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july week 1

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    july week 1

    Cross post Star!!!

    Yes, I buy the 1 lb bag of dried beans, soak them overnight & cook them up in less than an hour. They will keep in the fridge for several days, you can also freeze them. I do this primarily to reduce the sodium but it is also a money saver
    My daughter is a label reader & has pointed out wheat/gluten in things you just don't think about like salad dressings, most processed foods & the like. She just told me this week that she's added another supplement to her mix called Turmeric & Bromelain. It takes care of ALL of her joint pain especially if she's accidently ingested some wheat.

    Have a great day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      july week 1

      Good Morning and Happy 4th of July,

      Dill-I LOVED that quote. Brilliant! Thank you for posting it. Yes, independence from alcohol. I woke up to sunshine which I haven't seen in a long, long while. I hope the sun comes out and you can hop on the boat, AF, oooh la la! To answer your question, I initially bought Bac off the internet back in May, 2010, after reading and reading the Bac threads on the Meds Forum. No, I didn't tell my regular doc about Baclofen, I went through Dr. Fred Levin to get my precription six months after I initially bought it off the internet. When I finally told my doc about Baclofen (2011), she had only heard of it for its use for people with MS, not AL. The only way out she knew was rehab and AA. That wasn't going to happen. So, I told her about Baclofen, My Way Out, and showed her my script from Dr. L. Now she's on board with me 100%.

      Star-4 days off! Me, too. Now, if the weather holds out. I'm hoping you have grandchildren, too. Like you, I delighted in waking up late this morning, with no alarm. Thank you for asking about my mom. I think she'll have that awful dental surgery in August sometime. She feels well enough to go to Maine to visit her relatives.

      Witts-winter in Australia....what is the temperature there?

      Pap-I hope your blue mood has lifted, and your dad's, too.:l I hope you can do something relaxing sailing in the picture?

      Lav-I am on a LOW dose of Baclofen....40 mgs per day, 10 mgs. every 2 hours. I have no negative side dizziness, no spacy feeling. I do not plan on "letting go" of it at anytime. I have a prescription through Dr. Levin. Baclofen is safe for me. Another person on this thread uses it, too, safely.. I know you had patients who were on Baclofen when you were a nurse, and it made them spacey, etc. I think the uses/dosages of Baclofen have come a long way since you retired from nursing several years ago. When you said "letting go" it really ticked me off as it sounds like you think it's a crutch. Well, I used to say that about Antabuse, and I don't anymore. It's my journey. Amoryn works for you. Baclofen works for me. I've been continuously sober for almost 14 months. End of story.

      Well, this is not how I planned to start my 4th of July holiday....miffed... but I will go work it off and stay off of here for a while.

      Happy AF Independence Day to Cyn, Perse, and those I miss....Chill, Sooty, LBH, and Rustop....thinking of you today.


        july week 1

        Rusty - whoa!
        You misunderstood my statement about Baclofen this morning.
        If you want to continue on a Rx muscle relaxer & antispastic forever that is your choice!
        There's no need to get miffed with me. I think we are using our chosen meds/supplements for different reasons anyway
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          july week 1

          finally had 2 days without rain
          the temperature is at the moment 8 degrees may get to 20 to-day will be nice outside in the sun
          but chilly inside
          Tumeric is a natural anti inflammatory
          and caynne pepper is good for even organ in your body
          have a good day everyone
          week 5 done


            july week 1

            Happy 4th American friends!!

            Rusty and Lav-I sure hope you guys can work things out-you are my rocks and I hate discord in general. Sometimes printed words don't always reflect true meaning. :l :h

            Hottest day of year so far and very sunny. I have stayed inside cleaning. Got the front part of the house sparkling and somewhat decluttered. Also did a couple loads of laundry and one round of dishes. There is so much to be done and so little time to do it. This morning I too slept in-until almost 9!! But, I didn't go to bed until 2-I was a bad girl and stayed up watching a Flashpoint marathon. The boyz have enjoyed hanging out with me in the AC.

            Dill-so glad your son loves his job. I ache for that feeling again. its been way too many years. Glad also you are not being run too ragged by the wee ones.

            Star-did you get to a parade? No staycation for me this year as I am trying to save up my vacation days. It's only been six months and I've got almost 10 days so by next summer I should be in great shape to take long weekends or a week here and there (if I'm still at this job). So happy to hear you were able to go see your dad and that he is doing better than expected. Whew!

            Witt-will the mud season last long for you? Yes, I'm curious too about your hubby and his views on AL

            Back to work tomorrow and then Sat off. I'm going to watch a friend run teacup agility Saturday morning (I could actually enter DD but it's a smaller course with smaller equipment and the few times we've run he hasn't done well. He's at the very top of the height range). It's only 20 min from my house and I haven't seen her in years so it should be fun. Then over to my sis's for a cookout and pool time. My bro and SIL and neph are coming out from Amherst so the whole family will be there. Yippee!! Sunday is a local demo.

            My amoryn came yesterday and I started it today. Also some pea protein for my smoothies. I need to kick my morning bagel habit. Dad seems to be feeling better-there may be some meds reason for his blues.

            Well, I guess I better scare up some dinner. Definitely don't feel like cooking in this heat but I had a salad for lunch. Hmmmm....
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              july week 1

              Good morning July friends,

              I have a babysitting gig & must be out of here by 7 am.

              Rusty, please accept my apology, I should not have opened my mouth yesterday.
              I wasn't thinking about the term 'crutch' when I spoke yesterday. I was thinking of your health & safety & the long term use of any chemical substance - the same reason I am battling to get myself off of the B/P medication.

              Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                july week 1

                Good morning to all...

                Hey Pap, you sound better, so great to get the house cleaned up, I did too!! Clutter is a constant so I am always throwing stuff away, putting things away, to keep the mess down. it is nice to have a little time off.

                Lav, another family day to look forward to. Sorry about the miscommunication with Rusty.

                Rusty, I hope you come back, we love hearing from you. I think Lav believes in her Amoryn, you are helped by Bac, and both are great for each of you. You are right, we all have to find our own way out and you are doing great. 14 months. Hope you have a great day.

                Dill, did you go out on your boat? The weather here was cloudy, sunny, cloudy, but NO RAIN, so I was able to go to the pool, sit outside and have fireworks and a little fire outside. Hope you had a good fourth.

                Witt, you are doing great!

                Today I am off to visit a girlfriend who I have not seen in a while. Looking forward to it, hope the weather cooperates. To all, have a fantastic Friday.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  july week 1

                  Hello All,
                  Star, our boat is still in the repair shop! The bilge pump is being fixed or replaced, I'm not sure which. We had pulled pork sandwiches (crock pot) potato salad, slaw and corn on the cob yesterday. It was raining all day, so not a good day for a cook out here. Have fun with your GF. I long for a get away day such as that!

                  Lav, I spent a good deal of time reading about amoryn yesterday. It makes sense to me that you would find what I had been looking for! I had been looking for a good form of St. John's Wort recently! I know that many products are not standardized so are not so effective. You are usually a few steps ahead of me on these sorts of things! I still don't know if I'll order it. My down moods don't seem to be pervasive or long lasting, so I'll wait and see. This current living arrangement may push me into it tho!

                  Pmom, let me know how you do with the amoryn, if you don't mind. I can't remember, have you used it before? I know Lav swears by it but everyone is different and reacts differently to different supplements, so I remain curious about your individual experience.

                  Witt, well done on 5 weeks!:goodjob:

                  Rusty, I googled Dr. Levin and baclofen and my search turned up the MWO forum page where you must've first heard about him. I think it's brave of you to have contacted him. I am always fearful and skeptical about such things, you know things you read about on the internet. So you actually called him? Did he charge you for the script? Where in the country is he located? I am not likely going to contact him, but I am curious. I'm glad you are on a low dose and "safe" amount. I am fearful of trying it because I read that you have to be careful coming off of it because you can have hallucinations and other mental symptoms. That happened to me when I was coming off of Lexapro and it scared me! Lexapro is an antidepressant. I took it in 2007 when my son was in Iraq. Also took it because I hoped it would help me cut back on drinking. It didn't and it also didn't mix well with alcohol. That was not a good period for me! Also, it caused weight gain. Who needs that?

                  Don’t forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    july week 1

                    Good Morning Friends,

                    I wish I could say, "TGIF," but that means I only have 3 days left of my staycation. :-( BOO HOO....where did the week go.

                    Lav, I accept your gracious apology. I know how you feel about Baclofen and the use of drugs long-term. I'm glad you we cleared the air. I hate being at odds with someone I care about.:l Especially this thread, as we do not bicker like some people on the other threads. Good luck with babysitting duty, and I sure hope it doesn't last until 10:00 p.m.

                    Pap-sounds like you had fun yesterday....glad you could spend some family time, and de-cluttering is always lethargic. I am thrilled you are accruing some vacation. Like you, I slept in, and it felt GREAT.

                    Dill-Dr. Levin is in Chicago. Yes, I have talked to him three times. We actually had a few phone therapy sessions. It helped me immensely. He's a soft-spoken, older geriatric psychiatrist. I will PM you with more details if you would like, but if you go to the Meds Forum, look at the Bac threads. There is lots of good info there. Ah, yes, Lexapro. I was on it in 2004 after my dad died. It gave me such violent GI problems I stopped taking it after 3 weeks. Oh yes, I gained weight on it, too. You're right....who wants that? So your son was in, that must have been sooo hard for you. My mom and dad were nervous wrecks when my brother went to Vietnam at 19. So sorry your boat is in the shop....hope it gets fixed soon.

                    Star-have fun with your friend today.

                    Witts-it's great to have you here.. and you sure are accumulating the AF days.:goodjob: How long have you had cattle as a hobby?

                    Cyn and Perse? How were your 4ths of July?

                    The sun is out I am off for a run. I hope everyone has a peaceful and happy AF Friday!


                      july week 1

                      Hi Everybody,

                      The di$hwa$her repairman just left so I thought I would pop in.

                      Lav-I am sorry I blew up at you....if I'm upset with someone here, I should do it privately, rather than a public forum. Please accept my apology. And now, here ye, here ye, we hereby officially put this issue at rest. All in favor, say "aye." AYE!!! :H:h

                      Dill-I forgot to mention how delicious your meal sounded yesterday. Pulled pork and corn on the cob. YUM. We carnivorous cheeseheads love comfort food like that.

                      Perse-I've been reading your thread in the General Discussion Forum and it sounds like you're both in physical and emotional I think I will PM you and make sure you're ok.:l

                      Witts-I hope the weather was better in OZ today.

                      I'll be back tonight. :h you guys.


                        july week 1

                        I don't think I'll be slipping down the drive way but the grandkids is another question they love playing in mud
                        I thought about having a drink last night home alone and friday night ......but went and cooked a big greasy dinner instead and the thought never even come up again
                        I woke up this morning feeling so good and proud that I didn't do it


                          july week 1

                          There you go witts end, that's just how you get the job done. Keep pushing those drinking thoughts out of your head, keep yourself busy & distracted & keep yourself well fed
                          My grandkids absolutely cannot walk around a puddle or a blob of mud....they just have to jump right on :H

                          Rusty, glad we are OK

                          Well, I survived kid duty 7a-7p. They actually didn't leave until 9 tonight.
                          The whole gang will be here tomorrow for a BBQ. And it's hot as hell now after all those weeks of rain

                          Have a great night all!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            july week 1

                            Hey all...

                            Well, my day went downhill, but not due to anything I did. A close family friend called as her son was arrested, bailed out, and acting weird. Long story short, he was taking benzos and was out of control. The hospital refused to admit him as he was not a danger to himself or others. What bu##sh%%. We were up late, I never got to go to my friends, and darn it, I am going today.

                            Substance abuse is a difficult situation. I can see it draining away this family's life blood. They are blaming everyone but their son, and he needs some definite tough love. Plus, our medical system SUCKS. Expensive and not effective. Sorry, I am on a rant with about 6 hours sleep.

                            Glad we are all on the same page here, hope everyone has a great day.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              july week 1

                              Hey July jewels - (sorry, just had to sneek that in). What a wild week - thanks for starting us, Witt. I remember reading your post, and getting ready to reply, and then something came up and I have been on the run since then.

                              Hope all had a good 4th - Lav, seriously 7 am - 9 pm? I don't know how you and Dill do it.

                              I have a lot to tell about work, but will give it in short bursts over the next few days. The writing work is growing to fill up almost every waking hour. Unfortunately, it's on a fixed contract, so it doesn't mean any more $$$ for me, but I'm taking it on because I'm learning so many things - ad copy, radio copy, video scripts, making audio and video clips, etc. Exciting, but stressful since it's always on a deadline. Also, Mr Tree has needed A LOT of help from me on getting some materials out the door for him. July 4th I worked flat out from 8 - noon just on his project...I love the guy, but geez, everything with him is such a drama.

                              Tuesday I went into NYC for a (part-time, and mostly do it from home in CT) job interview. Not even sure if I want to do it, but the prospect of billable hours and being paid every two weeks is pretty tempting.

                              So, along with the rain (PMom - did you get the torrential rains on Saturday/Sunday?, the mosquitos, the humidity (no general AC here in the house, just window units in the bedrooms), I am a little off-kilter.

                              Step-daughter just arrived last night for a weekend visit - guess what, she's interviewing for a job in CT on Monday - cross your fingers, everyone! Then on Monday I change the sheets and a friend is coming in from NYC to stay with the dogs while we go to Mr Tree's class reunion. Then 2 more weeks at home, and then gone for 3 weeks for Mr Tree's work, and the organization that I am writing for. When we return, it will be the third week in August...I really feel like time is going twice as fast as it ever has in my life...

                              Anyway, that's my story this morning - I'm sending everyone big hugs, and hoping this weekend is a good one for you all!
                              to the light


                                july week 1

                                Good morning friends!

                                Gee cyn, why are you so busy? :H :H
                                I hope all of your plans go smoothly for you. Sounds like you will be needing a bit of 'me' time before August is over! We'll be here if you need us

                                Star, sorry to hear about your friend's son. I feel so fortunate that my kids did not tiptoe into that territory. I have watched the fall of a good friend's for years due to illegal drugs. He ended up in jail, tattooed head to toe, barely got a high school diploma, has fathered at least one child, can't hold a job & so one & so on
                                Our medical system does not seem to be very effective, I agree. There are some privative facilities for those with unlimited funds but like with any addiction - nothing changes if nothing changes! After a physical detox a whole lot of psychotherapy is in order. The whole family suffers & needs to be treated as well.
                                How are you doing with your allergy situation? Did you go for testing?

                                I hope everyone has a nice AF Saturday. I have the whole group coming for a BBQ later. We are officially into the third heatwave for this summer......I have to remember to give my girls some ice water, they don't do well in excessive heat!

                                Stay cool
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

