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Army August 2021

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    Re: Army August 2021

    Morning and waves to the underooos,
    [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]...............I've only had sciatica for a month or two. I was about 7/8 months pregnant with the S&H.....he was leaning on the nerve.......I was advised to get onto all fours and rock backward and worked.:egad: The only problem was Jenny being 18 months old at the time thought I was playing at being a horse and used to climb on my back to play horsey...........I'm in agony and she's going giddy-up.

    [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION].............definitely want more horror stories about your SIL. I quite like mine but that's prolly because we don't see a lot of her. It must have been hard for your lad..............tiny warning he may just go on a celebratory bender.

    Mikey has found a plant in the garden where the bees congregate and when he catches one he eats it. I had visions of being blue lighted to the vets but its doing him no harm. He's gone for a sulk in the back bedroom as I caught him at it again this morning.

    Now I must go and lean out of our bedroom window to have a good old nosy at No1. It was sold after the owner died and they've had more skips and heavy duty diggers than when they built the tunnel between us and France.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: Army August 2021

      they've had more skips and heavy duty diggers than when they built the tunnel between us and France.
      ohhhhhh skip porn .......... :sohappy:

      Jacks I thought the same about YS but nothing so far. Stayed sober since last Thursday & holding on to the job :egad:


        Re: Army August 2021

        Hello Army friends. Happy to hear about the wonderful wedding [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]. Just a quick update on the symptoms Mrs Techie and moi are experiencing. We saw an ENT doctor on Tuesday. He told us he is seeing a lot of patients with the same as us. He encouraged us to get another Covid test which we did yesterday. He called the lethargy and cognition issues, “COVID Brain!” The only good thing is the realization that we are not hypochondriacs, and that the medical establishment are beginning to document these disturbing patient claims. Is it Covid or something in the vaccine, only time will tell. BTW, I have dropped out of the Malibu Triathlon. Between my decreasing energy and debilitating back pain since vaccination, it was the prudent thing to do. Thank you Bridget for the video link. Best of luck finding a home Molly. I hope you get some relief soon, Mary. Much love to you all. Now I need to get back to the serious work of feeling sorry fir myself. Just kidding. Blessings x
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Re: Army August 2021

          [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION].............I'm so sorry you and Mrs T have been in the wars. The daughter from next door is a surgeon who was working on the covid intensive care ward and yes she caught it. She's in her 16th-week post covid and just starting to feel 'human'. Her doctor has advised just a gentle swim every day and rest and then some more rest. Then there's our window cleaner had it felt lousy for a week and is fine now. Seems it's affecting each of us in a different way.
          Depressing to say but this is going to be a long haul until we get to the bottom of this.
          Last thing we want is our Techie and his Mrs going through this. Sending healing vibes to you both.:hug:

          [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]..........I'm afraid no skip porn today. They must have finished ripping the inside out but interesting things are going that look like a huge extension on the back of the house has been started.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Re: Army August 2021

            The daughter from next door is a surgeon who was working on the covid intensive care ward and yes she caught it. She's in her 16th-week post covid and just starting to feel 'human'. Her doctor has advised just a gentle swim every day and rest and then some more rest. Then there's our window cleaner had it felt lousy for a week and is fine now. Seems it's affecting each of us in a different way.
            Reading up on this.
            With Covid I think it's the extent of the virus load you take on that decides how sick you'll get and how infectious you'll be to others.
            Working in healthcare your neighbour is bound to take on a much higher virus load.

            Also kids under 12 are so physically small that the amount of virus they take on is so small they are usually not infectious.
            So does that mean 'larger' folk get sicker ?
            Now that I think of it - they did say that originally :egad:


              Re: Army August 2021

              You know, because I'm trying to quit A, I can't stop thinking about it, all day. Then I came on here, read the 4 pages and you all got my mind off of it. Thank you!!! To Saltz - I don't know, but when I'm watching someone else make a fool of themselves with A, I'm just so thankful it isn't me. I'm also spoiled with having a wonderful sister in law (who btw will be sober for 29 years this month). The other one, I just avoid, but you can't really do that at a wedding. So bravo to you for your strength.


                Re: Army August 2021

                Morning and waves to the underooos and those across the pond,
                [MENTION=4918]Leanwolf[/MENTION].........a big welcome to you. Glad you found us. I've also seen you in the Newbies nest................think most of us started there then branched out. Life does change when we stop drinking and changes for the better. We still have the ups and we still have the downs and alcohol has never made either better.

                [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]..............the smaller people ie: children may not get the virus but they can carry it. I hope you mean by larger people you mean adults, not people like me who have put on so much weight after working my way through the sweets aisle in the supermarkets.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: Army August 2021

                  Hello friends. Our tests came back negative. Now our doctor wants us to have antibody testing. He says our lethargy is called, get this, “COVID Brain.” I’m sick of the whole damn thing. All of it. Thankfully I have this place to escape to and vent a bit. Love you all!
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    Re: Army August 2021

                    Originally posted by techie View Post
                    Hello friends. Our tests came back negative. Now our doctor wants us to have antibody testing. He says our lethargy is called, get this, “COVID Brain.” I’m sick of the whole damn thing. All of it. Thankfully I have this place to escape to and vent a bit. Love you all!
                    Evening everyone. Vent away Techie, very frustrating when you are not getting definitive answers. This is all so new and medics like the rest of us are learning as they go along.

                    Welcome Leanwolf. Glad we have been a distraction. Keep on checking in and if you feel comfortable tell us a bit about yourself.

                    Working week over. Another full one next week and then back to my normal 2 day week, can’t wait. Have a good weekend everyone.


                      Re: Army August 2021

                      Hi Army..and welcome Leanwolf...settle in and as Rusters said if you're comfortable with it let us all know something about you...just broad strokes...male\female? Old or young ? I'm Molly ..female and feeling very old:happy2: you're in the right place xx
                      Last edited by mollyka; August 6, 2021, 02:26 PM.
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Re: Army August 2021

                        Hola Leanwolf. I apologize for missing your post earlier. As Molly mentioned, tells us a bit more about you.? I noticed you have a join day of January 2008!? Anyway welcome. Best of luck as you navigate the boards and find
                        a niche. Lots of help here.
                        Last edited by techie; August 6, 2021, 04:01 PM.
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Re: Army August 2021

                          Welcome [MENTION=4918]Leanwolf[/MENTION], hope to see you back soon for a natter. We have all been there, Al thoughts all day long - the good news - it doesn't last :happy2:
                          [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION], delighted to hear YS stayed sober and is doing well. I know youve been here before, but still, weddings are tricky. How 'passing' were your drinking thoughts?

                          Thanks for the back sympathy, I should not complain when you are going through the wars [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION]. Pity about the race, but there will be others.
                          Off to do my horsey pose, thanks [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]!

                          Son is a close contact, Covid test centre in the morning
                          Last edited by IamMary; August 6, 2021, 06:19 PM.
                          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                            Re: Army August 2021

                            Morning and waves to the underooos and those across the pond,
                            [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] advice may only work if you're 8 months pregnant but I doubt you'd go through that again.
                            Jenny's just had to isolate for 10 days as one of her pupils had covid, Mr. JC's boss has had to do the same as her cleaner caught it.

                            Mikey wasn't well last night..............he kept having to rush into the garden. I'm sure its got something to do with eating bees. He lingers around one bush we've got and he just grabs them.
                            [MENTION=4918]Leanwolf[/MENTION]...........Mikey is a dog. We haven't had him long and re-homed him from Romania. I'd hate you to think he was one of my children.

                            I shall be back in my back bedroom home for 4 days as the painter and decorator starts a week on Monday..............the end is in sight.

                            [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION].............I don't know if its just over there but if we meet anyone the main topic is Covid. I can understand the lethargy I'm tired beyond tired of it. Its never-ending the chatter.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: Army August 2021

                              Good morning JC and all to come.

                              Think we are all sick and tired of covid. Hope your son ok Mary. Numbers here are going up again. Someone at work has it, he did not come in but did not get a test for 4 days and his girlfriend did come to work! EHS officer wasn’t a happy camper.

                              Delighted you are coming to an end of the decorating JC. Ours nearly needs to be done again. Can’t even think about it.

                              Lashed rain last night and looked very black this morning so I had an early walk by the river. Really enjoyed it. Now have a weeks cleaning to do.


                                Re: Army August 2021

                                Good morning everyone. Same here, JC, Covid is the first thing generally discussed. However, here where I live you can add wildfire, drought, climate change & illegal immigration to the mix. Speaking of the wildfires, The Dixie fire is in my neck of the woods. It is now the largest single fire in California history. Our air quality index was a 348 yesterday with is extremely dangerous. On the upside you could hang salmon from a clothesline for a stress free dinner. If this trend continues, I suspect most of Norther California’s history will have succumbed to wildfire.

                                I have no regrets about dropping out of the triathlon as no sane person would train in these current conditions. I suspect it will be rescheduled due to Delta & Delta plus. We have not received our antibody test results. Most likely on Monday. Mrs Techie has a college classmate who just died of Covid. They were not extremely close but it troubles her nonetheless. The service is family members only. All we can do is send them light.
                                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

