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The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

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    The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

    I managed to stop smoking 14 years ago after going to an Alan Carr clinic and I bought his book on alcohol a couple of years ago and thought it was really good, I didnt stop drinking but that was only because I didnt really want to enough. Now I DO and im re-reading the book, because my frame of mind is different I think it will really help me.

    For anyone who has strong spiritual beliefs I can also recommend Wayne Dyer's book "Excuses Begone" its not about alcohol but can be related to it and all the excuses we make to ourselves about why we drink. He gives lots of examples of how to change our thinking.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      The Easy Way to Stop Drinking


      This book is really helping me, although it is taking a few readings and re-readings for it to sink in for me. We've been brainwashed for years to believe there is something positive in drinking (a treat, relieving anxiety and boredom, etc.) As long as we believe that there is even one tiny bit of reward in drinking, we will be miserable when we can't have a drink and even more miserable and disgusted when we do.

      When we have periods of abstinence we are just waiting to scratch that itch and finally give into the craving because be know it's the only thing that relieves that itch. Like the author says, it's like purposely wearing really tight shoes all day and feeling the moment of relief when you finally take them off at the end of the day. It's shear pleasure for about 1 minute. We like that feeling so much that we forget that it was wearing tight shoes that caused the discomfort in the first place. It's the same with alcohol.... it causes the anxiety, boredom, discomfort in the first place. It doesn't relieve it.

      I found that I need this message pounded into me over and over (like reverse brainwashing). I've spent the last 3 months going over parts of this book daily. I find the days I spend at least 15 minutes on this message, I have a really easy time not drinking. I just realize there is absolutely no point.

      With that in mind, I purchased the Allen Carr CD "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" to listen to the same message while I'm driving.(Easy Way to Stop Drinking is not available on CD) It's the same message, same scenarios, I just substitute "drinking" for "smoking" when I listen. I find I can never hear this message enough. So if you've read it only once or twice, keep reading... and maybe buy the CD.


        The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

        I'm so happy this book is helping you, and yes it is like reverse brainwashing, but in a great way since it removes the desire to drink. I stopped drinking over a year ago, a 2 bottle of wine, half bottle of vodka a day horrible dependency, with help from this book. Also quit a 30 year 2 pack a day smoking habit 2.5 years ago with help from his easy way to stop smoking book. I recommend these to everyone who wants to quit.

        I'm happy to report that I don't miss drinking at all, I think of it as poison (why would I want to take "just one glass" of arsenic, it's the same thing, drinking poison). Also the smell now revolts me.

        I know I should not have tested myself, but about 8 months in I took a sip of wine, stupid yes, but I just had to know. It was the worst tasting thing ever, made me sick, I spat it out in disgust. The good part of that test was that I stopped craving the craving, if that makes any sense. No desire at all now, knock wood.

        So.. brainwashing or not, it works for me.

        I hope and pray it works for all of you too...

        Good luck!!!



        "My Happiness is Not Dependent on a Poisonous Chemical Depressant."


          The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

          The easy way to stop Smoking helped me a lot. I just made it to my 1 year mark. I recommend it to everyone.
          Starting over again 09/06/11

          "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



            The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

            I read Alan Carrs book 2 and a half years ago and had my last glass of wine when I finished the book. I truly believe that it helped my quit, that and an online forum like this one. I wish I had bought it years eralier, I could have saved myself a lot of pain and anguish to say nothing of how much it would have saved my poor liver. Try this book there is EVERYTHING to gain and nothing to lose.


              The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

              Hi all, I would also recommend "No More Hangovers" by Allen Carr.
              Its a pinpointed/shorter version of "Easway".
              But only recommended as a support after you have read the "Easyway".

              Only 14 days AF, but Allen Carr and this site is helping immensely.
              Norma, really enjoyed reading your story, I must re- do mine.Going for 30 days AF, and then another 30 please God, and another 30.
              Especially about your daughter putting lipstick on you, its the little things isnt it.

              Damo in Dublin.


                The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                I am half way through reading the book and I do agree he makes accurate statements on several issues. He really emphasizes that alcohol is a deadly poison, but don`t we kind of know that? I mean we wouldnt be so concerned with our healths if we believed it was good for us. He does have a strange repetitive way of writing, to the point that I occasionally found myself dozing off.. Well from what he preaches we should be completely cured by the time we finish the book, with no more cravings or bad feelings. If it is brain washing than by all means go for it! but I`m still not convinced....


                  The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                  Just want to throw in- I just bought this and am in the beginning stages of reading it-I do like the way he writes-he is quite compelling-( my opinion, of course)-so, I am hoping that this book will be a path to sobriety. Will let you know of my thoughts at the end of reading it and if it "cured" me-i guess only time will tell.
                  Luv, Fluff
                  It's always YOUR choice!


                    The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                    I think I need to re-read the book and make an honest effort to get my act together before I kill myself with wine ....
                    Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                    Author Unknown :h

                    AF - Sept 4, 2012
                    10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                    2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                    Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                    AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                    Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                      The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                      I'm with you Bourchard....I read the book a few months ago. First off, I don't like his writing style and he is very repetitive, however for weeks after I would think about what he said, however it did not curb my desire to drink wine.

                      Everything I need is within me!


                        The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                        I don`t want to rain on anyone`s parade, but I just finished it and well, it sure didn`t do anything about the cravings as stated in the book. I`m going to try to read it again simply because I don`t think i was always fully concentrated when I did. I had a hard time keeping my eyes open! He is very very repetitive.. any other opinions?


                          The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                          I was here a while back and had some success but then kind of just gave up. Figured it was just how it was going to be. I had gotten to a level of not getting really drunk, only drank at home and no hangovers so I is okay right?

                          NOPE! I recently and finally got some blood work done. Deep down I knew what they would say.....only it was worse than I thought. My liver is in terrible shape. Levels waaaay high. So needless to say now I'm scared.

                          So with that being said, I'm doing two things. I have started a home detox program. I have a friend who cured her own cancer advising me on what to take. And I started Alan Carr's book.

                          OMG!!! I think it is awesome. I am only half way through but I am amazed by how differently I am already starting to feel about AL. And I like the way he writes. Very down to earth and to the point.

                          I would highly reccomend this book to anyone.

                          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                            The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                            Bunny, brightlite, bouchard01 and to others.
                            You need to reread what Alan is saying in the book. It is like no other book ever written on this matter. Its repetitive for a reason. I have read and reread his book many times, because it does(for some of us) take a few readings to reverse the lies that you still may believe. The power of believing a lie can be powerful. But no match for the truth. The difference is that the truth rings true. Common sense. You possess it! This book has saved my life and it can save yours. Its the alcohol( no offense) Thats making you argue with the book. Listen to all the folks on this thread. They are not lying. We have ALL been lied to by the so-called experts, and thats why quitting has been so difficult for so many. for example, If you believe that alcohol is a disease and that their is no cure, think how devastating believing that statement is! No wonder people cant shake drinking, this LIE is always haunting them. "Just one dring away from my lifelong addiction" How discouraging! Its not true! Ask anyone who has quit. "I only wish I had read his book years ago"
                            You can do it! As Alan Carr says" Just follow the directions.
                            What are you guys waiting for? A NEW life of feeling free and great is awaiting you.


                              The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                              To all,
                              It just so happens that the last time I "quit for good" I bought a copy of this book. But then I convinced myself I could moderate -- yeah, right! So last night I started reading it again. Thanks for the encouragement.


                                The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                                Thanks. I'm going to look into this book. Is this the same guy that died of lung cancer?
                                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

