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International Army October 2020

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    Re: International Army October 2020

    Originally posted by IamMary View Post
    Evening. Thats hard [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], tidying up Bess's things. What a fabulous picture of her.

    Sounds like the holiday was well worth it Satz. I remember you did that course!! I presume you can get out for a walk or fresh air?

    I kept youngest off for a couple of days. Throat was sore, ok now but still has a snotty nose - should I be getting a covid test? Crossed my mind alright, but kept her out of school and symptoms are those for a cold (no temp). SIL tells me that I must.
    Your head would be wrecked with this...
    Nope. Sore throat is not one of the symptoms Mers. I heard a doctor on the other day - don't go running with snotty noses etc. Or you'll be demented.
    Look for the loss of taste - not loss of appetite.
    Dry cough
    Last edited by satz123; October 2, 2020, 04:21 PM.


      Re: International Army October 2020

      Originally posted by brit View Post
      Mr A now been told the devastating news that his life expectancy is limited. We are both crying a lot

      Coping as best I can.

      Going to do the Virtual London marathon on Sunday. Doing it in small chunks in between carers and family support. Wish me luck!
      Ahh Whiizzy, come here a minute :hug

      All the luck in the world to you, doubt you'll need it as you're a legend, :applouse:
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: International Army October 2020

        Originally posted by brit View Post
        Mr A now been told the devastating news that his life expectancy is limited. We are both crying a lot

        Coping as best I can.

        Going to do the Virtual London marathon on Sunday. Doing it in small chunks in between carers and family support. Wish me luck!
        life expectancy is limited.
        What do they mean by that MsA -? I thought that was already said & that you had the palliative team visiting ?

        Good luck with the marathon ....


          Re: International Army October 2020

          Originally posted by satz123 View Post
          Nope. Sore throat is not one of the symptoms Mers. I heard a doctor on the other day - don't go running with snotty noses etc. Or you'll be demented.
          Look for the loss of taste - not loss of appetite.
          Dry cough
          Yep, none of these, just a big snot machine, same as every year with her.
          I'll call the doc in the am. Just in case.

          How is Mr A doing generally [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION]? Sorry to hear that news , although I did think the same as Satz. Best of luck on the marathon - that will be great for the head. Doing the Dublin half, virtually, end of Oct.

          Bridge, I Hope your not still there covering a wall with yellow post-its. Any more word on the work front?

          I think the bubble is a great idea.. My teens would probably tell me they are opting out of our bubble though.. hmm, tricky.

          Word on Trump not good. Every day is like a movie this year...
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Re: International Army October 2020

            Originally posted by IamMary View Post

            Word on Trump not good. Every day is like a movie this year...
            He's gone to hop'sil ( my sister when she was 4)
            How the mighty have fallen .....


              Re: International Army October 2020

              Mr A never properly understood the diagnosis as it is a brain tumour he is vey confused and being such an optimist thought he could have treatment. The full impact of the diagnosis and prognosis has now hit him


                Re: International Army October 2020

                Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                I do hope my time off helps me to get my altitude back in line. Otherwise I don't know what I will do.
                Hey Bridge - :hug: did I miss something. What's wrong? What attitude ?


                  Re: International Army October 2020

                  Originally posted by brit View Post
                  Mr A never properly understood the diagnosis as it is a brain tumour he is vey confused and being such an optimist thought he could have treatment. The full impact of the diagnosis and prognosis has now hit him
                  Oh Jesus - that's so hard MsA :hug::hug:


                    Re: International Army October 2020

                    ok almost 11am
                    MsA is gone orf running virtually
                    I have found myself giving dodgy relationship advice to new people ..... :egad:

                    No-one else here to chat to - so now I have to feckin' go walkies with these other two.... Rosie the dog & MrS the husband.....

                    ps [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION] has the puppy arrived yet ? What is it's ETA ?

                    Later gaters :horse:
                    Last edited by satz123; October 3, 2020, 04:46 AM.


                      Re: International Army October 2020

                      Really should set my alarm as by the time I've found my ear-trumpets, taken painkillers for my bad back and put my teeth in its nearly bedtime again.

                      [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] was good advice.

                      Many thousands of our prescious little people have arrived at Uni and gone straight into isolation. Makes me wonder if rather than a bunch of 'educated' politicians would it be better replaced by a bunch of people of the street who actaully have this thing called common sense.
                      Boris couldn't fathom out there was a place called the North................yes there's millions of us live up North while babbling on about the rule of 6............its 2 in this mysterious land callled the North..................its the bit between the South and Scotland.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: International Army October 2020

                        Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

                        Many thousands of our prescious little people have arrived at Uni and gone straight into isolation. Makes me wonder if rather than a bunch of 'educated' politicians would it be better replaced by a bunch of people of the street who actaully have this thing called common sense.
                        Boris couldn't fathom out there was a place called the North................yes there's millions of us live up North while babbling on about the rule of 6............its 2 in this mysterious land callled the North..................its the bit between the South and Scotland.
                        'Fraid that didn't happen here. Now with unis open & literally thousands congregating in major cities drinking who will save us :egad: They just haven't got the message here.
                        Does not surprise me. From the outset I said the message to the young folk was wrong. We told them they wouldn't get COVID-19 & if they did it was going to be mild.
                        Telling them all they had to worry about was infecting older people - didn't work. Our government couldn't fathom that At age 17 they just want to meet other 17 year olds.
                        They will take the chance that they may not see granny for a few months.
                        Selfish little buggers - need to be given the big picture.
                        Last edited by satz123; October 3, 2020, 11:50 AM.


                          Re: International Army October 2020

                          I am self-isolating - I think it's saturday - I'm bored.
                          WTF is everyone?

                          Time to re-invent ourselves I think.
                          We need to talk more about alcohol & how the lack of it has affected us. There is no value in me here talking to myself. People read but don't comment. Why ?
                          Perhaps if you have a hangover from hell & the only thing that will cure it is another drink - do I want to listen to me talk about fecking eejits in Dublin drinking ? NO.
                          I know I'm not the only one who talks to themselves on here each day but really what is the point in me waffling on about stuff that is of no interest to anyone who doesn't know me and is battling to get & stay sober.

                          Discuss ..........


                            Re: International Army October 2020

                            Hey Army!!

                            [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION] - thinking of you and Mr. A. So very difficult for both of you. I don't know what to say. Wishing you luck with your virtual marathon although I'm not sure exactly what that is. I heard that the Athens Marathon is cancelled this year and I thought of you. How nice if you could come and visit me one year at the time of the Marathon. The runners go by on the route not 50 metres from my place. Again, sending you :hug:

                            Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                            I am self-isolating - I think it's saturday - I'm bored.
                            WTF is everyone?

                            Time to re-invent ourselves I think.
                            We need to talk more about alcohol & how the lack of it has affected us. There is no value in me here talking to myself. People read but don't comment. Why ?
                            Perhaps if you have a hangover from hell & the only thing that will cure it is another drink - do I want to listen to me talk about fecking eejits in Dublin drinking ? NO.
                            I know I'm not the only one who talks to themselves on here each day but really what is the point in me waffling on about stuff that is of no interest to anyone who doesn't know me and is battling to get & stay sober.

                            Discuss ..........
                            I agree 100% Satz and that's one of the reasons that I don't post every day. Just don't always have something to say that I think might be of interest and/or help to someone. Not that I don't like to read about everyone's daily issues, I just don't think I have a lot to offer some days.

                            I think one of the reasons there is a lack of discussion about AL is because there are so few Newbies (from what I've seen, anyway) and most of them end up, naturally, in the Newbies Nest. Of course, loads of support and excellent advice there but it would be nice if some or even one of them dropped by here once in a while. After all, we've all talked the talk and walked the walk. Lord knows we have lots of advice and support to offer as well. I do wonder tho' if the fact that most of the Army is AF and has been for a good long while is something that puts people off. Maybe they are timid about dropping in to a bunch of old-bies. So I just want to say this....

                            We in the Army don't care if you are one day sober or 10000 or if you are drinking and want to stop or if you are sober but struggling. We are all in this together. We've been where you are. So many day one's, so many relapses, so many stops and starts. But at some moment, the penny dropped and we chose to live a sober life. If that's what you want, then pull up a chair and join us. Ask us anything, tell us if you're struggling, maybe just one little crumb of advice from one of us will be what it takes. We don't as a whole support any one way of getting sober. We all got sober in different ways, literally. Some went to detox, some went to AA besides MWO, some had home detox, some just managed it on their own. Others had support from family members, others not. Others had counselors and/or medical support, others not. The thing we all have in common is that we had a problem with alcohol and we ended up at MWO to try and find our way out of the black hole that is alcohol addiction or abuse. We wanted to be free from that, we wanted to find ourselves again and live the life we are supposed to live, not chained to a bottle. So to anyone lurking who wants support and advice, come and join us. We talk about our everyday lives, problems, issues, happy moments and sad. But we also know a lot about AL and would be more than happy to talk about that.

                            Satzy - if the advice given to teens in Ireland was that they could breeze right through this whole Covid thing, then it was defo wrong. And I don't know many teens who, when invited to a party, or a get together or whatever with the chance to party it up, hit on some cute girl/guy and let loose, are gonna think maybe they shouldn't because they might carry germs home to dear old Granny. Nope, never ever.

                            Weather gorgeous - having a summer-like weekend. 10 pm and 23C. Maybe hit the beach tomorrow. Spent time inside today cleaning and then got another painting finished. "Cat and Cardinal" It's for my sister. They have a grey tabby cat with a white tip on her tail and there's this bright red cardinal that winters in one of their trees.

                            CAT AND CARDINAL.jpg

                            Am off for a wee walk and then to bed.

                            Hopefully catch up with youz tomorrowz...
                            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                              Re: International Army October 2020

                              Thanks Stirls.
                              Over & out ........


                                Re: International Army October 2020

                                Where the hell is [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION], huh? Well, back to the sock sorting. See you next month!
                                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

