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September Army Thread

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    Re: September Army Thread

    Originally posted by satz123 View Post
    I AM A BAD , SELFISH PERSON - I hate going to a nursing home again today after 10 hours in one yesterday - even if it is to see my mother.
    She will not remember me being there - and I don't do guilt for the sake of it I'm afraid.

    @ Grumpyoildwoman2 ................. :haha:
    Wish I'd seen this are not bad nor selfish...I can remember when mum was old and frankly not really 'there' dreading sometimes sisters made it horrible and I often knocked back 3 or 4 large drinks to get up courage....all that to visit a woman i loved dearly all my life....I have nothing but admiration for people who handle that sad part of life so well.... Xx
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: September Army Thread

      Evening everyone. Great conversations here today. Have not heard about that show Bridget. Don’t mind the concerts Mary but I have always been the chauffeur so it’s not that different. Think the whole reveal, baby shower business is madness. BF sounds lovely JC, how are the newly weds? Don’t feel guilty Satz, you need to indulge in self care too. Glad to have the working week over. Joined Pilates a few weeks ago so I have that on tonight.


        Re: September Army Thread

        I used to carry a bottle of 'lemonade'............heavily spiked with vodka when I used to visit my mother. We never got on even (that's putting it mildly) when she had dementia.

        Ahh the newlyweds, no idea apart from busy .........Think the saying 'a daughter's a daughter all her life a son's a son 'til he takes a wife'.........comes to mind. The S&H will be here for his Christmas dinner on his own. Mainly because we don't make mashed potatoes from a packet.........or in fact any food that doesn't come out of a packet over Christmas.

        I'm leaning towards one of these private cremations..........someone does the job for a quarter of the price, gives the bereaved the ashes and then those left behind can have the party/wake/piss up later.

        I still don't know the full story of why Jenny and the ex split up, prolly never will. But it got so ugly that she needed police escort her to the house they shared to get her stuff in case of violence to gather her stuff. Not just him, his mother as well.
        She's just happier, calmer and was always made for teaching. Its not all hunky dory. His ex is a nightmare about the kids and likes nothing better than changing arrangements at the last minute but as I say he's being very calm and pragmatic about it.

        Nipped up the high street and finally made appointments for the pair of us to see the dentist. What with dislocated hips, my kidney problems its been 18 months. There goes the downstairs toilet money for another few years.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: September Army Thread

          Well I didn't go up today and guess what - she was fine.
          I had her out to dinner on Sunday & I swear she's going to live to 100. It's just the short term memory still but it really hasn't gotten any worse.
          So unless the lung issue does for her I can't see why she won't live for a good few years.
          This time last year we were told she wouldn't survive the winter :egad:

          One thing I've noticed as people get older and develop dementia how actually self-centered they become. i do not mean this in a bad way.
          I mean like a child - the world revolves around them and their needs - they live in the moment.
          - I think it's there in us all but we have to curb it and at least pretend to care about things.
          Once the 'marbles' are going we can demand attention and get away with it without being labelled selfish. :haha:
          Last edited by satz123; September 10, 2019, 04:33 PM.


            Re: September Army Thread

            God yeah...can see it in myself already
            Morning all..Ephesus didn't happen the other day so heading there now...excited!!!
            Talk later
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: September Army Thread

              Morning all
              Enjoy Molls - I will need to google that place.
              [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] sounds like Jenny is well shot of that fella if he's abusive.
              I always say there are two sides to every story but no matter what her part in it - his reaction says a lot about him. Steer clear I'd say.


                Re: September Army Thread

                Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                God yeah...can see it in myself already
                Morning all..Ephesus didn't happen the other day so heading there now...excited!!!
                Talk later
                :harhar: I think we've a few years to go ........ before we have that excuse ....


                  Re: September Army Thread

                  Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                  ..Ephesus didn't happen the other day so heading there now...excited!!!
                  It is absolutely fab Molls ; you are so lucky.
                  EPHESUS: - Turkey Home


                    Re: September Army Thread

                    Evening All,
                    Good for you Satzy not going to the nursing home after work. I couldn't stand it either. As you say, nothing happened! Jeez you've got to have a break...
                    I like the sound of this Icelandic Thor type. Tall and sensible. Very good. I had an abusive one too. Had to get the coppers involved also. It was humiliating.
                    You will love Ephesus Molly. Amazing place.

                    About the most productive thing I did all day was to buy a new body pillow. Then couldn't throw old faithful out. SO tonight I shall sleep with them both. Is that what a three way is? I'll ask Mr G. He'll know.

                    Watching Mindhunter S2 here on Netflix. The acting is sensational, especially the ones acting the serial killers. Cameron Britton as Edmund Kemper is astonishing.

                    I'll be really interested to hear how that pilates goes Rustop, especially how your back goes in reponse to it.

                    Last day of work tomorrow and then hols for a week and a half. I'm gagging for it.

                    Off I go to fall asleep to Mindhunter. lol. So soothing.
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Re: September Army Thread

                      [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] : Mindhunter is brilliant - I really enjoyed it.
                      What the feck is a body pillow :egad: ? The mind boggles !


                        Re: September Army Thread

                        Body pillow??? New to me..
                        Just this minute heard my pal who's husband was killed has been admitted to St Pats ( not sure how you describe the old days we used to call it the nut house) so sad for her..feck life can be hard!
                        Ephesus was extraordinary- I absolutely loved it...less so the Temple of Artemis sort of pillar left ..the rest is in the British Museum apparently????
                        Anyone who escapes an abusive relationship should be so bloody proud Bridgey...not always the easiest thing to do..really glad for Jenny too
                        Wish I was rich went to have a look at Turkish rugs being made...only fab...only awful dear!! So I didn't:-)
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: September Army Thread

                          Afternoon all. You lucky thing Molly, looks fab. Yea what’s a body pillow Bridget? Just finished Mindhunter and agree, brilliant. I have had a few of the Pilate classes and second one I pulled something in the side of my knee. Weird place but rested it and did not go last week. This week there were two of us who admitted injuries and one lady told me on the way out that she could hardly move after last weeks class. My neighbor who has been going for a year said you need to take it very easy in the beginning. So that’s exactly what I did last night. Now it could be that we are a lot of old crocks or she is doing a bit too advanced stuff for beginners. Paid for 10 lessons so have another 7 and will see how I feel then.


                            Re: September Army Thread

                            [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]...........what was the food like
                            Ephesus Morpeth – Turkish food restaurant | For high quality food in Morpeth, Northumberland

                            Seriously, though. the real one looks stunning. :heartbeat:

                            [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]...........what is a body pillow? Can you get them in Johnie Depp or Paul Rodger shapes?

                            [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION] ..........I did pilates after Jenny was born. Couldn't move for a week. Let's know how you get on.
                            I got a Tai Chi DVD as a birthday pressie for Mr JC. Unfortunately, it leaves us rolling on the floor laughing so not a lot of inner peace is being found at the moment.

                            The good news of the day...........we've found a loft ladder man.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: September Army Thread

                              See its nice and busy here and everyone seems to be good. Been having a bit of a tricky time here with hubs colonoscopy bringing up polyps and diverticulitis which he had no clue about. Had one removed and has to go back for another. Having issues with my eyes and cannot seem to wear contacts any more. Since the hole in the cornea things have got worse and dont see that well with specs. My eyesight is too poor for laser so looking into lens implants as the thought of wearing strong specs for the rest of my natural is not something I want to think about. Hip is doing brilliantly and found myself running to a meeting in high heels today and that was after getting my tights on :haha: Hip replacement? What hip replacement

                              I did pilates for a while. Enjoyed it but quite hard.

                              We need a loft ladder too!


                                Re: September Army Thread

                                the Temple of Artemis sort of pillar left ..the rest is in the British Museum apparently????
                                Yep - sure most of the Parthenon in Athens is feckin in a British Museum .... say no more.

