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February Free

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    February Free

    Hi Nora!
    I'm moving over here from the Jammin January thread. We had a lot of success in Janauary, so lets keep it up for February too. Like you said, it's only 29 biggie!

    R4L - I believe you posted in the January thread that you're on day 90, but having some "thoughts". First, a huge congratulations on 90 days! Wowee. Second, I can understand where you're coming from. I am coming up on day 40 and this is around the time I start wavering. Let's stay strong together ok?

    Like Nora and UW said, the negatives of drinking FAR outweigh any discomfort we may temporarily feel as non-drinkers. I sure don't miss the days of sitting at work feeling like a zombie, counting down the minutes until home, swearing I won't drink that night....then starting the vicious cycle all over again. Yuck!

    Hope everyone is doing good today, we've got a great start to February already...lets keep it up!

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      February Free

      NoraC;1254112 wrote: I'm tired of all of this.....the drinking, the hangovers, the thinking about drinking, the general body aches, the upset stomach, the depression, the conflict in my brain and everything else that goes along with this. I am ready to reclaim my life......
      Hey Nora we are with you! Support is what got me through the initial phase of stopping the booze. When you get tired of being tired is when you change. What a better time to start than today, Feb. 1! I'd like to add anxiety, drunken slumber that leaves you more tired than when you went to bed, lack of exercise & a horrible diet to your list. Thanks for starting the thread and I'm sure all the Jammers will be here to support each other.
      ~~~~ May everyone have a good month & on the 29th we will all have a on our face!!


        February Free

        Hey ho Free in February sounds good-I'm in.
        Psalms 119:45

        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

        St. Francis of Assisi

        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



          February Free

          I'm in here with all of you, too!!
          jammer's january was great!! ferbruary free is an awesome start!!
          looking forward.---


            February Free

            Happy to check in here also! On day 19 and don't see any reason to drink in Feb!

            Alcohol does me no favors.

            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


              February Free

              Hi Nora!! Hi everybody!! I can see old friends too!!!!

              I had up and downs in January, went to summer school too teach kids my native language (had wine parties with teachers who doesn' t have problems but maybe some of them does)..but at least my brain was working and it was tiny part for toughts about AL..

              Returned home to my alcocholic BF and had binge for 6 days...very, very bad..
              When i drink with him i just loose any control..he' s still able to have some control..

              Ok, i'm back, on my Day 4!!!! Yes!! Yestarday i went to Tango lesson- i was invited by friend and felt so happy!! Yes, my body was still stiff but for first time i got compliments that i'm very good..
              There is no miracle i just have dancing expierience from age 4 so body still have memory..for good and for bad...

              I WANT TO ERASE THIS BAD MEMORIES from my body - pain in my stomach, head, bruises, shakes, sweating because of withdrawal..
              I' ll not continue..

              Wishing everybody to stay strong!!!
              The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
              /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                February Free

                Well - happy to report that I have made it thru Day 1. (I'm also back on the antabuse which is going to get me thru these first tough days)

                Thank you all for joining here. I didn't realize that there was another thread for January. So, if you want to restart a thread with a different name for February, no problem. I'll just join you all there.

                Sounds like everyone had a great day. :goodjob:

                Just got a book in the mail today 'Sober....and Staying That Way' so guess I'm going to go get started reading it.

                Have a great evening/morning/afternoon wherever you are. :h
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  February Free

                  Holy F*#king Shit Batman, I wanted to drink in the worst way tonight. I absolutely felt blinded by the desire to drink. I got so frustrated with a work issue that I thought I was done. I made it, but I'm feeling absolutely horrible. This feeling needs to go away! Never saw this coming.........I know it will be different tomorrow. Posting so you'll beware.........maybe this happens to you guys regularly, but it's the first time I have felt undone and really insecure and close to drinking since I stopped (about 80 days ago) to read, get my mind centered again.............Why is it we forget how much we hate alcohol? Just when I thought I was safe. Man, there needs to be a pill to pop for dire situations..........


                    February Free

                    STAY STRONG UNWASTED

                    Yeah weird isn't it? I was looking at the crowd at the pub this evening so I know what you mean. I just had to start thinking of bad drinking consequences.

                    Like I said-one damn day at a time, and some days are WAY worse than others.

                    Hang in there my friend!


                      February Free

                      I will join you. Today I didn't drink. I went out to dinner and told myself that if I drank tonight, I would be too sick tomorrow to volunteer at the animal shelter tomorrow, so I didn't drink. I also plan on having February be another af month for me.
                      I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                      Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                      Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                        February Free

                        Hi all - joining in - need a swift reality check. Had a board meeting yesterday and as always went to the bar after - I decided that I could go, and I did and drank ginger ale - the horrified comments that flew about me being on the wagon, and others saying they maybe should stop and feel guilty. Made me feel strange, but I was happy I could do it and the cat was out of the bag!
                        Today was our staff meeting, and end of year recognition and award ceremony. Reception to follow and I gave away my drink tickets, stuck to diet coke.
                        I was proud of managing to finish January, and then to start February - but two late nights and I am very tired, driving home all I could think of was wine, and home now and i SO want wine!! ARGHHH! Frustrated that I am not enjoying my success, but wanting to throw it all away - posting quickly and off to bed to get rid of the rest of today!!
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          February Free

                          I'm in Nora, all of you helped me have a sober January and I thank you so. After a 20 year battle, I'm learning to relax even when things are difficult and not go for the wine. I haven't had bad urges like I used to. Last year I drank 5 or 6 times, every time way to much. Before that I was a weekend warrior. I hope I can make it all year AF. Understanding that there are a lot of people that have the same struggle as myself makes me feel not so weird.
                          Thanks WW
                          100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

                          6 months July 1st


                            February Free

                            Well I am sending you all good wishes for and Alcohol free February. Unwasted, I am so glad you didn't drink. You are so very close to your 90 days.
                            I have been worried about the same thing happening to me. Something goes wrong and the next thing you know you are drinking again. The last time I went for over three months and then found out my husband was cheating on me. I hung on for a few days then blew my lid and started drinking again. It took me another 5 years to get some significant AF time again.
                            This time I have quit because I need to have some clarity to make some smart decisions for myself.
                            Yes, I am still in the marriage and yes, I found out several months ago that I was still being deceived.
                            I realized that if I continued to drink I would never deal with it. So here I am 90 days AF and trying to figure out what my future looks like because it sure isn't going the way I planned.
                            Anyway, enough of that. Hoping you all enjoy a fantastic, healthy, happy alcohol free February.
                            Don't worry, be happy!


                              February Free

                              I am gonna try to get through without antabuse. Been trying to get off the stuff and have been able to string a few days along. Last night I learned to play beat it on bass instead of drinking. I always think there won't be anything to do but housework when I am sober, but am always surprised when I find something to do...gotta go, have a good day.


                                February Free

                                Good morning to everyone and best wishes for an AF day and month!! I am joining this thread for the month of Feb....may not post much, but then again I might!! I have been lurking around for a couple of years, and this is my first real attempt at being AF in that time.... I sure have wasted the last two years drinking and feeling ashamed, guilty, horrified, depressed, angry, and obessed with drinking or planning to quit.... everyday in the past two years or more, I have planned to quit!! Every morning I woke up feeling so ashamed and said today I am not drinking.....only to consume a bottle or more of wine that night.....and I finally got so tired of the struggle.... had a huge but private meltdown.... told myself to make a choice..... be a drunk or don't be a drunk.... I thought I had made the decision to just continue on this path of destruction and drown myself in a bottle of wine.... and for whatever reason I have not had a drink since.... and it feels real good!!!!!
                                My committment for today to be AF, to let the past stay in the past, not to worry about tomorrow and to live today, moment by moment .... best wishes to all for a wonderful day!!

                                Today is day 7 for me!!

                                Goal 1: 7 days AF Done!
                                Goal 2: 14 days AF Done!
                                Goal 3: 21 days AF
                                Goal 4: 28 days AF

