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Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

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    Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

    Hi y'all,

    Cool stuff re your new laptop LBH! Enjoy.

    Well, 30 days AF here today, and about time too! lol. Quietly racking up the days.

    Hope everyone is feeling good out there, and doing things, and being with people who make you happy.

    Have a safe, sober and magical weekend everyone. :h

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

      :yay: G!
      CONGRATS on your 30 AF days ~ you are awesome
      Enjoy your day!

      LBH, did you get an iPad?
      I love mine although it took a little getting used to after using IBM products all these years
      Glad YB dragged us all into the world of Apple which is amazing since he built & sold computers for years (in addition to working at the cop shop). Hope your politico evening is not too rough!

      Where is my neighbor Jolie? One of these days I am going to go looking for her :H
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

        Thanks Lav!

        Glad YB's good for something.....

        Have a great weekend my friend. Can i say, you do such amazing work in the newbies nest, and on the boards generally. Know that you are very much appreciated around here Lav. :h

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

          Good Show our dearest G. When I have visited, or more properly re-visited, thirty days (I have had a few quiet incarnations of this as you know) I am so tickled, I do love being sober, it is glorious and so are you. Thank you for letting us know, I like to celebrate you. Lav, holy poop, (on the other hand) I am insane. I already had the latest version of the iPad and love it; today I bought a MacBook Pro, the newest one that has the same optional enhanced display. I will no longer have a desktop (mine is a ten year old PC) so I also chose the one with the most memory. Learning to use it properly (I signed up for one-on-one for a year) will keep me out of trouble for a while as I didn?t see any obvious drunken behavior at the genius bar. Love, Ladybirdgeek.
          may we be well


            Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

            Good morning Awesomes!

            G, you know I am a big fan of yours as well
            Hang around with us, we'll try to not embarass you (I'll have a chat with Rusty :H)

            LBH, wow, I am impressed with your new acquisition. I hope you enjoy using it too
            There is a lot to learn about Apple products although in the end I think they are more user friendly.
            Sounds like your evening out was good!

            Not sure what I am doing today but I always figure it out. All animals fed & watered, I am in the process of sucking down a pot of coffee while wishing the dog hair would disappear around here :H

            Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Saturday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

              Congrats G on 30 days!!

              Thanks everyone for your support, I made it through a couple of high anxiety moments again, but didn't want to drink. Just getting through this adjustment period can be tough on the emotions. I do meditate and if I skip a day or two the anxiety is definitely a challenge.

              Well, Day 41 here and feeling great. Thinking back over the past 41 days, I have gone to concerts, a wedding, the beach, parties, had two weeks holidays and celebrated my anniversary all without AL and I had a fantastic time at each and every event. I guess that is sign enough that I am done for good. I know, there will be challenges, but I feel soooooooo different this time.

              As for explaining to ppl, it can be a real pain. I luckily haven't crossed that yet this time, but I did mention to a friend who asked if some ppl do force the issue and I said ya, if I quit smoking would they be trying to force cigarettes on me, no I would be getting a pat on the back. But it is so different with AL, some ppl are uncomfortable when you aren't drinking, but it's their issue not ours.

              Have a wonderful Saturday, I think this may be my last day in the pool this summer
              new beginnings July 16, 2012


                Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

                Hi comrades on the AF bus. Last night my political fundraiser was far different than one might expect. Maybe fifty gently soft spoken adults in a backyard, nobody well-heeled, just academics, urban chicken farmers, an older lady who provides grief counseling to people losing pets, that sort; a handful of little kids; three bunny rabbits; and an ancient golden retriever. Considering the fellow is now miraculously ahead in the polls in his run for US senate, it restored my heart for such things a bit. There was hardly a drop of alcohol, three small bottles of wine, one never opened, the other two barely touched over the two hours. People drank coffee or water, ginger ale, one fellow brought alcohol free beer, and especially popular was the candidate?s favorite, old fashioned Coca Cola in the small glass bottles (the kind of Coke still made with sugar rather than the ubiquitous corn syrup). He gave a simple, moving speech, it was such a genuinely nice experience. Who knew. Way to hold fast IMT, I know what you mean about things seeming better this time, I feel a shift also (finally). Greetings to everybody! Off to amuse Lord Bird Heart with a "Breaking Bad" mini marathon. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

                  Hi everyone

                  Just a quick one to say hi and I'm still going strong here -dinner party for 9 last night all conducted on my part with no alcohol. Stayed up til the wee hrs and drove my guests home, cleared up and went to bed very very happy. Good run this morning and dinner at family's tonight. Again not a drop. I'm with you 'It's my time'-definitely feels like some kind of switcher lightbulb has gone off in my head. I'm seriously not even tempted. The benefits of being teatotal sooooo outweigh the alternative it's untrue how happy, motivated and productive I feel. The fact that I've told my family is really helping too and they are now starting to comment on how impressed they are and pleased for me. It's spurring me on big style and I now more than ever never want to touch a drop again. And I'm so excited at the prospect of being able to have a couple of years under my belt and announce that I don't drink. With pride..... X nighty night everyone!

                  1st goal: 100 days
                  2nd goal: 1 year
                  ultimate goal: forever


                    Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

                    Congrats G on your achievement! Very well done.

                    IMT and Nellie, you two are really inspirational. Your love of being free jumps right off the screen at me when I read your posts.

                    LBH, I'm so glad you have had the shift in thinking we have so long been seeking. I'm not there yet, but I am moving that way ever so gradually.

                    Rusty and Fly, thanks ever so much for the link.

                    Hi Lav!

                    It's been a nice, restful Saturday, but ever so hot. I've been staying in the air conditioning. I hope this heat goes away soon.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

                      nellie78;1368764 wrote: Hi everyone

                      Just a quick one to say hi and I'm still going strong here -dinner party for 9 last night all conducted on my part with no alcohol. Stayed up til the wee hrs and drove my guests home, cleared up and went to bed very very happy. Good run this morning and dinner at family's tonight. Again not a drop. I'm with you 'It's my time'-definitely feels like some kind of switcher lightbulb has gone off in my head. I'm seriously not even tempted. The benefits of being teatotal sooooo outweigh the alternative it's untrue how happy, motivated and productive I feel. The fact that I've told my family is really helping too and they are now starting to comment on how impressed they are and pleased for me. It's spurring me on big style and I now more than ever never want to touch a drop again. And I'm so excited at the prospect of being able to have a couple of years under my belt and announce that I don't drink. With pride..... X nighty night everyone!
                      Right on Nellie. Beautiful stuff. :goodjob:

                      Hi Dill. Thanks for the congrat's, and hope you're having a beaut weekend.

                      Hi LBH. Glad you enjoyed the evening, and thanks for your detailed and entertaining commentary/description of proceedings, and the folk attending.

                      Have a triple A rated weekend all! :h

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

                        9 pm on a Saturday night & I'm in my shop working
                        My life is sooo exciting :H

                        IMT & Nellie - I'm happy for you two

                        LBH, your event sounded rather tame & that's OK!
                        So do urban chicken farmers have dusty shoes too (like me)?

                        Hi to everyone else!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

                          Good morning kids!

                          Up early having coffee with Stella & Matilda

                          What's everyone doing today?
                          Looks like rain here so I guess I'll hang out in the kitchen

                          Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

                            Good morning,

                            Happy Hangover Free Sunday!!

                            Love, love, love the freedom of not drinking. I am really getting it again, I was sober before for 5 years and that wonderful peaceful feeling is returning. Why I started drinking again will always be with me as a lesson if I decide to try and moderate this time. I am really me when I am sober, I love waking up free of anxiety and not wasting precious days away hungover.

                            Off to enjoy my last day before back to work tomorrow. I am kicking up my dieting , I really need to lose the 20 pounds I gained since starting to drink heavily again. No problem, now that I got the AL under control, the dieting will be easy

                            Have a great day all
                            new beginnings July 16, 2012


                              Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

                              Good Sunday morning all!

                              I've been off the boards this past week but won't apologize. My energy level has been way down and it was all I could do to just got to work, come home, take care of the kids and pass out. Sometimes we just need to go into hibernation.

                              In a nutshell, I didn't get the job so at least that anxiety of wondering and waiting is over. I had a very good long cry and done.

                              I had my physical on Thursday and talked my boss into working from home until it was time to go. I'm not thrilled with the new doc-but I was her last appointment and probably did far too much whining. I won't even go into how inept she is on doing a gyn exam!! Sorry G! But she did prescribe Welbutrin for me. We don't know if my depression is situational or chemical but I'll give this a try. So far no side effects but I'm just taking it once a day instead of twice for now. All my blood work came back fabulous (sugar high normal but I know what to blame for that!!) but she is not happy with my 30 lb weight gain over the past 2 years. Neither am I of course.

                              I was off on Friday but had to work as much as I could in the afternoon after going for my lab work and taking LM for his 2 week followup.

                              Mickey is feeling much better and healing from the acute bout of pancreatitis. So wonderful to see him almost eager to go outside again and be so excited about meals!!

                              Yesterday was a demo as is today and then more work. I still have 13 evals to do by tomorrow morning so I will be busy busy after work today.
                              Wed is the Orientation and then I plan on taking Thurs and Friday off. At least the pressure and anxiety will be over with and I can finally relax.

                              I've been really looking at my budget and have come to the sad conclusion that I cannot afford my beloved Jeep anymore. Tuesday I will go to the dealer I bought it with and explore my options. I need significantly better gas mileage and lower car payments in order to break even. I also cannot afford to do any more agility and will have to forfiet the $50 I put down on a campsite for the October trial in Bar Harbor, ME.
                              These are very hard decisions for me but without the chance of a promotion or a new job (I am done looking), I need to make some severe cuts. There are so many people out there in much worse shape than I and I need to be grateful for what I do have. I also need to start having faith in God that I will be provided for no matter what. I've been agnostic all my life but it obviously hasn't worked for me. Time to change course.

                              Throughout all of the trials and tribulations of the past 2 years I have remained AF and for that I am the most grateful. If I can do, anyone can.

                              Big congrats to IMT, G-man and Nellie for racking up the AF days and years (?).

                              Chill-so thrilled to see how happy and peaceful you are finally! I need to read back to see what led up to what appears to be a major move.

                              LBH-Love your words as usual and so happy you have found your way out. Enjoy that Mac!!

                              Dill-you are getting there I can tell! Keep on truckin'!!

                              Rusty-are you working too hard again? Hope you are enjoying your new job and life. Thanks for the link. Will get to it at some point. I haven't had the pressure she describes but then again I rarely get out of the house these days.

                              Lav-you are our rock. Love to hear your daily going's on.

                              SD-glad the school year is starting ok for you. Sometimes it is better to just mind our own business and let the higher ups be blissfully unaware or find out for themselves. Unless of course a child is in danger. Then the gloves come off!

                              Have I missed anyone? If so, I'm sorry but will catch up later. Now I need to get ready for my demo.

                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 4

                                Good Morning AF Friends,

                       looks like big congratulations are in order for Mr. G (:h), IMT and Neillie!:happy::goodjob:

                                G-it's great to see you again and you're on the AF bus with us. Feels great, doesn't it? It certainly must help your singing as AF rots a person's esophagus.

                                Neillie-good job on the AF dinner party for nine! You sound so positive and happy....and I am thrilled for you. I bet those 20 pounds will melt off. I initially lost 30 pounds when I quit drinking but disappointed to say I have gained a little back. I have to remember a great quote I saw from a personal trainer for SNAP Fitness who was successful in helping a young woman lose 100 lbs. She said, "Do not EVER reward yourself with food. You are not a dog." I'm hoping that quote will help me with the 35 pounds I have yet to lose.

                                IMT-are you a teacher....I think you might have mentioned it before so sorry if I missed it. Congrats again.

                                Fly-thanks so much for posting the link. I am not technically savvy in all the MWO options like adding links, pictures, etc. so I appreciate that you took the time to post it so everyone could share. I am shamefaced to say that when my drinking was escalating, I was one of those ignorant people who would shake my head and insist someone have a glass of wine with me. I've missed your posts and I hope you stick with us. We have new people on our thread and your wisdom is always welcome.

                                Star-I hope you're getting your family issues resolved and you're feeling better.

                                Dill-thank you for that quote. So timely for me....I must print it out before I forget. You popped into my head Friday mentioned this is your last year in the school system, and then you will retire. Well, after spending 4 days with my terminally negative client and his equally negative employees, I told my mother yesterday that my wish is to get enough consulting business so I only have to work 3 or 4 days a week. Negative people just drain me, and I'm sure, in the school system, you see a lot of that as well. On a lighter note, my client, although college-educated, showed me an e-mail he had written to one of his customers who had a complaint with my client's company. My client, Neil, had written "spurotically" instead of "sporadically" and I just died laughing. In fact, every time I looked at him, I started laughing. Now when I send him e-mails, I sign them, "Spurotically Yours, Rusty.":H His reply to me (in jest) is not suitable for this thread. Dill, did you and Mr. D spend ANY time on your boat this summer? I don't recall you mentioning it.

                                LBH-I loved your recollection of the AF political event....highly unusual and I wish I could have been there with you. I really think there's been a positive shift in least here in the US, when it comes to drinking. I don't know if people are afraid of getting DUIs, or finally people realize that AL is poison but it is marvelous to see. I loved your recount of the groom's mother coercing you with a glass of champagne. You cast a hex on the marriage by not wanting to drink? Hmmm.....she sounds like kind of a boor. The way you tell a story....I love to reread your posts over and over. I picture you a muse, and I think you would be an excellent storyteller at a library where they have children's reading hour, or in a nursing home, where the residents would be mesmerized by your extraordinary gift of prose.

                                TDN-I giggled when you said I was a "media personality." Only for 4 out of the six years I was a journalist. I wouldn't call myself a personality, though, but your comment was so sweet. I am also wayyyy overdue in telling you how much I admired your telling us about the run-in with the police chief, and the class you had by being polite and keeping your composure. You're brave and you took responsibility for your actions. So sorry to hear your dog is sick, too.

                                Lav, I was going through my closet yesterday and what popped out at of the lovely pillows you embroidered for me. If I order any more pillows this Christmas, I promise I won't email you on Wednesday with a frantic plea that looks and sounds like this..."lavI'mhavingmywholegroupofladiesoveronsund aycouldyoupleasegetmethosepillowsherebysaturdayIkn owshippingwillbeungodlyexpensivesorryfornotmakingu pmymindonwhatpatternIwantedearlierthankssomuchlove Rusty".

                                Big hellos to Rustop-I hope you're ok, and Papmom-did you hear anything about the IT job?

                                Rain is expected here today so I best be getting my run along the lake path in. Ah, the joys of an unhung Sunday morning. Hi to Chill, Cyntree, and everyone I've missed. Have a wonderful AF Sunday.

