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Newbies Nest! for bac

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    Newbies Nest! for bac

    Quito? Wow. My mentor for the program I was in spent his time studying some native culture there for his PhD. Damned if I can remember who now.

    Lying anywhere depressed never did me any good. But...I get it.

    And things were very, very complicated with my husband and I before. Not so much complicated, actually, as just lousy. That's all changed. Pretty dramatically. I guess I'm suggesting that there is hope for that, too.

    And I hope you feel better and find some strength and peace today. Quito calls!


      Newbies Nest! for bac

      U in Ecuador yet?


        Newbies Nest! for bac

        Yes, arrived late last night. Slept like a log and am in much better spirits. I spoke with my AA sponsor and he also gave me some support and advice, along with the slap on the back of the head.

        I'm having a real issue with him, not because of anything he did, I just haven't been honest with him that I'm taking baclofen, I just don't think he agrees. That and I have never been able to stay sober long enough and I feel like such a failure in the meetings. Are/were you in AA? A part of me wants to wait and see with bac because some of these steps I have trouble with, but another part says what do I have to lose. Anyways, I just wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts on the matter.



          Newbies Nest! for bac

          Man, glad to hear you slept.

          There are plenty of thoughts around here about AA :H I guess the important thing is how it makes you feel. When I was trying to clean up without bac I was a mess and AA really helped, I think, though I only went once a week and didn't have a sponsor or share at meetings or anything. I just liked having somewhere I had to go each week, and of course I love listening to stories. By the time I hit a certain dose of bac and still wasn't drinking I couldn't really relate anymore. I felt great and wasn't struggling. So then of course I started drinking and now I just don't feel like doing AA again...

          If it's making you feel like a failure it doesn't sound worth it to me. There's plenty of stuff for us to feel like failures for, no use going out and getting another one

          Plenty more discussion if ya' want it...


            Newbies Nest! for bac

            Thanks, it's amazing how a little sleep can help!

            For the most part, I like AA and some of the people there are the best people I know. I just recently got a sponsor (before thinking of starting bac) and to be honest I haven't made much progress. I go to about 3-4 meetings a week when I'm in town. I like what I see and how they act, and want to get there. But a thought occurred to me, what if our "self-centeredness" which we're taught in AA stems from the same brain dysfunction that baclofen treats? What if it's a double bonus with baclofen, stop drinking and also helps whatever chemicals in our brain that make us be selfish. Sometimes reading and learning the things in AA makes me feel pretty shitty. I think I'm a nice guy but these past few years with my drinking I've see myself become a jerk. And if what AA tells me is true, then I'm a self-centered, selfish jerk. So what if when Bac kicks in and I stop drinking I'm back to myself?

            Just a few thoughts as I wait to go into a meeting. I think I'm still going to go to AA, bac hasn't kicked in so I'm definitely jumping the gun but just wanted to see what y'all think.



              Newbies Nest! for bac

              Today is my 6th day on back and happy to say no SE's. It's still a very small dosage, 10 mg, but I'm just happy no reactions, yet (hopefully never!)

              I had a glass of wine at dinner last night and no urge to keep drinking. Then again, I'm still in regret over Monday's fiasco. My true test should come this weekend, my viscious cycle is binge, feel like crap for a few days then start feeling better and binge again.

              For now, I'm good and looking forward to getting this beast off my back.



                Newbies Nest! for bac

                The first 5 days after the weekend are always the hardest. | Workplace Ecard |


                  Newbies Nest! for bac

                  Back in Houston, just heard about the Colorado movie killing. Prayers for all the victims families.

                  on my 6th day of Bac. Had a beer last night but a huge amount of cravings. I was able to not drink anymore, a combination of being with my employees and extremely tired. I'll be going up to 30 mg tomorrow. So far no SE's except a bit of tiredness.

                  No cheers today. Colorado weighs heavy.


                    Newbies Nest! for bac

                    Morning, Tag. The tragedy is so mind-boggling, isn't it?

                    Are you bac(k) in the U.S. yet? How's the bac and the booze? Keep an eye on those binges as you go up, because everything could be going along just fine and then Wham! a bac hangover is no joke for many of us.

                    Hope it's a good day, and that you're feeling better!


                      Newbies Nest! for bac

                      Morning Nunca! (sorry, thought it would be clever to say Never in spanish....not sure)

                      I'm back in the U.S., pretty happy that my wife picked me up from the airport! It got better....I spoke with the good doctor for our weekly talk and he suggested letting my wife know about taking Bac. I hesitated but decided what the hell. I told her and could feel her rolling her eyes.... her reaction was not unexpected. But later that evening she asked if I wanted to go to the movies and we even held hands in the theater! Go figure?! It was a good night! I wish I could say we’re still holding hands, unfortunately that’s not the case. But I’ll take a good night……baby steps.

                      As for Bac, I’m on my eighth day. I titrated up to 30 mg yesterday (Sat) and I think I felt my first SE. After my noon dose of 10 mg I became very tired, to the point I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I think it was a combination of being super tired after a quick, hard business trip and the Bac. I went to sleep early, and woke up fine this morning. My drinking has been o.k., I had that big binge on Monday night and really only had one drink each night with dinner. Thanks for the heads up on the binges, I’m definitely trying to be careful, I don’t want the hangover and I definitely don’t want to “complicate” even further the situation at home. I’m not sure it can survive another “complication”. I’m lucky my last binge was on the road.

                      Thanks again for the encouragement.


                      Day 8 on Bac
                      AF - 7/19/12
                      BF (binge free) – 7/16/12


                        Newbies Nest! for bac

                        Has anyone ever tried Bac with Kudzu? I had tried Kudzu from Full Spectrum Planetary Herbals and it had helped with the craving. I had read someone did this on another thread (I think) but I cant find it now. I thought perhaps it could help me resist the binges until Bac starts kicking in for good but I don't know if this will mess up the Bac effects?

                        Thanks! Cheers!

                        Day 10 on Bac - 30mg
                        AF - 7/19/12
                        BF - 7/16/12


                          Newbies Nest! for bac

                          Morning, Tag!

                          I don't know that I'd take anything at all with baclofen unless it's to deal with a specific side effect related to reaching the goal. Taking supplements and herbs is one of the things that I identified as reasons that people don't make it to indifference. I have no way of knowing whether or not that was related to the supplements, or the particular situation or the person... I just know I wasn't going to take any chances.

                          I think if I were in that situation, I would simply take more baclofen (10-20mg). That isn't to be taken lightly! It may lead to increased side effects, but it would be the most effective way to avoid or stop a binge.

                          Congratulations! Reaching across the chasm of the past to grab someone's hand is a HUGE step, isn't it? A small gesture, with huge meaning.

                          And congratulations, too, on your AF and BF time. (You might want to clarify what that means in your signature. I can only imagine what people might imagine! Boob-free? Butt-free? Booger-free? Apparently my mind is stuck in 6yo boy mode, since those are the B-words that I came up with. :H)

                          Glad you're home and making progress. Are you going up any time soon?


                            Newbies Nest! for bac

                            You made me spit my coffee on my keyboard, too funny. Any suggestions? or should I just keep putting Binge free?

                            Thanks for the advice on supplements. I'm going to play golf this afternoon (one of my kryptonites, but unfortunately necessary) so I was trying to take cautionary measures to avoid any hint of binge.

                            I go up 20mg per week each saturday. Next up will be 50mg.

                            Day 10 on Bac - 30mg
                            AF - 7/19/12
                            BBF (binge beast free) – 7/16/12


                              Newbies Nest! for bac

                              One more question....Am I just a rookie or does everyone have a hard time splitting their pills??? I bought a pill splitter but I have 20mg pills that I had to divide into 5mg at the begining and it was driving me insane cuz they would completely crack every which way! Luckily I now only have to divide them into 10mg pieces but still they crack and I'm picking up little pieces to try to take!!


                              Day 10 on Bac - 30mg
                              AF - 7/19/12
                              BBF (binge beast free) – 7/16/12


                                Newbies Nest! for bac

                                TexasAg;1354144 wrote: One more question....Am I just a rookie or does everyone have a hard time splitting their pills??? I bought a pill splitter but I have 20mg pills that I had to divide into 5mg at the begining and it was driving me insane cuz they would completely crack every which way! Luckily I now only have to divide them into 10mg pieces but still they crack and I'm picking up little pieces to try to take!!


                                Day 10 on Bac - 30mg
                                AF - 7/19/12
                                BBF (binge beast free) – 7/16/12
                                Hi Tex
                                How are you finding the Bac ? I have some and kinda willy nilly taking them. Do you get VERY tired ?

                                ps I just bite a piece off each time to get 5 mgs:H

