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Mod Squad September Thread ;)

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    Mod Squad September Thread

    Eve, your post really touched me this morning.
    So much of what you say is how I feel -- thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us.
    Together we can continue the struggle.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      Mod Squad September Thread

      Great post Eve. I think you highlight the issues that will always be there for those of us who do choose to moderate. In the end, it probably boils down to whether or not we want to deal with those negatives or not? Does the good out weight the bad at that time or not? You are right that there will be an ever present issue for some/all/most of us.

      Personally I am finding that coming here and just being very aware of myself is changing my behaviour and thinking, slowly but definitely over a period of time. I can also say personally that , at this time in my life, I am pleased with the progress and reasonably happy that I am drinking at a level thats ok (for me) when I do drink. I certainly dont chase the buzz ever, like I did A massive change indeed and I find that most of the time, I am not bothered about alcohol.

      That said, everything you say is true, whilst we know we have that psychological addiction and still choose to try and manage it, rather than give it up, we will run into trouble sometimes. It must also be remembered and recorded that our AF friends have equally frequent problems and make omni present mistakes.

      Your path is you path and you are following it beautifully. The reason I say that is because you are very self aware, thoughtful and thought provoking and trying at all times to improve your situation. Who could do more than that, regardless of what their end goal was?? Keep going as you are and you will reach your desination.

      love MOO
      "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
      but in what direction we are moving."


        Mod Squad September Thread

        Hey Everybody,
        I have great news: the rescue dog coordinator changed her mind, and we are picking up our new dog on Saturday! We feel like expectant parents!

        Eve, great post. Though I'm pretty sure that AF people have greater success than those of us who continue to drink. Yes, some also have relapses, but less damage is done overall in the lives of those who strive to be AF, many with complete success. But I too enjoy the thoughts you stir up.

        Moo, I understand why you and many of us go for periods of time without posting. Sometimes I feel that I should just give up alcohol for good, and find better things to do with my time than hang out here. But I am really busy, still catching up with life. This weekend I put a new finish on the top of our dining room table - something that should be done every couple of years, and I haven't done since moving into this house five years ago. Anyway, KTAB was the one who showed some interest in an AF October. Who knows, I could do that too! But I'll do it a week or two at a time.

        Sara, do you ever cook in big batches, making enough for at least two dinners? Even salad is good for at least a second day. We eat a lot of soups and stews with salad and good bread. My neice and nephew will usually eat some of the soup/stew and bread, though they pick things out they can't readily identify.
        It is good you are thinking beyond your 30 days. You have the rest of your life to live!

        Deebs, I bet you are LOVING your new expanded home.

        Ask, I often don't acknowledge your posts because it gets off the screen quickly here, but I always enjoy hearing and knowing how you are doing.

        Take care, all.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          Mod Squad September Thread

          Thank you for asking about me, deebee. I went to a wine tasting Friday night, was AF Saturday and Sunday, and modded yesterday and today. I should go AF for at least two days, since I may be wine tasting again Friday. I don't have many social contacts, and the Friday night wine tasting at the local market is a way to converse with people. It is only for the summer though, so will end soon. (And the pours are small enough, it only equates to half a glass of wine, I estimate.)

          Sara is absolutely right--giving myself permission makes me want to do it every day. And I know I need those AF days in between to keep in control. Coming home from work is my big trigger, so being AF on the weekends is easier.


            Mod Squad September Thread

            Morning Modders.

            Maisie, I too am going to a wine tasting on Friday night. I am looking forward to it because it's with a group of people who I normally only see once a month at bookclub and we are all making an effort to get together more often and introduce each other to new people. So there should be about 20 people there and I'll know about half.
            We are all to bring one bottle of red and one bottle of white and R20 to contribute towards snacks and a prize. We must make sure to wash the label off and write down what it is. Then we'll make our notes scoring / tasting sheets with a difference and you get to taste everyone’s wine. The mystery wine with the most votes, wins the grand prize. This particually appeals to me because it will be about enjoying the wine (or maybe not!) for what it is instead of just glugging it mindlessly, whilst intereacting with new people.

            But, until then I am going to get in 4 days AF. Each and everyone one of then much needed.

            My house is looking great, thanks Sun. I finally hung the curtains on Monday night but they aren't the right ones so I'll get some made. The painter hasn't been to work since Friday becuase his little girls was sick so he had to take money to the farm, I just wish he'd phone and let me know if he's coming back so I can make other arrangements.

            On my way to work yesterday I was thinking about how often I acknowledge other drivers with a grumpy face in the morning. Our little village doesn't have a single robot, but rather a lot of tricky turning circles which works well for our community as we are all very polite and calm allowing one driver each to push in front of us during rush hour traffic. I also do a little wave to say thanks but not much else, so yesterday I decided to give a big FAT cheery smile when I said thanks and was rewarded with a big fat grin back from the old man that I let in -- that made me feel good:-)
            Try it, I bet it brightens up someones day.

            Hope everyone is meeting their goals this week, I am:-)
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Mod Squad September Thread

              Sunbeam;715862 wrote: Hey Everybody,
              I have great news: the rescue dog coordinator changed her mind, and we are picking up our new dog on Saturday! We feel like expectant parents!
              That is so exciting.
              Please post a pic when you get a chance this weekend:h
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Mod Squad September Thread

                You ARE expectant parents. Congratulations!
                I just had my female bunny spayed today. Rabbits have babies every 30 days and get pregnant the second they mate. They can get pregnant right after they deliver a litter as well so no wonder they say they breed like rabbits.
                I love animals!!!

                Meeting my mod goals as well. Just don't have time to drink - too busy on the week nights and want to make a great breakfast for the boys in the a.m. and even 1 glass of wine would make me want to sleep in so I keep thinking of them first and they end up taking care of me!!

                Hi to all - Maisey - haven't addressed you yet - will have to look back to read about you a little. Welcome.

                Hello to old friends, new friends and lurkers who should become friends.
                Big hugs,
                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                  Mod Squad September Thread

                  Where is everyone this week?

                  MM, I keep up with your news on the ODAT thread and I must tell you how much I enjoy your posts, often they give me a little chuckle:-)

                  Sara, how are you? Is everything okay at home? Please share your worries and feel free to vent here if we can help. We are on your team, okay.

                  Vlad, you have me quite worried -- where are you? I hope I'm being very silly and it's something simple like your connection is down. Check in soon!!

                  Judie, I hope life is treating you good and you are too busy enjoying it to check in -- I'm thinking of you.

                  Beth, how are your teeth? When do you go in to have them done? Or have I missed the boat and you already have a new set of pearly whites:-)

                  KTAB, have you gone AWOL on us girls??

                  Yesterday was a very funny, but in a peculiar way) day for me. I started off with an abundance of energy but by 3pm I could barely keep my eyes open. It could either be because of the sugar binge I had, which is the first in 6 weeks or the Bac is possibly kicking in -- what ever the reason it really felt quite debilitating and I couldn't focus on simple tasks like washing the dishes.
                  I am pleased to say that today, after a good 9 hours sleep I feel as good as new.

                  I have managed to string 3 days AF together this week and it has definetly helped by being part of the 7 day team out in general. Moo, I support you 110% in your plan for an AF October but won't be able to join you as I have both mine and my hubby's birthdays coming up, as well as a 10 day school holiday and I have..... 13 (!) friends and families birthdays to also celebrate. So October is always a challenging time for me.

                  It's a wet and mizz day here today -- perfect for staying indoors and catching up on some admin.

                  I'll catch up with you all later.
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Mod Squad September Thread

                    Eve11;716625 wrote:
                    I just had my female bunny spayed today. Rabbits have babies every 30 days and get pregnant the second they mate. They can get pregnant right after they deliver a litter as well so no wonder they say they breed like rabbits.
                    I love animals!!!
                    The daughters hamster just gave birth to ANOTHER lot of babies:H I think they might be worse than rabbits.:H
                    Do you think it's possible to have a hamster spayed?
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      Mod Squad September Thread

                      Hi all

                      Thanks Deebs! Don't read today's though it's not exactly positive.......

                      Second week of managing Sun-Thurs AF - hooray!! I may drink tonight, haven't decided but even if I do I've achieved my goal of 4days off and 3 days on so to speak.

                      We're awaiting the birth of our puppy - could be any day this week - so exciting. Do any of you have opinions on whether a bitch or a dog is best? I think I'd get it neutered/spayed regardless - it's a spaniel by the way.

                      Luv to all


                        Mod Squad September Thread

                        I just caught up on todays news -- I am so very sorry MM. I can't begin to imaginee how difficult it must be for you to comfort the boys and they are at such a difficult age. They are very lucky to have you in their lives:-)
                        My thoughts will be with you and your family during this emotional time.

                        On a lighter note - I can't comment on whether a dog or a bitch will be the best as my boy James is the love of my life and can't imagine anyone else... but he does have some rather unpleasant manly habits LOL
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          Mod Squad September Thread

                          Woh Deebs - with 4 male humans and 1 male cat in the house already I'm not sure I can face any more dirty man habits!!

                          Thanks for your thoughts and wishes - it really stinks doesn't it? Still at least we know now, the boys have to be told that she's just had her appendix out and she'll be home tomorrow..... Not sure that's entirely fair on them either, I've always believed with my kids that you should be as straight as possible.

                          Luv Bx


                            Mod Squad September Thread

                            Hey modders...

                            Deebs...Wow more hampsters...thats fab. I hope you enjoy the wine sounds like fun and a great way to meet new people. I am thinking of starting a belly dancing class next week....feel free to laugh! I thought it might be a bit of fun. And heaven knows I could do with that at the moment.

                            Sunny - I hope all is well with your new arrival.

                            MM- I am not sure what is your bad news, but my thoughts are with you anyway. X

                            Eve- its great to read your posts again. Well done for meeting your mod goals. Its a constant challenge.

                            I have been able to mod really well between saturday and wednesday night when we had guesties, and they were of course on their holidays and enjoying a few drinks carefree. They left this morning and its brilliant to have the house back, as lovely as it was having them here. I am sure you all know what I mean. Mr Moo and I went swimming this evening and I really enjoyed it. Plan to be AF all this weekend and cant wait to have time to myself and just be quiet. So tomorrow I plan to put in a long day in order to be able to have two full days off at the weekend. Also want to get to the gym in the evening!

                            Love to all ...Moo
                            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                            but in what direction we are moving."


                              Mod Squad September Thread

                              Belly dancing class!!
                              ** just spewed coffee all over the keyboard**
                              OMG Moo, I certainly have the belly for it -- what fun!! Please tell me how you go.

                              Sun, my happy thoughts will be with you this weekend when you get your new "baby" - you must be so excited.

                              MM, I honestly don't know what I would do in your situation. My daughter is 14 and she likes to know everything. I imagine the boys must be the same? I agree with you that it's always better to be honest with kids, it's funny how much they tend to know anyway.

                              The painters have just arrived so let me get them started and I'll post again a bit later.

                              Till then....
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                Mod Squad September Thread

                                MM-didn't catch your news on the other thread so not sure what's going on but sending + thoughts your way. I'm not sure which gender is best for dogs either. We have a male Golden Retriever and he's a delight.

                                DeeBee - more pinkies??? Awesome. Hamsters are so tiny (no spaying I doubt) that I think the only solution is to separate the female and male. I love baby anythings.

                                ** ** **
                                Now for an update in the mod world:
                                Hubby and I have taken to learning how to dance...together! Went out Thursday night and felt ok to go AF but our 3 friends were all drinking so it was tempting. Had only 1 and refused the 2nd one BIL offered to purchase so felt good about that. 2 last night - wasn't tempted for more when I got home and tonight is the dinner theater with friends and plans for after the play of stopping somewhere so I'm going to focus on no more than 2 tonight. That would make a total of 5 for the week which is definitely within my weekly goals so am pleased about that.

                                Hi to all and keep posting!! I worry how our members are doing when they don't post as it's so easy to not come here when we're totally off track. Remember, this is a safe non-judgmental group.

                                An occasional person with bad intent can post a nasty comment here or there (I've noticed when people do that they've only joined MWO and posted once and left) but don't let people like that keep you from spilling out your heart to us.

                                I had a dear friend who was gay and he would tell me how some gay bashers would harrass him and his friends in the bar district they hung out at. The worst bashers were the ones that "came out of the closet" and were hanging with him and his friends the next year or so. LOL!!

                                So, to the occasional "Jane" person who tries to rattle our cages...see you here next year!
                                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

