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book club? anyone interested?

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    book club? anyone interested?

    im just about to start the 1970 era of the memory keepers daughter and im loving it .I think the husband has dug his own grave lieing about his daughter and im dieing to find out how it all unfolds for them all .There is a real air of mystery about the way its written and im loving it! How are you getting on with it Pollyanna?I think were the only ones reading it a the moment!


      book club? anyone interested?

      So Limers-Is the memory keepers daughter the book clubs book this month?


        book club? anyone interested?

        yes Rob ,only if you can tear yourself away from harry potter! lol


          book club? anyone interested?

          I can't find my copy of Memory Keepers Daughter but will try to remember enough to discuss..
          I don't want to give and secrets away so you guys ask and comment first.

          The "husband" the doc is headed down a slippery road as we all do when we don't tell the truth.

          :h Nancy
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            book club? anyone interested?

            Ooops, didn't realize the book had been decided on. I'll have to play catch up.

            And don't be dissin harry limers, I know a jinx or two.


              book club? anyone interested?

              All my work colleagues are waiting to read my copy of memory keepers daughter,
              so I have passed it around.The doc is sure heading down a slippery slope.


                book club? anyone interested?

                im off to bed to get back to it now ,ive been reading it all day, im on 1977 now ,they are on hols and met a man and im sure hes gonna be trouble for the doc...


                  book club? anyone interested?

                  How right you are Limers.


                    book club? anyone interested?

                    This is long but you may find it intersting

                    I'm working my way through the Memory Keepers Daughter, very good read.

                    I'd be intersted to know if anyone else reading the book knows/ has known a person with Downs syndrome.

                    I am actually related to two women (now deceased) who had Downs and had a neighbor (who's status I don't know).

                    My paternal grandparents married late in life and had five children aunt Rosemarie was born when my grandmother was in her fourties and had Downs. This would have been in the early 1930's and by all accounts, she stayed at home and was well loved by the family. She died when she was 12.

                    My paternal great uncle George also married late in life and had a daughter with Downs syndrome. This ended what I understand was a rocky at best marriage (he was abusive, she was crazy). This would have been in the mid 1940's. Sally stayed with her mom until she(her mom) died in the early 1980's (?). There was a big bruhaha at the time because George who was a very, very wealthy man wanted to place Sally in an institution and have the state pay for it because she was over twenty one and no longer his resposibility!! In the end she went to live with him, his retarted housekeeper and his other daughter who was mentally impaired because she overdosed on drugs in the 1960's and suffered from lack of oxygen to her brain.

                    After George died 15 years ago one of my sisters was sort of an unofficial caretaker for these three women and by all accounts Sally, who I only met a time or two was sweet and gentle but could be very stubborn and was not shy about throwing temper tantrums in public if she didn't get her way. She did pass away about five years ago from heart disease.

                    The thrid person I knew growing up was a neighbor girl who lived across the alley. She also was a change of life baby. Her mother was one of those anxious wirery, over bleached, over madeup women of the 1960's and looking back I suspect an alcoholic. She mentioned several times that she had been told that she should put her daughter in and institution, but she just loved her too much and wouldn't do that. We moved away when the little girl was still small so I don't know what ever became of her.

                    So there you have it. I'm not far enough along in the book to know what happens to Pheobe. But as you can see not all Downs children were insitutionalized even in the early years of the century.


                      book club? anyone interested?

                      I have known quite a few people with downs, my best friends brother lived a very happy
                      and reasonably healthy life, up to age 34, when he died in his sleep from a seizure, he
                      had a girlfriend, also a downs sufferer. This world is not meant to be a perfect place,
                      full of perfect people as the media would sometimes have us believe. I even heard of a family having surgery on their young daughter who had downs, " so she would look more
                      normal". My friends brother lived a full active life, he was caring and kind and would not
                      say a bad word to anybody, he just looked different and was a little slower than average.
                      He lived with his elderly parents, who wouldn't have dream'nt of putting him into an
                      institution. I can appreciate that years ago the healthcare and education was not as good
                      and some people saw it as a stigma, but a lot of attitudes have changed these days, thank


                        book club? anyone interested?

                        Glad your enjoying the book Rob.Im loving it, one of the best reads I have had in ages. Im loooking foreword to reading one of your choices in the near future.


                          book club? anyone interested?

                          going away for a week and will have finished the book by time I get back! looking foreword to catching up with you in a week,bye Rob ,bye Paula,bye all..have a great week!


                            book club? anyone interested?

                            loved the book, sorry I finished it ,any suggestions for another good read .At the moment im reading Getting rid of matthew which is a hoot but im nearly finished that and open for suggestions???


                              book club? anyone interested?

                              Would love a book club will read anything from cereal boxes to dictionaries...tried War and Peace and Moby Dick can't do those. Just finished Spy by Ted Bell really good. Has there been a decision on what to read?


                                book club? anyone interested?

                                I think the whole book club idea has crashed and burned! lol! However ,if you like you could choose a book and I will read it with you?

