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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lavande;1188099 wrote:

    Mauri, why haven't you made a plan? The Tool box is full of help - you just need to read through it & pick & choose ideas you think will be helpful to you. Identify yuor drinking triggers - what exactly is it that makes yuo drink? Run through the HALT you drink when you're Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired????? When you start paying attention to these things you begin to see a pattern! Then you can choose alternate, healthier activities to replace drinking!!!!

    Lav, appreciated the advice given to mauri and plan on following it.
    Lolab, pain can be a trigger but exercise is your best friend and eating right. Hang in there.
    Byrd, I would read your book "numb and number" what a catchy title. Let me know when it's finished.....Aw, the books we should write....
    4me, funny how AF and weight loss go together. I go up 10 pounds every time I start drinking wine. Ugh.

    Today is day 2 of being AF, I started working out and eating really healthy again so I plan on being successful. Yay

    Have a great day everyone
    Day 1:4/4/2014


      Newbies Nest

      I was able to move the CD's to my iPhone (thanks Greg) so I can listen when I am on vacation.

      I leave tomorrow for the Smokey Mountains where I rented a cabin overlooking rolling hills. The cabin has a hot tub on the back patio and I plan on spending some quality time there.

      I probably wont check in while I am gone, but the forum will be in my thoughts.


        Newbies Nest

        Have a great time Ellen! We are all jealous of you! Stick to your quit, girl, you can do it. We are pulling for you! xo, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone, just got back from 2 weeks away.No computer access.Am so glad to be back in the nest. Hope everyone is achieving some success no matter how small ODAT. Its Friday 9.30am in OZ and I am planning a af weekend.Anyone want to join me? Wll post over the weekend to track my progress and commitment not to drink this we. Good Luck all great to be back!!!!


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters!

            WOW, what a turnout today

            I'm am seriously tired or I would address everyone individually. I'm proud of everyone making progress, moving forward

            I am beat because I spent the morning woring in my shop, spent the afternoon shopping with daughter & grandaughter, fixed dinner, fed daughter, son, DIL, grandson, chickens, dog, bird & even the frog!!!!
            I am getting a little more work done then calling it a day! Now, would i have been able to do all that with a hangover? NO!

            Grateful for my AF life
            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Lavande;1188938 wrote: Good evening Nesters!

              Grateful for my AF life
              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              What a great quote to end the day with.

              Hope everyone has a great AF night in the nest! I'm off to Colorado for the weekend to visit family. Have a great weekend all!


                Newbies Nest

                Seriously Lav- Even the frog? You have a frog that eats out of your hand? LOL!

                Boozer - Good to see you back here - Hope you've had a chance to read back a bit - some new fledglings getting their "Nest Legs" !! It's a wonderful thing!

                Ellen - I'm jealous too! I don't want to work anymore! You'll be able to do the hypno 3 times a day; that will be awesome. Stay strong and keep your quit, no matter what.

                Mimi - Good going on day 2 and on having the plan...stick to it - you can do this!

                4Me -10 days is a great achievement - You can really build on that; it's now much more mental than physical. Stay on track and close to the Nest!

                Windy - Yeah, aloe comes diluted with water and also in a gel form (filet). I would start with the liquid and you can always try out the gel after you get used to the flavor.

                Byrdie - Seriously? A hairspray bottle? How did that strategy work out?!! I used to fill up a giant soda fountain cup with ice and vodka and just put a splash of soda on top so people would think I was drinking soda. Of course, when you're mixing 99 parts vodka to one part soda, it does take like battery acid. Damn, the things that AL got us to do. We ain't fallin for that crap no more! Yeah, you should do some aloe...have you tried it? It's getting mainstream....I see it in my grocery store now! I'm just a trend setter, that's all! And what about acupuncture for that GI tract too? My acupuncturist brought my neighbor back from death's door - he had Crohn's and was seeing all the specialists at the hospital. TCM has been around a few thousand years....worth considering!

                LO - Hope you're having a good day and staying with your quit.

                I am pooped...worked 10 til 8 with no new job is just way too much like my old job, just scaled up a bit! I just wanna quit and spend a month bringing Chapter Two home, but the Admiral says no. Dang it!

                Alrighty then Nestomaniacs - Keep your chins and your quits up. Give yourself a pat on the back for having the guts to kick AL out of the house!

                G' Night Peepers!
                -Cap'n G


                  Newbies Nest

                  Besides milk thistle, what helps with the liver? I have to get blood work done and want to "study". That is, while being AF


                    Newbies Nest

                    Tx Ellen;1189021 wrote: Besides milk thistle, what helps with the liver? I have to get blood work done and want to "study". That is, while being AF
                    Hello Ellen; MilkThistle is the most common liver support herb, because it works! Have you had blood work done recently, i.e., do you know if your enzymes or sugar is out of wack? If you google "herbs for liver health" you'll have tons of things to look at. At your health food store, you can get a liver cleanse - Look for one from Renew Life - they have been in the cleanse business for awhile. I would also consider acupuncture - my enzymes were so out of wack, I could not get life insurance unless I paid a huge premium. My acupuncturist got me totally fixed up! If you find one who is from China or who trained in China, you are likely to find they will have some herbs and cleanses as well.

                    For now, since your off to the Smokeys, go to the health food store and get the cleanse - it will have the milk thistle in it already. AND, drink half your body weight in ounces of water everyday! Take some great hikes, do your CD's, a bunch, write the srceenplay of your new AL free life!

                    The Nest will be pulling for you Ellen; have a wonderful AF time!
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Ellen, I know around here they say that the water with lemon is a great detox...also, I know that beets are supposed to be great. Here is an article with foods for cleansing the liver: 14 Foods that Cleanse the Liver | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

                      It's going to be a beautiful day around here once it warms up! brrrrr!

                      I actually like the person I saw in the mirror this al for THAT person this beautiful long weekend.:h

                      yep, Greg, I'm still with it. :wd: I have seen liquid aloe at the store, I might get some for the heck of it.

                      mylife, have a great time with your family!

                      Hi Boozer, I don 't think we met - looking forward to hearing your update

                      hi Byrdie...I think I might try to find some time to make some cookies today...and if my son will let me - give some away! :H But then I also have to finish painting the guest room, do some yard cleanup, get out winter clothes and decorate for Halloween.....

                      Ellen, I'm so intrigued by your vacation by yourself. And in a cabin in the Smokey Mountains! I can't quite get my head around it, - if it sounds heavenly or scary....I hope to hear all about it.

                      Hey Lav, watch that spelling - what were you doing in your shop? :H sorry, just kidding. My you do alot in a day, and help all of us out too.

                      mimi, I remember you from a few months back. I hope you're feeling strong and doing well.

                      4me thanks for the suggestion - I will look for some magic cream! I have it written down - let you know how it works. It sounds like you have some serious pain going on - I should stop complaining.

                      Hi Windy - I hope you're feeling strong too heading into the weekend. Day 11 for you huh? :goodjob:

                      Hey - to everyone else on the other pages....sorry I suck at these replies....

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Howdy Nester,

                        Just checking in....Feeling good, but not great. I have high expectations, so today I will go with the flow and work on my rock garden. Carrying some heavy rocks will be a great way for me to spend part of the day.

                        Ellen -- Wow your cabin sounds like a good place to be right now. Are you planning on hiking or canoeing ....or anything of that nature. I know you are leaving soon, so don't answer that question if you don't have time. Just have a wonderful time and enjoy the hot tub and work on yourself. We are all sending you good vibes for successful trip.

                        Greg -- Still not completely on board about the Aloe. I am going to do some research though. Can you advice anything for anxiety/nerves. I have some Gaba and Http, but I am not sure if this is the best thing for me. I know there has been a lot of talk regarding sugar and irritability. My diet plan needs some work so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

                        Lav -- Can you send me some blue eggs? They are so pretty. I just want to look at them.

                        Lolab -- You don't suck a replays at all -- I love reading your posts. I noticed you're in the Eastern US - me too, and we are expecting a spectacular weekend, weather wise. I am going to enjoy every minute of it completely sober.

                        4me -- Would you recommend the 17 day diet. I did google it and I am in the process of researching it further, but was wondering what your thoughts are about it.. Your weight loss is amazing. I find that the older i become, it is really hard to loose weight. I see we are about the same age, so I am curious what your thoughts are now? What day are we on now??

                        Boozer -- Looking forward to getting to know you better.

                        All other nesters, Have a marvelous day and a better weekend.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          Quick fly by for me!

                          Wishing Ellen a wonderful AF vacation

                          Greg, I have one of those water garden things that the frog lives in. It just sit on my kitchen counter & is very entertaining for the grandkids! I have to remember to feed him 2X/week!

                          lolb :H I think my stiff fingers miss a few keys on the keyboard especially when I'm in a hurry!
                          There is only embroidery going on in my shop, that's all

                          Wishing everyone a great AF Friday - I'll be back!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Windy - I think St. John's Wart is probably the most effective herb for anxiety. In Europe (where governments DO spend money to study natural remedies) it is very widely used - it loses it's effectiveness for anything other than mild anxiety or depression. Also valerian root and chamomile work well - I like the Sleepy Time Extra tea (with valerian) before bed when I've had a stressful day.

                            Gotta head out for cardio and off to work...

                            Have a Fabu Friday Nestmates!
                            -Cap'n G


                              Newbies Nest

                              I wrote a post and lost it. Short summary: The med kicked in a couple hours after I had given up on it. There are strong side effects but it was awfully nice not to wake with a hangover this morning so I'll stick with it. There is something screwy about my brain chemistry. I managed several months sober at one point and did a pretty good job of wrecking my life because of anxiety issues.

                              Thanks to everyone for acknowledging the differences in people.

                              Ellen, I hope you have a lovely weekend. Your post reminded me of the old country song about the Smokey Mountains.

                              You are here:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Yes, the days of hiding vodka in hairspray bottles are hopefully behind me. I could never quite get the total smell/taste out of the bottles, but it didn't matter as long as I got my fix. What a sad thing to tell. I'm glad nobody else knows I did that. Well, you know, they prolly don't know about the nuts and bolts of it, but I bet a lot more people knew I had a problem than I imagined. How could they not? Glassy eyes, slurred speech...falling....Waking up with scrapes on my knees I couldn't explain??? I am so glad to finally be honest with myself. What a horrible time, I never want to be under that control again. Makes me so ashamed....but it's important to see where I've been to know where I am going. Every single day without AL is a better day no question. I have never second guessed my decision to quit...I had TROUBLE doing it...but it was always the goal. It feels good to be reaching it. It's a goal that will never be totally checked off either, because I could just as easily slip back in to the cycle. It is a choice at this point, not a physical addition, thank god. And I choose NOT to drink today. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

