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Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

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    Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

    Where are you guys?

    Jude, Niblet??? Help me bump this thread up, ok? Come on!!! It's so motivating to me to hear about your work-outs! Especially you two! Your homes and the places you work-out sound so beautiful!!!
    Lets hear more of it!!!!!


      Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

      Well.....looks like I'm gonna be ALL BY MYSELF!!!!!! But I'm posting my work-outs ANYWAY!!!!!! :tonguemonkey:
      This morning, I did an hour and 10 min. of outside cardio intervals and ab work!!!! Since I lost my treadmill to damn Gutav, I'm "forced" to do my cardio outside, but that's ok! It was so nice being out there early this morning and working up a good sweat!!! Feeling my muscles work and my lungs suck in the wind!!! It's a damn fine Monday!!! So where is everybody??? I'd love to hear about your work-outs!!!!! :h


        Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

        Hey there USMgirl! I'm still here!
        Just been busy with family "stuff"
        They're dropping like flies all around me...:upset: a good reason to keep in shape I guess...

        Although, I don't want to live to be my Grandma's age 100 years plus 4 mos.
        I'm praying right now she goes in her sleep tonight,... her body has gotten so weak, but her mind is still pretty sharp. Still, her quality of life is just not there... at that age....
        I hate seeing her that way. I know she wants to go, she's told me many times recently.

        Sorry, I didn't mean to go off on a tangent there.. just been a long week, & day...

        I'm still kayaking a lot.
        Had a wonderful sunset paddle last night with the moon coming up as the sun was setting on calm glassy sherbert sky to the west with a lavendar moon light lit sky towards the east. Really pretty with the reflection on the water.
        6 otters were swimming downstream feasting on something just below the surface, as they kept bobbing up & down munching away downstream...They were only about 10 feet away from me at times. Pretty cute!
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

          Jude,,,,I hope everything will be well for you soon, whatever happens. I am sorry you are having to go through that.
          Your sunset kayaking sounds wonderful!!! Seeing the otters must have been GREAT!!! It's good to hear from you!
          I have a terrible chest cold! ugh! So I am laying low and slacking on my workouts this week...I think I picked up a bug from our back teller on hubby says she's been out all week with strep throat!! UGH!!!
          Anyway, I'm on meds and such, so hopefully will be back at it by next week!
          I will be thinking of you and hoping for the best for you and grandmother.
          Hugs from the south.:h


            Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

            Hey there USMgirl,
            I've been slacking on keepingthis thread going & on the exercising lately...
            going to do a bit of eliptical today, as it's fogged in & not warm enough for kayaking.
            I need to burn off some calories before I go out to dinner tonight, with Hubby for our Anniversary.

            Tomorrow is Grandma's service, she finally is at rest...:h
            She passed over on 9/11.
            I'm not looking forward to the service tomorrow...I'll be glad when it's over.
            It will be good seeing everyone though...there's a LOT of family in town for this.
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?


              I'm so sorry to read about your Grandma. It doesn't matter that she was really old. It's clear that you loved her! I can see now where you got some of your amazing spirit. May peace be with you and with her.

              Maybe me for the exercise thing, but first I'd need a major kick in the butt!



                Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                Wow! Just stumbled across this thread...
                My Grandma Grace had a passion for sewing hand made quilts, she's probably made over a hundred of them, in her 100 plus 4 months of life...

                Funny, a friend of mine today was just showing me a quilt she found in the house that they purchased "as is" just full of stuff (like an estate sale), kinda sad that the family didn't want any of those hand made items or things that had obviously, been so precious to somebody else,...for oh sooo long. The amount of love & time, put into a hand made quilt, all those scraps .. put together.. with memories & love in every stitch...

                :hGod, I miss my Grandma Grace...

                PS E I'll Kick yer butt... I have a good swift one for ya!
                (you might have to return the favor later though...)
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                  Hey... I'm jumping in even though I know this thread was started quite a while ago, but Judie when I saw you post today, it was inspiring! So sorry about your grandma... but it sounds like she lived an incredible life to be envied my many and an inspiration to all of her family... what a gift.

                  I have just started a DVD intense, 3-month work out that is promising wonderful results and according to the way my muscles feel, I think it is working immediately! It requires very little equipment, which is great. The weather here can be so unpredictable, and if it is too hot, I just cave and talk myself out of what I normally do, which is a three mile walk/ run every day outside.

                  This is an intense program, but I have been lifting weights and increasing my endurance in prep, so hopefully I will be able to keep up! I have just begun and each day you do different DVDs... keeps your muscles from hitting a plateau with doing the same routine every day, and works all the different muscle groups, plus cardio. I'm excited!
                  If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                    Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                    Hey there Allie girl!
                    Great to see ya!
                    My abs are sore right now too.
                    Funny thing. We have an Ab-loung, but the damn thing doesn't do much for me. What seems to work, is this small little set of weights, that Hubby has had forever (since college)
                    They're on a bar about 1 foot & 1/2 long 8.8 lbs, I just use them like an you see on TV LOL
                    I put my knees on a pillow, put my hands on the bar & roll back & forth, like I'm doing "push-ups"(with my toes under the couch)
                    It kills my abs, & I can feel it in the back of my thighs too!:H
                    Go friggin figure!

                    I'll share a little bit out my Grandma's first book of her memoirs...(this is my favorite)

                    "We hadn't gone many miles along the straight country lanes, bordered with flowers and shrubs, until we heard a queer humming noise. I didn't know where it came from and my Princess looked puzzled, then frightened as she guessed what was making the noise. For as we went on, it grew louder and louder. Then, around the bend in the road, came the strangest buggy I had ever seen. It didn't have any horses pulling it, but it was coming much faster than if several were. The noise it made and the dust it kicked up were terrific. I was starting to add some noise of my own to add to the confusion, when Effie told me to keep quiet and hang on tight. For the horse had also seen the approaching carriage and with many snort and with ears thrown back, was about to start in some other direction then suddenly the monster stopped and so did the noise. Then from behind a big shiny glass stepped a common, ordinary man. He came over to our buggy and, with a few words to the Princess, took the horse by the bridle and led her safely around the shiney black buggy in the middle of the road I watched the man go back to his own carriage, start it up and drive away. Thus I saw my first automobile.

                    Grace (Hanks) Messinger 1908-2008
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                      What a great journal entry! How fascinating to think your Grandma witnessed this and wrote about it! I know she passed in September, I am truly sorry.... My Mother is hanging in there with a sharp mind and frail body at 90, so I do know what your family is going Mom wants to go now...she has good days and bad...
                      Let's get back to the working out....I have got to get started again....I am new (7) days AF!!!! I am so thrilled, and this morning was the first morning I have felt really headache, I have been eating like a horse the last two body must need some vitamins and or minerals that it is deficient, maybe the worst is you have any ideas how I should get started? I will be a great workout partner, but I don't know where to start....I used to run everyday, before I was 50, but now at close to 60...I don't think I can do that....I do take my two big dogs to the ballpark everyday and throw the ball, walk them some, but mostly they want to run after the ball!!!! One is obsessed with it....LOL I have to let them run to be able to control them...they are like horses...75 and 55, you tell me what I need to do to get started, and I will do it! I am healthy, go to the Dr. for check ups and he says I can do anything I want to....even when I was drinking....I was a night soon as I got home, until I went to more, man there are so many more hours in the day now!!!! Maybe I should go to the gym, like most I do have a membership.....LOL.....let me know if you want ot take this mess on! H


                        Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                        Judie--great to "see" you again! Thank you so much for sharing your grandmother's stories. I really wish now I would have pushed my grandparents and parents to tell more or write more memories down.
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                          Hey guys!
                          I just saw this thread and Jude, I love reading about your grandma!
                          We have quilts than my MIL made and treasure them. I also have a quilt top that my mom made in 1940's. I use it as a table cloth with a round glass on top to protect it.

                          My gym time is four days a week in water class. I love it. It doesn't hurt my joints and the temp is always the same. It is a intense 1 1/2 hour!
                          I've missed this week because of a cold. Bummer....

                          Come on spring......I'm ready!

                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                            Hi everybody!
                            I'm glad you enjoy the posts about Grandma. She wrote 2 short books about her life. Her first one is my favorite... It's called "As I remember"
                            It's more about her childhood, growing up on a farm in Minnesota, with a large family with eight children. She's a really eloquent writer & adds a lot of personnal humor into it as well.

                            I sure do miss her. She passed on 9/11 at the age of 100, plus 4 months.
                            She used to always tell me, "Judie, you might not want to hear it, but you're gonna be around a long time. You've got good genes."
                            I always chuckled and told her, I've put a lot of rougher miles on me than she did...She never smoked or drank... (or lived in a ski resort,..where it snowed in more ways than one...24/7!)

                            Here's another few paragraphs,...

                            "When I had been at Grandma Coomb's for several days, my Princess decided that she would dress me up, drive to town and have my photo taken. I didn't understand what she meant but, as she seemed pleased over the idea, I thought it would be great fun too.

                            First, I must be washed, brushed, and dressed in my Sunday best, and those bright red curls tied with ribbons, just so. When she had me dressed and ready to go I was allowed to look in the big shining mirror in Grams room. I was delighted with myself and all those ribbons. I told the princess in all seriousness, "I never looked better in my life."
                            She seemed to think that very funny, for I was all of four years old. She must have told the folks at home what I had said. Ay any rate Mack was forever telling me how well he looked. Even on his wedding day he informed me that he had "never looked better in his life"

                            (this passage was just before the previous one I posted where she sees her first automobile) That happens on the way to have the photo taken.

                            ...."I watched the man go back to his own carriege, start it up and drive away. Thus I saw my first automobile."

                            ...."We continued our journey to town, making it safely, with no more excitement. After having turned our gallant steed over to the man in the livery stable we were soon on our way up those winding stairs to the photo shop. What an odd place it was!
                            Pictures everywhere. Queer lamps too.
                            I was seated in a chair and told to smile nice. How could I help it, when the man covered his head with a big black cloth and kept looking at a large black box he had set up on legs? I wondered what sort of game he was playing. Then the Princess held me and the man ducked under the cloth again, telling us both to smile. How queer grownups dp act sometimes? But picture taking was soon over and it hadn't hurt in the least.
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                              Another good one Jude.
                              Starting over again


                                Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                                Glad you all enjoy Grandma's stories...
                                I'm up & late...
                                Actually it's early, but I'm awake... so I'm off to elipticle for a bit...
                                Can't beat em join em!:H

                                I have a couple of really good friends who are para & quadrupelegics,... I never take being able to get up & do something for granted...
                                they still do tandem skydiving! I've done river trips w/ both of them since their accidents...
                                Talk about inspiring spirits!
                                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

