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Today's run.

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    Today's run.

    Guitarista;1098659 wrote: I know we have a few runner's here, and quite a few plodder's too! I am a plodder usually, but do break out into my version of 50 metre sprints, from time to time.

    I try to run 4 times a week ideally, but the reality these past couple of years has been 2 runs a week. My now, and still new AF life, is rich and full, and i've immersed myself in things i enjoy doing. Today's run is a little milestone for me, which has prompted me to write about it. The sun was shining mostly, along with a few grey cloud's, but a fairly mild, and beaut Melbourne autumn morning.

    Off out the door i went, (and just getting yourself out the door, putting one foot in front of the other, is always a plus i reckon) thinking i'd just jog my usual 2/3 klm's to the park, do some push-up's and sit-up's, then home for some weight training, shower, and into the day. I noticed i often rush my runs or plod's, so today, with plenty of time up my sleeve, and the day to myself, i decided to slow down my plodding even more, and i soon found a comfortable rythym. I reached my park, but for some reason i chose to run a bit further. As the sun kept shining down, and with my mind at ease, (i really can't complain about my lot in life, and don't) i kept on. On and on, and on. I thought to myself, ok G-man, go for 5 k's at least, as you haven't done that for awhile, so i did. Then, still feeling good, knees holding up, i decided i'd run a distance i hadn't ran for about 2 years. 10 Kilometeres. So i ran to Princess park, here in Melbourne, which is a huge area with many sporting grounds, and a popular running track around it which is 3.2 k's for one lap. The lush green grass, courtesy of our recent lengthy rain, was welcomed by my knees, as I ran 2 laps. Distance covered- 2 laps =6.4 k's, + around 4 k's to and from. 10 k's! I just kept running, and it was bloody great.

    I feel a quiet sense of achievement. That sort of achievement that no-one else can know about, only you. The kind of achievement only we know when we complete day 1 alcohol free. The kind of achievement only we can know and feel, understand, and be proud of, when we reach 30 day's AF. The personal goals we set for ourselves, and then we go for them. When we drink, then try to hide it from other's. The lies we tell, and ongoing lies that we have created that soon enough can end up defining us, and imprisoning us. We know this too. Only WE know the truth. WE know our truth. YOU, know your truth, or at least, you know what isn't your truth, and for me, my truth was not getting numb every day year after year.

    I often talk of ramping my sobriety up to the next level. I feel today i did that. Just with my humble little jog. You can take your sobriety to the next level too you know, whatever that means to you.

    And it all start's with taking a little step. A step out that door, putting one foot in front of the other. Go for it!

    I am really really impressed with how far you've come - now you've run 10ks you could always sign up for a 10k race!! Before you know it you'll be a race addict instead of a substance addict. You could meet me for the Gold Coast marathon!


      Today's run.

      :l s to you G string.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Today's run.

        G Man , I had a big smile reading your post, absolutely brilliant.

        I want to spread the word on the wonders of running.
        I am hearing many doctors recommend it to beat depression.
        I never ever regret going for a run, but would always regret when I considered going for one and opted out.
        But doesnt happen anymore because I dont drink (love that sentence, I DONT DRINK !!! ) .

        Anyway, thanks G Man, for sharing, great stuff.

        Damo (104 days AF )

        Hope all are well !
        Still trying !!!
        AF 25th June2014


          Today's run.

          The running is the activity, but the expense is the joy. I just get so excited when anyone gets a sense of satisfaction from crawling out of their comfort zone. So, you, but PLEASE watch the knees. If you need some tips for your first triathalon, I'm just a PM away!
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Today's run.

            what an awesome post Mr. G!! You so inspire me and I could almost feel your runner's high! I hope someday I too will be able to just run......without counting the steps or seconds until I can stop because my heart is about to explode or my legs collapse. I will keep your story in the back of my mind and find the pace that is right for me (in all aspects of life).
            Thank you!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Today's run.

              Mr G, you never fail to put a little fond glow to the old cheeks.:h
              Wonderful and inspiring post as every my friend xxx
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Today's run.

                Great Stuff G.
                Thank you

