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Hiding alchohol

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    Hiding alchohol

    As far as pathetic goes Tammie, we all are pathetic for the lengths we would go to inorder to hide liquor. This was a great idea for a thread Nina. I bet you never this would be so funny. Getting to the point we can laugh at ourselves has to be a step in the right direction!



      Hiding alchohol


      I thought there was something wrong with my Chat.
      I couldn't see anybody.

      Tammie, it really sounds like you're having alcohol withdrawals.
      I found the "Calms forte" and Valerian to be helpful in calming the nerves. I took alot the first several days.
      Try to stay away from caffeine for now or limit it.

      Good luck.



        Hiding alchohol

        Hi, sad but true. I have done most of them and then some. Behind my TV table in bedroom was the handiest. That was the first thing I promised that I wouldn't do anymore and I try very hard to stick to it.

        My daughters have said they won't comment on my drinking as long as I don't drink and drive or try to hide it. So I know I am very lucky. Last night and tonight I have only had two glasses of wine each night. I am heading off to bed now and feeling pretty good.

        I think all of you are great and I am really glad that you are here and hope that in your own way at least for tonight you are doing well.



          Hiding alchohol


          My goal is abstinence.
          My liver needs a long rest.

          I'll be honest. I have the CD's. I only listened once.
          I had the worst nightmare after listening that night.

          I know I was simply working through some inner conflict.

          I'd tried to load the CD's into my Palm MP3 player without success.

          Unfortunately, I don't know any 5 year olds to show me how to do it ( :
          I promised myself I'll figure it out or call Tech Support.


          No way - the dog kennel? I wonder what the dog thought?



            Hiding alchohol

            My husband was at the point too where he said it didn't matter if I drank, just don't hide it. I just couldn't bring myself to leave how much I drank out in the open for him to see.

            I noticed this is the first time you've signed your name, welcome again! Sounds like you are doing a little better. I'm glad to hear it! Keep up the good work!



              Hiding alchohol

              Re: Hiding Alcohol

              When I was a kid and we used to vacation in Canada and my parents didn't want to pay duty on booze they bought, they would hide the liquor in DIRTY DIAPER PAILS in case we were stopped by customs at the border. I guess they figured the customs officials wouldn't want to go through dirty diapers. This was in the days of cloth diapers. So I had good teachers. So some of my hiding places - clothes hampers, the washer and dryer, the dishwasher which I never use, but I'm still getting a huge chuckle out of the snow and the tampon box....



                Hiding alchohol

                hidin' it

                Hi ya'll! Happy New YR & all that... Ever hid Vodka in a "pump" hair spray bottle ? It's perfect, smells like alcohol to start w/ & doesn't spill! Perfect the traveling type or the woman on the go! Actually, haven't done vodka in a long time...My Moma would be proud!(not to mention my Hubby)...Sometimes I've gotten so creative w/ my hiding ability, I'll catch myself off guard and find a can of beer hidin in strangest places! I kayak a lot in the summer, living next to the river, makes it pretty easy to stash a 12 pk here and there along the bank of (river accesable only, usually near a nice shady little side stream-built in cooler. Now that it's Jan., it's probably a few 12 oz. deeper out in the Pacific thanks to me! Guess if our house floods, ...Karma? LOL jude


                  Hiding alchohol

                  re: hidin' it

                  Wow, that is clever! (the hairspray bottle). I too would find my treasures hidden in the medicine cabinet, the china cabinet, and once I was cooking and saw a green cup up high blocking what I needed. I grabbed it and out spilled wine all over me in front of my husband!! No recollection of how it got there!! Good to here from you again st jude. Gina


                    Hiding alchohol

                    hidin it

                    Good morning gina, Good to here from you too. I'm so thankful the holidays are over! Bah Humbug! I have a lot of family here (pretty much the whole *#@* county...) and a lot of quite thirsty ones at that. Don't get me wrong I'm very thankful of my loved ones, I know a lot of people who don't have that. But during the holidays, or any get togethers, I always feel so torn. Should I "behave" like I know my Mom & brother would like, (make em proud!), or just say Hell w/it & drink a beer or 2... & be Daddy's little girl. Or there's always the option I usually go for (trying to please everyone--myself included), of hiding some Mike's Lemonade, or white "whine " or whatever's handy in a 7up bottle... , then there's always the refrig. in the guest bath., that's always well stocked (@ Mom & Dad's), as well as the liquor storage cabinet- also conviently in the same room... Well of course you always turn on the fan & lock the door when you go in that room! Somehow I seem to have to pee a lot @ my folk's house...Whoda' thunk? I'm sure I don't fool anyone but it's always worth a try...LOL. The things we learn "growing up"!! peace & prayers... Judie Good day to start out fresh...again.


                      Hiding alchohol

                      Re: hidin it

                      I know its not that original, but can you say, "travel mugs"?


                        Hiding alchohol

                        crumpled cans and find the bottles

                        since i only drank when my husband wasn't home, i'd keep my beer sanely in the fridge. a few times i didn't finish it all (oh my! miracles!) and so i'd hide the rest in the back of my tiny closet on the floor in a large purse, or buried in my sweater chest. truth be told, sometimes i'd put empties there, too. empties were the tough part for me. i'd crush the cans and put them in the bottom of the garbage, or i'd tuck the bottles under some mess in the garage. and, sneaky woman that i am, i was the diligent one who went to the dump every saturday. he'd never know how much i drank... unless, of course he knew...

                        a couple of you made remarks to the effect of: "who was i kidding?" indeed! my husband doesn't smell very well, but neither is he a fool. someday (SOon?) i'll have the courage to get it all out in the open. how much will be a surprise? will it be worth the hurt he might feel? here's to the possibility that i'll be so happily and strongly free of that noose that we'll both be able to laugh together the way we are here on this thread.

                        oh yeah, and i also watered down his vodka. water!! he asked me if i thought he wouldn't know. well, i guess i wasn't thinking...


                          Hiding alchohol


                          Very embarrassing moment....

                          I tried to hide cans in the garbage, one week I got a little carrried away and there was at least a 12 pack of cans in one bag. We have recycling here, so cans and bottles, etc. must be seperated from regular trash. Well the garbage men saw all the cans in the garbage bag and left the bag sitting on the curb with cans falling out of it. Not only did my husband see how many cans were in there, all my neighbors knew as well.



                            Hiding alchohol

                            Re: Empties

                            I am always embarrassed by how many wine bottles are in our recycleables by the curb every Monday morning. Usually the trash guys come really early but sometimes they don't if we've had snow, etc. I think of all these people walking their dogs by my bins. Ouch! At least I don't have to hide them from my husband (he's a trooper). Hopefully since I Monday will be day 5, next Monday there won't be any wine bottles!



                              Hiding alchohol

                              Re: Empties

                              OK. Now I have something to add. While I haven't hiden alchohol, I have rearranged the recycle bin to make sure that all of the beer and wine bottles were on the bottom of the bin so that my neighbors couldn't see. I hated going out every night before trash pick-up and putting the milk and juice containers on top. I hated it mainly because there were never enough of the other things to cover all of the booze bottles!



                                Hiding alchohol

                                sounds so familiar

                                God, Been there, done that! I've sometimes driven around and put some of them in other people's recycling bins late at night! I'll bet those people didn't even KNOW they had a drinking problem. It's amazing how much denial those alcoholic have, isn't it? :rollin

