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March On Moderators

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    March On Moderators

    RC, thanks. There was actually a class action lawsuit on the Copper Unit 7, which I didn't join in -- but my doctor was the real fuckup in the deal. Kept telling him that something was wrong, and he kept blowing me off. I used to listen to anything doctors told me back then - not now. I question and research now. And, mostly I stay away from them. There's good and bad, of course. They did save my husband's life, but there's a lot of bad shit that goes on too. Definitely changed my life.



      March On Moderators

      KG-my real push into natural health came when an emerg doc prescribed adult strength ceclor(antibiotic) for my 18 mo old son. He'd never had an antibiotic before. I didn't have my kids immunized either(even though I was considered a criminal by some). My oldest had had amoxicillan prescribed a few times, which is what I was expecting. When I asked the doc on call what this was, he just kinda blew me off saying oh it would work better. OK. Off I go to the pharmacy--the cost was $30 + to fill--three x's the other one. I left it there and went right up to the clinic and demanded a prescription for amoxicillan. I was practically in tears because we couldn't afford the other one. They obliged. It wasn't til a couple years later when I had my store that I really realized how that drug would have fucked with his fragile intestinal system. I was furious and have gone natural practically all the way since. I've surprised my doc(who is quite accommodating to work with me)many times with drugless recoveries. I figure my children's immune systems are much stronger for it.

      Buyer beware.....

      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

      St. Francis of Assisi


        March On Moderators

        RC, one of my favorite TV shows is Medical Mysteries. One of the consistent themes throughout every episode is how multiple (usually) doctors missed the diagnosis to the point where said patient comes close to croaking. Finally the poor people happen upon someone who figures out what's wrong. Sometimes the patient has gone years or even decades suffering without having the correct diagnosis. Buyer beware is right!!

        Well, at least something good came out of it for you - you started your own little business selling natural things that are good for people!! And, you may have saved your son from something awful.




          March On Moderators

          Morning Modders-I trust everyone's Saturday night met with your goals.
          KG-haven't seen that show, sounds like I would appreciate it. I have a report on file somwhere about medical screw ups that result in catastrophe. Very sad how they target natural ways when there is far less dangerous repercussions. Informed decisions is the way to go, for sure.
          I'm off like a herd of turtles! lol where did that come from??
          Have a great day gals!

          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

          St. Francis of Assisi


            March On Moderators

            Good Morning All,

            Had a nice night out with hubs -- sushi, saki and wine. Have to say, though, it did wake me up in the middle of the night and I don't feel nearly as good today. Looking forward to going back to AF - no AL for me for the forseeable future - maybe next Saturday but nothing in between. I probably only had 3.5 drinks, yet it really affects me these days -- just wreaks havoc with my sleep. So, looking forward to getting back to feeling wonderful.

            Hope you all have a good day - RC let us know how pampered a chef you become today.



              March On Moderators

              Good morning,

              I had a very productive day around the house yesterday, enjoyed some beer. I did go over my pre set limit a bit - over the course of 8 hours though so I feel good today, no hangover or any ill effects - besides the sleep a bit like you KG it does affect my sleep which I do not like, but I find with light beer I don't get anxiety or drunk like I do with wine or liquor so light beer is the way for me.

              I am going to be AF now for the rest of the week, lots to do and starting my workout routine again in the morning. My mod plan definitely is to only drink light beer, it is the way to go for me.

              Have a great Sunday, I plan on doing load of nothing as I overdid it on the cleaning frenzy yesterday....snowy day, nice to curl up with a good book.


                March On Moderators

                Good Morning Everyone,

                Just stopping in to say hi. Weird little night last night, thought I'd share...........So, hubs and I drank Saturday - nothing outrageous by any means, however I didn't sleep well. Then, strangely, I didn't sleep last night either even though I'd had no alcohol. It's as if my system is becoming more "delicate" - not quite the right word, but........

                Anyway, I'm wondering about drinking at all. Or, if I do, it may be that I have to stop at one drink? Jury is still out, but I'm getting the feeling that the "see saw" effect of starting and stopping drinking is sort of throwing me out of balance. This may just be a function of age. Everything seems different now - when you're young things don't bother you that really impact you at my age (58). I feel like I'm really a young 58 - I exercise, eat really well, have a lot of energy, etc. Nonetheless, I'm still 58, right?

                I was talking to my sister about this not long ago. We were remembering how our mom used to drink 1-2 glasses of wine most days and then just quit when she was in her late 50s. I don't remember there being any discussion about it. You know, it was like it was just no big deal. My sister said she remembered asking my mom about it -- she said something like she just couldn't drink anymore. Maybe I'm following that same pattern. It really seems like the least little change impacts me these days -- things I wouldn't even have noticed 10 years ago.

                So, ladies, not sure what I'll do exactly. Just making note of things here so I can share them for your benefit if it happens to apply. And, it would be good to go back to read later for me.

                Hope you all reach your goals and have a super day.



                  March On Moderators

                  Happy Monday morning Modders!
                  Thank you for sharing your introspection girls. I've had the thoughts, that maybe I'm over it at times as well. I did have some thoughts of some wine when I returned home last night. I believe my brain is gaining control though and passed. As for feeling more tired than I used to I do think our age has much to do with that as well (51). So all things must be considered I'm making positive changes and happy with that.
                  KG this chef was pampered with a yummy veg pizza and sweet little apple caramel tarts. Not my usual fair but I enjoyed and did buy the large bake pan, which I could not afford but I know I will enjoy.
                  Warm wishes for a day to be proud of!

                  Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                  St. Francis of Assisi


                    March On Moderators

                    RC, well you HAD to buy something. LOL Hope it went well with your daughter.

                    Re the drinking, it's not so much that I feel tired. It's that the alcohol disturbs my sleep and THEN I feel tired. I feel amazing when I don't drink. Last night was just strange because typically I would have slept well since I didn't drink. It's more like instead of it taking one night to recover from drinking, it took me two.

                    But, like you say, we're all in a much better place than we were a while ago. I'm just still figuring it all out. It's like a moving target. That's why the abstainers always talk about how in many ways it's just easier to stop.

                    We'll see........

                    Have a great day,


                      March On Moderators

                      Hi everyone,

                      KG - funny, but that is how I am feeling. I wasn't hungover or didn't go overboard drinking Saturday as well, but my sleep is affected by anything over the minimal amount. I really do love my AF days, but like the option to have one or two and it is nice to only want one or two. I have no desire to get drunk, I hate wasting days hungover and full of anxiety.

                      I plan on having more AF days than not on my moderation plan. It's like a switch went off in my brain that I am over the need to binge and it is a wonderful feeling to rid myself of that.

                      I also noticed that I don't need to visit this site as often as I have in the past ...does anyone else feel like this?? I absolutely love the support and connection, but as it has been said in the past I guess if you are doing well you don't need the extra support???


                        March On Moderators

                        Peace, I think it makes sense that if you're doing ok you might not need the support. Just pop in when you do! When you have time, I'd like to hear how you're doing, though.



                          March On Moderators

                          Well good morning to any modders about.
                          Peace you have to listen to your own instincts. I try to post not only for support and connection but to give it. That's just me. I believe we never know how even a small acknowledgment may inspire someone on especially if they have no one and that seems the case for many. Anyways, I hope to hear how you are doing when you feel you can.
                          KG-this is exactly why I don't go to these things. I never could afford them. I told the girls(daugher and her consultant friend)they should feel honoured that I attended. lol
                          I ended up assisting the host with preparation as everyone else was too shy or lazy perhaps?? It was fun!
                          No plans to drink today--probably Thurs again for me.
                          Make a great day!

                          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                          St. Francis of Assisi


                            March On Moderators

                            Hi Everyone - had an AF good night's sleep last night - same plan for this evening. Not too much going on in my little world.

                            RC - I hear you about parties like that - I quit going to them a long time ago. But, for your daughter, obviously you had to.

                            Lovely spring day here today. Hope all is well with everyone stopping by.



                              March On Moderators

                              Good Morning All - just stopping in to say hi. Am back to really good sleep because of not drinking -- just can't argue the negative way in which alcohol impacts my sleep.

                              Hope everyone achieves their goals today and enjoys the onset of spring. Has been lovely here.



                                March On Moderators

                                Good morning from me too. KG-glad you're feeling well rested. Sounds like you're really leaning towards abstinence now. Whatever you choose I wish you success as I do everyone on the boards. I was a bit edgy yesterday afternoon and thought about having a few but held to my goal. Just stayed on my feet and kept busy.
                                Spring is aways off here, but it is milder and calling for 3 days of rain. That'll take the white stuff down!
                                Have a good one!

                                Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                                St. Francis of Assisi

