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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Howdy everyone! A great day to be alive! BG, it was a beautiful day here yesterday as well! The Vancouver Marathon is today and the full marathon goes right by our daughter's house, so we are going to sit outside with coffee and sweets and cheer the runner's on as they go by. The younger daughter of the two in Vancouver is a runner as well, but she is into the triathlon and iron man events, but she also belongs to a running club. Her boyfriend is competing in the half marathon today, so GOOD LUCK DAN!

    Last night we went to a dinner party as all of her running mates wanted to meet us. Of course the food and conversation was great! I was a bit apprehensive about going, not because I thought drinking would be to tempting, but because I was afraid of embarrassing our daughter for me being a recovering alcoholic! How stupid is that! So crazy how our minds work as we go through this journey... A great time was had by all, and no one commented about me not drinking, but I suspect she filled them all in beforehand lol. I truly am blessed to have the family that I have!

    Last day here, we fly home tomorrow. A bit of a busy day planned, but not too bad. I'll have to counter the saying goodbyes tomorrow with thoughts of being back with Hank so as I don't get all emotional haha.

    My biggest trigger is anger. Whenever I used to get angry, a beer was the first thing I reached for! Now that I'm being taught how to not let frustration get to the anger stage, things are much better. Of course there are many other triggers, but they are more of the "recreational drinking" kind, anger is the one that make me purposely drink to get drunk! It's so good for all of us not only recognize, but admit to our triggers, it's just one more tool to add to the box!

    Now Ginger, you have to enlighten this old mind of mine. Your signature line says May 4th? Is that the day you had your last drink, or the first day you went without a drink? God forbid we start your party early, although I think you deserve a week long party!!

    Best get my butt into a shower and get ready for the adventures this day will bring. Love you all, you guys are the anchor that keeps me moored safely in my quit! Have a fantastic Sunday my friends!
    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


      Oh my gosh! It is May 4. For some reason I was thinking the 5th. LOL
      One year ago tomorrow I made my commitment to quit for the last time. Sunday the 3rd was my last drinking day after getting home from a camping trip.

      ABC, sounds like you are really enjoying your time with the girls. I love being able to see the pictures on FB. Thank you for that! I know if I left Ginger for long, I'd be chomping at the bit to get home to her!

      Life feels so different since taking Mom home yesterday. It felt so weird last night when I didn't have to leave to go help her get ready for bed. I'd been going up everyday at 5p to help her with that. I did talk to her twice after taking her home but not seeing her was strange. I'll go there later and swap out her shower head so she can sit and shower, then help her with that. The biggest fall risk for her is the shower. Can't have that happening!

      No matter where you are in your quit, please know that this gets easier the more time you rack up. It's not easy but hanging out here with all your quit buddies makes it doable. Have a great Sunday everyone. Spring has sprung!!


        Hi Ginger, A recovering mom, and a full year sober milestone! Much to celebrate, so happy for you! :welldone:


          So proud of you Ginger, keep inspiring us and hoping I will eventually succeed. Sounds like everyone is doing well, and very proud of the determination, don't take your eyes off the prize: an AF life.

          I fell , didn't even see it coming, but it happened. And it was devastating, a really hard one, I'm talking about drinking everything I could get my hands on until 3:30 am, at a couple of bars. Hundreds of dollars later, waking up fully clothed on my couch, to a husband absolutely FURIOUS, with good reason. Even though having months of doing so well, doesn't make up for this crap. It started with a half glass of wine toast for a friend's b-day. I HATE AL and right now myself for being so goddamn weak.

          And the depression sinks in , AL will steal your soul
          Last edited by open halo; May 3, 2015, 11:14 AM.


            Hello friends, Cowboy, wishing you safe travels home Ginger, I'm just happy your mom is home and it's been an honor to watch you this past year OH,sorry you chose to drink tbh,on Friday I had some serious drinking thoughts! I don't think any of you were daydrinkers but I was and Friday was my day off and I fantasized about just drinking the day away, listening to music and letting go,thought it through and realized the reality is never like the fantasy I have in my head, the next day drinking never even crossed my mind, hope you feel better soon,hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday, sheesh I took some allergy crap and now I feel like Speedy Gonzalez!!! It feels creepy
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Pauly - I have to laugh at the Speedy Gonzalez mention. I can just picture you. But sorry it makes you feel like that. Hopefully it has helped the allergies at least.

              Open - I am sorry you had a bad crash. I can feel your disappointment. You say your hubby is upset with you. Can you talk to him like you just did with us? Can you tell him how hard you are trying, and how bad you feel now. He is probably thinking you feel physically bad, but does he understand the emotions that are going on? This might be a very good time to get his support even more. I say this - but in honesty I do not know if I could have that talk with my husband either. But I do know that it is what I should do in that situation. Hang in there - you came right back and we are all here for you today - HUGE hugs to help you feel a bit better.

              Ginger - So happy things are getting easier for you and for your Mom. She does not realize it but she has taught us all life lessons as she went through this. She has been so strong and determined. And you have taught us all about unconditional love for our families. Mom is one lucky lady to have you for a daughter!!!

              Cowboy - I can feel your excitement and energy. Sitting watching the race with your girls. Sipping coffee in the sun. Life is good. Sounds like the dinner party was fantastic. That really says something - that your daughters wanted to have a party to introduce you to their friends. They sure love their Daddy. (my guess is there was never any talk about your issue a head of time. We always think it is the main focus, but really everyone else has so much going on )
              Enjoy your beautiful day. Hank will be so happy to see you tomorrow (I get that emotional bit of leaving )

              Hi to all our gang. I hope everyone is enjoying family time today and living a healthy life.


                Action, Min, Liz - how many steps today.

                I gotta get my butt moving. I love my fitbit and it really does challange me to get out there. I have been so busy with finsihing this course (Medical Transcription) and now working two jobs - that I have let my exercise slide in the last month. I can feel it. I do have some time today before I head to evening shift at the hospital so I am going to take my two babies out for a walk in the sun. No excuses today.



                  I've only got 4,450 steps today usually I do 10,000 in the morning then build up during the day I too love my fitbit I wear it 24/7 to monitor my sleep too, are those your fur babies Beachy? I want to gobble them up,so fricken cute!!
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Well, I'm on day 3 of I don't know how many.

                    I don't 'feel like' quitting (yes, I know how stupid that sounds) but I most certainly don't 'feel like' waking up
                    in the mornings with the room spinning, being sloppy drunk in front of clients, wanting to throw up on small plane rides to the next project, and being stunned that I told ine of my kids something from long ago I would normally not have.

                    The solution would be just 2 glasses - but when did that ever happen? And what's the point in 2? I drink to get hammered and leave it all behind. Two, schmoo.

                    So...dinner would be better if I didn't. And yes, I realise, writing that, how uncommitted and pathetic I am sounding. But that's where I am at. Uncommitted and a ways away from the AF groove.


                      It's hard Quakegirl, I've been here for forever trying to quit, I've always just been straddling wanting to be sober but still wanting to party,I guess I'm more towards the staying quit side now because drinking was just making me sick, it lost its fun for me
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Quaker- hey- I think ending not he fence is hard. It's as if you're wisting for something to push you over to one side or the other. Either a life where all controls you or one where you say no more. I know the fear of spent high drastic happening before I quit - was enough to scare me to stop. I hope you've nanage to stay strong.

                        Oh- well done for coming straight back here. Have you had a chance to speak to hubby? Why was he furious? Hope you're feeling stronger today

                        Ginger- well congrats Young lady! Any top tips? I think you've don fantastically especially with all the things life has thrown at you :-)

                        Lizann- hope the aches and pains have resided. Did you have a peaceful weekend?
                        BeachG- how's your weekend going?

                        Cowboy- lovely to spend time with the girls- hope your journey home is safe.
                        Anyone else I've missed- hope you're ok gang
                        I'm hitting bed- another late one. Had family over for dinner and haven't stopped all day!
                        Stay strong people.


                          Minstar, I like your post "a life where al controls you or one where you say no more." It is very scary thinking how AL can have that much control , it scared me yet again.

                          Thinking of all of you and wishing you well.


                            Oh, so sorry you fell. Been there, done that! Hubby usually isn't mad, but son is. He needs to be thankful for your sober time, a little hiccup on your recovery.
                            Cowboy, that visit sure went fast! Hope you enjoyed your visit. My oldest and youngest ran a 5 K today. Hubs and I went to watch!
                            Ginger congrats on a year!!!! Glad mom is finally home.
                            Beachygirl the pics of the dogs is adorable!! I am a medical transcriber in my former life! Loved it!! The money wasn't bad either. Gave it up once the babies came along.
                            Pauly, allergies got to me today too.
                            Went to Cjs boyfriends SIL baby shower today. OMG, beautiful place right on the Hudson overlooking manhattan! Cash bar (yay), so that took care of that. Food was amazing. So enjoyed it. Anyway, long busy weekend, good weekend. Off to watch a little James Bond before bed. Love you all!


                              OH, sorry to hear, but it is what it is, another hard lesson learned but you came right back and that's what counts! :hug:

                              Quakegirl, Welcome to the quitters! Stick around, read and post and ask for all the help you need, we're here for each other!
                              Last edited by abcowboy; May 3, 2015, 08:03 PM.
                              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                                Someone way before us had this figured out


