, G-d has made it clear that we are to love one another. Early on, G-d expressed this in Hebrew Law: V'ah-hav-tak l'ray-ah-cha ka-moe-cha (And you should love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18)). Jesus reinforced this important principle, where He said that the second most important commandmant is to love others as much as you love yourself (Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:28-34; Luke 10:25-28)

    I pray that everyone here find happiness and contentment for their kindness that they have shown others.

    For those of us who feel meek, downtrodden, helpless to help ourselves in fighting our affliction, totally powerless, may we remember that Jesus says that the meek shall inherit the Earth (Matthew 5:5).

    For those of us who have lost our jobs or are struggling financially, may we find solace in knowing that
    if we believe in Him and ask, it will be granted (Matthew 21:22). May G-d grant our request through an easy path, and may you find work and/or resources quickly.

    For those of us who are frustrated, depressed, and feeling really poor in spirit, may we remember that G-d will bless us with the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:3)

    And for those who are mourning loved ones or have family or friends who are ill, may we remember that G-d blesses those who grieve and promise comfort (Matthew 5:4). May you make provide comfort and happiness with recovery.

    G-d, may you look down upon us and see what great, loving people are here sharing their gifts with others. We thank you for the comforting words that you provided by your Scriptures, and I ask that you please help us to find strength, peace, love, and happiness in this joyous season. Amen
    Saving the day one minute at a time!


      Sharing Faith In Healing


      For those of us who weep and grieve He says:
      "I (God) have collected all your tears and perserved them forever in my bottle! I have recorded every one of them in my book".
      Psalm 56: 8

      Our Father sure does love His children!

      :h Nancy
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Sharing Faith In Healing


        :h :h :h :h


          Sharing Faith In Healing

          Do you ever feel lonely?
          I know I have in the past, but I learned something several years ago in a stressful time of my life. (my son was in Iraq)
          Our Father has many names that are found in His word. I was surprised when a "new " one came to me as a gift from Him. I hope you will be blessed by this "word" from Hannahs Cupboard.:h Nancy

          If Loneliness Comes Knocking
          Certain times of the year loneliness seems more pronounced and the Christmas season is one of those times. You may be alone the other eleven months but you really feel it deep down more in December. If that is you, turn your eyes to this:

          “Whom have I in heaven but Thee? And besides Thee, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
          (Psalm 73:25-26)

          We kid ourselves when we believe that if we have lots of people around (friends, coworkers, and relatives) we are insulated from loneliness. Many are terribly lonely even in the midst of a crowd. The bottom line is that we have no one but God anyhow and that realization can actually lift us up.
          He is our source. Only He satisfies our soul. It is he who strengthens our heart. He is our only inheritance for eternity and that will be more than enough. In this passage we can receive comfort because it is the truth and the truth is victor over any emotion. The more we center ourselves on him the more deep joy fills us and crowds out the loneliness we sometimes feel.
          The next time a pang of loneliness comes knocking on your door, answer it this way: “Lord, you are all I have and all I desire. You are enough!” AMEN
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            Sharing Faith In Healing

            WOW!!! Southernbelle47 -- how moving, how touching!!! I love you for your faith, for your wisdom, and for everything you are!!! Thank you for sharing,

            Saving the day one minute at a time!


              Sharing Faith In Healing

              Promises Promises

              Good morning
              This is again from Hannahs cupboard. It touched a note in me as many times I fail to live up to everything that I promise...mostly to myself and my Father. HE is faithful....Forever....I can always count on Him!:h Nancy
              Promises, promises

              All of us know that every promise made is not always a promise kept. If we are honest we realize that even we are guilty. Sometimes we break promises through unanticipated circumstances; through laziness or maybe because of sin and rebellion. Of course it is easier to remember the promises others break instead of the ones that we break.
              We end up in the same place however: every promise made is not necessarily a promise kept. But wait a minute! There is an exception to that rule. Listen to this: ?God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good??
              (Numbers 23:19)
              Every word of scripture is a promise of God and you can take every word to the bank. When we stand in eternity at his throne we will realize that he really did all he said he would do and he stood by his word in every instance. (On earth there will be times when that truth is shrouded in mystery.)
              There are also promises that God has made to us as individuals and some of them appear to be beyond hope because of time or circumstances. Have YOU been waiting a very long time for a promise of God to come to pass? Have you put it on the back burner or buried it deep inside a disappointed heart?
              If God said it he will do it! Don?t give up. Continue to trust in the one who makes ALL his promises come true.

              Please bless me and my friends that come here with your Presence...Your Joy and your Peace. Help us to "be still" and KNOW You.....
              Thank you, thank you, thank you....We love you.
              And All God's chillins said????
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                Sharing Faith In Healing

                Thank you for this thread.


                  Sharing Faith In Healing



                    Sharing Faith In Healing

                    Hi Everybody! Sorry, I have been away for awhile! Between work, my son's college-searching, and the two holidays, there seems to be very little time!!! But I do love you all so. I find each person here so inspiring and I love sharing with all of you, and I appreciate when you all share as well!

                    My Shared Faith In Healing today is from Matthew 5:22 and deals with anger towards others As you probably know if you have read today's moderation thread, I have had several arguments with my family over holiday preparations and family living issues. Last night was the worst, wherein I told my husband he was a worthless waste of a human being and an utterly stupid man. I tell him this whenever we get into these "knock 'em down drag 'em out" arguments. But this time, it really hit his cord and I saw a tear coming out of his eye. I, of course, immediately crumbled and we made up, as we always do. We go around like this about five times a year and each time we come away thinking how stupid we both are to let things get like this. We then go on knowing that we love each other very much and forgetting the cruel words that we (mostly) I have said. As my son puts it last night, my husband was wrong, but all anyone sees is my screaming, nasty words. As I get older, these passionate arguments supporting my "rights" are becoming more and more tedious, and quite frankly, I want them to stop. So, as usual when I'm ready to learn, G-d is ready to teach me. And to this end, he led me to Matthew 5:22, which ironically, is directly on point: "I tell you that anyone who nurses anger against his brother will be subject to judgment; that whoever calls his brother, "You good-for-nothing!" will be brought before the Sanhedrin (court); that whoever says, 'Fool!' incurs the penalty of burning in the fire of Gei-Hinnom! (an impoverished area of Jerusaelum where the trash burning was connotative of Hell)" Matthew 5:22, The Complete Jewish Bible. Later it instructs that you must make peace in order to subvert penalty for your behavior towards fellow humans. According to the Complete Jewish Bible Commentary, "Traditional Judaiism expresses this idea thusly in the Mishna: "Yom-Kippur [the Day of Atonement] atones for a person's transgressions against G-d, but id does not atone for his transgressions against his fellow man-unless he appeases him." (Jewish New Testament Commentary (a companion volume to the Jewish New Testament (1989), Stern, David, p.28)

                    Wow, this passage hit me like a ton of bricks!!! I have always felt so confident when I say the Lord's Prayer because I have taken great efforts and succeeded in forgiving my enemies who have consciously hurt me. But you know, when you read this passage, if you interpret it they way it is described above, it digs much deeper into our souls and our everyday life amongst those that we love. How many times in our lives do we get upset with people we love because they have done things that don't please us and we react because they didn't acquiesce to our view, humble themselves for wronging us, or even if they do, it wasn't enough to appease us -- I did it last night to my husband -- others have done it to me and I have reacted. The thought of encompassing the forgiveness of these transgressions into my overall Jewish/Christian "march" had never even entered my mind. But after finding this wonderful passage this morning, I have allowed myself to ponder how much greater everyone's life would be if we treated these seemingly innocuous interactions with the same reverend respect of forgiveness as we do major transgressions.

                    Moreover, I think the timing of this revelation is so important for me because it comes at a time of year where family interactions seem so strained because of holidays, yet it should be so cheerful for us. And you know, if I put this lesson into the "upset moments" of this holiday, it fits so well. I have found myself upset because the people I love didn't acquiesce to my vision, to what I believe. I now realize that if I remove my emotions and look into their needs and their beliefs, I will find my own peace, happiness and contentment.

                    My shared prayer of the day
                    May we all have the fortitude to carefully try to understand the other person's position and empathize with that position before we assimilate our own opinion; and in doing so, may we find happiness, peace, and contentment. May we also be forgiven our transgressions of thoughtlessness and failing to communicate in a loving way that is receptive to those around us. Amen.
                    Saving the day one minute at a time!


                      Sharing Faith In Healing

                      My Shared Faith In Healing Today Comes From The Story of David And Goliath; Samuel I 17:45-46 As I now am embarking on my goals and struggling through actually carrying out my New Years Resolutions, I found this passage particularly inspiring. When the Giant Galiath met the small and meek David, wherein David was carrying nothing but a stick and a sling shot, David stated:

                      "You 've come to fight me with a sword and a spear and a dagger. But I've come out to fight you in the name of the Lord All-Powerful . . . Today the Lord will help me defeat you" (Samuel I 17:45-46 Contemporary Version).

                      As you may already know, I have been searching for direction in the Bible for the past couple months in hopes of finding some solutions to my drinking issue. As I had previously mentioned, citing supporting passages herein, I have become convinced that G-d wants us to maintain control when dealing with our alcohol consumption, and thus, that has been my goal. I have done extremely well on this issue relative to where I started, but my New Years Resolution was to decrease my consumption even more -- significantly more. If I am truly in control, it should not be an issue. But unfortunately, like others here on the Board, it is an issue, a big issue and a struggle. But, like others, I am determined. I am convinced that G-d would be pleased with my success in this matter, and this passage assures me that if I ask for G-d's help, he will help me.

                      I have searched for and studied the issue of drinking within the Scriptures a great deal over the last several months, and I believe that G-d will help me and others who seek his help relative to our commitment to overcome drinking.Iit is a worthy prayer to ask G-d's help on this matter, as His instructions through the Scriptures support the request. The great King Solomon indicated that G-d blessed drinking, but he, as well as many others emphasized the importance of staying in control. It is up to each individual to determine whether they want to try to drink in moderation and stay in control, or whether they want to stop all together. So, I believe that the passages support both alternatives. Whatever path we choose, I am convinced if we ask G-d, He will grant our request because I believe it is what he wants of us and he would be pleased with our request. Jesus (Jeshua) warned us that the body is our Temple for G-d and we must care for it and stay in control in order to allow the Holy Spirit to work within us. So by making the request, we are preparing our bodies to receive the spirit of G-d. G-d also says that if we ask him for something in prayer with a contrite heart, he will grant our request. Save for tragedies of life, I think that there are few things in our daily living more contrite than the despair that an alocholic feels when once again, the alcohol won over self will. G-d knows many of us can't do it alone; we need His help. Therefore, I am convinced that G-d will continue to support us and help us in our stuggles with the alcoholic enemy if we ask.

                      My shared prayer of the day
                      G-d, will you look upon this forum and all the wonderful people here. May you bless us all in granting us the strength and the will to meet our New Years resolutions relative to drinking and may you make that path an easy one. Today, Lord, may we all find the strength to defeat this enemy in your Name. Amen.
                      Saving the day one minute at a time!


                        Sharing Faith In Healing

                        Good morning MM....... I hope you are feeling better!
                        Thank you for your thoughts and prayer today.Below is something that I found in my in-box. Isn't it is so like us to hang on to what we can do and not let it all go and take hold of The Hand that can get us through?
                        I know I have to learn that over and over.
                        My prayer for today is; Father , for us all to understand with "spirit filled" eyes and ears what resources we have if only we ask.Forgive us for forgetting so many times. Thank you...thank you...thank you. Amen

                        Encouragement for Today

                        “Lose Your Grip”

                        Luann Prater, Proverbs 31 Ministries Speaker

                        Key Verse:

                        “Come to me…” Matthew 11:28 (NIV)


                        Toddlers invaded our house last week. First it was one, then two, then a house full! We love it when the grandkids come to visit. They teach us so many things about life. I’m sure that is why Jesus said, unless we come to him like little children we just won’t get it.

                        As my grandson began his journey up from the basement play room, his hands were loaded with toys; a truck and action figure in one hand, a ball in the other and a book tucked under his arm. His tiny finger reached for the railing, but his arms were gripping his toys so tightly that he couldn’t grab it. He was ready to join Grandma in the kitchen for some snacks, but he simply couldn’t bear to leave his toys behind.

                        I watched him struggle as he took that first step. He wobbled to and fro, so I reached out my hand to help. “I do it!” he proclaimed. I kept my hand outstretched offering, but never forcing my help. Finally one foot triumphantly reached the first riser, he glanced up as if to say, “See, I can do it.” As his weight shifted to pull the other leg up, the book at his side began to slip. He paused to readjust, the ball popped from his hand bouncing down the steps.

                        His lip quivered, but he was not giving up the battle. Looking at me now would just be too humiliating, so he pretended not to see me or my hand. With each step came the same scenario; wobbling, slipping, readjusting, frustration. His eyelashes that bat my face with kisses lost the battle of refraining a pool of tears. They spilled onto his face. Fingers that once gripped his treasures, purposely loosened and reached for my hand.

                        Aren’t we so like that with our Father? He stands with outstretched arms saying, “Come to me…” and we won’t make eye contact because we are holding on to our treasures. And often it just seems too humiliating to admit we are refusing to let go. It may not be a Ninja Turtle, a book or a ball, but we hold onto to other treasures. Our jobs, our family, our security, our past and even our service to Christ often receive a stronghold grip.

                        We would rather wobble through sorrow than give up control. We would rather slip and stumble than let go of our pride. We would rather readjust our grip than reach out.

                        When my grandson was safe and secure at the top of the stairs, I picked up all of his treasures and brought them to him. Then we shared some quality time and a wonderful snack. Hmmm…I wonder what Christ would give us back if we surrendered it all?

                        Isn’t it time we became like little children and totally trust the outstretched, nail- scarred hands that beckon us, “Come to me….?”

                        My Prayer for Today:
                        Father, today I drop my treasures at Your feet and ask You to forgive me for hanging on so tightly to the things of this world. Break the strongholds in my life that keep me from drawing close to You. Teach me to trust You as I reach out and grab my Master’s hand. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
                        "Be still and know that I am God"

                        Psalm 46:10


                          Sharing Faith In Healing

                          Good morning MM....... I hope you are feeling better!
                          Thank you for your thoughts and prayer today.Below is something that I found in my in-box. Isn't it is so like us to hang on to what we can do and not let it all go and take hold of The Hand that can get us through?
                          I know I have to learn that over and over.
                          My prayer for today is; Father , for us all to understand with "spirit filled" eyes and ears what resources we have if only we ask.Forgive us for forgetting so many times. Thank you...thank you...thank you. Amen

                          Encouragement for Today

                          ?Lose Your Grip?

                          Luann Prater, Proverbs 31 Ministries Speaker

                          Key Verse:

                          ?Come to me?? Matthew 11:28 (NIV)


                          Toddlers invaded our house last week. First it was one, then two, then a house full! We love it when the grandkids come to visit. They teach us so many things about life. I?m sure that is why Jesus said, unless we come to him like little children we just won?t get it.

                          As my grandson began his journey up from the basement play room, his hands were loaded with toys; a truck and action figure in one hand, a ball in the other and a book tucked under his arm. His tiny finger reached for the railing, but his arms were gripping his toys so tightly that he couldn?t grab it. He was ready to join Grandma in the kitchen for some snacks, but he simply couldn?t bear to leave his toys behind.

                          I watched him struggle as he took that first step. He wobbled to and fro, so I reached out my hand to help. ?I do it!? he proclaimed. I kept my hand outstretched offering, but never forcing my help. Finally one foot triumphantly reached the first riser, he glanced up as if to say, ?See, I can do it.? As his weight shifted to pull the other leg up, the book at his side began to slip. He paused to readjust, the ball popped from his hand bouncing down the steps.

                          His lip quivered, but he was not giving up the battle. Looking at me now would just be too humiliating, so he pretended not to see me or my hand. With each step came the same scenario; wobbling, slipping, readjusting, frustration. His eyelashes that bat my face with kisses lost the battle of refraining a pool of tears. They spilled onto his face. Fingers that once gripped his treasures, purposely loosened and reached for my hand.

                          Aren?t we so like that with our Father? He stands with outstretched arms saying, ?Come to me?? and we won?t make eye contact because we are holding on to our treasures. And often it just seems too humiliating to admit we are refusing to let go. It may not be a Ninja Turtle, a book or a ball, but we hold onto to other treasures. Our jobs, our family, our security, our past and even our service to Christ often receive a stronghold grip.

                          We would rather wobble through sorrow than give up control. We would rather slip and stumble than let go of our pride. We would rather readjust our grip than reach out.

                          n style="font-family: Arial;">When my grandson was safe and secure at the top of the stairs, I picked up all of his treasures and brought them to him. Then we shared some quality time and a wonderful snack. Hmmm?I wonder what Christ would give us back if we surrendered it all?

                          Isn?t it time we became like little children and totally trust the outstretched, nail- scarred hands that beckon us, ?Come to me?.??

                          My Prayer for Today:
                          Father, today I drop my treasures at Your feet and ask You to forgive me for hanging on so tightly to the things of this world. Break the strongholds in my life that keep me from drawing close to You. Teach me to trust You as I reach out and grab my Master?s hand. In Jesus? Name, Amen.
                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            Sharing Faith In Healing

                            Good Morning Everybody! I have not posted here in a while, as I had many issues that had to be addressed to "put my house in order".

                            My shared faith in healing today involves where do we turn for help in our hour of need. When I first realized that I had to find help somewhere for my drinking, I began to surf the net and found this wonderful site. I was amazed at how everyone here was so open and willing to share; the great advice that was given by all; the learning experience by listening and evaluating the needs of others. I soaked it up like a sponge, and in the process, began my road to recovery.

                            Now many months later, as I continue to progress and am consistently meeting my new goals by my self-imposed deadline, I face a new challenge. How do I help others? How do I give them my strength in the things that have worked for me that could help them? How do I cope with seeing others on the forum who have become my friends unhappy and still struggling, frustrated because they can't meet their goals? How do I handle those who get angry with people sharing success stories for the benefit of those who find it inspiring and helpful? What makes the program work for some and not others?

                            For me, I found my answers in faith and trust. Faith is believing there is a G-d. Trust is believing that he is involved in everyday life and responsible for all things. I have found strength and solace in my prayer that G-d will lift up my spirit and turn me away from my desire to drink excessively. While the forum has been extremely helpful, it is G-d's wisdom that allows me to absorb the benefits offered here. It is promise that he will help us if we ask that I lean on "you have given me cause to hope. This is my consolation in my affliction for Your word [promise] has given me life. . . Your word [promise] that You gave [to me] who fears You. Turn away my humiliaton which I dread" (Psalm of David #119, Hebrew version, which embraces Jewish law and all its components. The Metsuda Tehlillim, 119, v. 49-50, 38-39, respectively, p.243-244). It is G-d who brought me to this forum as a result of my prayers, and by his wisdom it has worked for me.

                            My shared prayer
                            Dear G-d, please look upon this forum and all those who need your help and "turn us away from the humiliation [of drinking] that we dread according to Your Word (Id. Give us all strength to share, listen, and learn from each other, bonding our strength through You that results in a cure to all of us. Amen
                            Saving the day one minute at a time!


                              Sharing Faith In Healing

                              Hi Everybody! Today, my shared faith in healing deals with the question of how do we decide whether to be AF or Mods. In the mod section, since the New Year, many of us have been struggling. Most of us in mods were making great strides last year, but somehow, it seemed to fall apart for many of us during the holiday season. Many of us were disappointed in how our New Years resolutions relative to drinking just faded away. And some who were excelling into many days of AF were wondering whether they should go back and tempt themselves by trying to go back and moderate their drinking. One of the most frustrating things for people in mod is how the issue of drinking itself must be kept forefront in our conscience so that we can always be on guard. And a very important recurring question is whether we can ever reach a point where we don't have to constantly think about how much we are drinking. Turning to my faith, I think that the Scriptures suggest that the answer is probably not. (Keep in mind, however, it does not mean that as we set and establish our acceptable parimenters, it won't get easier).

                              G-d tells us that "Truly, wine is treacherous" (Habakkuk 2, v. 5, Complete Jewish Bible, p. 762). Obviously, wisdom would dictate that we must keep vigilent guard on anything treacherous. Equally, obvious is that G-d does not forbid wine consumption. For example, "Wisdom has built herself a house . . .'Whoever is weak turn in here!' To someone weak-willed she says 'Come and eat my food! Drink the wine I have mixed!'" (Proverbs 9, Verse 1, 4-5, The Complete Jewish Bible, p. 952 ).

                              This last verse, I think sends a very important message -- that is, we must be wise in the way we consume. Indeed, throughout the Scriptures, G-d cautions on over indulgence of anything; food, wealth. We must exercise wisdom in how we utilize all the gifts granted us. People who gorge get fat, people who hord money lose priceless values, and people who drink too much -- well, we all know the cost. But what makes alcohol even worse is, as G-d says, its trecherous, which suggests we can never let down our guard, never let it put us in a situation where we lose control. So, each of us has to determine for ourselves whether we are able to train ourselves to stay vigilent, stay on guard, and whether or not all that effort is worth it.

                              My shared prayer today
                              Dear G-d, please let all of us find our proper place in our decision of whether or not to drink alcoholic beverage, please have us be happy with our decision, and please give us the strength and conviction to accomplish this goal -- please make it an easy path for all of us. Amen
                              Saving the day one minute at a time!


                                Sharing Faith In Healing

                                My Shared Faith In Healing Today is about how the "fear" of G-d motivates us to help ourselves. When I was growing up in the Lutheran faith, and later as an Episcopalian, I learned about the love and mercy of G-d. When I became a Messianic Jew, I began to learn about the fear of G-d and the love and help that comes out of that fear. It's analogous to a child's fear of a parent. Remember as a child when you were doing something wrong, and knew you were doing something wrong, the fear you felt about what would happen if your parent found out? The more chance that our parent would find out, the more likely we were not to do it. Remember when you got caught? Remember the humbleness, the humiliation, the repentence (the remorse and sorrow for doing something that disappointed your parent), the punishment, the forgiveness from the parent? That whole process, but with G-d, is a major part of the Jewish faith. The season of focus on this is called Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

                                This process has been very helpful for me in dealing with some important issues in my life, including my drinking. Carefully reading the portions of the Scriptures relative to drinking, I became convinced that it was sending me a message that if I chose to drink, that I must be cautious and stay in control. It was that fear and the process that helped me to want to stop drinking.

                                I would like to share one of the Psalms that has really inspired me:

                                "the humble will hear [this] and rejoice. Declare the greatness of Adonoy (Lord) with me, and let us exalt Hist Name together. I sought Adonoy and He responded to me; and from all my fears He saved me. [Those who] look to Him are enlightened and their faces are never darkened [humiliated]. This poor man call and Adonoy heard; and from all his troubles, He delivered him. The angel of Adonoy encamps around those who fear Him and sets them free. Taste and see that Adonoy is good, fortunate is the man who fear Him. Fear Adonoy, [you] His holy ones, for there is no deprivation for those who fear Him." (Tehillim [Psalms] 34, v. 3-10, The Metsudah Tehilllim p. 60).

                                My love for G-d, feeling that it was wrong to lose control and abuse alcohol, and the "parental-type" fear that has been a key factor in helping me in the process of recovery from alcohol.

                                My shared prayer
                                Dear Father, I pray that you inspire each of us to find solutions to our problems, including alcohol, and may the gentle parental fear that you inspire in us be resolved in greater love through your kindness and mercy. Amen
                                Saving the day one minute at a time!

