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Progress thread for ne

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    Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
    On a completely different and unrelated topic:

    Ed and I have started to think about what the future might bring. We've got at least another couple of years here in southeastern Virginia, but after that...Who knows? And I'd like to get out of the south. I really, really, really want to get out of the south. So I've been daydreaming about places to go.

    I've got a Facebook friend who posts about Utah a lot. The particular area, though, is very, very, very expensive. Like, the cost of living is 73% higher than in the rest of the country.

    Not so, Ne!


    Mar. 2012 cost of living index in Park City UT: 97.2 (near average, U.S. average is 100)

    Read more:

    But yes, it is cold in Park the Winter.


    With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


      Perhaps I simplified the info I found? The median house price is $660k. The mean is a mind-boggling $900+ for a detached home. If Ed and I can ever afford a million dollar home, I think we'd pick San Francisco. Then again, I'm not sure what a million smackeroos will get a girl in SF. A one bedroom condo with a view of the alley? Seriously, it might not even buy that. Anyway. Thanks for the response. It looks like an amazing place to live, even with the dreaded winter. In fact, it's one of the few places that makes winter look like a wonderland instead of purgatory.

      If I can figure out a way to get medical school paid for...And then I work until I'm 75...THEN we could go anywhere. Don't think it's not on my radar...


        Hey Ne. I’m sorry I’m late to the party. I didn’t see your posts yesterday for some reason. Anyway, I’m so glad to hear that your chest pain has been resolved. Anxiety and stress will do all kinds of crazy (and scary) things to the body. And my god, do I remember that end-of-semester stress! That could easily explain it. On an unrelated note, your puppy is absolutely adorable

        I hear you about not wanting to move some place cold. I hate the long, freezing, dark winters up here. I didn’t know that all the best ranked places to live were northern. I would have thought the opposite, actually. And I can’t really see how this type of environment would make people more productive, unless we’re just moving faster than we realize in order to stay warm Keep dreaming, though. The right place will jump out at you when the time is right. Australia does sound pretty sweet, though, if it weren’t for the whole being on the opposite side of the world from family and friends.

        And you’re right. The whole wide world IS open to you now. That’s so amazingly awesome to see that you’re not only experiencing the change, but that you’re aware of the potential and are embracing it! Alcoholic or not, it’s so easy to fall into patterns in life, and most people never really realize their full potential or what life really could be. You are. Keep on dreaming, sister.


          Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
          Perhaps I simplified the info I found? The median house price is $660k. The mean is a mind-boggling $900+ for a detached home.
          Ne, the median figures include ginormous mcmansions. Actually, normally-sized homes are quite affordable around here. Utah may not be for everyone, but housing costs are probably not the main reason.

          With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


            Thanks, Lis. The flip side of all of that is that I could just be happy where I am. ha.


              Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
              Perhaps I simplified the info I found? The median house price is $660k. The mean is a mind-boggling $900+ for a detached home.
              Ne, the median figures include ginormous mcmansions. Actually, normally-sized homes are quite affordable around here. Utah may not be for everyone, but housing costs are probably not the main reason.

              With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                Ne, I was once told that -"Wherever I am, that is where I will be." Same person, different place. Of course, you already know this. (Although the person who told me this was right, I still consider him an arsehole.)



                  Bah, I felt really bad about deleting my post from earlier, so I'll try and recreate it here. The reason I deleted it was because it was just a moan really, about how things aren't perfect, and they fucking well should be... Always, for everyone.

                  So I lurk at 150, with indifference being 240. 150 affords me some protection, but late nights happen. My indifference at this level is partial, meaning I don't feel I have to drink everyday, and I most of the time don't drink at all. However, when a festive season such as the one I am currently embroiled in rolls around, late nights get later, and more frequent. So waking up hungover has suddenly returned to my life, and I remember how dreadfully, bone crushingly bad those things can be. It seems much worse than before, my body has lost the ability to handle large amounts of booze. I have gone from laughing at people who got hangovers to being laughed at 3 days later when I still don't feel right.

                  Also, the more I go out, the more I feel my brain chemistry tipping. Going out seems more fun at the moment than it did a month ago, so it seems there is yet another slippery slope here. Life is full of those fucking things, and I should by now be a master of navigating them, but it seems that part of the deal with slippery slopes is that you have to wear slippery shoes to cross them.

                  The reason I am not at 240 is that it completely removes my sex drive at that level. I am surprised and disappointed that the two are linked for me, or is it just coincidence? I doubt it somehow. When I drank prior to baclofen I always got horny, so.... so, this is about where I deleted the post.

                  The answer seems obvious, even to someone like me who often cannot see very obvious things. Go up on baclofen to again reach indifference, proper indifference. From there I am tempted to throw the lot in and end this now four year old struggle with myself. Pack the lot in, give up drinking, and then stop baclofen, and live life free and happy with perfect things always happening to everybody. Almost.

                  I just can't seem to take that final step though. Or first step depending on how you look at these things.


                    Reggie! Merry Xmas mate.

                    It's definitely baclofen related, and just results in zero desire for sex. I've been up and down across the dose range enough for it to be pretty conclusive at this point.



                      If it ever comes to pass that we are actually willing and able to relocate from the east coast, I'll keep that area in mind. (We'd probably also need to have some sort of realignment of body temperature and/or grow fur. We spent NYE in Baltimore at the Harbor watching the fireworks, and while I was well bundled up and only relatively uncomfortable, Ed was miserably cold. The husky puppy would be THRILLED, though.)

                      Hope you're well, and Happy New Year.


                        Bleep, <sigh>
                        I've started to wonder if this is one of the reasons that Ed didn't want to take as much baclofen as he needed to in order to be contentedly indifferent? I haven't noticed any difference, but who knows? I'll have to remember to ask him.


                          Baclofen has taken me far. It has undoubtedly saved my marriage, and probably saved me from a lingering and unpleasant fate. It has given me a relationship with my kids that would never have been possible. Unfortunately, it can't do everything though, and basically I think I am at the point where I need to man up a little here and take some accountability for my actions. Now that I have a choice in the matter, it seems foolish to pick the shitty option.

                          Now it's simply a matter of living up to these big words!


                            And it seems I have found some wiggle room... I was casually chatting with my doctor, as one does, and it turns out that Naltrexone is available here. I remember L0op was always a fan of mixing the 2, so I'll give this a whirl before hanging up my boots.

                            Will report on progress or otherwise here, if you don't mind Ne?

                            Better living through chemistry!


                              Sounds good, bleep. Good luck!


                                Where are you Ne?
                                TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

