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September Army Thread

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    Re: September Army Thread

    Originally posted by mollyka View Post
    Oh I dunno -- the Scots NEVER give up -- but it's looking good at the minute -- so you're a true Brit!? Think I go back Irish since the Spanish Armada were wrecked off the west coast.. according to my Mam anyways - and my Dad always said we went back to the Vikings:hahaha:
    I got my DNA tested - I am 93% Irish , 3% Scottish and 4% Greek :yay:
    My freckles prove the Irish bit !


      Re: September Army Thread

      Great photo caught my eye as Ireland Rugby v Japan today :
      The Irish fella is so typically Irish with red hair & man-boobs :haha:

      Last edited by satz123; September 28, 2019, 03:43 AM.


        Re: September Army Thread

        OK tired of talking to myself - don't understand Rugby - so not watching - best do something.:llama:


          Re: September Army Thread

          What about those lamps @JackieClaire, do they work for SAD? Mr M definitely gets (more) grumpy in the winter months. Hes very much an outdoor person (garden+shed) and hates being stuck inside.
          Mers MrS is the same.
          I've heard good things about the light therapy. Remember tell him to take Vitamin D supplement - we all get deficient during winter. Our bodies can only make vit D from sunshine on our skin - so 'nuff said when it comes to our weather


            Re: September Army Thread

            I'm here. Give me five minutes just woken up.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: September Army Thread

              I've got Mr. JC in one ear yapping about the rugby. He's a 10th Irish on his Great Granny's side.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: September Army Thread

                Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                The last question I was asked at the 'interview' was : " What will you do if you don't get the full-time position - will you leave"??
                Very clever, its a question you can't answer. Say yes..........and you'd get the answer 'here's yer coat'.............answer no...........and they can do what they like.
                Rock and a hard place again.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: September Army Thread

                  I'm doing the many posts in a row now.
                  Come January...........I have sun-beds, not every day .............prolly about a fortnight between them. I know, I know smack on the back of my handy but they help.
                  Also helps to get outside once a day.
                  I know nothing about the lamps though.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: September Army Thread

                    Still think I'd find it very hard to stay in that employment - I would feel so aggrieved that I'd probably shoot my mouth off - sooner rather than later too... shocking treatment - I've seen similar in my organisation - woman who was 'acting' a grade for 8 years during the promotion embargo of the last recession - soon as the embargo is over her post goes up for grabs - and she didn't get it.. the 'acting' allowance for working above your grade is risible - so they took advantage of her for all those years and then dumped her.... she's well mad too!!!

                    SHOCKING rugby -- so disappointed -- can't take it from the Japanese tho -- they were awful good!
                    Howdy all
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Re: September Army Thread

                      Hallo Army!!!
                      Don't know if anyone's around but stopped by for a quick peek. :bricks:
                      Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                      I got my DNA tested - I am 93% Irish , 3% Scottish and 4% Greek :yay:
                      My freckles prove the Irish bit !
                      According to my Mom, I'm 3/4 Irish and 1/4 Scottish. Thus the first name (not Stirly) and I have freckles, too. And naturally blue-black hair and rather light skin. After 36 years in Greece, tho', I now claim to be part Greek!
                      Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                      House next door is having an open house today. Might pop some shorts on my massive arse and bend over in the garden to sort the wheat from the chaff.
                      Bridge - you are expecting an answer from Mr G as per the above post, aren't you....??
                      Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                      I'm back and in a rage.
                      The full-time job ( that I already do) they gave to an outsider.
                      So now I will do just as & what I'm paid for and not try to improve anything, get involved in anything - nothing. In do my job & out.. They can shag the feck off !!!
                      Drawing a line under that & looking elsewhere ......

                      Left my phone charging at Gate 15 Chania Airport
                      Rang my phone from Dublin airport & they have it.
                      My SIL will collect it on Sunday when she flies home after a month long holiday.
                      First of all - good news on the phone not being nicked. Second I :heartbeat: Chania - went there last summer with younger son and young Alvertos. Thirdly - although I don't pay much attention to my age, the fact is that most people don't realize what an asset an older employee is. They are more knowledgeable, more experienced, more dedicated and just plain better at what they do than most of the young people who act like life owes them something. Hopefully things will get sorted soon. Being treated that way just is not right.
                      Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                      ooohhh -- EDIT -- 2nd son (him what REALLY upset me last Sunday) rang Joe today and says to him 'is mum alright? she seemed in bad form on Sunday'-- the little PUP --- unbelievable!! anyway - he's off away for the next while for his job -so will calm down by the time he's back!!
                      At least he realized you were there, Molls and called to see if yer ok. That is something....
                      Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                      The eggy-phone beats my microwaved one, @stirly-girly - I bet the vendor had never heard that one before!

                      I've found a solution to my knitting problem: I do the knit rows with my left hand and the purl rows with my right. The patterns that hurt my hands have half of each so maybe over time, everything will balance and I won't have any hand pain!

                      Sometimes I wonder if anyone really likes holiday parties!!
                      NS, that would confuse the heck out of me. Good on ya for finding a solution. Anything that might help the hand issue - like anti-inflammatory meds or something?
                      Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                      Horrible horrible day here but did get a walk in and now off to my crochet class.
                      Um, er, lovely weather here. Warm and sunny but with a nice cool breeze. Just saying... :upsidedown:

                      Well, it's one of those days. Switched on my hot-water heater this morning and there was a distinctive over-heating smell coming from the electrical circuit panel. Called the landlady who called her electrician. Said he'd be here about 2 - it's now 3:20 and I'm still waiting. Grrr. Then my glasses broke (frame) so I tried glueing them back together with instant glue. Great stuff. Fingers stuck to the frame, lens glued to both fingers and frame, 3 fingers covered in glue. Dries really fast and leaves a hard film on your skin. Thought I would try using oil to get it off as it works on other types of glue. Not on this type tho'. As I was trying to put the top back on the bottle of oil, it slipped and splattered oil all over the tiles back of my kit hen sink. Mopped that up and managed to get the glue off my fingers by soaking them in acetone for 10 minutes. Just waiting to see what happens next. Hopefully if and when the electrician gets here, it won't be anything major or I'll be without hot water til some time late Monday. Not good....

                      Think it's time for another cuppa.

                      Catch up with youz later. Enjoy the rest of your day!!!!
                      Last edited by stirly-girly; September 28, 2019, 07:28 AM.
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Re: September Army Thread

                        Evening Stirly! oh I don't doubt the boy (as Bridge calls hers!) loves me -- he was my little pet when he was small - like a little shadow... but oh he grew into a bit of a cranky fella... he has an awful lot on his plate - his life IS fierce complicated... but.... anyway - he'll be ok.. I've calmed down now!!!

                        Got the Sunday evening blues just now -- errrr… nope - it ain't Sunday -- just saw the Shout Out! janey mac gorra fright
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: September Army Thread

                          Satz, that place doesn’t deserve you. You have too much talent and experience to be treated so thoughtlessly. I hope you find something else that appeals to you where your strengths are valued.

                          Stirly, the 2 (natural) things that make the difference for me are low sugar intake and supplemental tumeric. I’ve tried other nutritional remedies but didn’t see much effect on my joints.

                          I still do those back exercises each morning, Molly, as a precaution. I hope the man you met heals quickly. As we both know, back pain is just the worst!

                          You guys were talking about B12 recently. You’re right that it is very poorly absorbed and that decreases even more with age. If a person is too low, B12 injections are needed.

                          This autumn is full of visitors and travel for me. I actually prefer my boring life but I’m so grateful not to be sabotaging all of this just so I can get a secret daily fix. It doesn’t even seem like it was me who lived like that - and in many ways, it wasn’t. We are so fortunate. xx, NS


                            Re: September Army Thread

                            Morning campers,
                            The look on the Irish kid's face up there.....he's not feeling it.

                            Yes Stirls I always walk straight into it with Mr G. I'm getting so homebody now that I can't even stand people looking at the next door house. I had all of the curtains pulled so they couldn't peak in. And people do you know. I didn't even want them looking over at my garden. People at open houses even look into people's draws - in furniture that is free-standing and not coming with the property!!! The hide of them!

                            I'm off to a plant market (oh the excitement) Later skaters.
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              Re: September Army Thread

                              Good morning Ladies on what is going to be a gorgeous Sunday here in Stirly world. Sun is up and already warm even tho' the temps are at 21C at the moment - feels cool to me. Going to get to 28. Delightful. Probably going to the beach with younger son and youngest grand. If not will go for coffee with a couple of girlfriends - always have a good yammer and lots of laughs. I'm feeling very grateful and very contented today. Life is good. And no matter what it throws at us, we can face it now that we have don't have AL to sap our strength.

                              Wishing you all a smashing day in every way!!!

                              Shout out to the Army men - Tony, RC, Tabbers to name a few. Where the heck are you? This is not a wimmen only Army guys. Git yer butts back here!!!!
                              Last edited by stirly-girly; September 29, 2019, 12:57 AM.
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                                Re: September Army Thread

                                Up early, have to go out in that manky weather for the weekly long slow run.. passed Molly's, passed satz sil, and on and on...
                                Hope today is a better one stirls!!
                                Back in a bit.. for a moan. Head wrecked as the latest now for a group of friends is a weekend away to get absolutely hammered. Ffs, we already agreed a night out.
                                Onto the b12 thing. Not sure if MrM would be low enough to qualify for injections. Must read back what stirly was saying about absorption the other day..
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

