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Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

    Hi Everybody,
    Zed and Lila, thank you for the nomination for Moderator of the Year. I have put a lot of hard work into getting where I am, nearly a year of daily posting here. I recognize that most of you are simply not in the place where I am, not interested in cutting alcohol down to the bare bones as I have done. I wish to thank especially those who have been on this thread since it was formed in October. Your support has carried me to this place where I want to be.:l:thanks:

    Now I suppose I will need to make my own little statue. I guess I will use some of the toilet paper tubes I have been using to make Christmas ornaments...
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

      some deep reflections here!! phew i need to lie down! thanks for sharing, Zed your post unnerved me even though i am sulking as didnt get a mention!!! DB thanks for tip on the thread will follow advice. Saras you are in such a good place right now, my hat goes off to you re your plan for two lovely glasses of red on saturday, well done you, i am so proud! hope i can be that much in control. Vlad your post is haunting me, i want so much not to be constantly analysing my next drink, the liquid devil that it is, i almost cant wait for 2009 then i can go for it big style!! the pact is a must for me. My son home from uni tomorrow cant wait to see him, miss him so much, am looking forward to a moderate, cozy, warm and peaceful christmas. Is everyone here celebrating christmas???
      Keeps x:happyheart:


        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

        Hi Modders,
        Sunbeam, I am inspired by your progress too. I just went back to read some of your early posts. You seem to be very strong.

        Jamms, those irritable days are rough...Hang in there, and don't use your mood as an excuse to drink. (Spoken by someone who has done that too often.)

        Keeps, thanks for the kind words, but I haven't made it through the weekend yet, so I'll get back to you on Monday.

        It is 5:02 and I haven't the slightest craving for a drink...Not sure why not, but it feels good. My only craving was to come here. I've started taking ALL-ONE and L-Tryptophan, and maybe that's actually made a difference, at least for today. I haven't ordered any more Kudzu...But I will, just in case.

        I've enjoyed the afternoon thus far with the kids, finishing up a gift we're making for grandma, (they're painting a wooden box to blow kisses into to give to her, so she can always take one out when she wants one, how cute is that? No gagging noises, please). I've been on a mission to come up with meaningful, inexpensive gifts. I'm starting to feel a bit more Christmas spirit.

        I got a lot done today, and that's thanks to sobriety. It feels good. See you later Mod Squad.
        "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

          Yes- Sunbeam you get my vote to - You are the BOMB girlfriend and the Modder of the year in my book!
          I look to you for inspiration. Thanks for being there for all of us.
          your St. J
          Toughen up!


            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

            Good evening mod squad,

            DeeBee, I?ve noticed you haven?t been posting much. You must be busy these days. I have as well. Good idea on the separate thread for the mod pact. I support the pact, but it may be easier to track on its own lovely thread with a special name.

            Sara, I love your stories about your boys! They always make me smile.:heart: I think you are doing great and should give yourself a big hand for that! :wd:

            Kid, sounds like HHG?s inside out pj?s worked to get the snow :snowflake: to fall! :H

            Zed, I love your new avatar. Thank you for sharing a bit of your drinking past with us. I too have driven (past) when I shouldn?t have. Thankfully I was never stopped for it. And even more thankfully, I never hurt anyone (including myself) due to it. I pray that you will have a lovely time with your family. You are probably getting ready to board the plane as I am writing this. You will be in my thoughts and my heart as you travel. I wish for you a safe trip.

            Vlad, hang in there. Sounds like you?re doing well these days.

            I completely agree with zed?s nomination of Sun being our Modder of the year. Good job Sun :sun: nicely done! We all aspire to be in your shoes (as long as they?re not being thrown at the president).

            Keep, your moderate, cozy, warm, and peaceful Christmas with your son sounds amazing.

            Lila, St John, Vera, Ask, j-vo (we know you?re out there), Ducky (what's cooking this week?) love you all!

            Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm! Or cool (this means you DeeBee!),

            periwinkle :heartsnflowers:
            Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

              Just checking in:

              Not much news. School conferences today . . . I would have liked wine tonite, but stuck with the pact.

              Agree w. Sunbeam award: Should we get a trophy? or a lovely gift? You are an inspiration . . . all those 0000000s in the drink tracker!

              Expecting BIG SNOW here tomorrow. Looking forward to the weekend. Will check in then.


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                Hi Gang,
                Have been so busy with in-laws visiting and getting ready for parties that it's been hard to take the time to get on the boards.
                Then I get so behind and have to skim fast so haven't really talked to some of our new members yet but welcome all to a very supportive, great place.
                Going to a party tomorrow. I still fear the parties as I have always overdone it in the past in the party setting. Was always so easy to keep having another one! Will take my supps and try to remember how awful I'll feel if I overdo it!
                My greatest struggle is that I can really vacillate. Can be really strong sometimes - just have one or 2 and no craving for more and then out of the blue can get that vampire feeling of "I have to have more!!"
                So I am still really trying to figure that one out.
                Support here really does help and I'm so thankful for all of you.
                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                  Hey Eve11! and hello to everyone else...

                  "That vampire feeling"...What a great description. That's exactly it. That's when it takes incredible will power and determination to hang on to the goal. I wonder if that feeling will ever just not occur? Does getting that vampire feeling mean it's easier to just not drink at all? Sometimes I wonder if I will ultimately want to give it up forever, just as when I was trying to abstain completely, I sometimes wondered if I should try to moderate. I hope that 2009 might be the year I come to terms with the ambivalence. Sara
                  "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                    So let's do THIS...

                    Sara,Eve and everyone,
                    Under our "Post your moderation rules", we could each contribute our ideas for the season (unless it's already been done somewhere and I didn't see it). We can each contribute our thoughts, or "rules" for safe partying for the Holidays.
                    "Party Rules for Vampires"or something like that...
                    Stuff like, "eat something substantial before drinking any AL"..."Have your drink in a taller glass with ice or a mixer"
                    "Drink water or some non-AL beverage between drinks"...
                    Decide BEFORE you go to the party, how long you will be there and how many AL drinks you will have then divide up the evening accordingly"...That's all I got and my coffee's gettin' cold. Hope the pacts went (are going) well.
                    Busy day ahead but I look forward to stopping by later.
                    It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                    ~ Charles Spurgeon


                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                      I see the checkered flag ahead...let's not go crazy!

                      * "Cross my heart,and hope to die;Stick a needle in my eye.."
                      * Phrase uttered by children after making a promise to indicate the depth of their sincerity: the speaker is so committed to the action just agreed to that they offer self-inflicted pain and a death wish as proof of their seriousness.
                      (Must be accompanied by a gesture of drawing a imaginary "X" across the speaker's own heart, or else it doesn't count.)
                      Mod Pacts in Progress

                      KW ,Sara,Ask,Sunbeam,Lila: Wednesday and Thursday(FINISHED!)
                      : Wednesday,Thursday,Friday (right?)

                      How are you doing??

                      Friday is here,SOME ARE DONE,(some got one more)..Feeling clean?

                      ANYONE ELSE??
                      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                      ~ Charles Spurgeon


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                        I now have no vodka left and I now know what happened that Saturday night - it clicked last night. I was drinking 2 double vodkas to each of hubby's beers. I even remember thinking, 'Hold on, this isn't right, I'm only supposed to have 1 of these to his beer, I only have 2 if I'm using my shot glasses.' and then I thought...
                        'Oh well, he hasn't said anything.' (more alcoholic thinking) And carried on! In total, 8 double vodkas. Least I can change my ?? now.
                        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                          hi all
                          Last night we had a fire in the fireplace, and I thought a nice romantic glass of wine....but I didn't have any in the house, and just read to the kids. But this is actually quite easy,,,and I am thinking of maybe going on, and losing that bit of weight I don't like around my tummy...
                          Where is J-vo? I am a bit worried, because she was suffering from SAD. J-vo, if you are lurking just say Hi, you don't have to say hi individually to everyone.
                          Christmas is getting closer....and I have not sent cards....
                          Anyways, just saying good morning!


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                            Hey all,

                            Please to see everyone is doing so well.

                            I think Sunbeam definetly wins "Modder of the Year"! Sun, you have been an enorous strength to me and everyone else here. I don't want to put you on a pedestal and then you feel awkward posting if life doesn't go according to plan, but, really I hope to be where you are the end of 2009.

                            I haven't posted much this week as I don't really have anything to add. I am reading and "listening" so no worries.

                            TGIF!! It's been a tough week and I have only today managed to get my head out of my bum. I just got my test results back and I AM IN THE CLEAR -- no more cancer!!!! I feel like a great load has been lifted off my shoulders and of course I can now toss those effing tablets away. Thanks for the prayers -- they were answered!

                            Sorry it's such a short post, but I am off to our work Xmas dinner, which I am really looking forward to. We are a small company so there are 10 of us, including partners and we are going to one of the hotels who are clients of ours. Should be good food, good company and a glass of good wine -- what more could a girl want!?

                            Have a great weekend everyone -- I hope to *see* you later.
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                              I am so glad Deebs!!!!


                                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                                Deebee!! That is the best Chrissy present EVER! I am so very happy for you! x
                                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

