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Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

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    Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

    I like the pact thing. It has certainly helped me when I've needed it. Really more so than the drinktracker as I feel more responsible to people when I've personally pacted to them.
    We're making hospice arrangements for FIL to come to our house and MIL decided to stay(thank goodness) to help.
    FIL has always been a sweetheart of a guy. Crappy genes - bi-polar with psychotic episodes. So life has been a series of ups and downs (literally!) for the family.
    Anyway - a LOT of stress this past week. Hubby has been giving the docs a run for their money as hubby has unbelievable common sense and even without a medical background his common sense tells him what they're doing wrong at the hospital and he calls them on it. The majority of people cringe...oh my gosh...the doctor!! Hubby is telling them what he wants them to do. Quite a turn for me as I work in the field.
    Anyway, after venting all of that - we will be going to dinner to settle down. So, I must pact to you Kid tonight (as you may be the only one here tonight) NO MoRe than two!!
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


      Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

      I'm holding you to it!!!

      Two is a good amount;
      and all that sounds like a good reason to have two.
      Have a relaxing dinner, Eve.
      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
      ~ Charles Spurgeon


        Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

        Eve -- Thoughts and prayers. I remember going through a health crisis with a loved one and praying, "Let this chalice pass." So often the leader of a family crisis seems to emerge because they seem to be the strongest, willing or not. You (and hubby) seem to be the one(s), like it or not. Come back here often for strength and share yours. We've got your back. Lena


          Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

          Take care of yourself, Eve...And all you other modders, too.
          I'm a bit better today...Feels good to take a couple of days off from drinking. The depressant effects are cumulative with me. Anyone want to pact for tomorrow? I know, I don't have the best history as a pacter (blind Sara, they call me) but I can do one day at a time. Really. Saturday might not be first choice for anyone...But I need to do it. Trying to regain my emotional equilibrium. And my upset feelings about my husband are close to the surface...I don't want wine to let them spill forth in an unruly way. Goodnight, those of you tucking in soon. Good morning to our friends across the planet. Sara
          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


            Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

            Hi everyone,

            It has been a while. I check in and read the posts every now and then. I am at day 19 with no alcohol. i am feeling pretty darn good but the eating still needs some work. My plan was 30 days and then to reevaluate. I guess I need to add to my plans. We'll see. I am doing pretty good so I might keep going and really think about my long term way to handle alcohol.
            Sara, Kid, I hope all is well. Miss you guys!


              Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

              Helloooooo Mod Squad!!

              So, what's everyone up to this wonderful weekend, huh?

              Me, I have been up since sparrow fart to hit the farmers market and then (shudder) I had to go clothes shopping. We are going to a Muslim wedding tonight and I really don't know what the eticate is for those who aren't Muslim so I've played it safe and bought an outfit which covers me from head to toe. Oh and there is NO AL at a Muslim wedding so altho everyone else who is going is plutzing I am quite content to go without AL tonight.

              Eve, my thoughts are with you. My Mum's sister has got cancer and unfortunately I don't think she will last long. My Mum came and fetched her yesterday as she can't walk anymore so I'm going to start looking into Hospice and other options for her - it's very sad.

              It's great to hear from Dhs! Well done on 19 days AF. I too found that after doing 30 days I felt so good that I carried on and did another 30 - it was the best thing that I did!!

              Right, I'm off to plant my naartjie tree and see if my concuction chased the monster graashoppers away lol.

              Have a great weekend everyone:-)
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                Morning all! Well Deebs, I'm off to my friends' wedding today, 2 people I know well in church are getting hitched! Known them for 10 years-ish. So excited! Just preparing the lap top for the hymns and stuff! Then off to the church early to check it all looks OK.
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                  For "Blind Sara"

                  P.A.C.T (Promissary Alcohol Controlling Tool)

                  Cross my heart,and hope to die; Stick a needle in my eye.."
                  *Phrase uttered by children after making a promise to indicate the depth of their sincerity: the speaker is so committed to the action just agreed to that they offer self-inflicted pain and a death wish as proof of their seriousness.
                  (Must be accompanied by a gesture of drawing a imaginary "X" across the speaker's own heart, or else it doesn't count.)

                  Mod Pacts INVITATIONS:

                  *Zed: The month of January!!(Zed says:"er..never mind")

                  *Kid,Sara: Friday,Saturday,

                  *Eve: Promising TWO DRINKS come Hell or high water!!


                  ANYONE ELSE??

                  Feel free to join in
                  with any ongoing pact
                  (or start a new one)

                  :you've :h "crossed your heart" :h
                  It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                  ~ Charles Spurgeon


                    Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                    HI all;

                    Great to read about everyone's week. Don't think I can mention everyone,but a few thoughts.

                    Sara: I had a really hard time coming off Prozac. I meant to mention this earlier. Things got very very black and I was scared. Then I tried Wellbutrin which didn't work, so that was the time of life I realized I HAD to have antidepressants. I had started them for PMS type symptoms and tried coming off during perimenopause but I hated the idea of them. I am now on Citaltopram which worked immediately after tapering off Prozac during a very happy, non stressful time of life. I'm just saying Prozac is tricky that way.

                    AND for whoever wrote that taking clonozapan is like wine in a pill, I so disagree with that. I won't go on that rant here, in my opinion this is something that the AL/Chemical Abuse folks have an very negative attitude about and the rest of the therapeutic community is reasonable about. My therapist has found it to be completely non addictive. Maybe that was a rant.

                    Sorry for Eve, DeeBee and others dealing with aging, ill parents. This is my area of work and it takes such love, patience, kindness, deference and so much energy to deal with the complications of the health care system, especially the lack of of system when it comes to long term care which is not covered in the US health care system. The US really does count on the family, or the members' financial resources to cover the needs until poor and then Medicaid kicks in, but this is so often a unpleasant surprise to many. PM if there is any way I can help.

                    RE: the pact idea; I like it and will use it again. I've had a much better week and don't feel the need to pact right now.

                    Thanks everyone (DeeBee, Lena) for your kind words about my difficult teen. It REALLY REALLY helped. I've had a calmer week. It had to be. I just couldn't be so upset about every little thing. This week I felt I was the adult and she was the kid, and the calmer and more in control I felt, the calmer she was. She confided more. She still made ridiculous choices (like not studying for mid-terms until the night before) and she feels awful. And there will be consequences when her grades come out. But we are eating dinner together, and she asked me to help her study her vocab words, and she has complied with the rules. More to come.

                    So I have a two day weekend without child responsibilities and I'm excited to catch up on some fund reading, get some exercise, do some work that's been hanging over my head and maybe see a movie. It all looks good from here!

                    Hope everyone stays upbeat. If not come here and rant away. I will try to be more available for support!




                      Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                      hi all Modders
                      Doing good, enjoying some lovely alone time.
                      Deebs, I have NEVER been to a Muslim wedding, yes, don't wear your little black dress up to there, probably a not a good idea. I have heard really good things about hospices.
                      take care all, have a good weekend!
                      Sara, this will pass. We are all here for you. If there is anything I understand it is feelings.


                        Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                        I just had permanent eyeliner done. So I am laying low. Until it fades a bit. Forty eight hours? I was at a very respectable place, and I had a very nice time.


                          Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                          Happy Saturday all modders,

                          Lila, I'm so jealous!!! I'd love permanent eyeliner, it just hasn't made the to-do list just yet. Just spent the last 45 minutes catching up, which I seem to be doing with increasing regularity these days. Had a staff get-together at the Sr. Pastor's house on Monday night, Tuesday was all about the inauguration after my Bible study class, Wednesday and Thursday lost to chores and daughter issues. Spent a couple of hours cleaning up this morning a roof leak from an ice jam that formed in a corner of the roof. Have a nasty stain on the livingroom ceiling, but we caught it fairly early so now just have to give it a few weeks to dry out (months?) and repaint the ceiling. Just gotta love wintertime.

                          I'm sending all manner of positive energy - as much as can muster - to Sara, Delta, Eve, Lila and all other mod squaddies that need a lift on a cold winter day. Lots to deal with, and it sure can be overwhelming at the time. The fabric of life has it's nubs, that's for sure. And to our gentlemen, hat's off to you. Be so grateful you'll never know what PMS is. Start, Ask, Deebs, Vlad and all others (I KNOW I should never make a list because I'll invariably leave someone off) hope you all have a great weekend. Going to a party tonight that is also a fundraiser for our local Student Union. It's a lounge/club/activity hub for junior high and high school kids in town. Was rehabbed 2 years ago, and is really taking off. Hope to do better in keeping up this week!



                            Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                            Hey guys,

                            It's been a pretty good day, but I am shaking now, just having had a bad, bad conversation with my husband. I feel so shitty, I just want to have a drink. But I'm not going to. I'm sticking with the pact. If I can get through these awful, angry, painful feelings without drinking, I know I'll be much stronger. I don't know how many times I've drunk wine just to try and numb the pain of being married to someone I so often can't talk to.

                            Sorry to be a downer again. This is a really, really bad time for my marriage. So thanks for sending out the good vibes and the shoulders to cry on. Love to all. Sara
                            "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                              Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                              C'mon everybody...more shoulders over here!

                              You have been so "real", so open, honest, funny, caring, and a HUGE inspiration to all of us. All we can do is say we're here.
                              Come and talk to us anytime.
                              There must be a few good ideas knocking around.
                              There are people much wiser than me on this thread that will help you think about what to do...Hold on!
                              It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                              ~ Charles Spurgeon


                                Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                                Ho! Ho! Ho! Oh, but I think we DO know...

                                vera-b;528674 wrote: ... And to our gentlemen, hat's off to you. Be so grateful you'll never know what PMS is.
                                You MUST be kidding,Vera!! I've gotten a pretty good idea of what it is from where I stand, thank you very much!!
                                It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                                ~ Charles Spurgeon

