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    BUMP Looking to post & read (mostly) positive feedback from those of us new to moderating: Had a wine cooler this weekend while company was here and noticed I'd left my second one on the patio table. Low and behold it was there in the morning with the ice all melted and full!!!! Not to say I didn't think twice when someone offered to strengthen the first one with a shot, but I just didn't want to go there. I'm enjoying waking up earlier these days w/o a hangover. Glad you are all here to share. Keek

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    New Year - Day 14, one drink, taking supps and having better luck with topamax this time around. Same Goals - New Year (where did last year go?)


    Keke, Congrats! it feels good to do that doesn't it?

    I'm not new to modding, (hope ya don't mind me responding...)

    Just wanted to say :goodjob:

    I know in the old days before MWO, I'd have had to drink everything that was in the house before I went to bed! Now I can have some, and leave the rest for another time... and still be able to enjoy myself! What a concept!
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



      HI Keke: I'm not exactly new to modding either (7 months) but not NEARLY as old as Judester ;-).
      This is a good place to be. I love waking up feeling rested and healthy, even if I've enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine the night before. I love knowing I can stop be AF when I want to, and that I can stop at 2 on my mods days. Mostly I love missing the bad feelings about myself, and the extra energy. AND the BEST thing is I'm meeting my weight loss goals!!!! YAH!




        Hi Keke,

        I'm definitely new to modding.

        I left for holidays before my package arrived (CDs, All in One, etc), but I opted to purchase all the supplements and get started without the all in one). I'm amazed at the results I've experienced just in three-days. Friday evening when we arrived at my boyfriend's son house ... he offered us a beer and all I wanted was cold water. A beer sounded good for later, but the weird thing was it was like something in my brain had shifted and I wasn't experience a "craving" like I would normally after 6 long hot hours in the car! His son cooked dinner and I opted for a beer to go with my steak, but I think I only took one or two sips while we ate and then ended up sipping on that beer for over an hour. By gosh, it's a long time since that's happened, and then I didn't even want another one!

        Saturday was a bit trickier because I was visiting my mom on the way to my friend's cabin and I haven't seen her for 12 years. So, I was really anxious and did take GABA to try and relax. Once there (I forgot to take my dinner supplements), and I did end up drinking 3 beer (not finishing the fourth), and although I had a bit of a buzz I didn't want to get drunk. (The 3.5 beer were over 5 hours). We then went on to my friends where we are staying. We did all stay up and drink more (I think I had 3-4 red wine over another 6 hours). So although I hit the 7 drink mark I didn't get smashed and still felt pretty in control.

        Sunday was even better. I took ALL my supplements and didn't crave, but enjoyed a few. We were out on the boat all day and I think I had a beer at about 3:00, which I sipped for an hour. A couple of hours later I enjoyed a cooler, also sipped. At around 8:00 pm (3 hours later) I sipped on a glass of red wine for about 2 hours until we sat down for a late dinner. I enjoyed another glass with dinner, but didn't even finish it! And was in bed by Midnight. It's so weird not wanting to be slamming the drinks back and ending up completely wasted.

        Monday was also a good day. A beer on the boat at 3:00 and a half a cooler at 5:00 on the way in. Enjoyed a glass of wine at home before we got on the boat at 7:00 to cross the lake for dinner at the golf course pub. Over dinner I enjoyed a beer and 1/2 (shared with boyfriend -- not sure that I even drank half as we didn't even finish that beer). Then a night cap of red wine before bed (which I didn't finish either). All so weird!!!!!!!

        Since I am on holidays I am probably drinking more than I would if I was at home, but I have moderated well and not fallen into being drunk or over-indulging. It's so bizarre!

        I've also noticed that the supplements seem to be curbing my smoking. I'm still smoking, but find I can go a whole lot longer (3-5 hours) without thinking about having one. I'm excited to see the changes after I start taking the All-in-One.

        I think I have been taking about 1000-1500 L-Glut, but the GABA I purchased is only 100 mg per pill so it would be a lot of pills to take, but I could adjust to 500mg for now.



          NEW MODDERS

          Hi, I'm quite new here too. My third day today. I went to AA for a couple of years as I was really concerned about my drinking (1.5 bottles wine a day). Managed 2 years of AF, but felt so miserable. Last two years my drinking increased, I think my head has been really messed up after the "programme" and I felt bad if I had a drink, so just glugged it as I felt a failure. Recently, I have been sometimes drinking equivalent of 3 bottles wine a day (usually at weekends). My father died recently and I am missing him a lot, so I think this may have contributed to me drinking more lately.

          Found MWO 3 days ago and realised there is another way, so am going to try moderating my drinking as I really enjoy being able to have wine if we go out for dinner, etc. If it doesn't work I will try being abstinent again. I managed AF on day one, then last night drank just over one bottle wine between 6pm and 11pm (my husband drank the rest of the 2nd bottle). So I'm pleased that, just by being aware of the amount I'm drinking I have been able to cut it down a lot. I'm going to try being AF today and tomorrow. I'm still waiting for the book, CD's and supplements to arrive, but went to health store this morning



            NEW MODDERS

            Sorry, I missed a bit - I went to health store this morning and got some glutamine. I have ordered the topomax, but again am waiting for it to arrive - do any of you take that?


              NEW MODDERS

              3bottles, keke, wild,
              welcome to the Mods. I have been modding for a solid 6 months now after a 30 day AF. I still go AF for 7-10 days every now and then. All said, this has seemed like a long journey. A total change in lifestyle, loss of acquaintances. But realizing who my friends really are. Now, I am working to make a new circle of friends.

              I take the l-glute: great for quelling urges from 4-7 pm.

              again, welcome and hope that you continue to interact with this board............
              -maybe, is the new maybe-


                NEW MODDERS

                Saint Jude, Ask For Help and Treeman, Thank you for your encouragement. It's great to know this modding thing can be done. Wild at Heart, I hope you stick with this when you get back from vacation and life gets back to normal with all of it's not so peaceful moments. Great job on the sipping. I could never do that before taking the topamax and supps. Are you going to get the topa and is your hubby supportive? I'll be watching for your posts. 3bottles. I trust this site will help you. 2 years AF is great, but not if you are miserable. My mother went the AA route when I was 16 and though it helped her not to drink she was a very unhappy person.

                Ok! Last night I'm feeling a little anxious, so I pop some supps. Hubby makes some comment about me not having a problem cuz I haven't really wanted a drink. (whatever!!!!). He knows I'm doing this program. My guess is that he doesn't like the idea of me having a problem that he can't fix. This fed my anxiety and I did want to chug a little vodka. Had a wine cooler with dinner instead and decompressed out in the back yard for a while. I thought about my promise to myself to work this program and not turn to the bottle when my emotions get uncomfortable. Oh! and I'm all of the sudden a little leery of a young female friend from the gym. Where did this ugly green monster come from. I've always trusted my hubby and know he adores me. Am I detoxing emotions too? Keke

                P.S. Will be leaving for a trip to NY (I'm so excited) tomorrow and may not have a chance to post until next week. Look forward to catching up when I get back. Wish me a Non-hungover weekend!!!!


                  NEW MODDERS

                  Hello all -- I'm a 3 week newbie here and struggling. Found this thread and have a couple of questions:
                  Treeman: how much L-Glut do you take when you feel the urge to drink? .... and how do you take it? I have capsules and the powder (which doesn't really disolve well in water).

                  Keke --- your mention of the ugly green monster sparked me to respond to this post. It's reared it's ugly head in my direction as well. Off and on I've always wondered about hubby's fidelity because there have been occasions to question it, but lately when I've been having more AF days than I used to, it's almost gotten out of control! We've been married for 31 years, but there are a lot of our friends who are breaking up after long-term marriages and it scares the hell out of me! He just recently lost 15 lbs and started to shave his chest! --- the guy is 57 years old ... WTF?! On the other hand, he does show affection and seems to love me just as much as before, but is having more "business" meetings in the evenings and on weekends than ever before. So all this makes me very confused ... like two different signals. I wish I could say I trust him 100%, but I don't.


                    NEW MODDERS


                    yes, my boyfriend has been amazingly supportive. I think he was concerned about my drinking and never said anything until I brought it up myself. This week he as been amazing, and my lack of drinking until pie-eyed has kept his drinking down as well. When we used to drink I was always the one that kept us going way past the point we should have.

                    Yesterday, I had the same kind of day. I think I topped at 4 drinks. I used to drink well into 8 or 10 or more. This week has been a true test as I was visiting friends that I've typically drank with until early morning hours. I've been to bed by 10:30 to 11:30 every night. I haven't been drunk once in 6 days even though I have a plethora of alcohol available to drink. I'm stopping at 4 (or less as I don't seem to be interested in finishing my last drink of the evening. I'm amazed. I am enjoying the drinks, but have NO desire to get drunk. It is so weird! Given that I am on holidays, this would be the opportunity for me to really giver, and it's just not happening. I feel so happy about that.

                    For what it's worth ... I was AF for nine years and then started again about 6 years ago. It only started getting bad recently. I think I may have caught it early enough. So, we'll see. It seems to be working, and I'll continue to keep it in check. I am very glad to have found this program and to have a place that I can discuss the issue and read other people's experiences. It helps a great deal.

                    It sounds like you are doing well, and just ignore your hubby and keep doing your thing! You know what you need!

                    New Day ... I've been taking about 1000 mg of L-Glut a day (plus 900 of the Kudzu). I also find that the Gaba is helping (500 mg a day). I have heard though that dropping the powder (L-Glut) under your tongue when you have a strong craving works very well. I'm not taking the topa and have no plans to unless the supplements don't work. So far they seem to be all that I am needing to curb the cravings. Cheers to you and good luck!


                      NEW MODDERS

                      New Day,

                      I take 500mg capsule in the morning with my other vitamins.......
                      -maybe, is the new maybe-


                        NEW MODDERS

                        Thanks Treeman --- I have both the powder to mix with water, and the capsules that I plan on using when away from the house. Have a great weekend everyone!


                          NEW MODDERS

                          Hi guys, I'm a new one and think that your moderation approach may suit me too. Are you all taking Topa? I've tried to take vitamins, hypnotherapy, counselling etc but did not seem to be right for me. I'm hoping that this medication may be the missing link/. BOK


                            NEW MODDERS

                            Hello all
                            I'm not new to the site, joined in March. I've been trying to do the recommended 30 days but it hasn't worked the most I did was 21 days. I would like to join the threads as I'm planning to mod. I don't take Topa, I'm taking the supplements, doing acupuncture and yoga. I just need to stay strong.
                            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                              NEW MODDERS

                              3bottles;376436 wrote: Sorry, I missed a bit - I went to health store this morning and got some glutamine. I have ordered the topomax, but again am waiting for it to arrive - do any of you take that?

                              I'm a new modder (4 weeks) and I couldn't have done it without topamax. The cravings went down the second week at 50 mg and now at 75 mg I'm down to 1 or 2 glasses of wine a night and can even consider 0 glasses which would have been out of the question before.
                              I am very lucky to have had no bad side effects and I hope that happens with you too.


