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Happy Army July 2.0

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    Happy Army July 2.0

    Well, this is worth a try to see if the same issues persist. Blessings x
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

    Re: Happy Army July 2.0

    Seems like a good start.. your thread and your post were visible to me straight away...hopefully to everybody!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: Happy Army July 2.0

      Originally posted by mollyka View Post
      Seems like a good start.. your thread and your post were visible to me straight away...hopefully to everybody!
      Thanks Techie. Not sure when all this started, think it could be going back to June. It has improved and hopefully the new thread will make a difference. Hope you ok Molly?


        Re: Happy Army July 2.0

        Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
        Thanks Techie. Not sure when all this started, think it could be going back to June. It has improved and hopefully the new thread will make a difference. Hope you ok Molly?
        Thanks Rusters...I'm okay...just worried about Joe...he's very alone without Max and that worries me...he has no interest in the usual retired men things like golf etc.....he loved his walks but everything was with Max....don't think he'll feel like doing the same things without him....maybe I'm catastrophising...but he's very vulnerable since he was sick.
        Anyway we'll see...I'm open to changing up almost anything if it makes him happy.
        Going to bed now in my wonderful own bed....omg I missed home comforts!!!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: Happy Army July 2.0

          Hi all, thanks for trying this Techie, its been such a pain. Seeing someone has posted but not able to read, my own posts missing etc.

          Molls, my heart breaks for you, Joe and Max. Such an awful situation. I too have had dogs that are unpredictable and although we have never had to say goodbye, the possibility has been there. I can totally understand the devastation that Joe feels and subsequent grief. Would he accept any counselling to help him at all? The old adage of time being a great healer is true but useless when you are both so traumatised. I am desperately sorry and if you want to talk I'm here.

          In other news, we are still waiting for 2 appointments for Mr S. The worry is horrible. They need to get sorted and the thought that the consultants are on strike over a pay deal when they earn over 100k per year is really pssing me off. I guess I dont know the whole story but peoples lives are being lost through this and its simply wrong.

          Anyway, on a more pleasant subject I am meeting some old friends for lunch today and next week, Chill and I have our spa hotel experience so not all doom and gloom.

          Off for a walk now


            Re: Happy Army July 2.0

            Originally posted by starty View Post
            Hi all, thanks for trying this Techie, its been such a pain. Seeing someone has posted but not able to read, my own posts missing etc.

            Molls, my heart breaks for you, Joe and Max. Such an awful situation. I too have had dogs that are unpredictable and although we have never had to say goodbye, the possibility has been there. I can totally understand the devastation that Joe feels and subsequent grief. Would he accept any counselling to help him at all? The old adage of time being a great healer is true but useless when you are both so traumatised. I am desperately sorry and if you want to talk I'm here.

            In other news, we are still waiting for 2 appointments for Mr S. The worry is horrible. They need to get sorted and the thought that the consultants are on strike over a pay deal when they earn over 100k per year is really pssing me off. I guess I dont know the whole story but peoples lives are being lost through this and its simply wrong.

            Anyway, on a more pleasant subject I am meeting some old friends for lunch today and next week, Chill and I have our spa hotel experience so not all doom and gloom.

            Off for a walk now
            Thanks Starty....and when I read about MrS's situation I realise in my insular little world that there are so many big sadness's and worries out there....I think it's appalling that a group of rich 'hey-ho's' can jeapordize people's lives and cause so much worry and grief....they should be sorting out covid queues and ...ah yeah ...I'm sure there's 2 sides to their stories but feck me....what they earn isn't everything surely?!

            We thought long and hard about how we could manage Max but the vet and his (extremely reputable) breeder said at his age and his problems there was not a likely all...and he had become dangerous....he would probably have ended up constantly restrained and muzzled life for a lovely lively dog....
            Don't know why I'm excusing us...we tried everything....just ...that was it really....doesn't make it easier for Joe....can't see him agreeing to counselling ...think he thinks I'm his counsellor !!

            Delighted you've some things to look forward to...think I need to organise a few things too....great idea!

            Oh my bed is SO comfortable!!!! Glad to be home to comfort
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: Happy Army July 2.0


              Oh Molly, my heart breaks for you. Don’t know why I presumed that he had eaten something again. Truly horrible situation, no wonder Joe is in bits and yes they do consider us their counsellors. Hope you had a good sleep in your own bed. Sorry about what you are going through too Starty. Hopefully he will soon get seen and enjoy your break away.

              Nothing much going on here. Going to spend some time in the garden if the rain holds off.


                Re: Happy Army July 2.0

                Hi, Army

                This 2.0 thread seems to be working better from here, too. I wonder if it matters from where the thread is initiated? That sounds crazy but it is the only difference I can think of in Techie vs one of you overseas starting it.

                I'm so sorry about your loss of Max, Molly, and especially what it did to Joe. It is so hard even when you know you made the right decision :hug:.

                And you, Starty, being stuck in that waiting, in-between state is so stressful. It doesn't seem fair when someone's health is at stake.

                I hope you are able to keep this thread going. I care about and would miss all of you. xx, NS


                  Re: Happy Army July 2.0

                  Originally posted by rustop59 View Post

                  Oh Molly, my heart breaks for you. Don’t know why I presumed that he had eaten something again. Truly horrible situation, no wonder Joe is in bits and yes they do consider us their counsellors. Hope you had a good sleep in your own bed. Sorry about what you are going through too Starty. Hopefully he will soon get seen and enjoy your break away.

                  Nothing much going on here. Going to spend some time in the garden if the rain holds off.
                  Thanks Rusters...never thought of that...but maybe it is much worse because we had to make that decision rather than letting a loved dog lead a long happy life and dying 'naturally'....cos it really feels awful....but yes...we tried everything and everybody and we know there was no choice ...poor wee fella.
                  Got a start on the garden myself today Rusters...a month of absence in June/July has fairly catastrophic results!!!
                  Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                  Hi, Army

                  This 2.0 thread seems to be working better from here, too. I wonder if it matters from where the thread is initiated? That sounds crazy but it is the only difference I can think of in Techie vs one of you overseas starting it.

                  I'm so sorry about your loss of Max, Molly, and especially what it did to Joe. It is so hard even when you know you made the right decision :hug:.

                  And you, Starty, being stuck in that waiting, in-between state is so stressful. It doesn't seem fair when someone's health is at stake.

                  I hope you are able to keep this thread going. I care about and would miss all of you. xx, NS
                  It would be nice to keep it going...maybe with less pressure and expectation tho? if someone doesn't feel like posting for a while just leave them off and they'll be back sort of thing? There is fair longevity as regards sobriety now so realistically it's less likely someone has relapsed than just needing a break or nothing to say....?
                  Have to say there is little worse than having a health issue/worry unresolved heart goes out to both Starty and Mary and their fella's ....sending hugs.

                  Now....just got the whole shebang of the wedding photos so shall spend a nice couple of hours condemning my face and admiring the youth of the family!!!

                  Laters xxxx
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: Happy Army July 2.0

                    Hi all. Happy to hear this is working but let’s see over the next few days. I hope Satz and Mary post as that will be a good stress test., Have a beauty x
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      Re: Happy Army July 2.0

                      Good evening Army Mk II. Reading back, as I only pop in rarely these days, I?m not sure if this acceptable or it seems like I only come here when the mood takes me and appears selfish. I suppose the truth of the matter is, as pointed out here recently, that things change and as sobriety becomes the norm for us and as time distances us from the horrors of the self damage we were inflicting we see things through different eyes and begin to perhaps have a different take on this. Not necessarily complacency but our new sober lives feeling fitting us like a glove I suppose it is only natural to drift from daily posting on a self help site where very few new people ever come looking for help. So it?s original purpose for us is some what diluted, if you will, by time. In my opinion it is a different world now for anyone who starts to question their relationship with alcohol than it was say ten years ago when I was at the height of my addiction and desperate for help. Then I t was either a 12 step program or a limited number of self help sites like MWO as well as a few people with site online claiming to have a silver bullet. Nowadays there are so many al self help groups on all the social media sites as well as sites like this. There are sober social events organised, especially in the UK.And my how attitudes have changed and are changing still. It?s ok to talk about grey area drinking and generally acceptable to say I don?t drink, and not before time. People are being to be educated about the dangers of alcohol/ethanol and there is an increasing acceptance that it doesn?t have to be a black and white issue, am I an alcoholic or not? No it is a question that people are increasingly asking themselves is alcohol impacting my life in a negative way and if so do I need to take action. Dare I say the stigma is decreasing in the average persons mind, and the ones that have a lot to say about people deciding not to drink are the ones who don?t like the light to be shined on their own relationship with this poison? This decline in people not getting far enough down the road to be abusing al is a trend that will continue in my opinion. As an indicator just look at the rise in the amount of money being spent by huge drink companies on non al drinks being advertised, they are obviously selling and this is completely a result of changing attitudes and lifestyle choices, at the end of the day it?s all about profits. So I for one will forever be grateful for MWO and you guys, present and past for there is no way I would be heading toward three years sober knowing in my very soul that I will never drink again without you and this site. Whether MWO has been diluted by time and so many more choices for people or not is debatable, but it is just my take on it.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Re: Happy Army July 2.0

                        Ok, I can see that Satz posted last yesterday but the post isnt here ffs


                          Re: Happy Army July 2.0

                          OK I can now see Tabbers and Satz post from last night plus another from Satz this morning. That tells me that Satz post this morning "released" the posts from last night. Think we can say that the issue isnt fixed.

                          Perhaps we just need to accept that along with the fact that people dont necessarily post regularly as we are not in the same position that we were years ago but its still lovely to keep in touch. People from the old days do pop in eg Mr G, NS, Tabbers, Kuya etc. Just not as regularly before which is sad but understandable.

                          Tabbers is right about the changing face of sobriety and forums etc. For example you may remember Cymru from years ago, he is heavily involved in a sober group on Facebook. He is sober coming up for 3 years too and is doing brilliantly despite health challenges. My point is that there are different groups to affiliate with which might put forums like these in a historic waste bin.


                            Re: Happy Army July 2.0

                            Originally posted by satz123
                            So I'm wondering now if the posts are't posted immediately but maybe in batches ? Or at certain times ?
                            Afternoon all

                            Something is out of sync. I could see that Satz had posted but like Starty could not see the post until this afternoon. Wonder if the time difference is a factor?


                              Re: Happy Army July 2.0

                              Well... maybe this thread isn't working because I've never awakened to NO posts from you all. The last one I see is from rustop, almost 24 hours ago!!

