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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Windy, the wetter the batter the better the bread? Glad I'm not drinking I coulda never said that!!! Your post had me spewing out my diet coke!! So funny. Did I tell you how proud I am of you??? You make this look easy! I can't wait to play with my new books!!
    MindPeace to all tonight...don't give in no matter what! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Hi guys,
      Found this evening particularly difficult, I'm not sure why, its not that I want to drink tonight but feeling a little down about facing future parties etc without AL. I was chatting to my bro earlier and he doesn't mess around, tells you what you do/don't to hear. I was telling him how I'm still off AL but maybe I will moderate in the future. He told me that moderating has worked before and I was kidding myself. I felt annoyed, even though he is right. Anyway I just feel a bit sad but I know it will pass xxx


        Newbies Nest

        Hi all,
        Sorry but I have not had time to read back....hopefully I will tonight....been busy busy busy as normal, but like I keep telling myself, it keeps me out of trouble AL wise as even if I wanted a drink I have no time to get
        Things here are great, I still cant get over how good it is to wake up with a cear head and start organising the day ahead.
        Now peeps....I need your help.....I need a theme for my weekend thread, the pool party was a great success but I dont know if you all fancy going to the same party two weeks in a row so any idea's would be great.......maybe a sporting theme (thought it might give the fella's a chance to show
        Well I will be back tonight to see your idea's
        Hope you all have a lovely day/night
        Stay strong xxxx
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Mrsg-I feel for ya. I was feeling like that a little yesterday afternoon...about facing the upcoming holidays without wine. Afterall, my entire family will be drinking. BUT, then I came on here and did a lot of reading and also got a sneak peek of the Jason Vale book. Also read some other health books and it really made my mind up that I would rather just give it all up then torment myself on just seems like modding (I am speaking for myself for those of you out there who are modding successfully) takes up a lot of energy and the risk for slipping back is too great. So, I felt better just making that decision and today I have been on cloud 9. Like a big relief. I hope you feel better about things soon my friend. Good luck!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            Newbies Nest

            That sounds good about for an upcoming weekend party a short cruise? We could leave from Florida and just cruise over to the Bahamas and have a fun time in the sun. Will want some warmer weather soon as I know it's not gonna last up here! That's my 2 cents. What kind of sporting event are we talkin' about?
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Newbies Nest

              If you want to do a sport related party how about an af tailgate party?
              We could all bring fun af drinks and yummy snacks? Oh yeah I'm all about the food!

              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                Ronnie...I'll bring the bread!!! Count me in!
                MrsG...with all the good things that being AF brings, I often found myself being DOWN...I understand normal ups and downs..but this was just a feeling that I couldn't quite put my finger on. I know I am better off sober, (no comparison)..I know my health is 100% better, my skin looks better, I've lost weight...blah, blah , blah...I finally put my finger on the emotion. It's SELF PITY. Why am I the only one that can't drink? Why can't I have that glass of wine with my Thanksgiving like everyone else...why this, why that?? I finally came to the conclusion, that it is what it is. I do not have a normal relationship with AL and cannot be trusted to drink it under any circumstances. That's just the way it is. Once I was able to accept this...the pity parties became fewer and farther between. Do I get down once in a while when someone asks me to come over and have a wine? Sure, but I do not dwell on it. There are plenty of other people out there that would be so grateful to have 2 hands or 2 arms...or people who wish they didn't have cancer. Those are things you can't do anything about. This, you can. Try not to dwell in the bad doesn't do anyone any good. Be GRATEFUL for the many things you DO have that no one else does...You will be amazed at how this little turn of your thinking can help. When brand new folks come into the nest, I advise them to get control of your mind. When the thoughts of self pity come in, say, NO, HELL NO! I will not be sorry for myself! There is too much living to be done. The rabbit hole story is MINE!! I should patent it, because I have lived in that hole for 20+ years. You have control of your get them onto bigger and better things. Think of the Pledge of Allegience...or Recite a poem...try to remember the 7 deadly sins or the 11 cranial nerves...whatever it takes. Control your thinking...put yourself on a task, such as finding the worlds best cookie. Do not fret over the things that are beyond your control...embrace all the things that are!! These thoughts will become less and less over some time..until they are just a fleet...and you can dismiss them easily. Hope that helps...Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi all; getting ready for bed here and no drink in the house. BUT even though I don't want a drink right now I have been thinking 'sure I could just drink on Fridays', maybe 'one day a month', 'just buy one bottle and drink it when the kids go to bed'. I KNOW it's drinking-thinking. I have been feeling great and diligent. I know I look fit and well right now and don't want anything to hamper my plans. I also know that because I am doing so well that is what tricks us into thinking 'sure look, you have control', 'you've done so many days AF'.
                  I'm not worrying about taking a drink right now; I'm heading to bed, but I thought I would just put it out there.......
                  Everyone is doing great right now - well done! Probably be away most of tomorrow as I am leaving my car in to get fixed up then maybe a bit of Christmas shopping.
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Byrdie, cross-posted. Isn't that amazing - it's like you replied to my post while I was still writing it. That's me told!!! Thanks for putting things in perspective. Again!!!!! Nightie Night.
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      Newbies Nest

                      ronnie;1206056 wrote: Hi all,
                      Sorry but I have not had time to read back....hopefully I will tonight....been busy busy busy as normal, but like I keep telling myself, it keeps me out of trouble AL wise as even if I wanted a drink I have no time to get
                      Things here are great, I still cant get over how good it is to wake up with a cear head and start organising the day ahead.
                      Now peeps....I need your help.....I need a theme for my weekend thread, the pool party was a great success but I dont know if you all fancy going to the same party two weeks in a row so any idea's would be great.......maybe a sporting theme (thought it might give the fella's a chance to show
                      Well I will be back tonight to see your idea's
                      Hope you all have a lovely day/night
                      Stay strong xxxx
                      cricket and a barbecue?:H


                        Newbies Nest

                        How do you play cricket?
                        "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello


                          Newbies Nest

                          Goodnight nesters...lav must be working her tail off!

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            Actually Lav was babysitting tonight :H
                            Did do a lot this afternoon though

                            What a huge turnout in the nest today!!!!!

                            I think I need to say hello & welcome to Mag Mom!
                            Please make yourself comfy & speak up when you're ready. If you have any questions please ask, we are only too happy to help.

                            This granny is tired so I will wish everyone a safe night in the nest!
                            See you in the morning
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              WOWsers! Another rockin day in the Nest! I didn't have time to look in this AM, had to take the Admiral to work while her car is in the shop, and I'm just getting a few mins to pop in here and can barely get caught up! My sailing blog is languishing, but I owe too much to the Nest to not try and get here daily!

                              Prairie - Yeah, the custom CD's do look really tempting. Love the new signature! You're killing me with the way too perky bit!

                              Julz - Welcome - listen to our Nest Muns - Lav and Byrdie - you would do well to read their last 20 or 30 posts!

                              Hey hey Nollie! Keep it going!

                              Can'tBelieve - My theory on cleansing is that some is better than none. Getting the digestive track cleaned up asap, no matter how imperfect, will help absorption of nutrients. I cleanse 2-3 times per year; week at a time.

                              MinStar - congrats on getting that dreaded Day One behind you! Keep it going!

                              Hello Daisy - You're so right - Exercise is a big key....I think huge for the first few weeks - seems to work well with the supplements to knock down craving.

                              Lilla - Day 4 - You go Girl!

                              BlondeA - You are sounding pretty darn good - On to Lucky Day 13!!
                              -Cap'n G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Ok Nestlings.... I had to speed read through the second half of the day, and can not really do much justice to all that's happening.

                                Fortunately, many of our fledglings are flapping their wings and getting some good time behind them, AND taking the time to help the brand newbies get their first few days going. It is indeed a beautiful thing!

                                Lola - Great to hear you all chipper and enthused...thanks for all you're doing here!

                                Belle- Keep racking the days up....You're making progress for sure!

                                Welcome Aboard MagMom - Hope you make the Nest your new habit!

                                MrsG - Nice to see you again - Stop by more often!

                                Ronnie - Sounding very good indeed...Let the newbies know how you did it!

                                I gotta run and get some shuteye - Up early for work then a three hour drive to Chapter Two for a two day dash down the coast.

                                Probably won't get back here until Sunday (which is a 6 to 6 work day - ick!) and that'll probably be kinda late.

                                But, it looks like the Nest is doing just fine!

                                Remember, the better it gets, the better it gets!

                                Be calm & stay strong!
                                -Cap'n G

