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Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

    me too!!!


      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

      Good morning everyone,
      Busy day today so I wanted to say hi early. I don't generally have much to say this early in the am (6:08). Very happy about our new president elect! [Oh, I just re-heard the puppy promise to Obama's girls on the radio, how sweet!] Happy to be on the "downward slope" of my 30 day AF commitment, and I am looking forward to a couple of really productive work days.

      I have an all day continuing education class on Friday (it's on standards and ethics - yuck)! I am taking it with a friend of mine. We usually get together after these classes and have a galss of wine. She knows of my plan and is very supportive of it. We might get together for tea or a coke, but I know she wil follow my lead. She's an awesome friend!

      It seems like it will be weird to have that first sip of AL after my 30 days (I do expect, God willing, to make it to 30 days). I remember doing a 2 day fast with some church folks some years back and how odd it seemed to eat again.

      I am learning along with all of you.

      I am greatful for all of you and for this safe place.

      Have a great day!

      Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

        All this time I didn't even realize you were doing 30 days, and so successfully, too. Good job, and I also want to thank you for all your support and encouragement you always offer me. It has been helpful!


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

          Wow, after 2 weeks of drinking every day - I decided I would be AF today. Was really craving one as well. Hubby has had a beer as well without me! I could have had one, but just had a coffee instead. You guys are an inspiration to me - I love this thread.
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

            Vlad, Good for you! Yay, team!
            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

              Evening modders,
              Well, I'm happy as well about President Elect Barack O'bama. I have good feelings about the future with him, although I've been having good feelings about so much lately! I feel so productive and want to take part in life so much more. I've got most of my Christmas shopping done and it's only Nov. 5th! That's NEVER happened.

              Peri- I live in PA. You mentioned you were taking a continuing ed. class on standards. Do you teach? I'm a teacher, and I get so tired of listening to the b.s. on standards. BTW, congrats on your AF time. And I'm getting out of control with the cholocate. The bite-sized pieces are so flippin' perfect - so perfect that I'll inhale three at one time. I've got to get back to my snackwells cookies.

              Vera-b - I concur with your comments above. There are so many great things going on. Then I get sad thinking of how much time I've wasted not paying attention to current event, family, and just being stuck in an alcohol rut. I could have done so much, learned so much and I've got regrets about that.

              Sunbeam- can't beat this weather! We've got to enjoy it because this weekend, we're going to get hit with more seasonal weather.

              Tomorrow is a big day for me. I teach 8th grade and we've been studying the Holocaust. We're having a Jewish Food Fair and a Holocaust Survivor will be coming to speak to my students. I'm very excited yet nervous. Last year was the first year I had such a huge activity and it's kind of stressful trying to make sure 250 kids, parents, and administrators enjoy themselves with little chaos. Ughh! I hope I can sleep tonight!

              Have a great evening.
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

                Happy Hump day modders!

                First and foremost, congratulations to dear Vlad for fortitude in the face of temptation! Way to go!! I do so rely on my AF days to keep the program on track. You rock, Vlad. And j-vo, we all have plenty of regrets. Sure, I wish I had "gotten it" without the wasted years, the hurts to family and the compromises I made to my health. But I recognize I cannot go back and undue that. The best I can do is to honor the new life I've been given and put all my resolve into action. Daily.

                It's late - will spend a little more time here tomorrow (no more classes this week) so will sign off. See ya'll tomorrow.



                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

                  Hi everyone! Thought I would stop by and say hi. I'm going AF for a while. Hubby came home after golf yest. and drinking heavily and I REALLY did not like how alcohol smelled on him. I thought "is that what my kids were experiencing with me all these years?" ICKY! I find that the more time I spend on the program, the less appealing AL is to me. The smell, taste, and general after- shock the next day. Just not worth the bang. Anyone else feeling that way? And yes, Eve modding is very subjective. Catch her thread-it will make you think. Have a blessed evening, Modders!
                  Toughen up!


                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

                    Oh, j-vo hang in there tomorrow. You've got a big day!
                    Toughen up!


                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

                      Hi St. John,
                      It is great to hear from you. I'm right there with you: alcohol is losing its appeal. Glad you decided to do some AF time: that is the best way to learn habits that do not include alcohol. My husband has his moderate coffee mug of wine daily, and I have no desire to join him.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

                        I didn't have anything to drink last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

                          I just read in the other thread that you followed the book exactly and it is working for you! Maybe I read this before and forgot. Do you take topa? If so, how much? I didn't FEEL like drinking last night and didn't. I didn't even take kudzu or anything - I just went to bed early. I wonder if that stuff builds in your system?
                          Where is the Mod Squad anyways???


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

                            Great job Lila!

                            I too follow the book exactly! (Well one minor exception - I don't take the Calms Forte as there is an ingredient in it that is contradictory to another medication that I already take).

                            j-vo, I live in CO, autumn leaves are not that impressive here and very short lived. I am in the real estate industry. I don't look forward to the class, yuck!

                            Hi St John! sounds like you're doing great! Yes, AL can smell nasty. Of course I always thought I could hide the smell... yea right!

                            Hi everyone else! Gotta get some work done!

                            Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

                              Hi Gang,
                              My son caught me on the computer this a.m. for a quick look (we were doing a quick housecleaning before school) and he said "You don't drink anymore - you don't need to be there" (our site). So cute as I do still drink but the moderate to him is like not drinking.
                              Positive changes I've noticed with my switch to moderate drinking - no fear of needing to pick the kids up at 7 or 8p.m. from an activity as I could have had a drink or two in me by then. So nice to not fear going to an event and worrying about how I'll feel the next day as I was experiencing blackouts and those are pretty nasty..."what did I say?" "what did I do?". I was having conversations with the kids and would ask the same question the next day to get "Don't you remember we talked about this last night?" Ughh!
                              So glad those days are over!!
                              For some reason (Kudzu, l-glut and all) I was really craving a drink last night. Have 1 glass left in that bottle I bought a couple of weeks ago. Had a bad episode with a co-worker where we had a misunderstanding and when I went to talk to her privately and lovingly she blew up at me. An aggessive New Yorker (sorry NYorkers but you know what I mean by that personality) and she was up one side and down the other of me. I just didn't expect that reaction. Yes, she had her side of the disagreement but I certainly had mine too. Anyway, I couldn't even explain my side because it was a no win with her. So, perhaps the stress of it made me just want to have a drink...I don't know. But I did fight the urge. It was hard...I REALLY wanted to just pour that glass and relax and watch t.v. and cuddle one of my bunny rabbits. But the drinktracker kept popping into my head and I just didn't want to post another drink there as I've already had my one drink midweek. We had a dinner out on Tues and I had a nice glass of red with the steak. So, fought the urge and got through the night. Yeah!!!
                              Have a great day everyone and I'll be checking in.
                              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                              ~Jack Welsh~:h

                              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 03/11/2008

                                Hi, Sunbeam! Does your hubby use a coffee mug to disguise it's contents? I have done that in the past to hide my drinking from the kids. Good for you for not joining in, by the way. For years I got sucked in to drinking with my husband-it was our favorite past-time. Now I am trying to create new ways for us to connect. He is still drinking although I think I have noticed a decline in the daily consumption.
                                Blessings to all my modding buds today!
                                Toughen up!

