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Drama-free December

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    Good evening all,

    It's been a very pleasant and af Tuesday here in sunny southern Ohio. I hope you all have had this mild weather too.

    Lav, my ex DIL is probably bipolar but she has never been diagnosed as such. I think it is a large part of the reason she has been unable to get clean. Poor thing. I truly pity her.

    Pauly, I was talking with a friend today about popcorn. Her hb is really into it and she told me the secret to his popcorn is that he browns the butter. I never heard of that before but I'm going to try it on my next batch!

    Cyn, thanks for the healing light you are sending out to my ex DIL. Hope springs eternal.

    Star, I hear you on feeling the bah humbugs while out shopping on a crowded day. I have no patience for it anymore.

    I hope we all have a peaceful af evening.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Jumping back in for a minute -

      Cyn, I use eggs so I have not jumped on the gelatin bandwagon. Worth a try though I would think.

      Pauly, IF you do indeed have a yeast problem then you DEFINITELY need to stop consuming SUGAR! Sugar is fuel for the yeast beast
      Ditch the dairy & sugar for a few days - bet you'll feel a whole lot better. Skip the Jello before bedtime - it's all sugar & has absolutely no nutritional value - sorry. I won't even buy the stuff.

      Dill, in this day & age every single healthcare professional is supposed to do a complete psychosocial evaluation on every single patient! I find it very sad that no one has asked her about her mental health history. I think the HIPPA Privacy Rule has done some good but also some damage. Gone are the days where you could just pick up the phone & address your concerns about a loved one with their attending. Your DIL is lucky to have you on her side :hug:

      Nice weather here, getting warmer as the week goes on too.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Good morning...

        Lav, thanks for the link. It is weirdly warm right now, I agree, I wonder if cold weather will come in January. It sure does make it easier to have this warmer weather though. Thanks for the link, I am going to check it out.

        Dill, hope your DIL can get the help she needs. I still have lots to do for Christmas gifts, today my goal is to order all the online stuff and get it sent out. I send out of town relatives food stuff, like sausage, cheese, and other goodies. Those packages are fun to get in the mail.

        Pauly, I ate chocolate last night after dinner and woke up early and hungry. Oh, and my heart pounded all evening. Lovely. I need to put those Christmas chocolates in the fridge till Christmas Eve. Good grief.

        Cyn, my secret Santa is a vegatarian and may not like sugar either. I am not sure. I will look around this weekend. Hope you are enjoying your husband back home, any kind of change can be an adjustment.

        Have a good one.


          Good morning friends, happy Hump day

          Meeting my old friends for lunch today, finally. Getting them together is like pulling teeth sometimes - difficult, ha ha!!!

          Star, a vegan would love any of these chocolate gifts: Top 12 Dairy-Free Chocolate Gifts for the Holidays

          I don't know why but I haven't had a good sleep yet this month. I think it's the result of a bunch of things out of my control. I'm just not going to get hyper-focused on it & believe it will resolve itself. Probably not until after the holidays, ha ha!!

          Hello to Dill, Pauly & Cyn!
          I hope everyone has an awesome AF Wednesday!!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Morning all - Happy Hump Day (here's to you, Sooty!).

            Star, Mr. Tree was home for 1 day, then went back to the city for Mon, yesterday and today! I'm going in again today for an early dinner with some dear friends. I love seeing people, and the city is very festive around the holidays, but I'm getting tired of these commutes, sorry to complain. I'm trying not to worry about the dogs - we definitely should have gone with a different breed - lab, or something that isn't so sensitive! And now with the feed-often routine, I have to ask my neighbor to come 3 times in 9 hours! What a sweetheart she is...but we swap dog care, and I often take care of her dog. Thank goodness for a great neighbor!

            Well, off to get a few things done, and get the doggy kitchen in gear to make all the setups. Lav - I'm giving the dogs the sweet potato/pumpkin "pudding" that I didn't like -- perfect for them!

            Pauly - good for you for checking out your symptoms. Lav is right, sugar is a major culprit with yeast - good luck!

            Dill - I hope you have a little peace for an hour or two! You certainly have been dealing with alot.

            Lav - hope you can find some balance so you can sleep; thanks for reminding us that we can let go of 'issues' surrounding us.

            Wishing all a good AF day - to the light!


              Hello friends, I think the short days,Christmas stress messes with a lot of people's sleep,I don't understand why such a fun holiday is not much fun in the making, oh well just get through, hope we all have a nice Wednesday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Hello friends, it's gray and kind of depressing here today. I'm glad I had the athletic center to go to for a bit of exercise. And now I'm sitting at the computer listening to Elvis Presley songs on youtube. My oldest brother was a Presley fan, but that was kind of before my time. Still, he was an absolutely incredible singer. Thank goodness for youtube.

                Lav, Even if medical people have identified issues with my DIL, which of course I can't know (thanks HIPPA) it is still up to her to seek help. The very nature of mental illness prevents sufferers from making the right choices for themselves. She cannot see that she is ill and she does not believe she needs help. Same for the addiction. No one can compel her to go into treatment short of a court order. From what I understand those are almost impossible to get. I have been looking into tho.

                Pauly, the days are still getting shorter, too! I think we should all have an online party on the winter solstice to mark the beginning of the days beginning to lengthen!

                Star, wow what a reaction to the chocolates! I guess you are going to have to eat your Christmas chocolates in the daytime, not evenings. I am sure chocolate keeps me awake at night, but fortunately I haven't had the heart pounding reaction you had.

                Cyn, I guess some dogs do have stronger digestive tracts than others. I am really luck with Tessa. She seems to have an iron stomach! LOL I don't blame you a bit for complaining about the commute. Especially at night.

                Peace on earth, good-will to men.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  I love Elvis Dill Kell went through a Elvis phase as a teen and got me hooked,his voice was smooth as butter,I never eat after 3 pm so I dunno about the reaction to chocolate but I know dark choc has a bit of caffeine plus the sugar could be stimulating, ex-Dil is a sad situation, that's the thing about addiction, the person has to want to help themselves, all the treatment in the world won't help peeps who have deaf ears,you can lead a horse to water but you know the saying, yes a winter solstice celebration sounds good gloomy here today too,slow at work during the holidays makes for an irritated Pauly but whatevs
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Good morning...

                    Not a lot to report, just working and getting ready for Christmas. I took tomorrow off to go to Doctor with my HB.

                    Lav, is your husband's eye OK? Hope so.

                    Dill, It is getting into the low 60s today, wow, really warm.

                    Cyn, I have had pets in the pasts who had physical problems, it was alot of work, but what choice do you have?

                    Pauly, I love all kinds of music, including some Elvis. Hope you are enjoying your Christmas lights.

                    Have a good one.


                      Good morning friends!

                      Reporting in from my grandaughter's house - happy days
                      Drove thru some intense fog this morning but watched an awesome sunrise at the same time. Heading up to 60 degrees today, geez! I have a feeling the new year will be bringing some big weather changes. The ski resorts up in the mountains are complaining bitterly. It's too warm even to make snow & their businesses are suffering.

                      I never cared much for Elvis - he always skeeved me out a little, ha ha!!!

                      YB is complaining about his eye & will be for some time I imagine. I've also been listening to nearly 35 years worth of complaints about his tinnitus. He damaged his hearing on the pistol range & no one has ever been about to help him. He wasn't so careful about ear protection back then

                      Hello to Star, Dill, Pauly & Cyn. Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Morning friends,Lav,I'm surprised you don't like Elvis,what kind of music do you listen to? I like nearly everything except screaming metal,Kenny G like crap,and the Reggae Kell listens to,just can't get into it,used to like country back in the day,til every song turned into something about alcohol!! Hubs likes it and had it playing at work,it was upsetting his boss cuz his wife had just gone to rehab so he got up and changed it,I told hubs I feel the same as his boss,the songs make drinking sound like a great time with a catchy beat,ridiculous, anyways hello to all and let's have an easy Thursday
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Hello all -

                          There and back safe and sound! And, get this - thanks to my blessed neighbor who came 3 times to feed the them - the dogs are great! Relaxed and happy when we walked in the door. I think that they just need to have enough food spaced correctly, and the general anxiety issues will disappear. Even girl dog, who has terrible trouble (emotional) with going up and down steps just flew up the deck steps last night, and each time my neighbor came to feed them. That's a dramatic turn-around.

                          Now I must apply myself to all things that I missed yesterday. Health Insurance!! Still not tacked down yet. And updating my website - I feel a change coming in my work by the first of the year.

                          Embrace the dark days, get some flowers, light a candle. It's soft and embracing out. Lav - so glad you got to gdaughter's safely. Take good AF care, all... To the light!


                            Hello af friends,

                            Hey Cyn, glad your dogs did so well. Your neighbor must be really special and have a really great way with dogs! You mentioned the new year and it made me realize we are about to change the calendar already! Geez! I could swear we just started 2015!

                            Lav, too bad Mr. L didn't take care of his hearing on the shooting range. I wonder if his hearing will deteriorate as he ages. Poor Mr. D has to wear aids in both ears now and is absolutely helpless without them. I feel sorry for him. Is the prognosis good for his eye?

                            Pauly, I like most kinds of music, but not heavy metal or rap particularly. I like country but I think you are right about the references to drinking. I guess tho that I lean more toward old time country and country gospel. Alcohol is not celebrated so much in that genre. I am a huge fan of Frank Sinatra, too. What a talent he was! I love Bonnie Raitt too. Really, the list of singers and groups is just too long to try to name my favorites!

                            Star, I hope your son is doing well and that he is making headway in his job search. I heading out again tomorrow to try to knock out some Christmas shopping. I want to get some things for the little girls across the road and some small things for the grandkids teachers. I just know my son won't think of it! LOL!

                            It's been a nice mild day here with some sunshine. Instead of going to the athletic center to exercise we went for a walk in the woods because we felt so sorry for Tessa! She just looked at us with her big eyes begging us to walk in the woods instead of going to the gym! She was thrilled when we got our hiking boots on. Have a peaceful af evening.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Good morning...

                              I 'm off today, yay!!!! It is going to be in the 60s, I love it. I hope to be outside a bit today, this can't last for long.

                              Dill, I bought some Christmas CDs, Peanuts and Barbara Streisand, love both of them. I don't listen to enough music.

                              Lav, I'd hate listen to someone complaining about a physical symptom. Wait, I do! His back, his back. Has gone on for years, recently a little better. Maybe that is part of marriage?

                              Pauly, I like some heavy metal and even some rap. It just depends. I am open to listening to different types of music for a little while at least. It is weird how some music triggers drinking thoughts.

                              Cyn, I love the way you said to embrace the dark days! I do right now, I love this time of year. Dogs do need constant attention, glad things worked out well.

                              Off to get ready for my busy day off. Have a good one.


                                Good morning friends & happy Friday

                                The best music is a live performance but the radio or CDs have to do most of the time. My favorite is classic rock & roll starting with Jimi Hendrix thru Eric Clapton & of course a lot of folkies like Bob Dylan et al.

                                I didn't go to the eye doc with YB so I only have his description of the injury. They are hopeful that the eye will heal itself in a month or so. If not he will have to go see someone else. His tinnitus continues to get worse & no one can do anything to help him with that. I guess I get to listen to the chronic complaints until the end of time, ha ha!

                                I'm heading to Curves, taking care of a few errands then need to get an embroidery job done before the boys arrive for their overnight stay. Busy, bus!!
                                The weather is oddly warm but nice.

                                Have a great AF day everyone!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

