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Baclofen authorized in France as treatment for alcoholism

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    Baclofen authorized in France as treatment for alcoholism

    Just receive this news from French websites.
    Baclofen has receive final approval in France from ANSM (local FDA) as treatment for alcoholism.
    Here the official press release (GG translated in english) :
    Baclofen authorization for alcoholism

    The temporary approval is valid for 3yrs, while waiting for the results of the ongoing Clinical Trials (Alpadir, Bacloville and others).
    Every physician (in France) can now prescribe Baclofen for alcoholism without any kind of problem till 120mgs.
    From 120 to 180mgs there must have an approval of a second doctor (psychiatrist/other specialist).
    Over 180mgs a special commission of addiction "specialists" (CSAPA) have to confirm.

    Good read! ;-)
    Baclofen started: January 2013
    Switch (sort of): April 2013 / ~165mg
    November 2014: stable at 45mg: 10AM-15mg, 1PM-15mg, 5PM-15mg
    -> Here my progress thread on MWO <-

    Baclofen authorized in France as treatment for alcoholism

    hi emc, you had a double "http:" at the beginning, here's the link:;S-informer&#47;Actualite&#47;Une-recommandation-temporaire-d-utilisation-RTU-est-accordee-pour-le-baclofene-Point-d-information - Translator


      Baclofen authorized in France as treatment for alcoholism

      oh thanks chelsea!
      just correct it...
      I'm posting few more news details in a thread in Baclofen for Alcoholism Forum
      I choose to continue post there... it seems to me more appropriate right now :-(
      There are few points not so good but anyway it's a big step ahead!
      Baclofen started: January 2013
      Switch (sort of): April 2013 / ~165mg
      November 2014: stable at 45mg: 10AM-15mg, 1PM-15mg, 5PM-15mg
      -> Here my progress thread on MWO <-


        Baclofen authorized in France as treatment for alcoholism

        Hello to @all

        The conditions of the French temporarily authorization for Baclofen against alcoholism are highly criticized. See this and this. Sorry, it is in French only. For German comments see here and here.

        My German forum: / My general informations:


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