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The Three Principles Discussion Thread

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    It is a fascinating journey isn't it NS?

    It seems like nothing is happening then you realise things have shifted without you noticing. It feels very odd sometimes.

    My big change is how I regard others. I am far more tolerant. It doesn't mean I suffer fools .... But I feel less need to tell them of my opinion! :happy2:

    I also love how I can now simply decide how I would like to be today, I can drop the 'mask' and just be the me I am feeling. I told my best friend today how much I respect her (she is always too in awe of me) and how SHE is MY hero. She nearly cried.

    I am so glad I came back to MWO to share this. And I so hope it is helpful.

    This place is my second family, as wonderful, trying, loving, dysfunctional, argumentative, annoying, supportive etc as my real family.


      I am loving reading all the feedback and insights of your experiences. Right now I feel so poorly I don't have much to add. But I am still avidly watching vids and reading so keep up all the inspiration please


        Originally posted by starty View Post
        I am loving reading all the feedback and insights of your experiences. Right now I feel so poorly I don't have much to add. But I am still avidly watching vids and reading so keep up all the inspiration please
        After Xmas I am hoping that there will be new energy available. Right now peeps are shopping etc and haven't time for this.

        Having said that I am delighted that the response has been so positive. This stuff works!


          I'm glad to have started exploring this before Christmas - I'm weirdly calm about it all this year. I think the key is not taking my thinking (or that of others) so seriously all the time.
          Hope you feel better soon, Starty :hug:.


            Why Mindfulness Is a Superpower: An Animation - Happify Daily

            A friend of mine posted this on facebook and I hope it's okay to put it here. I haven't posted on this thread before, but have been somewhat following it, and I thought this was a good little video about mindfulness. I wanted to share it and thought this was probably the best place.
            "Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others".
            “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


              Originally posted by idefineme View Post
              Why Mindfulness Is a Superpower: An Animation - Happify Daily

              A friend of mine posted this on facebook and I hope it's okay to put it here. I haven't posted on this thread before, but have been somewhat following it, and I thought this was a good little video about mindfulness. I wanted to share it and thought this was probably the best place.
              It is definitely the right place!


                So, with all of the videos and books, and numerous people training others, where is a good place to start. I watched Rudi and Jenny Kennard's talk on YouTube. I don't know that I got much out of it. I understood that the three principals are just one and that they're broken down so that we can understand them a bit more. I got that our thoughts create our reality. But that's all. What would be a good intro. And what person is easiest to understand?
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  I sent you this link on GLOAMERS, J-vo:

                  Addiction and The Three Principles - Jonathan Pounder - 3PGC Blog..

                  Here is a paragraph from it:
                  The Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought reveal to us that, just like any other human being on earth, a substance abuser has simply become addicted to thoughts; a pattern of thinking that pops up when they don’t feel the way they want to feel. The problem is not a disease but rather dis-ease. The only thing that makes a person in a chemical health treatment center different from anyone else is what they do when they get insecure. We all as human beings have gotten caught in thought habits of how to feel better when we don’t feel good. Our attempts to feel better are all at different levels of consciousness and provide equally different levels of consequence, but regardless they only temporarily change our feeling. When the effect of the drug wears off the person tends to revert back to their thought habits. Suddenly they are back into the swamp of their problems and unending stress.


                    Brilliant article NS.

                    J-vo it can be hard initially getting your head round. There are practitioners who write that they struggled for months to 'get it'. Also many say that their understanding changed over time.

                    The problem for anyone trying to explain is that you may be a person for whom the concepts are so easily grasped you feel it is a "so what" issue, or it is so far off left field that it will take months to adjust your thinking. All I know is that when you "get it" your consciousness shifts and your world is permanently changed.

                    I had a moment of intense clarity a couple weeks after finding 3Ps. I will try to share it.

                    I was in the supermarket and their was a lady in a wheelchair doing her shopping. She was fascinating in that she had no legs, a TINY torso, normal arms and head and a really attractive face. She was also fully independent and totally confident and self reliant.

                    I had a train of thought something like this. We don't need arms or legs to be human, and if blood was filtered through a heart/lung /dialysis machine we wouldn't need a torso. We can also suffer massive loss of structures of the head.
                    Then I was suddenly mentally 'winded' by the realisation that we only STOP being human when we can no longer have a thought !

                    We, you and I and EVERY being on the planet are ONLY our thoughts. Our bodies are merely vehicles moving our thoughts from place to place and putting our thoughts into action.

                    It may mean nothing, and move nothing, in you but it was, for me, a HUGE realisation of what 3Ps is pointing to.


                      I thought it was a good article, too. I read it about three times, but that's because I wanted to get it. I think I got some of it. Thanks NS. And I do find your story interesting, Kuya. Thanks for sharing that. It also makes me think of the disease my mom has which is ALS. Her body is deteriorating, but the thoughts and senses stay intact. And Alzheimer's disease is just the opposite where people lose their thoughts and their body remains intact. Both are terrible diseases.

                      After reading that article, I thought that maybe my whole life, my thoughts were damaged and I looked for relief from that as it was a standard feeling for me. Then I became sad, thinking why did I have to have such a substandard thinking process. Does that make sense? Did my experiences create substandard thoughts which became my norm? Can this be undone?
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        One of the underlying tenets of this is that we are innately healthy, J-vo - in all ways. And like the man who first started explaining it said, we are all only a thought away from being healthy. Your thoughts create your experience (not the reverse), which is why by letting go of the thoughts of being different or sick or damaged, and letting the innately healthy you emerge, you can have different and better thoughts and so better experiences. What we think and feel is wrong with us can be undone - more quickly than most of us ever imagined :hug:.


                          Originally posted by j-vo View Post
                          I thought it was a good article, too. I read it about three times, but that's because I wanted to get it. I think I got some of it. Thanks NS. And I do find your story interesting, Kuya. Thanks for sharing that. It also makes me think of the disease my mom has which is ALS. Her body is deteriorating, but the thoughts and senses stay intact. And Alzheimer's disease is just the opposite where people lose their thoughts and their body remains intact. Both are terrible diseases.

                          After reading that article, I thought that maybe my whole life, my thoughts were damaged and I looked for relief from that as it was a standard feeling for me. Then I became sad, thinking why did I have to have such a substandard thinking process. Does that make sense? Did my experiences create substandard thoughts which became my norm? Can this be undone?
                          It CAN be undone...immediately... just by realising that you are NOT broken, substandard, damaged.

                          Your experiences didn't create the substandard thoughts, it was the thoughts that created the substandard feelings!

                          Once you truly grasp this you will be transformed. You, like most of the people in the world, at present believe that their circumstances create their feelings but it is the reverse.

                          As NS quoted Sydney Banks "we are only one thought away from happiness"


                            I'm here reading this. It's really helping me on a daily basis. I just don't have a lot to add. But thanks.
                            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                              Originally posted by little beagle View Post
                              I'm here reading this. It's really helping me on a daily basis. I just don't have a lot to add. But thanks.
                              I am so happy it is helping.

                              I first encountered this at the end of July and it took until the last month for me to feel I could start to talk about and share 4 months of absorbing.


                                Just caught up on a few days reading that I missed.
                                I have had a couple of aha moments this past few days.
                                On Saturday my sisters, brother and some of our kids went to a Christmas fayre. There were choirs singing on the ferryboat. I did not intend to go on the boat. (I had really bad PMS, drinking on my mind, and had come here as a distraction, so was happy to just walk about the waters edge and wait for them to come back after their half hour trip- I needed to feel peaceful)
                                But, my extremely hungover and negative-by-nature sister, who takes panic attacks going on lifts, escalators, planes, car journeys, you name it, was apparently the only one staying on my side of the water. Damn! Once I realised that I would be left with her I suddenly said I would come with the rest of them. I looked around and watched my sister walk back to the car. I know it is bad but I quickly turned back and hid until she was out of sight.
                                Then I emerged and went for a lovely walk and stood at the waters edge, waiting for the rest to return. She stayed in the car and did not rejoin us. We all went home soon after.
                                She has now found out that I did not go, went back to cry to my mum, has bent my sisters ear talking about what a bitch I am. My mum questioned me about snubbing her......this has been ongoing....I would not know where to begin....
                                Anyway, I am hearing everything back and the strangest thing is ' I am not bothered!' Now, this is new to me.....I realise mum is annoyed but that is not my problem. My sisters have to listen to the sister in question and again that is up to them. So all around me they are ranting and raving and I am strangely at peace with this.
                                I was close to drinking that night and had made the journey in order to distract myself. Had I stayed in her company I felt I would have easily drank......she brings the mood right down, complaining, criticising.......
                                Sorry this is so long-winded. Another situation was out in a restaurant yesterday with my girls. After dinner they told me that the little boy at the next table had been driving them crazy, he was so badly behaved...I had not even noticed! I don't know if it was the 3Ps but I can feel subtle changes for the better.
                                Last edited by daisy45; December 14, 2015, 11:28 PM.
                                IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!

