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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good morning all, thanks available, I see the company is great and I have received great advice - WF is Weed Free
    Thanks NS, I know - it is a part of me that rises from time to time but each time it does I become stronger, I have a great relationship with a therapist and we speak of it, I get free sessions!! Sure I know the world doesn't revolve around me and it's true I only hurt myself. Thank you.
    Wags, I know - it was just poor little me, he doesn't get much time out to play but when he does he makes a bit of a mess - he won't be coming out again though - glad to hear your city survived!
    Don't worry Kensho, it was nothing to do with anyone but little me looking for attention, I cringe when he gets it because it's not really me at all - yeah I am really making it better, 23 days today and I feel like a new man, the "21 day is enough" thing was just my addiction trying to come in through the back door - it knows if I stop posting here it can come back. Thanks for being here. Glad to hear you are sleeping better and yes please the earlier we teach our kids the benefits of healthy eating, the better! Big hug back at you.
    Thanks Guitarista, it does help!
    Sure thing Lavande, I will keep checking in!
    i will look that up Pavati, I know too what it is, ego - I know Echart Tolle enough by now to understand what's happening, I will for sure look up the Bubble Hour, thanks for suggesting it - stay safe with that fire!
    Thanks Narilly! Happy to be here!
    Hope all gores well on Thursday with your new granddaughter NoraC!
    Thanks Lavande, the pity party is over, done and dusted never to return, its great the anxiety is gone, I had it a lot, still did till I realized it was coffee that was doing it too, so I quit that too and am really good now... glad to see you too - Hope the craft goes well on Saturday!
    I am happy to be "one of us" now Byrdlady, sure helps not having to do this alone, Hope you find a good erm bra! - never had to say that before!
    Have a wonderful AF day all!
    Life is better sober


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Morning nesters, 3BOW I'm glad you decided to stay! I have popped into threads to say hi sometimes and get ignored, I used to take it personally but now I'm just like "whatever" it's impossible to remember and comment on everyone's posts, trust me I'm the worst for it cuz my shirt term memory is awful,stick around Byrdie, I hate saying bye to favorite undies and bras I have to toss them out quick or I'll dig them back out! Pav, a new fire???? Omg that makes me sad, NoraC before Kell had Lou she had a miscarriage so I swear she was getting ultrasound appointments at this place called Vegas Baby(how cute) at least once a month cuz she was so paranoid about losing another baby, poor thing but see Lou is fine(just radioactive hahaha!) seriously though mom and baby will be fine and I'm glad you get to attend, it's so amazing to see the baby in such detail my goodness, see my brain is too fried this morning to remember all that I was gonna comment on grrrr, just wanna wish everyone a happy day! Waves to all
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi, All:

        3BOW - If you're like me that pity party will continue to rear its ugly head. As a matter of fact from about 3-7 months sober I had it a lot - why me? Why did this happen to me? Blah blah blah. Thankfully by then I had honed my tools so I knew what to do. I had some rough times - one time I emailed NS, Byrdie and Ava from a bathroom at a beer garden (how I ended up there without a ride home is another story). It is all a part of the process - the only way out is through (thanks Mr. G). Thoughts are not actions (thanks NS).

        Pauly you crack me up - Radioactive Lou! My thoughts are all over the place too.

        Sorry for your loss, Byrdie. Always tough when you lose a good one.

        Lav, we can't give up. We know that we are in the majority no matter where the court falls. We will keep on working to do what we can for people. The idea of taking away healthcare in a pandemic seems just intentionally spiteful. What is wrong with people? How did people get so angry and mean? Why do we tie health care to jobs? It makes no sense except it protects those who have money and power.

        The fires are too much. Somehow this new one squeezed in between two old ones. I know many of you have seen the news because of the big wineries that have burned - beautiful old buildings. Some families that lost homes three years are evacuated again. Kids are trying to do distance learning from places of shelter - it is a total mess. And NO, it isn't from unmanaged forests and not raking enough.

        Ok - brushing off my cynicism and getting to work today. Actual work is sort of boring lately so I get tired in the afternoons for the first time in a long time. It will pick up again.

        Happy SOBER Tuesday,


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Happy Un Hung Tuesday everyone.

          Sorry for your loss Byrdie, I totally understand how that

          3BOW, The Bubble Hour really helped me too, there is an episode where Dr. John Kelly talks and listening to him really helped me. He talked about how much a sober community is important in recovery and to keep in mind that persistance rather than perfection will help us in our sober journey. He also talked about the brain and that the longer we stay sober the 'easier' it is to stay sober and that the brain builds new pathways. (I paraphrased but that is what I remember)

          Lav, Pav, Byrdie, Wags, Pauly, everyone posting from the U.S. we love you and we will get through this. Hang in there.
          Radio active Lou- lol. Pauly you are hilarious.
          The fires are scary Pav. my relatives live in California and I talk to them often. It really sucks.

          We are having Very warm weather here. Last year we had a huge dump of snow today but this year it is Warm and sunny, it is in the 20's (70'sF) which is really crazy for September. I love it!

          The job situation really sucks right now, there are really limited opportunities out there. I have not been unemployed in September and October since 2010 so this is really weird. I am adjusting my expectations though, I have to accept this for now.

          Hello G! Have a swim for me.

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            Re: Newbies Nest

            3BOW, there's nothing wrong with an occasional pity party just as long as it doesn't lead you astray. One trick that worked (and still works) for me is to notice even the littlest things that are better in my life simply because I don't drink - and be grateful for them! I also didn't venture out to bars or even restaurants until I felt really secure in sobriety. In some ways that seems counterintuitive because my over-drinking was almost always at home but I just didn't want to have to put on a performance of sorts in a public place. Nor did I want to be pushed to drink. Now I really don't go to drinking places much because the people there become so boring after they've had a few.

            I'm sorry about your job situation, Nar. Have you considered trying something totally different?

            Good to see you, Pauly! That was funny about your grandson. And I'm sorry your state is such a mess right now, Pav. Actually the whole country is but you're getting an added kick in the butt. At least we're AF. All of this would be so much worse in the throes of addiction.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Greetings Nesters,

              Awaiting heavy rains tonight even though we don’t really need rain. I wish I could send this storm system west.
              Quiet day here, just working on crafty stuff. I will be watching the first of the presidential debates tonight. Nothing & no one could change my mind about who I am voting for in November, haha! Our nation needs leadership & sensibility again. I can’t even imagine things getting any worse than they are right n now.

              3BoW, you are doing just great!
              I have read & incorporated so much of Tolle’s philosophy into my life since beginning this journey. He never sends you in the wrong direction

              NS, I never want to leave this AF society of ours! We are all stronger than we ever knew we could be!!

              Narilly, please keep the door open just in case we need to leave in massive hordes after the election, haha!!
              Enjoy the lovely weather, sounds nice!

              Pav, hope you are OK, I haven’t even heard from my brother in CA lately, I think he’s somewhat depressed.

              Hello to Pauly & Nora.

              Byrdie, so are we to assume you are now going braless??? LOL

              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hello and good morning. I just rejoined after being away for a few years as i kept relapsing and did not it was helping me or others so i will read around look around at posts and see if their are any friendly people or support and see if it will help me or if i can help some. Cheers:love:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Anjicia - Welcome to the nest! As you're reading through posts, be sure to check out the tool box for great ideas on building and maintaining your quit (see link in my signature line). We're glad you're here!

                  Pav - the fires continue to be scary for sure. Some friends just evac'd near Santa Rosa on Monday. It makes me sad and angry that such a terrifying thing is happening and all some people can do is blame and point fingers for political reasons.

                  Nar - I hope you are able to find work soon, and in the meantime that you're able to remain at peace with your situation. Maybe this is the time to explore other avenues?

                  Still hanging in there in Wagland. I've tied a knot and am hanging on, doing everything I can to help myself, my community and our country past this very unstable time. It's gonna get worse before it gets better but we the true majority are on the right side of history and humanity. What is that saying? "The arc of history bends toward justice."

                  Don't drink.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi, All:

                    Welcome Anjicia! (Welcome back?) You've landed in a great spot. You can find a lot of support and a lot of interesting reading as well. Wag's link is a good place to start...

                    Nar - I didn't know you have relatives down here. I hope they're ok. Your brother, too, Lav. Nar - sorry about the job situation. It is a mess. My son hates his (very bottom rung) job and wants to quit but I told him to hand on until he is sure he has another one!

                    Lav - what are you crafting for THIS fair? I wish you could send rain here, too.

                    Wags - cling to that knot. We're going to make it...

                    Out and off to work.

                    Happy SOBER Hump Day,


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Happy un Hung Wednesday everyone.
                      Thanks for help on the job front. I have been looking at anything and everything. Something will click one of these days. Yeah, I will spend some time thinking about what else I can do- thanks Pav, Lav,Wags, NS :heartbeat:

                      Welcome Anj- keep posting and reading here. You can do this, I relapsed over and over for about 20 years and then finally quit (I am not exaggerating). Keep going, read the tool box and distract yourself, go for a walk, take a bath, listen the The Bubble Hour podcast. I did all these things and more when I was trying to quit. Keep coming back!
                      3BOW- what I said to Anj above goes for all of us. I am glad you are doing well.

                      Pav, my relatives are fine. They are not that close to the fires but close enough. My son is not really working so at least your son has a job. What a weird time for these kids to be growing up.

                      It rained here overnight finally, we needed it. Of course I left all my pillows out on the deck, who knew?

                      Wags, everyone, I watched the debate last night. :egad: I don't know what to say was shocking.

                      Ava, G, Nora, Pauly, Hi ya!

                      Don't drink today, its Gross.

                      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                      AF April 12, 2014


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Greetings Nesters,

                        We had a real Nice day today after all the rain last night, grateful!

                        Hello & welcome Anjica! Glad you settled into the nest.
                        Make yourself a good working plan, use those great ideas in the Tool box. Plan to succeed & you will

                        Wags, I went to bed with a headache after watching the debate last night, then I had nightmares
                        We have to stick together & get thru this disaster, our country is bleeding terribly.

                        Pav, the craft fair came up on such short notice I’m glad I have plenty of leftover stuff from last year. I am adding a bunch of masks, some with embroidery
                        Hang in there & think rain!!

                        Narilly, I hope something opens up for you soon. In the meantime I know you know hOw to stay busy & out of trouble haha!

                        Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good morning all from a cool sunny Dublin have a good day x


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Flying visit, have a good day Anjicia, I just came in to post my day count, seems we are the only ones on this time zone...hope to post more later
                            Life is better sober


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Yes as we are both in Europe have you lived in Spain long ? where are you from? i was born here in Dublin and lived here all my live but i love to travel when i can x


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All:

                                I am in the far west time zone but I post in the mornings.

                                Not much to say - so I'll just say that I am so very grateful to be sober through all of this. I can't imagine facing it with the feelings I had there at the end of my drinking - fear, anxiety, lack of confidence. Thanks for being here, everyone.


