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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    WOLFGANG PUG! That is too much...I love it! And what a face! I don't have a pug but my brother has one, an all black one, so cute. Less than a year old. We have a jack russell/beagle mix, and she is a handful! I'm a dog lover, and a cat lover, well, let's just say all animals, shall we?

    PF-I hope you are doing well this morning and was able to pass the craving for AL last night. I know it is hard. We have all been there. After reading quite a bit on MWO yesterday (Day 1) I am starting to really change the way I think about AL. In the toolbox, I read someone's post about turning your thoughts into Gratitude for not drinking instead of feeling deprived, like you are depriving yourself of having a drink since you think you deserve it. Instead, think of how grateful you are for not giving in to the AL and feeling like crap the next day, and grateful for all the reasons why you gave up AL in the first place. That hit a switch for me. Also, Bryd's post yesterday about the rabbit hole is awesome and I've been using it ever since! Whenever I think about the upcoming holidays or even an upcoming vacation where I fantasize about having a cocktail and relaxing, I go down the "negative AL" rabbit hole of how it will make me feel later that evening, the next morning, the next day. And then I go down the "positive AF" rabbit hole, in the scenario where I abstain and feel good about myself that day, that next morning, that next day, that whole holiday weekend or vacation that I conquered AF, and I being to see the light and don't want to drink. I think we would all make cute bunnies by the way

    Day 2 for me and I feel great! I stuck to my AF guns yesterday and plan to do the same today. I did have a hard time getting to sleep last night since I didn't pass out from several glasses of wine. I have to pick up more of that Sleepytime tea that worked for me last time. I also had very vivid dreams which kept waking me up throughout the night, but I blame that on an extra dose of fish oil which has that effect on me. Must be all that brain boosting power in the fish Hubby actually takes DHA before bed just so it gives him vivid dreams...hey, I married a weirdo but I love him . Anyway, the nice part about waking up a few times during the night is that I had to pinch myself into the reality that I wasn't waking up in dire thirst with a pounding heart and headache. It was nice for a change! Beautiful, actually.

    Have a great day everyone...onward and upwards we fly!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      Newbies Nest

      I checked the nest earlier but didn't have time to post....yep, I did worry about you prairie....I can't help it. Wonderful job. A few more days - those awful cravings WILL lighten up...but not overnight. Soon, you'll think - "ah, that was the first one today!!!" And then "hey, I didn't have ANY cravings yesterday" Soon, there won't be any gritting of the teeth, Prairie...honest.

      turnaround, I just LOVE Wolfgang Pug!!!! and the fact that he is your sobriety pup. :h

      Hello to everyone else - I should be able to check in during the day a bit today.

      See ya later!

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters,

        Praire Fairy -- FANTASTIC....You did it. I too was a little worried about you last night. I am so happy you made it through. Sounds like you used all your arsenal. Keep up the good work and I commend you on coming here and letting us know what was going on and how you made it..

        Daisy -- I love you quit date....I always wanted to make mine something significant and meaningful, Like my Birthday, but it just ended up being a non-important date, until now.

        Blonde --- Your post is amazing and it sounds like you are truly determined to kick AL's butt. I was drawn to your remarks about fish oil inducing vivid dreams...I think I might be in the weird category too, because that might be fun. I love vivid dreams, and luckily mine are pretty tame and not scary. I am going to give it a try. And I've been meaning to add fish oil to my regiment anyhow, and the vivid dreams just seems like an added bonus. I am so glad you are posting here and look forward to getting to know you better.

        Oh the cute pugs -- We have a Bernese Mountain Dog and I have been saying for sometime that she needs a little pug friend. I think it would be the perfect combination, but hubby is fine with just one doggy. I could have two though. What a great name "Wolfgang Pug".

        Lolab -- How are you feeling in your journey....I am feeling great, but a little sluggish and unfocused. I have really been reading a lot and trying to exercise more regular. How are you feeling about the holidays now?

        Lav and Byrdie -- You guys are the total reason I keep coming back to this thread. I think we are getting a great group here and that is the added bonus. Keep going everyone....We can do it together.

        Special hello to Turnagain, Lav and BelleGirl.

        Tata for now.

        What would bullwinkle say???


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Windy!

          If you get on the fish oil bandwagon, go for one with a good amount of DHA if you want the vivid dreams. That seems to really induce them! It is also good for memory, learning and a whole slew of other great health benefits (immunity, heart health, joint pain and inflammation to mention a few). I always thought taking fish oil was gross but I found a brand that is really's called Nordic Naturals and the capsules usually have a strawberry or lemon "essence" to them that makes them quite pleasant to swallow. Never fishy at all. You need to find them at a health food store. Beware of the generic drug store brands as they may repeat on you if you know what I mean. And most people don't like that. But Nordic is good and they also test all of their supplements for mercury content, etc. Just my 2 cents as I work in the natural food/vitamin world and have tried so many.

          I love Bernese Mtn dogs...always wanted one. Before we adopted our jack russell psycho mix, we had a St. Bernard. I love the gentle giant breeds. Would love to have a Newfie at some point when we have more room. Right now in a one bedroom condo is kind of tough but someday we want to move to Maine and have more room! Then I will have my Newfie and I already picked out a name if it is a boy: Moby! We also have 2 black twin kitties, so my house is very animated with animal humor most of the time, and that's a good thing. Animals are very therapeutic when it comes to healing from addiction. And they don't drink and life is good, so why should we???
          I have always loved Bullwinkle and every year when we watched the Macy's Day parade on Thankgiving morning, he was my favorite float! Looking forward to seeing it again this year, without the mimosas to start off the holiday!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters & dog lovers

            I happen to have a Greater Swiss Mountain dog (short hair version of the Bernese). She's a big girl & tons of fun :H

            Glad to see everyone this morning & congrats for hanging in the nest overnight. It does get better, I promise

            Must get to work! Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              ...ugh I had a post all written out and lost it...have to try to remember all of it!.:upset:

              My pug avatar: That is not my pug, just a stock image. However, we do have a pug, and if I can ever get a good pic of her I will switch it into my avatar. We have had her less than 2 months. She is a 3 yr old rescue. Someone tried to breed her to death and when they were done with that, they threw her out of a pickup truck. She is sooooo sweet. She is near me snoring at the moment. Turnagain, love that Wolfgang Pug. That pug head tilt is so adorable. And what a sweet daily reminder of what sobriety can bring!

              Off to meet therapist today, to deal with anxiety issues that I have had all my life (thanks for passing this on to me, Mom...I do know you suffered too). I believe anxiety is at the root of the AL stuff. Nice way to medicate, too bad it only lasts a couple of hours (or less if I make an ass out of myself)...before anxiety is back full force the next day. However, if it wasn't for this latest episode of anxiety, I don't think I would have said "enough" with the AL. And I would not be here. So, thank you anxiety.

              A couple of weeks ago my 8 yr old DD caught me pouring water into a pretty blue Bombay gin bottle (or course to push the level up so DH would not notice it was almost empty...until I could replenish it). I made up some sort of story and told her to mind her own business (yes i was under the influence at the time, but she is pretty darn nosy all the time :H). I feel so awful for that, as I was making up things to cover my trax around the kids. They are getting to the age where the probably can tell when something is "up" with me. I really want that to end. Thanks for letting me confess this one here.

              And Mighty: love the bay. enjoy your walk. My parents live near the bay and I love to see it. So calming and beautiful.

              Have a great day/evening/night everybody! It is great to see so many in the early days of AF doing well.

              Alcohol does me no favors.

              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                Newbies Nest

                Windy, I want to say once again how proud I am of your recovery. Others, I hope, will look back to when you began, you did all of your homework, made all the preparations, set out on a plan, and stuck to it. I've been meaning to say this for some time, and I hit the button before I get it out, but have been impressed with your methodology since you started. "Someone to take note of" , I told myself...and to learn from. Well done.
                Prarie! Look at you!!!! You know, I bet you have the most awesome day today. Let us know, will you? Once you ride THE BIG ONE out and come out the other side, it sets your mood to the stars! You absolutely did the right thing in coming here! Keeping your mind busy and ON POINT. I have seen that the ones that come here and talk thru it do better than the ones that try to deal with it alone. That's why I carried Lav's email with me everywhere I went in the early days...she was right there with me, and I knew all I had to do was call, and she'd help me off the ledge. You may already know this, but the first 30 days or so are a roller coaster of emotions, up and down one day to the next hour to the next. Just ride them out and things will even out very nicely. Just give Peace a they say!!!
                I found (and still DO find) that instead of concentrating on what I can't have, I think about what I have that I can give to others. If this were someone saying this I'd say, "you're just full of it"...but in giving to someone else, it takes my mind off of what I am not getting at that moment (AL). I enjoy cooking....and in particular, I like to bake cakes. I am a hack at decorating, but I do it anyway. Here is the therapy. I have to plan this out. I have to go to the store (where they sell wine) and select the stuff for my cake. This gives me a task. Then on a Saturday or Sunday, I actually do the baking. This was usually a day of drinking (10:30 am) so I have a lot of time to fill. I have a pan that makes a choo choo train. The first one I made for a little 4 year old boy who was visiting a neighbor. I took it over there, and he was simply OVERWHELMED! It was a high for me like no other....the look of utter JOY on this little boy's face! He pointed at the colorful jellybeans and touched them and said, 'Is this for ME??? Mom? Is it my birthday??' It was great to see unbridled joy on his face...his mother was happy, and my friend was grateful too. What they didn't know, is that cake helped me ride out a hellacious craving for a drink. It was a total win-win!! Maybe you can write someone a little letter or note to let them know you are thinking of them, or say something they did really meant something to you. Do you know how special you would feel to get a note like that??? It'd be awesome. There are little things you can do to help yourself, but at the same time, make someone else feel validated....and it doesn't have to cost a fortune to do it. I know this sounds stupid...but I say whatever works, do it.
                Let's go out and make this a great sober day!!! MindPeace to all! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Lav and've got a bustling nest of determined is so wonderful that you both give so much time to helping others here. I sure am grateful for how you nudged me along and help me soar.

                  I passed 100 days earlier this week...AF...NF and CF (coffee be gone!) and I know I would not be here writing about it, if it had not been for you two. It goes beyond your words of's also your experience and example that inspire me. I remember feeling VERY afraid of the idea of NEVER drinking again. Yet, here you are...successful, confident people who no longer used alcohol and made me see realize I wasn't 'giving up' anything...I was GETTING EVERYTHING....self-respect, renewed health, and inner peace.

                  Brydie...I love your cake gifting stories....AND the idea of doing something for others! When I was first bumping along the sobriety path, one of the things I did was calculate how much I was spending on Al every day. I started transferring that amount ($22 ) into a special savings account at my bank. I also began donating some of that money.....The SPCA now gets a regular monthly donation....along with the new homeless shelter. I also made some one-time donations to other non-profits here. It's not much, but it is money that would've otherwise gone up in smoke or down my gullet.

                  I also started indulging myself a little bit....bought some nice dahlias for the garden that I once thought were too expensive (odd, the way the mind works since I would drink and smoke a field's worth of dahlias in a week!) And, of course, I bought my Wolfie. Even with my 'sprees' I still have lotsa money stacking up. I am saving for a big family vacation this summer. All in all...not drinking and smoking for a year...will save me nearly $8000! But best of will save my life...
                  Sober for the Revolution!
                  AF & NF July 23, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    Turn, what a nice thing to say. I appreciate your kind words very much. But trust me when I say this, I get back so much from being here. If I can help one person get thru a rough patch, then I am happy. This is a very tough battle, a battle for all the marbles...I need help, too, sometimes, and I get it here. These people were here for me and I want to give something back if I can. Thank you very much! I see lots of good that you do as well. Lav leading the way for all of us!! xo, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Byrd, Lav, Turnagain, Belle, Windy, Lav and the rest of the Nest gang! I made it through day 2! Felt a little depressed late in the afternoon, even after I took doggie for a walk in the fresh air. Our new bathroom faucet broke and hubby tried to fix it but to no avail. Luckily it is under warranty so I got the company to replace the part but it won't come for a few weeks. Needless to say, my hot water handle in the bathroom will be a pain in the butt to use till that part arrives. That really set me off today and I think that with the combination of not having a drink to turn to kind of made me sad, but then I started a project I had been meaning to get to this week and it got my mind off both the booze and the faucet and now I feel much better. Glad to have made it to Day 2 and looking forward to Day 3! Hoping I can sleep a little better tonight but even a bad sleep sober is better than a good sleep drunk and then hungover.

                      Byrd, I love your way of giving back by baking which not only is a nice gesture for someone else but a good outlet for you. I also love to bake and cupcakes are my new passion. We should exchange decorating ideas sometime! I bring mine to work or leave some for the neighbors or send some to work with my husband for his office. Everyone loves home baked goodies and you're right, it takes your mind off the AL. I'm finding that I have more time for hobbies like my crafts, art and writing, as well as baking, now that I am sober. Today I made a luscious banana coconut bread for my husband and the house smelled good enough to eat when he walked through the door from work. Made me happy to make something good for him, plus, it kept me busy this afternoon!

                      Well, have a great night everyone and I'll see ya in the mornin'!
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening nesters!

                        Turn, you are really one turned around woman :H
                        We are all very proud of you & happy for you - glad we could be a part of your journey

                        I am working my tail feathers off these days but that's great! Now thru Christmas is a super busy time for me, making sure my customers get what they need on time! Doing this in the past in my wine haze was rreally, really tough so I remain grateful & will never put myself back in that hell again!

                        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey Blondie - we cross posted.
                          Good for you on day 2 regardless of what breaks in our houses - it's always going to be something
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Turn! Love the sobriety PUG!!!! I'd be hugging that sweet little face looking over my monitor!!!! Less alcohol has found me more social and very busy; busier=fewer cravings=very good. Joined weight watchers, a book club and looking for a part time "holiday help" job. I want to be too busy to want a glass of wine. Its working.


                              Newbies Nest

                              You are right Lav, there is always something to fix when it comes to a house, sigh. Hopefully the new part will come sooner or later but what can you do. Except not drink!
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Lavande;1202095 wrote:
                                Lola, since the Cap'n has been so busy lately, I hereby elect you assistant nest mum :H
                                I don't want you worrying about the newbies......just help keep an eye on them
                                Crap - I've been pink-slipped by me own Nest Mum! :H

                                Aye, I deserve it! And Lola's posts have been top-notch - I know, as I've just spent the last couple of hours trying to get current.

                                Windy also sounds terrifically lucid - it's a beautiful thing!
                                -Cap'n G

