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Skullbaby's Progress

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    Skullbaby's Progress


    Hoooo boy, where do I begin?

    It's been about 2 weeks since I last updated on my thread, which is a longer time than usual for me. I?ve just been so unbelievably busy dealing with the move.

    The last few weeks have tried my patience and resolve like I couldn't have imagined. Without my antabuse, I really don't think I would have made it and would have caved in and drank, though hopefully I would have found the baclofen would make the alcohol less desirable once I started. Who knows. Thankfully, I didn't cave (because I couldn't).

    So, today is Day 59 AF. One day shy of my goal of at least 60 days AF. Crazy.

    Over the last two weeks, we went through a cross-country move... packing the house, selling furniture and random crap, coordinating tons of tasks errands etc. Dealing with family, with emotions, flying cross country with pets, etc. All that really challenged my patience and my resolve. There were times of uncomfortable moments with family- tension and anxiety. There was even a brief meeting over coffee with a beloved family member with whom I've been estranged for the last year and a half. Though this person and I have a long way to go before being really close again, I was able to be there for this meeting with a healthy spirit. There was some anxiety and confusion/conflicting feelings that followed, some of it pretty intense, but I lived. Throughout the weeks there were a handful of other times that I felt super overwhelmed, frustrated, angry, lost. There were definitely multiple times I wished I could drink.

    But... I was able to move past those moments. Usually I would just get through the day and just go to sleep (super early, like 9 pm) in hopes that tomorrow would likely be better. And though it took two weeks worth of tomorrows, it finally is here and finally is better. I?m typing this from my cozy new home in Portland, OR, on a sunny Sunday afternoon, surrounded by boxes that need to be unpacked, with my GF, dog, and cat all occupying themselves with various pursuits. Life is actually pretty good and getting better.

    As for those moments where I wished I could drink, I didn't sit and struggle with them as I would have normally, because the Antabuse took away any debate, so it became an "Oh well" and I just moved on. So, it's doing its job well.

    Takeaways from the past few weeks-

    First and foremost, for me- My sobriety is the well from which all good things spring. For me, drinking is poisoning that well. If I keep the well clean, I can live a really good life. It enables all possible good things.

    That said, sobriety is still a lot of work, even with my medications doing a lot of heavy lifting.
    I'm really recognizing the need for coping tools to manage stress and anxiety. The baclofen/sobriety helps immensely, as does my antideppressant, but managing especially stressful times takes some coping methods that I need to focus on.

    To that end, I'll be renewing my focus on 1. meditation, 2. therapy, and 3. martial arts to really try to work on managing stress, emotional overwhelm, etc. I'm going to be creating a morning ritual that I'll be posting about in the Morning Rituals thread. It'll be some kind of combination of light stretching, then shower, then meditation (10 min or so), then coffee/MWO, then Lumosity games for mental stimulation, and only then will I open my email/internet to get started working for the day. Maybe the first thing I do online (aside from MWO/Lumosity) will be tasks/goals for the day. Still formulating this, but it's something I anticipate becoming quite valuable.

    As for therapy, I really want to focus on a couple things, in particular anger/stress related issues. Sometimes I feel like my frustrations are bottled up inside and I can't process them and let them go. I also want to focus on my extreme anxiety over confrontations/disagreements. Confrontations are sometimes necessary in life, but I?ve always found them so uncomfortable... the anxiety is overwhelming. Sometimes I'm going to need to stand up for myself or my loved ones, and not back down. Sometimes I can work past the fear and do so, othertimes not so much. Basically, if I'm completely honest- I hate that I have cowardly tendencies and want to do something about it. Too often, I?ll defer to someone else's opinion even if I disagree with it. This makes me feel ashamed and frustrated, which I just keep bottled up inside. Anyway, stuff to work on... getting comfortable with honoring my own voice, even (and perhaps especially) when it's a contrary or controversial opinion, or may get me into a confrontation. I want to be ?right?, and I want to be ok with being ?wrong?... as long as I'm not weak, cowardly, and irresolute (or as little as possible, anyway). Nobody is strong at all times and we're all going to have times of weakness, but I want to work on maximizing strength, confidence, and having the courage of my convictions. Like most things worth doing, this is going to be a long journey.

    I recently read a quote that said "Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. But they also didn't sit around on their ass, either. Get to work." I liked that.

    I've been really aware lately of how attracted I am to those with strength. Just the concept of strength- strength of mind, body, confidence, and character. They're all really fucking awesome and sexy to me. It's a trait I want to develop in myself, and nurture into a way of life. This is a welcome revelation and one I'm sort of pleasantly surprised by.

    In that spirit, I'm also renewing my commitment to physical health, because I'm finally experiencing firsthand how commitment to health has a direct benefit to strength of mind and soul. I was doing great on my diet and exercise for about 50 days, then fell off rather spectacularly-- eating sugar, gluten, grains, processed food, junk food, and not exercising at all. Well, I have to get back to good health SOMETIME, and that day is today. I'm counting today as DAY 1 of diet and exercise health. I'm also posting about this daily over in the Sugar-Free thread (which is a sort of all-things-nutrition-thread, or I'm using it as such).

    I'll also be looking to find a good school for Krav Maga (Israeli self defence) for martial arts. My hope is that it?ll help me develop the mindset of action over inaction, confidence over complacency, and not defer automatically to the mindset of weak, ineffective, or even victim. Plus, I?m hoping that the physical intensity will help with the processing of the internal frustration and negative emotions that I know I need to process. Can?t keep negative shit bottled up? Gotta expel that shit and replace it with strength and positivity..

    As for my abstinence plan going forward, I think I?ll give it some thought today and post about it tomorrow when I?m at my 60 day milestone.

    Whew, this post is quite a novel. How?s that for a manifesto? Lol

    Best to all!


      Skullbaby's Progress

      hey skull - its awesome you're doing so well, 60 days is quite the acomplishment, i hope to get there soon. How is your move going? I'm wondering if you think the antabuse was crucial along with baclofen to stop you from drinking? could you have done it without antabuse? I was curious as well what else you use for support? I go on the reddit forums /r/stopdrinking and /r/cripplingalcoholism (reminds me all the bad i've now left behind). the mywayout forums can be a bit dead when i want to read other peoples stories and experiences, these help me so mcuh especially when im craving. I see you chose krav as your martial art, its good to do something to help you out. I did some krav lessons back in teh day but i didn't really like it. i found brazillian ju jitsu much more effective as it has intense sparing. though there are some useful things from krav i took away, like the psychological aspects of dealing with physical confrontations. I was actually assaulted after i took some krav lessons and i used some of te techniques that got me out of there, so i have that to thank for it

      im interested in those lumosity games you mention, mind linking them to me? as for meditation do you have any techniques? Yesterday it was a warm night in sydney so i got a blanket and i laid out in the night and stared up at the sky while everyone was in the city boozing it up.

      funny you mention about finding it difficult to confront people, i have the same problem. i imagine how the arguments of confrontation go in my mind, me winnning of course, the reality is, when i confront people, the more i prepare the worse it makes it and i kind of just say nothign adn it feels like a failure. not being riddled with anxiety of booze does help though.

      today marks day 29 for me. I have one more day to go. I almost screwed up last night, it was sunday night and we have a public holiday in sydney, i walked to get booze to find the liquour store close. thank god, but if they were open i probably would have bought. when it was closed though, it didnt really bother me that much. I stilll find it tough on the weekends to stay sober. my friends go out to the bars but i stay at home. This made me think of what you said about antabuse, if i took it early friday and saturday mornings then it could help me not drink on those days at all. im glad i didnt drink though, now that the weekend is over, im on my way to 30 days

      i did look into the TSM for codeine, from my readings it looks like it will throw me into a rapid withdrawal. i have started to reduce it slowly, im down a few tablets already. when im free of it or lwo enough then i might give TSM a go, if i block the euphoric effects then it should stop me from trying to get high off the drug. this one is a pain in the butt for me. im hoping going higher in dose in baclofen will help me not want to use codeine at all.

      175mg jump did help, i might push up to 200mg and see how that goes, the side effects are pretty tollerable when im not drinking, i guess im one of the lucky ones. i just get day time sleepyness now and i snore like nothing else. Everytime i go up in dose, the cravings reduce that little bit more. im not sure where i should really stop. im not drinking but im still using codeine and im still not completely indifferent to alcohol. If i had to stay on 175mg id say it would be enough for me to stop drinking though.

      29 days AF, one more day fuck yeah!

      all the best everyone
      01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

      Baclofen prescribing guide

      Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


        Skullbaby's Progress

        Hey Skullbaby, very well done on getting those 60 days-- you said it was your "minimum", but I sure hope you'll carry on. How are you feeling? Did you see Allan started an SF Rollcall? --


          Skullbaby's Progress

          Hey Neo- Thanks for the compliments, I'm feeling pretty good at 60 days, move and all. As for the move, we're on the other side of it now, and now October is gonna be full of unpacking boxes and settling in- definitely the more enjoyable part of moving. I'm sort of amazed I didn't break down and drink, but happy, as the move would have proved much more challenging if I was drinking/hunogver regularly.

          As to your questions- I have 99% certainty that without my Antabuse I would have drank. However, I can't say if I would have drank alcoholically or moderately thanks to baclofen. I just didn't want to try, since I'd committed to 60 days. But knowing myself and my history, I know almost definitely that I would have at least drank something. I was just so unbelievably stressed out. That's why I think that for now, AB and BAC are good tools in combination for me. However, that combination will no doubt change over the months/years to some other configuration.

          Regarding support, other than my girlfriend who's a very supportive partner, I rely almost solely on MWO in various forums/threads, but I do so almost every day. It keeps me engaged. I also track/graph my health, meds, drinking etc. in calendar and graph apps. It's so much more detailed/OCD than I've ever been in the past, but again, it helps keep me engaged, connected, and helps me from just getting foggy and drifting away into Whateverland, which would lead me quickly to Hammersville. So far, those tools, along with the meds as well as healthy diet/exercise/supps etc, it a winning combination for me.

          I'll check out the reddit forums you mentioned- they'll no doubt be painful to read but I too may find it helpful to be reminded of the hell that is in my (still-recent) past. Thanks for the tip...

          I did choose Krav for now, for the reasons you mention- I want to ingrain the survivor's mindset before branching out into other arts. I'm very interested in BJJ as well, but I'd like to start it after some time in KM. Sounds like Krav was at least useful in getting you out of a scrape, glad to hear that!

          As for links, here they are- Lumosity is Brain Games & Brain Training - Lumosity . As for meditation, Mandie recommended an app called Satify (mis-spelling intentional) that's good for meditating, and I'm gonna try starting with that.

          Good on your for passing 30 days my friend! Sounds like you had a close call re:the liquor store run, glad the universe conspired to keep you on track Sounds like you still have some cravings to squash, have you decided to up your bac dose? I think your idea about AB on the weekends is great too- AB taking away the option to drink at all can be a really big help. Also smart choice in ducking away from the bar scene on weekends. They aren't going anywhere and you're not missing anything. If you need to, you can always go back and get drunk later... and sick, depressed, horribly anxious, and all that lovely stuff that comes with it.

          I totally relate to what you're saying about confrontations... it's a trait in myself that I want to change. Just like anything worth doing, ie, exercise, sobriety, etc., it's gonna take a while but it's worth it.

          Best to you buddy, keep it going my man.

          neophyte;1565294 wrote:
          hey skull - its awesome you're doing so well, 60 days is quite the acomplishment, i hope to get there soon. How is your move going? I'm wondering if you think the antabuse was crucial along with baclofen to stop you from drinking? could you have done it without antabuse? I was curious as well what else you use for support? I go on the reddit forums /r/stopdrinking and /r/cripplingalcoholism (reminds me all the bad i've now left behind). the mywayout forums can be a bit dead when i want to read other peoples stories and experiences, these help me so mcuh especially when im craving. I see you chose krav as your martial art, its good to do something to help you out. I did some krav lessons back in teh day but i didn't really like it. i found brazillian ju jitsu much more effective as it has intense sparing. though there are some useful things from krav i took away, like the psychological aspects of dealing with physical confrontations. I was actually assaulted after i took some krav lessons and i used some of te techniques that got me out of there, so i have that to thank for it

          im interested in those lumosity games you mention, mind linking them to me? as for meditation do you have any techniques? Yesterday it was a warm night in sydney so i got a blanket and i laid out in the night and stared up at the sky while everyone was in the city boozing it up.

          funny you mention about finding it difficult to confront people, i have the same problem. i imagine how the arguments of confrontation go in my mind, me winnning of course, the reality is, when i confront people, the more i prepare the worse it makes it and i kind of just say nothign adn it feels like a failure. not being riddled with anxiety of booze does help though.

          today marks day 29 for me. I have one more day to go. I almost screwed up last night, it was sunday night and we have a public holiday in sydney, i walked to get booze to find the liquour store close. thank god, but if they were open i probably would have bought. when it was closed though, it didnt really bother me that much. I stilll find it tough on the weekends to stay sober. my friends go out to the bars but i stay at home. This made me think of what you said about antabuse, if i took it early friday and saturday mornings then it could help me not drink on those days at all. im glad i didnt drink though, now that the weekend is over, im on my way to 30 days

          i did look into the TSM for codeine, from my readings it looks like it will throw me into a rapid withdrawal. i have started to reduce it slowly, im down a few tablets already. when im free of it or lwo enough then i might give TSM a go, if i block the euphoric effects then it should stop me from trying to get high off the drug. this one is a pain in the butt for me. im hoping going higher in dose in baclofen will help me not want to use codeine at all.

          175mg jump did help, i might push up to 200mg and see how that goes, the side effects are pretty tollerable when im not drinking, i guess im one of the lucky ones. i just get day time sleepyness now and i snore like nothing else. Everytime i go up in dose, the cravings reduce that little bit more. im not sure where i should really stop. im not drinking but im still using codeine and im still not completely indifferent to alcohol. If i had to stay on 175mg id say it would be enough for me to stop drinking though.

          29 days AF, one more day fuck yeah!

          all the best everyone


            Skullbaby's Progress

            lifechange;1565375 wrote: Hey Skullbaby, very well done on getting those 60 days-- you said it was your "minimum", but I sure hope you'll carry on. How are you feeling? Did you see Allan started an SF Rollcall? --
            Hi Life! Thanks for the encouragement. As for going forward, I'm still formulating that plan but I think I'll be signing up for another 30 days, making the total 90. After all, I'm 2/3rds of the way there already, right? Bums me out to be completely sober for Halloween, my favorite holiday, but I know it's worth it. I've gotta change my mindset on that.

            As for SF rollcall, yup it's Day 4 for me, yah!


              Skullbaby's Progress

              Quick Update- Day 62 AF. Currently at 80mg/day baclofen and that'll be my ongoing maintenance dose.

              Day 60 came and went without much fanfare, I just was too distracted with move, life, etc. to make much of a big deal about it. I was too busy even to get on to MWO to pat myself on the back. There's something nice about that- that sober days can come and go and it becomes "life as usual".

              As I posted in my reply to LifeChange above, my thinking is a bit fuzzy on my next step moving forward, and I need to firm that shit up. A big part of me (the alcoholic in me?) wants to allow myself to drink at Halloween parties. My GF and I always have big fun, dressing up, partying, and boozing it up. I’ve stopped taking my AB about 5 days ago in anticipation of the Halloween parties at the end of the month. However, careless as that sounds, I have a plan formulating..

              My thoughts are that I’ll do a careful experiment the week before Halloween, drinking with Naltrexone/TSM (as I always do when drinking). See how that goes-- if I can drink that week moderately in a somewhat contained fashion, (due to TSM Nal and my usual ongoing BAC) then I’ll do so at the Halloween parties. If not, then go back on AB and either stay sober at the Halloween parties or skip them altogether.

              A look at my sober-calendar (yep, I’m OCD) tells me that if I do that, I’ll have around 70-75 days sober at that point. I’m still trying to decide if this experiment is worth it. My ultimate, long-term, fantasy goal would be to be able to drink moderately and non-alcoholically when in social situations. So, that being the case, I’ll have to dip my toe into the water at some point (and trust that I have the equipment handy to not drown).

              Still giving this one a lot of thought, any feedback encouraged.
              Best to all.


                Skullbaby's Progress

                Hey Skull, I wouldn't give this advice to anyone who's not doing pretty well and comfortably on bac, but I say go ahead and give drinking a shot, so to speak, maybe a week before Halloween or whatever. Like a trial-run. How do you think you want to drink at the party(s)? The trouble that I'm seeing for you is the booze may not go down like you think it will (like we remember, right?). Just because of the bac, it might not be all that much fun and drinking will just spoil an otherwise good time.

                bleep's mentioned that kind of thing a few times, and if I can recall I think I may have done it once or twice too, where you're having a good time and have a couple drinks--and then after those you realize you're kinda drunk and it's not pleasant and you just want to go to bed. (I think that's what 'normal' people are like all the time, but who knows...)


                  Skullbaby's Progress

                  StuckinLA;1566414 wrote: Hey Skull, I wouldn't give this advice to anyone who's not doing pretty well and comfortably on bac, but I say go ahead and give drinking a shot, so to speak, maybe a week before Halloween or whatever. Like a trial-run. How do you think you want to drink at the party(s)? The trouble that I'm seeing for you is the booze may not go down like you think it will (like we remember, right?). Just because of the bac, it might not be all that much fun and drinking will just spoil an otherwise good time.

                  bleep's mentioned that kind of thing a few times, and if I can recall I think I may have done it once or twice too, where you're having a good time and have a couple drinks--and then after those you realize you're kinda drunk and it's not pleasant and you just want to go to bed. (I think that's what 'normal' people are like all the time, but who knows...)
                  Interesting, Stuck. I see your point- I was more worried about being the 0-100mph drinker that I used to be once I had the first drop, but I think what you proposed is possible too. I've experienced it on Nal before- TSMers call it the honeymoon period- where you're disinterested in drinking AND in my case, in continuing having "fun" and just want to go to bed. Since it's been 60+ days for me since I've drank (or nal-ed) I'm guessing I'll probably have that feeling again-- though it'll be interesting to see what drinking on bac now feels like. Sure hoping it's the indifference I've read so much about. Sure would be nice to be "normal"

                  Thanks for the comment.


                    Skullbaby's Progress

                    Hey all- as I get more and more into fitness, healthy diet, weightlifting, etc., I thought I'd post a Daily Checkin over in Focus On Fitness. If any of ya'all are so inclined, check it out or join me in it!



                      Skullbaby's Progress

                      I went back/forth and twisted myself into knots trying to think about what "indifference" meant. You'd think it would be a kind of not feeling one way or the other, take it or leave it. But I almost always felt it as more of an active aversion to alcohol. Thoughts of booze wouldn't enter my mind on their own, but when I was at the bar and would see it, I'd know I don't want that. And frankly it sucked because I wanted to want a drink.

                      Either way, it sounds like you're doing great and I wouldn't worry about going off the rails--just worry more about what is going to be a good time for you, and what is going to be fun now that you're in a new, very different place in life. I may be wrong here, but I don't think anyone ever ruined their night by not


                        Skullbaby's Progress

                        Also good points. Yup if I do stay sober for the Halloween parties, it'll still be enjoyable since these days, I am able to genuinely have fun while sober. I'm glad cuz it sure took a while to lose that constant bored/tired feeling.

                        As for your indifference point, yeah I think a truly take-it-or-leave-it attitude would be preferable to active aversion... though I'd take either one and be glad for it, if the only alternative is to drink like I used to. It's like I was addicted or something!

                        Stuck, how'd your writing project go??


                          Skullbaby's Progress

                          skullbabyland;1567260 wrote: Stuck, how'd your writing project go??
                          Meh. Thanks for asking. I've had 2 things to turn in--a chapter draft of my diss at the end of last month and a chapter draft of my novel yesterday. I turned both in on time, but they're certainly not where I'd like them to be. But it's all still early draft stuff. Taking today off to relax and clean the apartment. Back to work tomorrow probably, since the deadlines just don't end this semester.


                            Skullbaby's Progress

                            Good on you for turning them both in on time. The early drafts are supposed to be like that, they're never where we want them to be, but they'll get there. so feel good about doing the work!


                              Skullbaby's Progress

                              Update- Day 163 on bac at 80mg. Day 2 AF.

                              So, after 66 days AF, I relapsed and drank beer. As is often the case when I decide to drink, I was doing so to "celebrate". I'd just signed and drove away a brand new car, the first time I've ever done so, and the biggest purchase of my adult life. After 6 hours at the dealership due to various auto insurance delays etc, I drove away in my beautiful brand new Prius V five which is like a sci-fi machine in comparison to my old '94 toyota.

                              My GF and I were in a very happy excited celebratory mood, and I decided I was going to drink. As I'd mentioned in earlier posts, I was considering doing so already in anticipation of Halloween parties. I decided this night, I'd go for it. My mind put up almost no hesitation or resistance to the idea. It was like, I decided and that was that, and nothing was going to change my mind. My GF put up the appropriate discussion if this was really a good idea, which I brushed aside.

                              It'd been 11 days since my last Antabuse, so I was pretty certain I was safe to drink, at least from Antabuse effects. I did not take my naltrexone, either. I knew that I would not enjoy the beers if I had, so I gave myself "one night off" from my treatment. This has always been my trouble with TSM- I found compliance difficult to sustain, which is of course crucial to the treatment.

                              The first half of the night, I was pretty controlled- I thought it interesting that the high was less excited/erratic. Usually the first 6 or 7 beers, I am very excited, euphoric, super happy. This time, I was happy but in a fairly calm way. I wonder if I would have been able to stop after the 4 beers we had at the bar. It didn't matter because I'd already bought a six pack of Newcastle. My GF drove us home and there I finished those through the night, reading faccebook and various stuff on my phone, and listening to nostalgic emotional songs on spotify, and went to bed at 5 am. Oh, and I had also bought cigarettes and smoked probably 10 or so.

                              Next day, woke up at 1 pm. Sick, hungover, depressed, anxious. Was basically a waste of a day. I could hardly get out of bed- I just stayed in bed and watched shows on my tablet while my GF got stuff done around the house. She was sweet, caring, understanding... but still , inside I felt guilty and sad. As is always the case with my hangover days, I allowed myself to eat junk. Pizza, cookies, milk, giant burrito, basically garbage.

                              Next day (yesterday) I was still feeling the hangover effects- anxiety/depression tends to last 3 or 4 days after a drunk. Still, got though the day OK. Started back on my healthy eating and went to the gym to get a workout in, in hopes that it'd help my mood to try to expel the negative junk through an intense workout. It really did that quite well. From now on I'm going to try to look at workouts as my go-to way to work out negative crap and instill positive energy. After the workout, when I got home, I felt happy and laughed a bunch with my gf. Ate a bunch of great healthy food and was back to my healthy/happy self.

                              So, a couple takeaways-
                              1. I learned that at this point in my treatment, though baclofen does help keep my drinking somewhat less euphoric/erratic, it has not yet made me averse to or indifferent to taking "the next" drink. I do think it's helped suppress my cravings during AF days, but once I start a binge, I still knock back beer after beer until there's no more left.
                              2. Celebrating with alcohol is not a good option for me, and I need to work on keeping this in the forefront of my mind, especially when I slip over into that mindset where I think it's a great idea. I am a fucking alcoholic, and my disease is progressive. i'll never drink as a normal person, or as I did when I was younger. Well, maybe I shouldn't say "never"- I know that many people have achieved it with bac or nal, so maybe someday. But I've still got a fair ways to go before I'm at that point, if ever.
                              3. This was definitely an exercise in falling down and picking myself back up. In hindsight, this reminds me of what's become one of my favorite scenes/quotes from Batman Begins-- where Thomas Wayne delivers this concept to young Bruce. "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up." As much as the old familiar self-hating thoughts came up, I was able to fight them off, saying that I'm not a failure or a fuckup, I'm a person who's fighting to get well from a sickness, and I had a bad couple of days. Momentum being incredibly important, I kept the perspective that this will not derail me back to square one, this was just a fall, and I can and should just pick myself up and keep going. Momentum, once it is built up, can survive the occasional setback and keep going.

                              So, back to regular healthy life. I've done the necessary housecleaning- I've thrown out the remaining cigarettes, taken the empty bottles out to recycling, thrown out the remaining junk food, made sure I've got plenty of healthy food in the fridge. As for exercise, today's a rest day, though I may go to yoga, and tomorrow's more weight training.

                              So, technically today is Day 2 AF, after my relapse, but I'm not letting that fact get me down- It could just as well be Day 67. Either way, I'm learning and growing and that's good enough for today.

                              Best to all

                              EDIT- by the way... as I'm more and more convinced of the power of momentum in healthy and productive living, I'm thinking of getting that word, momentum, tattooed somewhere on my body


                                Skullbaby's Progress

                                Oh God. I could just feel so much from this account, it took me right back, right back to pre-TSM days and infact it also relates to my current use of food too.

                                Celebrating, yes. Celebrating feeling good, wanting to show off, yes I can remember all of that. Then of course you can drink when things are bad, sad or whatever. Holding the party in the mind, holding anything like that I know for me just brings it on sooner, because it's there, you've already sort of decided. Mooching around, so much in there I can relate to. And GRRRR giving yourself the night off TSM, at least if you take the pill you have some sort of chance of deaddicting during your drunk, but I guess you have to really want to to do it and addiction is full of twists and turns and sneaky tricks.

                                Celebrating is such a cunning word, I'm not sure celebrating ever ends up feeling good, well not for addicts in any shape or form cos it comes with a bleak side.

                                Really hope you can come to some sort of solution to all of this. Perhaps celebrating could be just going home without drinking, knowing you've missed all the sh1ttybits? Difficult to comprehend when your addict still has a grip but a darn sight easier.
                                skullbabyland;1570131 wrote: Update- Day 163 on bac at 80mg. Day 2 AF.

                                So, after 66 days AF, I relapsed and drank beer. As is often the case when I decide to drink, I was doing so to "celebrate". I'd just signed and drove away a brand new car, the first time I've ever done so, and the biggest purchase of my adult life. After 6 hours at the dealership due to various auto insurance delays etc, I drove away in my beautiful brand new Prius V five which is like a sci-fi machine in comparison to my old '94 toyota.

                                My GF and I were in a very happy excited celebratory mood, and I decided I was going to drink. As I'd mentioned in earlier posts, I was considering doing so already in anticipation of Halloween parties. I decided this night, I'd go for it. My mind put up almost no hesitation or resistance to the idea. It was like, I decided and that was that, and nothing was going to change my mind. My GF put up the appropriate discussion if this was really a good idea, which I brushed aside.

                                It'd been 11 days since my last Antabuse, so I was pretty certain I was safe to drink, at least from Antabuse effects. I did not take my naltrexone, either. I knew that I would not enjoy the beers if I had, so I gave myself "one night off" from my treatment. This has always been my trouble with TSM- I found compliance difficult to sustain, which is of course crucial to the treatment.

                                The first half of the night, I was pretty controlled- I thought it interesting that the high was less excited/erratic. Usually the first 6 or 7 beers, I am very excited, euphoric, super happy. This time, I was happy but in a fairly calm way. I wonder if I would have been able to stop after the 4 beers we had at the bar. It didn't matter because I'd already bought a six pack of Newcastle. My GF drove us home and there I finished those through the night, reading faccebook and various stuff on my phone, and listening to nostalgic emotional songs on spotify, and went to bed at 5 am. Oh, and I had also bought cigarettes and smoked probably 10 or so.

                                Next day, woke up at 1 pm. Sick, hungover, depressed, anxious. Was basically a waste of a day. I could hardly get out of bed- I just stayed in bed and watched shows on my tablet while my GF got stuff done around the house. She was sweet, caring, understanding... but still , inside I felt guilty and sad. As is always the case with my hangover days, I allowed myself to eat junk. Pizza, cookies, milk, giant burrito, basically garbage.

                                Next day (yesterday) I was still feeling the hangover effects- anxiety/depression tends to last 3 or 4 days after a drunk. Still, got though the day OK. Started back on my healthy eating and went to the gym to get a workout in, in hopes that it'd help my mood to try to expel the negative junk through an intense workout. It really did that quite well. From now on I'm going to try to look at workouts as my go-to way to work out negative crap and instill positive energy. After the workout, when I got home, I felt happy and laughed a bunch with my gf. Ate a bunch of great healthy food and was back to my healthy/happy self.

                                So, a couple takeaways-
                                1. I learned that at this point in my treatment, though baclofen does help keep my drinking somewhat less euphoric/erratic, it has not yet made me averse to or indifferent to taking "the next" drink. I do think it's helped suppress my cravings during AF days, but once I start a binge, I still knock back beer after beer until there's no more left.
                                2. Celebrating with alcohol is not a good option for me, and I need to work on keeping this in the forefront of my mind, especially when I slip over into that mindset where I think it's a great idea. I am a fucking alcoholic, and my disease is progressive. i'll never drink as a normal person, or as I did when I was younger. Well, maybe I shouldn't say "never"- I know that many people have achieved it with bac or nal, so maybe someday. But I've still got a fair ways to go before I'm at that point, if ever.
                                3. This was definitely an exercise in falling down and picking myself back up. In hindsight, this reminds me of what's become one of my favorite scenes/quotes from Batman Begins-- where Thomas Wayne delivers this concept to young Bruce. "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up." As much as the old familiar self-hating thoughts came up, I was able to fight them off, saying that I'm not a failure or a fuckup, I'm a person who's fighting to get well from a sickness, and I had a bad couple of days. Momentum being incredibly important, I kept the perspective that this will not derail me back to square one, this was just a fall, and I can and should just pick myself up and keep going. Momentum, once it is built up, can survive the occasional setback and keep going.

                                So, back to regular healthy life. I've done the necessary housecleaning- I've thrown out the remaining cigarettes, taken the empty bottles out to recycling, thrown out the remaining junk food, made sure I've got plenty of healthy food in the fridge. As for exercise, today's a rest day, though I may go to yoga, and tomorrow's more weight training.

                                So, technically today is Day 2 AF, after my relapse, but I'm not letting that fact get me down- It could just as well be Day 67. Either way, I'm learning and growing and that's good enough for today.

                                Best to all

                                EDIT- by the way... as I'm more and more convinced of the power of momentum in healthy and productive living, I'm thinking of getting that word, momentum, tattooed somewhere on my body
                                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                                AF date 22/07/13

