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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Greetings from Play,
    Boy do I have a few days of catching up to do, so will start from where I kind of left off from posting, so, doing my best.

    First off I want to report that I actually, finally have started taking the L Glut that space so kindly sent to me. I wonder why I am so terrible at taking pills of any kind, meds or supplements, I think that I just have not much motivation and I really chalk that up to drinking, the way it kind of puts me to not wanting to do anything that takes activity or energy, I remember when I stopped for a few months with the help of hypnosis CDs and Topa, I was overwhelmed with energy, it was like "life" just came rushing back into me, it was the most astounding feeling, now I am wishing that I could get that back, that zest and energy to really do things that I mostly only think about right now

    So, the first dose of the LGlute that I took was pretty amazing in that I actually could feel the difference. After about 15 minutes after I took it, I felt a real rush of energy, it was really nice. I'm wondering if that feeling will wear off the more that I take it, hopefully NOT. I did seem to give me a period of not really having the craving thoughts as much. Now my challenge is to try to take it consistently. I seem to also have a diffulty in taking care of myself when I leave for work very early, 5:30 or 6am, I don't teen to take the time to take my supplements and All One at that time of morning, and then by the time I get home, it's "time for a glass of wine"

    I also have the Kuduz supplement from quite some time ago but haven't taken it, I'd like to start taking both together. Now I'm getting ready for a month in Spain, and I know from experience it is pretty much useless to take my supps with me because I know that I won't make time for them, I can barely make time to brush my teeth twice a day:upset:

    Oh my Gosh, I haven't done much to catch up with you guys, only going on about my own problems, sorry, thanks for bearing with me, you are all that I have for this sort of thing:thanks:

    Space, I'm very good at the computer but I don't know how to post good pics on here either, I always send them to WTE to do it for me, and awhile back I promised some pics of stuff we will do in Barcelona, and I have never even gotten them sent to her, I think I'm hopeless
    And it's all because once I start relaxing with Alcohol, I lose all of my motivation.

    But, I'm so excited for our holiday, one good thing about being there around my kids is that I for sure won't drink as muc as normal, they don't notice really because wine is just a way of life in Europe, but if I want to be able to help out I absolutely cannot let drinking make me lazy there, that is the reason I am going, to help out.

    Oh my again, I bet you are all tired of reading and have stopped by now.

    Sun, at least when you waffle, it is lighthearted and not so serious:h

    Bye, back soon with more "Waffling"



      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi Dear Dizz

      Hi Dizz,
      Oh, I'm very happy to see you back with us. I so know how awful it feels to be out of touch when there is a problem with computer access and email, I just feel cut off from everyone when that happens. I don't have television, because I don't want to pay the cable fee, and so I really get all my news and such from my computer and if I am cut off from it, Yikes, I can't stand it. I suppose these things are our ways of feeling a bit of routine and comfort in our lives, it kind of makes me feel connected and OK and I guess we need that as human beings, the feeling of being connected to the familiar people and things in our life.

      When I hear of the wonderful countries that are so easily visited when in Europe, I really miss that I have been there so many times but never travel in Europe because my trips are always centered around family and things that I need to help with, I'm happy to be able to do that of course, but I also look forward to being able one of these days to spend my time doing some traveling while I am there. "Hey Space", let's plan to do some traveling in the future?:h

      And Dizz, I'm so happy that you are back, and yes, wondering again when you will be returning to South Africa and the plans from there.

      Taking time out to eat a bite,


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Back Again!

        Hello to Bruun,

        Just reading your post and wondering what sort of therapist that your PDoc recommends? Another type as in Psychotherapist? Rather than Psychiatrist? If so, I think that "talk therapy" is really helpful if the person helps you build tools to access to help yourself in becoming more healthy. I think that therapy is better when combined with antidepressants rather than just the medication

        Us Bruun, I Have the same thoughts on using alcohol for boredom, yes, I think it is the sedation part of it that takes us to another place, it makes me feel better for awhile and then the more I have after that makes me feel awful the next morning, but seems like I don't find that place to stop just with feeling that bit of high and release from worry, that's when it is bad later.

        I take Zoloft now, have been taking it for about ten years, the only time I notice anything is when I try to stop, then I just feel like crying all the time and think, I would rather take it than feel that awful despair. I started out on Prozac during my divorce and it was good until it seemed to cause me to be very anxious and shaky, then I switched to Zoloft and have loved it ever since, for the rest of my life? Wow, perhaps, I would never have thought that

        Bruun, I forgot or didn't remember that you are taking Bac, what dose do you take, don't answer that if it is too personal, I'm just curious about what low dose helps, I'm not thinking of taking it only because it appears to be very difficult to stop once you have begun, but Space did stop and it wasn't too bad,



          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Dizz, Topa Not Working?

          Dizz, I just read that you are struggling with Topa not working the same? I don't remember that you had to stop taking it for some reason, wondering why you had to start again and it is not working? Did you run out or just stop taking it? Just really wondering what happened to make it different for you. This seems to be a recurring issue with the Topa, I'm wondering if it is realistic to think that for us, Topa is going to be the answer? If it only works when we first start taking it with no interruptions, is that a realistic thing to think that we can do for the rest of our lives?????

          Even if we are willing to take it forever, there always seems to be some small glitch of life that interruptes our taking it for a short time and I'm thinking that perhaps Tpa is not the solution that I for one thought it would be:upset:

          So Dizz, so hoping that you are doing well, BF is meeting your expections:h and that you will be hanging in here with us whenever possible, you are loved and you are missed when you are not here.



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi All

            Before I start do any of you live in an area with ?hard water?? It?s the first time I do, its so bad that it actually broke the shower head and now its starting to leave brown stains in the bathroom. How do I go about cleaning this ? is this what they call limescale? Sorry if it sounds stupid but I?ve just never had to deal with these stains and they are driving me nuts.

            I upped my Topa today, I simply have to cut down on my drinking as my birthday is in a month as I?m going home for 6 weeks in a month?s time and I just feel so run down and energy less all the time. I have to speak to my doctor though on whether I should up the Topa or add Epitec, both seem to have similar effects, as Epitec augments the Topa and is also a mood stabiliser.

            Thanks for the kind words Play. I?m glad you have caught up with everyone and I really hope you and Space enjoy your trip. Sorry I can?t join you, if I could?ve, I would. I am however planning to come back in January so its very likely I?ll be around next time. I?m glad you are taking care of yourself, have you ever tried Echinacea drops for when you feel a cold coming on? It works for me. Otherwise, some hot water with lemon juice and honey, some aspirin and a hot bath can also work magic.

            I never stopped the Topa, did run out for 3 days in Ireland but I don?t think that?s enough to really have caused anything. Because of the bipolar I just have problems upping my dose as higher doses causes bad anxiety and bad anxiety makes me want to drink. Also, I don?t have a local GP yet and its often hit and miss. It does feel like Topa isn?t the miracle drug that it felt like in the beginning but perhaps I should just up the dose again and go through the roller coaster first two weeks of anxiety and sleeplessness. It also works much better if I don?t drink at all but that?s not an option at the moment.

            I don?t always travel a lot, Ally. I?m from South Africa so the first time I came to London it was to be able to afford to travel. I earned pounds and used most of it to see as much of Western Europe as I could. It was really exciting, especially from someone who comes from the arse end of the world You sound quite busy that side! Also, I must say when I tried another brand of kudzu it also didn?t work, perhaps I?ll try the one you mention.

            Hi Nora Wish you would share a bit more about yourself.

            Raven, I think you can increase if you are experiencing cravings. Even though the highest dose mentioned in the book is 300mg, people with other illnesses often use up to 600mg or more, so as long as it works I won?t worry about going up to 300mg or a little beyond, as long as you don?t have bad side effects.

            Nice to see you, Houtx,
            and sorry your job stresses you out so much. Drinking sometimes increases my stress levels as I get lazy when I drink, then I get behind in what I should do and then I worry about catching up but no need to tell me that the next glass the next day is still welcome to make the nerves feel better. I?ve been bad and started drinking earlier in the day the last two weeks as I had no computer and therefore no work so today I?m being strong about nothing before 5! Its still early but it?s a start!

            , I?m on Citalopram, which is Celexa and it works well. I am on a very low dose however as I think it?s the mood stabilisers in my case that really does the trick. On the bright side however, I did find that Citalopram was the first AD that did not give me nasty SE?s, the others made me feel sick with headaches, nausea, dizziness and or weight gain. This one does the trick without any hassle. Good luck, I hope it works for you.

            Hey Sun
            , I was wondering whether people still buy lots of books as there are now so many e-readers available. So I?m glad to hear that you guys are still so busy this time of year. Would you say that the in-store (as opposed to online) sales have gone down because of this?

            You sound a lot like me with the not wanting to go to the store as you know you?ll get more booze. I used to do the same thing with my car as the shops used to be a distance away and it used to work quite well. Unfortunately we live within walking distance of FOUR stores that sell alcohol as well as countless pubs? so there is no escape.

            I?m going home mid-December on my own as BF has to work and I will probably stay for quite a while. There is no point in rushing back to be here mid-winter if I can catch a bit of sun and catch up with friends and family at the same time. Will miss bf but to be honest we ideally do need a slightly bigger flat and I think he?s going to enjoy having a week of simply being able not to do anything.

            Sorry to hear about the asthma, Space. I ordered some vapour cigarettes from Electronic Cigarette UK, E Cigarette, E Cigs, Electric Cigarette, Best E Cigarettes It was a Groupon special where you paid 20 quid for the electronic cigarette, charger etc. plus 60 refills. I think it?s really good for people who want to cut down as it still contains nicotine but it doesn?t have the tar and smoke which is probably together twice as bad for your lungs. I don?t smoke that much anyway but I have used it for the ?last one before bed? with quite a bit of success.

            Often in Winter it?s a pain to go outside anyway, or we smoke in the kitchen with the windows open but even that?s really cold, so even replacing half your regular smokes with electronic ones are good. I felt a bit stupid at first but now I just think of the health benefits ? we have also used it when we traveled on buses, planes and in hotels, as it doesn?t smell and its legal everywhere.

            , I guess your shop is also gearing up for Christmas now, especially with year-end functions? Kittens often get upset tummies and I?ve had two not long ago and know what a handful they can be, so I don?t blame you for being a little relieved to have the house for yourself and Charlie again. Yeah, I did go into quite a bad depression without the computer, felt like I was completely cut off from the world. Glad that?s behind me! Cavalia looks brilliant and good luck with your auction! Exciting times!

            Well, I better get some chores done. On the bright side its half past two in the afternoon and I?m going strong with the sticking to my later drinking time. Because of that I have more energy and motivation and I can feel the Topa working a bit better today. Good, I need a positive week at long last!

            Lots of love and hugs to everyone.



              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Ok – Can’t post much but didn’t want to be MIA again!

              First – I HAD to read the “My Penis Is To Large” thread. HA! HA! Come on .. confess – who read it! LMAO. I hope he is really not being serious and sees a DR if he is, but HELLOO???? Think you are going to get medical advice here on THAT? *sorry-can’t stop laughing!”

              I am down right slap silly tired and it is only a bit after 6 PM here. Yes – Will confess to two glasses of wine but I am about to put on my jammies and call it a night with some silly TV.

              Today we set up to tent a pool and patio for a party. My mind is SPINNING in circles for tablescapes for 8 other parties. Inventory is roaring in and WHERE do I put it all? LOL Yep – I guess I DO thrive on the chaos and being busy as I just acnt;t drink so much and hold it all together.

              Domain name UPDATE! Well, I called GoDaddy and what really happened is he DID NOT renew it! So it is for auction and they put an auto bid for me at $10.00. My $100 bid is missing .. hummmm… But so far I am top bidder with only one bid. I think this may really happen after all these years of aggravation! Yeah!!!

              Humm.just tried again and it DOES show my $100 bid – others just cant se it HA! HA!

              Got a lovely letter from the Forever Home of Devas .. and pics. Made my day! She is SUCH a lovely woman!

              OK – Must close and I am sorry I am not reading past posts …. Just did not want to be consider dead. OH! On that note – saw the throat DR this am and my throat “freckle” = NOTHING. Yeah again!

              Love, Hugs and Good Dreams!

              WTE & Charlie


                New here and starting Topa and with a question


                We should post back: my breasts are so large!!! See how many views we get!
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Dear Space,

                  I somehow missed your post about your asthma attack, that must have been awful and so terrifying.

                  I have asthma as well as my daughter in Spain, hers is much worse than mine.

                  So I'm wondering if you just take a "rescue inhaler"' (albuteral) and hopefully the steroid inhaler that you use twice a day every day, if not please ask about the steroid inhaler in addition to the rescue inhaler. I also would never be offering an opinion on the smoking, but for people with asthma especially, it is really so important to stop smoking, I don't know how to do that any more than to be able to stop drinking, but I know that if you keep smoking you will be in bad shape, now the same can be said of our drinking, so oh my, it is quite an issue, just do the best that you can I suppose.

                  It's like if I was told that I had liver disease, would I stop drinking? Good Question, and I cannot really answer it as I don't know what I would be capable of doing. My grandfather died of Emphazema (sp), and I remember sitting on the bed with him when I was very young, and he was on oxygen and still smoked, lucky the house didn't blow up, but he finally died of it, he could never stop smoking and had smoked since he was a young boy, OMG, I hope that we are able to do better.

                  Anyway, just do your best and that is all you and we can do:h

                  Love play


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Space, so sorry. Hopefully you're felling better? Lots of love your way and wishing you well.

                    Ally, I'd definitely view that a few times...


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      WTE, I'm so jealous about the Cavilia thing, I wanted to see it when it was in San Francisco a few years ago but of course didn't make the effort needed, such is my life I guess.

                      I also read the "penis" post straight away, OMG, I'm wondering if lovelife is related to John Belushi and/or Joaquin Phoenix, they were pretty good at playing those pranks on people also, I'm guessing this is one of those, lol, makes life even more interesting here on MYO, before that post I had kind of taken Ifulovelife rather seriously, haha, now I know.

                      WTE sure hope you get that domain name

                      Sun, I love "hovering" much more than "vacuuming", just has a nicer sound. Sun, I'm curious also as to your thoughts about how online books are affecting the brick and mortar bookstores. I know that here in SF, we have the large bookstores going out of business and I'm just praying that the small independent places don't go out as well.

                      Dizz, that's wonderful that you are going to use the electric cigs, I sae them in the SF Mall, I stopped at the booth and was just absolutely fascinated, and they don't really seem much more expensive than buying cigs nowadays. When I saw the vapor which looked like smoke, it was so amazed that it was just vapor, not smoke, no smell, totally harmless, what a great alternative for people to avoid all the toxic smoke and chemicals going into the lungs, perhaps nicotine isn't that bad, maybe it is the smoke, I don't know much about it but it seems like at must be 99 percent better.

                      See you girls tomorrow,
                      Love play


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        OKAY - I am just in from work. It was utter chaos there tonight - I was a whirling dirvish from the minute I arrived until I just sat down now - my head feels as if it is spinning. Not so much from customers but from stuff us managers had to do - crazy...... still, the evening flew by - I didn't know where the time went.

                        Okay - I fess up - I still haven't look at the penis thread - guess I will go and look and see what all the fuss is about...... back in a few. OMG - I did laugh at the replies - and yes i so agree - WHO is going to take him seriously with that thread title and the way he talks about it - I mean - come on !!! IF he is serious, then yes, he needs to see a doctor - who is going to say.... WHAT?????

                        As for the HOOVERING - which I am going to continue to do - and NO miss smarty pants Ally - it ISN'T number 3 or 4 - ROTFLMBO !!!!!!!! I have NEVER heard of hoovering meaning any of those things - that would mean all of UK is doing that!!!!! Come on Space - back me here - tell them all of England HOOVERS !!!!!!!! Where are you ?????? Dang Urban Dictionary :H:H You all crack me up.........

                        Play and Diz - re the online books affecting bricks and mortar stores - well yes of course they are - we get people asking us for a book and then saying 'well, I can get it for half the price on amazon" - and we try to explain that Amazon doesn't have our rent and other overheads etc - plus we have the book in front of them - and NO we cannot match amazons price. Sometimes they will buy it and other times they won't. I understand it - I have done it too with DVD's - but you are always going to have people that want the book NOW or people that don't have computers or don't want to order on-line or whatever. Our books sales have gone down and I have no idea what the future will bring but you now we are holding our own. I think there always will be a brick and mortar book store but they will be fewer and further apart.

                        Diz - I have tried the electronic cigs and can't remember why but just didn't get on with them - as I say - can't remember why...... I think for me it is the real thing or nothing. one of these days I will give up again.

                        Ally - so loved your suggestion of "your breasts are so large" - maybe from taking Topa???

                        WTE - lovely to see you - so sorry I missed you the other evening. Happy to see you heard from DeVas' forever home - lovely !!! How long is the bidding open for the domain name??

                        Am SO happy that the throat freckle was nothing - I thought your appt was the 13th - I was going to text you and wish you good luck !!!!! Topa Dopa!!! Really happy everything is good :l:l

                        Diz - I have really hard water where I live. You can buy cleaners that address this particular problem and yes i think it is limescale. I have a terrible problem with it - my kettle and my iron. When I go anywhere that has soft water and wash my hair I always end up with soap suds out the kazoo 'cos I am so used to having to use so much more shampoo to get a lather!!! I am not sure about the brown stains though - do you have a drip? That is the only way that I can see they would leave a brown stain.

                        We had three inches of rain yesterday with the storms! THREE inches - and the temps are going crazy - 75 on Saturday and ice pellets today. Just wild. I am hoping to get in the garden - if my body and motivation will allow... LOL. I have to pull out my dead plants and I also have to dig out my spuds then bury them for the winter. I am off tomorrow and hope I have enough motivation to GET OUT THERE and do something. I am taking Katie to be groomed - her first ever time so that will be fun. She also gets car sick so I am hoping we get there before she gets sick.

                        Space - where are you? I am missing you. Please post. I am missing my Space - darn it - have forgotten the word - like when you need the caffeine - or the nicotine - or the Space........ DANG Topa !!! Anyway - you all know what I mean. please post - I miss you. FIX !!!!!!! That is the word - I am missing my Space FIX !!!!!!

                        Okay - I want to say to everyone else - please post - Raven - we would love to see you here - how are you doing? WU - where are you? What is going on with you? I am not going to chase after you - you know where we are. Houtx - pop in when you have time.

                        I feel I have forgotten someone - so sorry - can we put it down to age or Topa? (or both - LOL) Sorry ..... love and hugs to all,

                        love, Sun XXXX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          I was just thinking that about the topa thread, Sun..."Topa made my bosoms/penis ginormous!" You know, if enough rumors fly about it, topa and bac will be available over the counter! :H


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            A very quick one as I am dashing out the door for yet ANOTHER DR appt. Just with my GP who had an opening this AM instead of 3 weeks from now. Just an update on where I am at and perhaps some allergy testing for my every morning stuffy nose! I may be allergic to flowers! HA!

                            Domain auction ends next Wednesday on the 21st. Dang! But so far - I am the only bidder. Cross your fingers, legs, toes .... and on that other guy's thread ... his penis! LMAO!

                            Hugs to all and hope to catch up soon !

                            WTE & C


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi everyone! Good morning:

                              Yes the penile thread is still going long and strong. Very exciting stuff! Wonder what the site administrators are thinking...,
                              Alcoholic (or Ally)

                              "Only a fool knows everything.
                              A wise man knows how little he knows."

                              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                LOL - yes, that penis thread is a hoot isn't it?

                                WTE - that would really be ironic if you are allergic to flowers! Guess you will be buying stock in allergy meds!!! I found that when I stopped smoking that my morning stuffy nose went away - just saying..........

                                hi fen - about time you showed up!!

                                Space - where are you - I am getting worried!!!!

                                Just picked up Miss Katie from the groomers and apart from smelling of some obnxious scent that I should have told them NOT to spray her with, she looks and feels lovely. Am taking Miss Daisy AND Miss Katie next time. Daisy LOVES being groomed and rolls on her back when she sees the brush - so they will have fun with her. 'Cos of her rescue past and having had a broken leg that wasn't fixed and dislocated hips etc., she can't stand for long - so she just rolls on her back - she LOVES being brushed!! Kind of reminds me of Charlie WTE........

                                Well, on to do more of nothing with my day - actually I think I am going to get out in the garden - it is chilly but sunny - perfect day for being outside.

                                love and hugs, Sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

