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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters & HAPPY SPRING

    I decided today to ignore the piles of snow still hanging around & concentrate on the sunny day & temps above freezing, ha ha!!

    Great to see so many checking in & doing so well. I can't even imagine where I would be or how I would be if I had continued trying to drink moderately - what a joke
    I am convinced that once you cross a certain line there is no going back. I have always assumed that I do not have another quit in me so this quit has to be THE quit & I am OK with that!

    Lil, congrats on your 2 years of good health. There's something to be said about healthy living

    Byrdie, Stella would come kill me if I started drinking again, we both know that, ha ha!

    Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening everyone - just wanted to check in quickly. I got through day six AF! I was really worried about today because I've been on vacation and this was my first day back at work since I stopped drinking. I was a little afraid the stress (I'm a social worker and there's always chaos in our environment) might really tempt me to pick up a bottle after work but I didn't. I'm really tired - the good kind of tired from a full day of work and activities - not from drinking a bottle and a half of Pinot Noir.

      Good night to all...



        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hello nesters,

        Happy spring. Always so much good stuff to read. Getting ready for spring break/vacation. I'm going on a trip with a friend. I think I'll let her know I quit drinking before we leave. I don't think this particular friend will care. She's not a big drinker and has other non drinking friends so hopefully it won't feel weird.

        Lilbit, so glad you are healthy and cancer free and sober so you can enjoy your victories!!!

        I'm Sooo tired, I meant to go to bed over an hour ago so good night all!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good morning nesters .

          Lots of good positive posts here, keep them coming positive or not as that's life.

          Sometimes I forget about the future, I know now that as time goes bye the future will take care of itself, I can deal with my life & its problems in a clear & sober way once I stay on the path that I have chosen to take, So even when life is not going as smoothly a I like , within myself I am happy & contented & know now I have the strength & belief to get through anything.

          Have a good day folks.

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Happy Tuesday. Or "Toothday" LilBit! Nice day here - we have sun not snow LAV! You always exemplify a good attitude - finding the positive in any situation! Looking forward to the 8 yr. party Sunday.

            Byrdie, I'm sorry for the loss of your walking partner. That must have been hard walking without her today. :hug: You nailed it that we have to find other coping mechanisms. I've found them to be quite a habit - new ways of handling things just become a new normal, just as we reached for alcohol, we turn to these other things. It comes with time and practice and faith.

            All good posts and more I wanted to comment on, but I'm late for an appointment. Thank you everyone for sharing. I love this community - it has been so helpful to me

            Have a good day!

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Evening, Nesters.
              A full and busy day here, nice to come to the end of the day knowing I gave it my all. Got some things done so happy about that.
              Amazing all that I can accomplish with no AL in sight. Who'da thought?!
              Hope everyone has an easy evening. Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                We actually had a sunny 50 something degree day now they are sending us a cold day tomorrow with wind chills tomorrow - what's up with that??

                Pan, you are about to reach your 1 week AF anniversary :welldone:
                Keep going, the results are awesome!

                Kensho, I really do work on staying positive - helps keep me out of depression-ville
                I need to start baking for Sunday's party, ha ha!!!

                Byrdie, instead of chicken cakes I will find something easier to bake, LOL
                I am no Martha Stewart!!

                Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  About to head to bed at the end of day 7 being AF. I think the supplements recommended by MWO are helping along with a lot of prayer and coming here to read everyone's posts. This is a great supportive community. Hope everyone has a great night...


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Great job Panhandle!!!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good morning nesters.

                      Well done Panhandle, hopefully you have your plan in place, keep reading keep posting. It certainly wont do any harm to your recovery process.

                      How are you doing actiongirl ?

                      Hi Lavande & birdie .

                      Us alcoholics were like a tornado roaring our way through life's of others, Hearts were broken, sweet relationships are dead, affections have been up rooted, Our selfish & inconsiderate habits kept the home in turmoil.
                      We feel we are unthinking when we say sobriety is enough,

                      we like the farmer when he come out side to see his home destroyed after tornado just passed,
                      Everything is grand here folks, thank God the wind has stopped,

                      We all have lived in this life of denial, that all is good around us when in fact our worlds were/are crumbling, Its great there is help & support here and out there else where, Don't be afraid to take that step & use it, Its free.

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Evening nesters

                        Congratulations Pan on 7 days, keep smiling and keep working each and every day at your sobriety.

                        I am wishing this week was over but not to be. I went back to work today and it was a nightmare, nothing was done and so it was put on me. Today i just thought "nope" not doing it, not stressing myself out, im going to do what i can and that is all. My idiot office manager asked why i was having Friday off and i told him for the funeral, he asked if i could come back to work after that. No compassion, no respect at all. I told him absolutely not and due to his caring nature i am having tomorrow off also. I dont need the stress of feeling obligated when i have no support at work, i am dealing with enough and i refuse to become so stressed that i feel like a drink. I know my limits and what i can deal with and work is not one of them. I do feel guilty but that will pass.

                        Mario what you said is so true, we dont realise the turmoil we cause by drinking until we stop. I lived for years being defensive whenever someone bought up my drinking, i was never fully there for anyone, denied i had a problem drinking to myself and others. I am so grateful that my tornado has stopped and now i live with calm waters. never did i think i would live in calmness and for today and even with whirlwinds around me, i have the control.

                        Take care x
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Ava - So sorry to hear you're dealing with a lack of support at work. Sounds like a good idea to take the extra day off before the funeral as well. Sometimes I just don't understand some people - the ones who can't find a way to put themselves in others' shoes. I applaud the steps you're taking for self-care and to protect your quit.

                          Pan - nice job getting your first week under your belt!

                          Pav - I hope your stress decreases soon.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            AVA, good for you. Boundaries become so much clearer when alcohol is not in the picture. So do "the more important things in life" . They will figure out how to continue work without you; paying respects is so much more important. Sorry for you and your boyfriend.

                            PAN! Great job on one week! Keep posting here and reading - even if it's 20 times a day.

                            Wags, I have a chocolate lab who is 3-going on 1. She makes me laugh every single day - I love her to pieces! I've never had smaller dogs - I bet they like to cuddle!

                            Lav - what is your favorite dessert?

                            I have lots and lots of ordering to do today; so here I go. I finally got glasses for when I have hours at the computer, and they seem to really help! Not a strong prescription, but I really notice the difference.

                            Have a positive day feathery friends.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Lav, "chicken cakes" sound kind of scary to me. :happy2: But enjoy your treat, whatever it may be.

                              Way to go, Pan! One week is a big accomplishment. If you can make it that far, you can make it all the way.

                              I remember when I once wondered how I would ever cope with hard times or enjoy good times without drinking. It was unimaginable. It was also a lie. Two years in, I can see how I never really coped or enjoyed myself at all. I just temporarily escaped the problems while creating more, and as for enjoyment -- oh lord, honey, the things I used to "enjoy" now seem really dull because, well, they were. For example, I used to love "camping" which really was drinking mimosas outside a tent in the morning, passing out by noon (I called it a nap), having more wine in the afternoon because I felt like crap, and then drinking by the fire in the evening until I passed out again. Occasionally, I'd do really dangerous things like hiking over slippery boulder-strewn streams, tending fires or tubing down rivers, cooler in tow. Once, I arose in the middle of the night, went outside, desperate to pee in the woods (couldn't make it to the camping area bathrooms in the dark) and fell backward, pants down onto a tree root jutting out of the ground. I was only an inch away from tearing myself a new orifice. Fun times, eh?
                              Last edited by LilBit; March 22, 2017, 01:44 PM.
                              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Great perspective, LilBit! Our definition of fun is a lot differnt now! Aye, aye, aye, the stupid things I did! Its a wonder Im still alive!

                                PanHandle, congratulations on your 7 days (I totally missed this yesterday)! Nesters, are you ready to give her that 2-Cheeked Salute that only WE can give? On three....1-2-3 drop em! :butt: You'll get no cracks from us, those are the toughest there are! The worst is now behind you! Keep up the great work!!
                                Ava, we are thinking of you.
                                Hugs to all! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

