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A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

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    A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

    Thanks for the tip Lucky!
    (Quite frankly, if I were Lushy, I'm not sure I'd want to know who I really am.)
    FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


      A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

      lushy;306405 wrote: Are you implying I have an ego that needs checking?
      You've made my point, thank you.
      FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


        A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

        Lucky, how are the classes going?? Are you getting a lot out of them? I've gotten way behind. I hope they are available for a long time. Not that I need them. I'm quite enlightened and egoless these days.
        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


          A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle


          I think they will be available forever, kinda like the Bible- esp. since they are both @ and @ itunes for free.

          I am learning that I can have a thought but I do not have to identify with it. Like tonight, I went to gym specifically for dry heat sauna and I got there and it was broken with a big sign on the door. So, I said fuck. But then I went and did weights. Then drove home and passed 2 places where I have frequently gotten vino as my fix. I noticed the thought to stop but I was able to let it pass without it sucking me in. Kinda like Home Depot you know. You go to Home Depot for 1 thing and 3 hours later have spent $500 because you got sucked in. Well, I did not get sucked into the stores tonight and am happy.

          I also like hearing over and over, "the past has no power in the present." I like that so much. The fact that I have for years stopped @ these stores for vino has absolutely no bearing on what I chose to do right here, right now.

          Good stuff!


            A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

            Awesome Lucky!
            Reminds me of something I learned recently. Most people live the present as though it were an extension of the past. The reach behind 'em, pull the past over their shoulder, lay it out in front, then take a step. We don't have to live that way!! Just because we did/thought/acted such and such a way all our lives, or yesterday, or the past 5 minutes, does not dictate how we must carry out the present moment. When I really truly got that - not just in my head, but in my gut - it has made a huge difference for me.
            Good work on passing by those stores!
            FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


              A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

              One interesting thing, though, that bummed me out a bit...
              I am an avid fan of "Law of Attraction" books, cds, etc. My favorite is Abraham-Hicks, but I thought, what the hey, Oprah is doing a class on this, so I joined in and bought the book, (which is very interesting and I am enjoying at the moment).
              One thing that irked me, is that at one point, during the class on Chapter 2, a women talked about her "identifying with her disease" and I wanted, like I did here, to give her information on E.F.T. (like I did in my post here).
              I posted a reply to "Chronic Pain" which was deleted after a couple of hours! Why did Oprah's team feel threatened by l'il ol' me? Was it my reference to another website? Anyway, I posted another message that it made me sad that Oprah's team could let Christian evangelists rant and rave on the message boards, but that I couldn't quote a website that I thought might do some good. As expected, they deleted it too!

              What's the deal with Oprah? Has she got the "lowdown" on what everybody should be thinking and doing? I'm not criticizing her as a person, but it reminds me of what happened to RJ and her try to get MWO on Wikipedia. I guess we're not all able to speak freely, and that makes me feel weird. Big Brother stuff.

              Anyway, just a sideline. The book is very interesting. And there's alot of other works and programs that are interesting out there!

              Happy reading!


                A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

                Not good "press".....
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

                  I read on the O message boards that many alcholics were benefiting from the book and one started a yahoo group to discuss the book and alcohol abuse. They provided the link and it was taken down so I am not surprised to hear another link was also removed. However, the poster came back and said their post was removed and they understood why, so they just typed out the path to get to the yahoo group. I would be pissed off to feel censored but that is a good work around.

                  Good health to all-


                    A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

                    Well, O is a big corporate entity. I suppose they are trying to keep control. They probably don't want a bunch of freaky links associated with their site, but don't have time to investigate all - so they just eliminate all of em.

                    Lucky - do you have a link for that yahoo group??
                    FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                      A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

                      Negative on the link- sorry. Once 12 steps were mentioned, I was no longer interested.


                        A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

                        Still here and attending classes, and I listen to the audiobook in the truck. For some reason Eckhart's voice has the same affect on me as hypno cd's... I fall into a great sleep! Not while driving though, everyone is safe.

                        I have been recognizing the pain body or whatever you want to call it, in my head, when I start thinking and get to these scenarios of situations that have not happened, but it's like I create these great injustices in my head, and my different reactions to them? Now I stop it, and I think the PB is angry because today I have been going through all these emotions. Recognizing it stops it and then another pops up.

                        Lushy it is okay to read the book, it won't brainwash you. It is doing me a world of good and definitely has altered my reactions to conflict, and ego.
                        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                          A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

                          Everyone ready for class? Got your Post Its? LOL

                          Doors open soon.


                            A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

                            First time I've done a live class!! I'm excited!
                            FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                              A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

                              You know what? I am in my office with lit candles doing the web event. I should not be multi-tasking because it means I am not in the moment but my life is all about multi-tasking and I chose not to turn off that behavior right now. My point is, I never have candles lit in my office. Office is about work. But I had an AHA moment and am bringing the sacredness of the event into my work now. I actually love my work. My work allows me to RECOGNIZE A LOT of people. My pet peeve is not being acknowledged or recognized- happened today @ Target and it set me off. Anyway, my work allows me to RECOGNIZE people. It feels like a total luxury for me to have this work. It does me a world of good and my customers adore me. I know that is hard to believe but they really do. No matter what we do, whether it be Corporate America, the SPCA, the class room, the hospital, the nursing facility, the vet, the church, the home, the funeral home- we can each bring sacredness. So, I plan to burn candles to continue to bring sacredness to my work. And just maybe, I can move beyond the bitch I work with and not enjoy the war.


                                A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

                                I am sorry. I am going into ego. Have you noticed how huge Tolle's nostrils are?

