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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

    Pauly, Well you know what they say.... misery loves company. It makes me sad though. How are you doing?


      Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

      Thanks ginger. We are at the beach for a little r and r. Will log in on the new site when I get home. Don't leave without me!!!!


        Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

        Hi Lizann, We just got back from 7 days on the Oregon coast. Gorgeous!

        The new forum is really just a backup location in the event that this site goes down. You've got plenty of time.

        Enjoy your R&R!

        How's everyone else around here doing? Cheif? Ori? SS?


          Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

          Hi All,

          I'm doing well. The fair is over and I'm glad. I worked about 70 hours in 7 days. The weather wasn't the greatest....rained a lot, but we made about $2500 for the Lions Club so that's good. I wasn't able to go to the gym at all last week so I went today and swam for an hour. It felt good and am looking forward to hitting the hay tonight.

          I registered on the other site as well, but like Ginger said, just as a backup. MWO has been very good for me and I sticking with it. There is a thread about what RJ is doing to update this site and get rid of the spammers so we'll see what happens. Hopefully it will all work out.

          Feeling out of place with people we use to drink with is a normal part of AFness. It's sad but it's reality. Sometimes people aren't comfortable being around us when we're not drinking. I've just accepted that as part of the deal. If the only reason they want to be around me is if I'm drinking then I guess I don't really mean that much to them. That's their problem, not mine. I value my new life too much. Sometimes we have to be selfish.

          Hope everyone is having a good week. Let's keep doing our thing and making The Beast stay in seclusion.....poor Beast...



            Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

            Doing OK Ging except a bit of insomnia is back. Glad you had a good trip.

            Sounds like the fair must've been a pretty good stand in for the gym Chief.

            I'm also signed in to the other site just in case of downtime here or unforseen events.

            Know what you mean about family. They got used to our drinking and now they too have to change their thinking. In some ways it's getting to know each other all over again. My brother will be down and after my mom's, even though I told him I'm cutting the drinking for health reasons, he still wants to grab a beer after. Need to make a plan before the first stop.
            “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

            "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

            Newbies Nest
            Newbies Nest Roll Call
            Cattleman Cafe


              Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

              Ori, YES! Make that plan now. That will be a rough trigger to plow through, if you don't.

              Chief, I just sent you a PM pretty much covering all the stuff you just posted. LOL Should have read here before I responded. Welcome back!

              SS, Check in .... We miss you. Hi Lizann and everyone one else!

              Heading to my Mom's to clean her house. She's 82 and starting to have some problems. We are trying to keep her in her home as long as possible.

              Enjoy your AFness!


                Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                Bump.... What's up people?


                  Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                  I'm back! Had a wonderful relaxing time at the jersey shore! Haven't been in years! Jersey gets a pretty bad rap, actually beautiful beaches! Anyway back to cleaning out and shredding. Hubby's landlord called no extension!!!! Whatever, made progress in the garage, hubby is not speaking to me at present. I do what I gotta do. I'll read back later. How is everyone doing?


                    Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                    Lizann, Glad you had a good time! You deserve it. Why is hubs not talking? Did I miss something? Glad you are back on the boards. I was starting to get lonely here all by myself.

                    Heading to the mountains for the day. Fall in the east Cascades is so gorgeous. It heals my heart and soul. I used to live there when my kids were younger. We all love it up there. I'd love to move back to the mountains but my hubs says, "no way". He says it makes no sense at our age. I say it makes perfect sense. We don't have to commute to work any more!! I can't really force the issue as he's willing to drag the travel trailer just about any place I take a notion to go. Better just count my blessings!!

                    Hope everyone has a great AF day and long weekend!!


                      Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                      Hi guys and gals. Not a long post cos I'm on my phone but glad to see our collective success. I'm at the lake getting a break fr the mud at the construction site. Still not drinking but beating myself up as usual for my lack of motivation to stay on top of my workload. Procrastination is the next self destructive habit I have to tackle.

                      Ginger you have to reestablish the foundation of your sisterly relationship and that takes time.
                      Lizanne proud of you for not collapsing under stress.

                      Take care all.
                      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                        Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                        Hi SS, Hope you are drying out at the lake. My sis and I are spending tomorrow together with two of our gkids. That will take AL completely off the table and give us a chance to bond!

                        Love you guys!!


                          Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                          Hi guys!

                          Went to an airshow yesterday and saw the Blue Angels. It was great as usual. I've probably seen them 20 times over the years and it's great every time. I was aircrew in the Navy for 20 years so it never gets old...

                          Running a 5K in the morning so that will be fun. Glad to see everyone is doing their thing.....

                          Enjoy your AFness!



                            Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                            Happy Labor Day my friends. Confession time for me, sadly I had some wine last night with a whole lot of crying! Hubby is stressed with moving his office. I am trying to make space for him here at home. He is a bit of a hoarder. So to say it's been difficult would be a gross understatement! Got into it with my 24 year old yesterday due to some "missing" stuff. I don't even know where to start other than I've been crying a lot and everyone is mad at me. Had such a lovely week and this is how it ends up! I'm sure I'll be fine, just need to quietly suck it up.


                              Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                              Lizann, Those things happen sometimes on this journey we are on. Dust yourself off and get back on that wagon! You DO NOT drink so last night was just a little bump in the road. You've been through so much these past few weeks. I'm sure the wine didn't help at all but made you feel guilty - right? If so, you know what you have to do! We are all here for you and are ready to support you in whatever way we can. New day!!!

                              Chief, Enjoy that 5K. Let us know how it goes today.
                              Ori, Where are you?
                              SS, I know you are spending the weekend at your lake house. Check in when you get home. We miss your wisdom!!

                              Hope everyone else has a splendid day!!


                                Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                                5K was great.....cloudy but no rain. It was fun.

                                How are you doing Lizann? Try to look back and determine exactly when you decided to drink. It's not necessarily immediately before you took that first drink. Were you covertly "planning on" drinking for a time before you actually did? Was The Beast talking to you in advance, giving you reasons?.... Sometimes we trick ourselves or allow ourselves to be tricked. Just try and figure it out for next time. How do you feel now? Are you still drinking? Let us know we care about you.

                                Ginger, SS...great to see you're rockin' it! Ori....where are you?

