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Liver Pain?

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    Liver Pain?

    I am a 31 m, 1 have been drinking on and off for 15 years, more off than on. I had bloodwork done and an ultrasound earlier this year, very mild fatty liver, attributed to being over weight, every thing else was perfect. Nine months later, after some lengthy binges I am getting kidney and liver pain. I take lithium, diazepam and cymbalta (duloxetine), all liver damaging to various degrees. The thing is I have had chest pains for 5 years and all possible tests are normal, so my doc puts it down to phantom pain, fybromyalgia or pseudo-psychosis neurosis. They think all of my symptoms are related to mental illness. Apart from pain I have no other symptoms, though I know it is the drinking. I am a some what heavy binger, but quite infrequent.


      Liver Pain?

      Trevor;576066 wrote: If you go alcohol free (especially if your overweight or a junk food addict etc) expect some pain in your liver region for 4-12 weeks. This because the liver isn't processing alcohol but the weeks, months,years of stored toxins in your fat cells and other areas.
      Is that true?


        Liver Pain?

        I'm new here....but I can tell by reading some of these posts that some are in real trouble... watch out you don't get pancreatitis (THE worst pain you will ever have) simply by drinking too much. I did and nearly died many years ago... I joined AA and quit totally for 5 years.. and then... oh yes slips, but I am back on track as I can NEVER forget the pain..!!!!


          Liver Pain?

          I, too, have experienced this "liver" pain. It's uncomfortable, but not particularly painful. I can, however, bend in such a way as to send whatever it is into some kind of spasm, which feels like a muscle cramp. This is incredibly painful.

          I've had it for at least 10 years, maybe as much as 15.

          I have also experienced the "squishy" sensation that feels like something is getting squeezed out. This is usually accompanied by intestinal discomfort. I have also occasionally twisted my upper body and felt like something inside me was getting squeezed through a narrow opening (hard to describe.)

          The pain becomes sharp after bending over for a while after I straighten back up, but doesn't last long.

          Originally, I thought this was liver pain, but after considerable research, I suspect it's not. I can trigger it by heavy drinking, but even after 6 weeks of being alcohol free, I still get the pain under varying conditions.

          I located this condition in my research: sphincter of oddi dysfunction

          It seems to me that if it was a legitimate liver issue (i.e. liver swollen sufficiently to cause pain) that out of all of us, someone would have had abnormal liver results. The fact that invariably the liver function tests are fine (as mine are) suggests to me that it's not a liver issue.

          Take a look at the above link and see if it matches your symptoms like it matches mine.



            Liver Pain?

            I have had the same pains for years now and at 25, it's really a pain in the ass. I've irritated my stomach to where I've spent a week vomiting, crapping, and rolled up in a ball. All bc i thought i was just being a wimp about drinking.

            Not being a frequent doctor goer, i was finally in a gastroentrologist (or something) doctors office in pain. He performed an endoscopy under full anasthesia and discovered it was gastritis on the upper side of my stomach. I got some stomach acid medicine but that just caused constipation and didn't help at all when it came to drinking. I stopped drinking for 2 months And then drank for 3 days straight extra heavy since i was practically celebrating being able to drink again, but the discomfort and pain came back. So far, I've only been able to ration my drinking to weekends and even that is sometimes enough to make me feel very uncomfortable for a couple days. I'm looking for a cure too and saw the original poster's post from 2007 about how long would it take to heal with abstinence.

            How about the guy who gave up drinking starts drinking again to see if he's healed? Haha. I don't think i could go a year, let alone a month without a drink, but if i knew i could cure this condition permanently, i might consider sticking it out... Although, i have TRIED before


              Liver Pain?

              Hi Want2drink,

              Firstly don't panic.

              The liver is a very forgiving organ and normally will repair itself within 6 to 10 weeks of stopping drinking. However if after that time you decided to batter it again and again with alcohol it takes a wee bit longer each time to repair itself until finally it can't.

              Did the doctor do a full blood check on you including your liver enzymes before he decided to operate.

              The other thing is don't think to far ahead and think of not drinking for ever and ever. Try some AF (alcohol free) time and then have a think about moderating your drinking.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Liver Pain?

                Thanks for replying Jackie. I actually just finished reading all the posts. Before i only read the first page. I think and hope my problem is different. I had an ultrasound done of my internals and blood work and nothing looked out of the normal. Actually I kept getting clean bills of health till i went to the stomach doctor.
                Is there any chance more of you have chronic gastritis like me? One thing that really starts the pain is the first meal the day after drinking. At least the first day i wake up feeling uncomfortable. And i guess it's not so much pain as it is uncomfort. But I've been to the point where i was squirming in discomfort. Now, every Monday i limit my food intake and make sure not to lay down after eating. The area of my stomach thats irritated is at the top so i feel like it has to be worse to lie down.

                Finally, for anyone who might think they have gastritis, pain killers like aspirin or tylenol are pretty irritating to the stomach too. Probably most drugs actually.

