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Just Joy - June Week 1

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    Just Joy - June Week 1

    Good Morning Guys

    How on earth did we get to June :shocked: where does time go to......?
    Anyway I hope the name is ok, we can't ever have enough joy in our lives. For me it's something that has been missing for a very long time and although I'm generally happy there is always a heaviness Im carrying. I know it's there and like all our issues! that acknowledgement is the 1st step. I want some joy back so let's all make this month about our "joie de vivre" and in the midst of our daily chores, work, learning and searching take time to remember that joy is one of our reasons for being.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    Just Joy - June Week 1

    Chill, Thanks for starting us off this month - great name for this month's thread!

    Well after feeling on top of the world these last 3 weeks I had a bad day yesterday. I just dont know where it came from, got up feeling okay but as the day wore on I felt more & more down yet couldnt put my finger on it. I went to the supermarket food shopping and the alcohol section was inundated with people shoving huge amounts of alcohol into their trolley for the weekend Jubilee celebrations. Not sure if that had an affect on me but think I was feeling out of sorts before I went.

    Late afternoon I was in on my own - and that wld normally be the ideal time I wld console myself with a bottle - so yesterday feeling as I did, I just wanted to have a good cry!!! Yet I didnt know why?!? I knew I wouldnt drink yet I didnt know what else to do!!

    I came on here & had a good read of past posts incl DoggyGirl's inspiring New Story post & Sausages's Story & went on the longterm abstainers forum for some inspiration. I realised then that my feelings were REAL & that it was 'okay' to have Down Days and that drowning them in a glass wouldnt make them any better.

    Feel much better this morning, another heavy sleep but I'm going to head to town & get some vitamins I think...maybe a multi-vitamin and some efamol evening primrose.

    See ya later!!
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Just Joy - June Week 1

      Good morning to all...

      I am unable to sleep for some weird reason, so I figured it was time to visit this thread. It is nice to know we are always here for each other.

      LBH, so sorry you have to go through this tough time. Take care of yourself the best you can. You uncle's passing is a sad time, but he sounds as though he had an interesting vital life.

      Lav, Lily is so darling, thanks for sharing the picture.

      Chill, thanks fofr picking the June name and theme. I think we have to look for joyous moments in our life and sometimes it is not easy. I love June weather, everything is so green, warm weather, the beginning of summer.

      Don't you hate it when you have insomnia? It will just hit out of the blue. I did eat badly yesterday,and I wonder if that has something to do with it? However, I don't feel sick, just can't sleep. Also, I can't think of anything interesting to share, so I will come back later.

      To all, have a focused Friday.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Just Joy - June Week 1

        Good morning everyone

        Thanks for starting us off Chill. We all need a little joy in our lives. The important thing is to enjoy the small things. I found my mindfulness course very helpful regarding that. Living in the moment and appreciating that moment in time. I know I used to live in the future and past a lot but am trying to change.

        Star - hope you get a nap later. I am a good sleeper and only ever suffer from insomnia if I am really upset about something.

        Janice - glad today is better for you. It might have been last weeks visit catching up on you? Just a thought.

        LBH - sorry about your uncle. At 92 I feel its a celebration of a life well spent. Hope they soon get the fires under control.

        Papmom - enjoy your vacation.

        Lav - Lily is adorable.

        Everyone else I did not mention, big hello and have a great week-end. My daughters 18th party is tonight. I will be glad when it is all over. I have organised buses, just hope that there is no trouble. At that age they are just starting to drink and it can get messy. Glad to be sober and in control.



          Just Joy - June Week 1

          Good morning Joyful Ones!

          Good name Chill, thanks!
          I have been on a mission for several years to find my way back to joy. Living with a chronically depressed person is a kill-joy, I am not kidding It never took a whole lot to make me happy, my wants & needs were always fairly simple. It just occured to me yesterday that I have not felt the need to smudge the house after YB has visited for quite some time. Perhaps I have finally chased the last of his negativity outta here :H
          I find my joy in my kids & grandkids, pets, home & garden & that's enough for me!

          Janice, it is perfectly normal to have a down day ~ just a part of life. When I get like that I find distraction to be very helpful. I refuse to allow myself to sink into darkness ever again

          Star, insomnia does indeed suck. I have finally kicked it with the right mix of herbals taken an hour before bedtime. Take a look at MELLODYN | Natural Sleep Remedy | Herbal Insomnia Cure

          Rustop, hope your daughter's BD party is a success tonight. I don't envy you but will be with you in spirit. How's Layla?

          I'm on my own today & that's OK because I really need to catch up with a few things
          Wishing everyone a great AF Friday.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Just Joy - June Week 1

            Just Joy - I love it!

            Mornin all - it is a beautiful morning here and as I was rounding my driveway this morning I saw the mama and baby turkeys! (what is the name for a baby turkey anyway?) Anywho, I tried to take a picture with my phone - didn't turn out the best but I'll try to post it tonight anyway. Hopefully I will get a better picture at some point (like before they grow up and fly away!)

            Chill - thanks for starting us off. "take time to remember that joy is one of our reasons for being" that is so true.

            Janice - yes bad days come and go - glad you were able to work it out - coming here has helped me more times than I can count

            Lav - okay now you've done it. I think I want a grandbaby She's precious. My daughter has told me she doesn't want children (I'm still working on her). My son's been married less than a year so I don't think it will be any time soon. Could I borrow Lily?

            Star - I had a night like that last night - wasn't up all night but didn't sleep as well as I normally do. Just makes your whole day off when you don't get a good nights sleep the night before. Hope you do better tonight!

            Rustop - good luck with the party (the bus is a good idea)

            Check back in later tonight - need to get some work done!

            Have a great AF day all!
            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              Just Joy - June Week 1

              Hey all. Just me again. Lav, how is it being surrounded by so much cuteness??? That is one precious baby...and your pup - well, I love puppies....even 10 yr old ones. :-)

              It's raining here - so I tend to get "weather" headaches...and I've got one today...nothing new. I've got to run off to someone ELSE'S house that I volunteered to do some painting in....I think I"ll imagine I'm painting over bunnies, papmom. :H

              Hi Janice - isn't it weird? You KNOW you're going to have those days - yet when they hit, it knocks you off your balance. I recently had several in a row, where I was thinking that the only way to escape the terrible urges to drink was to actually drink. That they would never go away on their own and that I'd done something terribly wrong in my recovery and not addressed something that I needed to address. But after a few tough days, I snapped out of it....sheesh. I'm glad you're feeling better.

              well, I told you I love painting stuff but left out that I'm a married 48 yr old mom of a 14 yr old boy and two doggies. I just realized something this morning. You know those women that say that it's great getting older? That they've gotten so comfortable in their own skin? That they are more sure of who they are and care less about what others think? I get it. I'm at least getting it. but I didn't even come close to getting it while drinking.

              One of the things that used to depress me so much was the fleeting nature of life and that I did not understand my place here. Every single day that picture is becoming more clear to me. It's sad when I think of close relatives who will probably never figure out their place b/c of alcohol...and how many other people in the world. Things are really good for me right now...and I don't want to waste a second of it in a fog or hungover. But then is it that good because I quit drinking? Or am I staying sober because its so good?


              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Just Joy - June Week 1

                Baby turkeys are called Poults Jolie.

                Great name for June Chilli! Thanks for starting us off!

                For some reason I had a great night's sleep AND woke up at 5:30 naturally and without a sleep hangover!! Got up, let the dogs out AND went out with them and never went back to bed!! Now why can't this happen on work days??? I can't remember if I took a benedryl or not last nite but I do remember feeling as tho I did. Hmmm. I haven't felt this wide awake in years!! Maybe never!!

                Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day.

                Today marks the one year anni of the devastating tornado that ripped through about 6 towns just south and west of me. Tornadoes are pretty much non existant around here (the last known one was in 1954) but always a possibility. Definitely not a tornado alley like the midwest tho. The day started out just like this-gorgeous- but at 4:17pm all that changed. I remember being at work when one of my staffers got a phone call that a tornado had touched down in Western Ma and was heading rapidly east. I called my sis who was still at work and tried desperately to get ahold of her kids who I thought were home alone. I raced to her house because I didn't think I would make it to mine in time. Luckily the storm stayed south and we didn't even get a rain drop. The papers are filled with stories about that day and every news cast today is marking the anniversary. I know this storm doesn't compare to Joplin but for us in Central MA it was unthinkable and still today the damage looks almost unchanged. There has not been the federal aid the midwest gets after devastation like this and many people who lost their homes still haven't been able to rebuild due to troubles with building permits and ins. companies. Since I've been a child my one recurring nitemare has been that of a tornado (why the heck I went to school 5 miles south of tornado alley I will never be able to explain!!). Our beautiful landscape in that part of the county (large forests with many state parks and campgrounds) will never recover in my lifetime. 3 people died and those families will be forever affected.
                Anyway, this has been on my mind since I woke up and I just wanted to acknowlege it. I feel fortunate that the storm did not hit my city (although there were reports of a touchdown in a section 5 miles from me) and that none of my friends or family who live in that area were hurt. One friend in one of the worst hit towns grabbed all 20 of her paps and practically fell into the basement when they saw the twister coming straight for them. After it was over, her house and yard were spared but the house across the street had disappeared and there wasn't a tree left standing on a road known for its canopy of old oaks and maples. That she and all her gorgeous dogs were spared is a miracle and I am grateful.

                LBH-you are going through a different but just as upsetting type of devastation and my thoughts are with you constantly.

                ok, off to enjoy a gorgeous day with my sis and neice. Oh and yes we are heading to Western MA. Ironic isn't it?
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Just Joy - June Week 1

                  Just Joy! There is always going to be so much more going on than hardship if we can keep a modicum of perspective. Thank you for your sympathy regarding my freaking out over our wildfire, I think I over-identify with the trees and creatures but that is another story. Thank you also for thinking about my elderly uncle, there is really nothing remotely sad about his passing, he has had a good life albeit not without a major complication or two (think art, invention, philanthropy, glamour, and a small Federal prison term, but that again is another story). I shall miss having him in the world as his presence helped me feel connected to some sort of family but if one chooses to believe as some do that we are all the same being in different disguises loneliness doesn’t seem much of an option. I imagine when he gets unplugged on Sunday or Monday there will be an unexpected “tally ho” of sorts that gives the staff an awkward moment. Thank you Fly, I am always very happy to see you too. Pappy on vacation what a beautiful thought. Hello to Lav, Chill, Bouv, Janice (good going!!!), Lolab, Dill, Jolie, Sooty, Cyn, Star (what a fine summer course to take, that sort of thing is life changing I imagine), Rusty (you do know how to carry on with class), Rustop, et. al. To Joy in all of its vicissitudes (gee I haven’t had the opportunity to say that funny word in a while). Love, Ladybird.
                  may we be well


                    Just Joy - June Week 1

                    Hello joyous June bugs... quick check in.. soo so busy but things should slow down a bit next week

                    :l to all.. have a great weekend!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Just Joy - June Week 1

                      Hey Sunni, you dont get away that easily.... A little bird tells me its your Birthday!!!!

                      :bday3: :bday2: :bday1: :bday7: :bday2: :bday3:

                      Hope you are doing something special.
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        Just Joy - June Week 1

                        Sneaking in a HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNNI
                        Don't work too hard today, OK?

                        LBH, good to see you as always. I wish I could send you some rain for your wildfires
                        Your uncle sounds like a totally unique person, I'm sure you will miss him.

                        papmom, just thunderstorms on the menu for today, hopefully nothing more severe.
                        Good sleep is so rare ~ only happens once in a blue moon for me

                        Lola, weather headaches suck! I've had some real good (reliable) ones since the fall of 2000 (after I fractured my skull & had surgery)(OUCH). These days I notice mores aches in the hands, elbows, etc when rain is approaching. Getting older is can hurt in some ways but it does wonders for your confidence level.

                        Jolie, don't let the cute pictures fool you. The cutest kids can be the most difficult as in the case of Lily :H Even her pediatrcian says she's high maintenance :H
                        She does enjoy the kiddie pool on the deck!

                        Matilda is sleeping off her 3rd set of puppy shots. She weighed in at 13 lbs at the age of 15 weeks. I'm feeling confident she won't get anywhere as big as my piggy swissy
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Just Joy - June Week 1

                          Uh oh.....
                          Just heard there is a tornado watch on until 9 pm in Lancaster County (right next door)
                          Better go batten down the hatches & give the chickens my blessings :H

                          Lola, I have just decided that I am going to join you in resigning from the Newbies Nest.
                          I admit I have little to no patience with whiners and/or overly sensitive newbies
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Just Joy - June Week 1

                            Just wanted to say hi. Another crushing headache. Gonna hunker down in bed the rest of the night.

                            Lav stay safe. I looked at the weather radar and it looks nasty your way. I don't blame you for taking a vacation from the Nest. :l


                              Just Joy - June Week 1

                              Lav - looks like I've dodged the worst of the storms - not sure about you though - keep safe!

                              Sunni - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you are doing something fun and just for you!

                              LBH - had to laugh as you recount the life-story of your uncle. Hope that doesn't offend you but I'm picturing some nice old man and the story you paint is so much more interesting!

                              Lolab - I need lots of stuff painted in my house. Hubby replaced all the doors in our house about 3 years ago - they have yet to be painted Are you interested? I'll gladly make it worth your while $$$

                              Checking out as I'm pooped from work today and hoping I'm not called in tomorrow.

                              Have a great AF evening everyone!
                              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

