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Once upon a time...

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    Once upon a time...

    I wish I could take back the pain & hurt I've already caused those near & dear to me...:upset: .

    But for the "Grace of God"....:h :l

    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Once upon a time...

      Grandma says move over all you hotties fan is hers first.I suggest you listen lmao!Dang i wish i knew how to do the picture thing...sigh trust me just do what she says.


        Once upon a time...

        So the muffins moved over while Grandma scooted in,
        For with Fan she decided to commit the ultimate sin!

        "Your tush is really tight hun, your thighs are just right,
        Can you please hold my dentures while I sample a bite".

        So Fan did oblige her with all of his gust,
        to indulge Granny Jean in her last fit of lust.

        And much to dear granny and Fan's surprise,
        the barbell he was holding slowly began to rise.

        "Its the spinach! The spinach! Like popeye you ate,
        Like a good little boy, always cleaned your plate."

        So Granny put her dentures in, and said "Well done Mr. Fan"
        I dont care what the others say, "you are my studmuffin man!"

        So granny went out and a T-shirt she bought,
        which said," FAN AND GRAN :h WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?"
        What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


          Once upon a time...

          Well done Allie - well done!!!
          Over 4 months AF :h


            Once upon a time...

            Who can even read what's been posted here............I can't even get past the avitars!!

            Attached files [img]/converted_files/146415=117-attachment.jpg[/img]
            :h :h :h :h


              Once upon a time...

              :H Allie ! That takes the Cake!
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                Once upon a time...

                That was awesome Allie, and yeah, I forgot about grandma, what is she thinkin about these avatars?

                I am a horrible poet, but I want to be someone who is grateful for everything she has, a giving and loving not selfish and beautiful on the inside and outside.:flower:

                ok, that is who I want to be, and I want to help people and be wealthy so I can do it without worrying about where I am going to get the funds, you know, and endless pocketbook.:thumbs:

                good-night, another AF one .........ta ta!



                  Once upon a time...

                  Fan grandma gives her thanks and has run to bed to have her own muffin man dreams, in her own way of course.She said they will not include her dentures!:h


                    Once upon a time...

                    Fan, that's so nice...I love to see older folks smile too..there is nothing more beautiful than a laughing old woman (or man, for that matter)!


                      Once upon a time...

                      Grannie kissed me! Yes, it’s true!
                      My face took on a greenish hue.
                      My knees, like jelly, started shaking.
                      Then my stomach started quaking.
                      Slobber slithered down my cheek.
                      My consciousness was growing weak.
                      My ears were ringing, head was spinning.
                      But all the while Grannie was grinning.
                      My heart was pounding through my shirt.
                      My tongue felt like I just ate dirt.
                      Though you may think I’ve lost my brain,
                      I wish she’d kiss me once again!

                      is it ok for abs people to join in here?


                        Once upon a time...

                        grandma wants a trip on a ship and quick
                        and she say please, she how you have it you karma will come back trip!


                          Once upon a time...

                          It soon became clear in the great muffin lair
                          That all of MWO was gorgeous and fair
                          "I have an idea!" yelled Jenneh, "I know!"
                          "we'll host the world's first MWO fashion show!"

                          So grab your fine silks, your dresses and gowns
                          Men, grab your fine suits, lets go out on the town!
                          Over 4 months AF :h


                            Once upon a time...

                            The best of the outfits will soon surely find
                            a prize thats so great you may lose your mind!
                            So all are invited to join in this show
                            So dig out your garments, people, let's go!!

                            (And yes that is a challenge )
                            Over 4 months AF :h


                              Once upon a time...

                              My outfit

                              Behold - this is my outfit for the contest...
                              Fitting isnt it - as I am such an angel

                              Attached files [img]/converted_files/146894=130-attachment.jpg[/img]
                              Over 4 months AF :h


                                Once upon a time...

                                Completely and totally in love.
                                Over 4 months AF :h

