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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening everyone, On day 17 and counting. I need to get on the roll call. How does one do that? Had another successful outing. Went to see our native American Indian puppy with my daughter and son-in-law and we went to a brewery for lunch. Everyone had beer and I had ice tea. All the way there I kept saying to myself "You can do this, you don't drink". I was worried I would want to drink when I got in there. Nope, I didn't. My daughter tried to get me to try a sip of her Meade and I said no thanks. I'm afraid of even one drop. Maybe that is silly I don't know.

    I have had really severe migraines for about 4 or 5 days now. Has anyone experienced something like this after Being AF for 2 1/2 weeks. Yesterday I was debilitated with a migraine. I am considering a liver detox. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Trying to find my way.


      Newbies Nest

      Cherokeer;1671989 wrote: Evening everyone, On day 17 and counting. I need to get on the roll call. How does one do that? Had another successful outing. Went to see our native American Indian puppy with my daughter and son-in-law and we went to a brewery for lunch. Everyone had beer and I had ice tea. All the way there I kept saying to myself "You can do this, you don't drink". I was worried I would want to drink when I got in there. Nope, I didn't. My daughter tried to get me to try a sip of her Meade and I said no thanks. I'm afraid of even one drop. Maybe that is silly I don't know.

      I have had really severe migraines for about 4 or 5 days now. Has anyone experienced something like this after Being AF for 2 1/2 weeks. Yesterday I was debilitated with a migraine. I am considering a liver detox. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Trying to find my way.
      Cherokeer - Awesome job with your brewery lunch! I don't think it's silly to avoid one drop. Trust your instincts and protect your quit!

      For the roll call just go to the last post, copy the text, paste into a reply, and add your info at the bottom of the list.

      Not sure about the migraines. I started a liver cleanse/detox my first day AF and feel like it has helped me a ton, but I can't comment specifically on the headaches.
      Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks Wag, I will get a detox tomorrow. Hopefully I will be headache free.


          Newbies Nest

          BND, I too.....maybe I'll join you for that bottle of 'Invincible'..
          Cherokeer, I never get headaches.....never. Now, after being AF for a few weeks, there they are.....don't understand it.....thought, if anything it would have been in the first few days AF....
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Newbies Nest

            I think the fallout from drinking can mask other things that are revealed after some AF time. Turns out I have some bad sinus/allergy headaches when I wake up some mornings that I'd been unaware of...


              Newbies Nest

              Good for you Cherokeer! That's not an easy situation to be in but you got through it. I don't take any sips for fear that I would try and gulp by accident.

              BND, you're doing so great with all those AF days. Don't discount those. The anxiety and feeling like crap are in that bottle. The effects come the next day though. We talked about playing the evening through until the end before. Yeah, that first one or two feels great, the third, we start to get drunk, fourth and fifth slurring words. Then comes the anxiety in the middle of the night. The hangover the next day. So if you look at the bottle before taking that first sip, imagine that the anxiety and feeling like crap lay at the bottom of the bottle. You can get back on as you did before. You can rack up those days and we'll support you all the way.
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Newbies Nest

                bran new day;1671984 wrote: Thanks Daisy . Its been in fits and starts , 2 runs of over 30 days for a total of nearly 100 af so far this year , just need to keep perservering . That's my problem after 2 weeks it's back on top of the world and feeling invincible , but i'm certainly not . perhaps I should get an empty wine bottle and fill it with water , labelled "invicable ' to put on the shelf above my home desk . BND

                100 AF days so far this year is far more than 50% of the days - that is excellent and should make you proud. Just keep trying. You only have to quit one more time than you slip (i.e., the "last day one"), and you'll be home free.
                Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks for the support , a bottle of invincible it is then . BND
                  Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
                  Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


                    Newbies Nest


                    Hey ,
                    Iam a new be here! Day 6. Would like to get to know everyone looking foreward to learning a little something about myself and others


                      Newbies Nest

                      Cherokeer;1671989 wrote: Evening everyone, On day 17 and counting. I need to get on the roll call. How does one do that? Had another successful outing. Went to see our native American Indian puppy with my daughter and son-in-law and we went to a brewery for lunch. Everyone had beer and I had ice tea. All the way there I kept saying to myself "You can do this, you don't drink". I was worried I would want to drink when I got in there. Nope, I didn't. My daughter tried to get me to try a sip of her Meade and I said no thanks. I'm afraid of even one drop. Maybe that is silly I don't know.

                      I have had really severe migraines for about 4 or 5 days now. Has anyone experienced something like this after Being AF for 2 1/2 weeks. Yesterday I was debilitated with a migraine. I am considering a liver detox. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Trying to find my way.
                      Hey Cherokeer
                      you're doing great. You did really well not being fooled by that one sip routine of ol man booze. That's a vicious unforgiving character we are dealing with. And just think, you don't have to deal with the regrets. On the migraine, maybe watch your caffeine intake and I've heard possible calcium deficiency.
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        summer312;1672024 wrote: Hey ,
                        Iam a new be here! Day 6. Would like to get to know everyone looking foreward to learning a little something about myself and others
                        Welcome summer. Great job on day 6. Check in often and post on the roll call daily!! Helps you to keep seeing your progress!
                        Liberated 5/11/2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Daisy, I had migraines before but not as bad as this and they last day after day. I just want to knock myself out.

                          No Sugar, I'm afraid of that. I have medicine but I do not want to take Topamax. I can't think straight on it. Before I couldn't tell what was a hangover or a migraine. That's the sad place I got to.

                          J-vo, I am afraid that there is this crazy addicted person just waiting to be released. Like a gremlin who gets wet and BOOM! One drop of booze and there goes the town. I'm afraid that I will feel the overwhelming need/want to drink. I don't right now. Back in January when I first started to want to quit (Half hearted as it was) all I could think about was AL, when I could drink, how I would reward myself if I went "X" amount of days not drinking, how I could drink and not let my husband know how much, it was always on my mind. I was reduced to a pathetic alcoholic fiend. Much to my utter and absolute shame. I am so terrified of going back to that, that I continually picture myself and all the shameful, humiliating moments that alcohol had induced and it gives me strength and determination.

                          I wish everyone a great AL free night. Peace out


                            Newbies Nest

                            summer312;1672024 wrote: Hey ,
                            Iam a new be here! Day 6. Would like to get to know everyone looking foreward to learning a little something about myself and others
                            Hi Summer312,


                            Welcome to MWO and the nest, and congrats on your 6 days AF! You have landed in a safe and supportive place. Ask questions, share ideas, request and offer support. We're all here for each other. Glad to have you with us.

                            If you haven't already done so, be sure to check out the Toolbox.
                            Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks Sam, I think AL is a tricksey bastard and I am on stay away mode. LOL

                              Jane, Thank you. Everyone's support means so much.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Chero, i suffered atrocious headaches for about 5 weeks, a couple were migranous also. Now i am not sure if i was consuming too much sugar as well but i just went with the flow and now they have gone. I figured i put the shit al into my system so i had to go with the consequences of al getting out of my system but in saying that if they do keep up go to the drs. Hold that thought of what you were like drinking, it certainly has kept me sober. You will get over that feeling of "when will i fail", i constantly thought that i would and it was only a matter of time "when". Sometimes i still think "when" but as the days go on that thought recedes. Only I can make sure that i dont fail and i will do everything in my power not to have another day 1 again. You will be okay Chero.

                                BND welcome back. Those days af are wonderful, dont ever forget those or think they dont mean anything. Any af day is a good day but my advice is to post on here daily or twice daily. You will notice that the mwoers with days up are the ones that make a dedicated effort to post on here. This is my AA and mwo makes me accountable each and every single day.

                                Juj if you dont want to roll call or count then that is fine, as Byrd says whatever works do it. I used roll call in the early days wishing so much i was up to high numbers like others and thinking my days dragged while everyone went up by 100's but no, we all went up by 1 day at a time. Now i like to post to show others that their days can get higher and "up there". Everyday is something to be proud of.

                                Pav my thoughts are with you. I am not sure what a "memorial day" is though. We just have a funeral and a big "piss up" afterwards in rememberance of that person.

                                Summer welcome to the NN, keep posting and you will get to know us all.

                                Daughter coming over today so a free haircut and hair dye is in order. It will be lovely to have my 4 children for a meal and a catchup.
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

