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AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

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    AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

    Hope you don't mind if I pop in from time to time. I'm trying to start exercising some. Today is day 8 AF for me and the first time I've done any physical activity. I got on my treadmill on an incline for about 28 minutes walking. Nothing spectacular, but I don't want to go whole hog and burn myself out before I even start. I'll be happy with 10 minutes if that is all I can muster. I'm still feeling some bits of depression. Nothing overwhelming, just there. I'm hoping exercise can help with that.


      AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

      Hello pink team! Welcome Flyaway and congrats on 8 days AF and your first AF exercise day.

      Sarahjane, I swear I started using sugar in similar ways that I used to use all. Stress? sugar. Happy? sugar. Fearful? sugar. And it gives me a hangover too!!!

      Mia, funny you mention the garden revelation. I have had a number of those on my AF journey. I don't know what it is about gardening, but it's been very good for my soul. I'm so glad you are so happy - it's infectious!

      Day 4 on clean Atkins is coming to a close and it's been pretty easy again today.

      Running, I haven't been keeping up very well and I'm sorry to (just now) realize your marital strife. That can be so scary and exhausting! Please remember that AL never makes things better - only makes things worse. I hope you are able to get it all worked out in a manner that is healthy and happy for YOU.

      Day 4 of totally clean, by the book Atkins eating is coming to a close. It's been another fairly easy day. I get a little restless mid afternoon. Always did with AL, and did when I got sucked into the sugar abyss. But this is nothing compared to the afternoon cravings I would get on WW. What is different I think is not only the lack of carbs, but the high amount of fat I am eating. I have tried to cut back on the carbs but stay low fat. That works for me to lose weight, but it quickly back fires as cravings get the best of me that just won't be denied. The scale has dropped a couple pounds too. Mostly water I'm sure - but really weight loss is not my primary goal right now. Getting out from under the cravings is the goal. Once I get that accomplished, if I need to cut back a bit on calories to get these last pounds back off, I think I will be able to do that much more easily that in a low fat higher carb world.

      Still no real focus on exerices. I'm getting 8,000 - 10,000 steps in daily though, just with regular daily activity. I guess I'm more "active" than I thought! Lots going on right now so not pressuring myself about anything except my #1 goal - clean Atkins eating. And so far that is working.

      Hope everyone else is having a good day!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

        Hi Pinksters,

        Mia, Doggy, Blues, SJ, R4L, Hi Flyaway,

        Well today is my Day 60 AF!!!! I started a new thread, so please pop over and join the party!
        I want to thank you guys so much for being there for me and supporting my ups and downs, ins and outs, and whatevers.....I have to say that I am feeling good today, but I know I will never be out of the woods. It will be a daily process and I know I can't do it without you guys and this site.
        I am amazed that I got this far.
        I remember before I stumbled upon this site how sad I was and really discouraged. I will be forever grateful and hopeful that I can one day have a handle on this horrible life sentence.
        I plan on staying around here for a long time, and continue to grow with your help and support.

        Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you!!!!!!!!!

        THOUGHTS become THINGS
        choose the GOOD

        AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


          AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

          Congrats Barb ( 60 days AF ) Doggie Girl ( 4 days clean eating) and Flyaway ( 8 days AF ). Well done pinksters.
          Mia- glad you're doing so well and feeling so happy.
          R4L- I'm sending you warm pink hugs.
          I ate ok today. I only did 40 minutes of zumba today because I have a big day tommorow. I signed up for aerial acrobatics classes. I'm taking aerial silks and Lyra tommorow. I may just run off and join the circus afterall. lol.
          I havn't had any craving's for the past few days. No obsessive thoughts either. The chatter in my head has finally quieted down. I'm going to stay on my toes just in case the little beastie decides to rear it's ugly little head again, but for now I just feel peaceful.
          I'm off to bed Pink Ladies. I want to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for circus school tommorow.
          Blessed Be
          AF since 06/27/2011

          Of all vices, drinking in the most imcompatible with greatness. Sir Walter Scott


            AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

            Good afternoon everyone! Worked late last night and have to work late again tonight. I'll probably be getting home around midnight. I pushed myself a bit harder today with a weight lifting exercise video. I was huffing and puffing and sweating pretty hard. I think I did a total of 38 minutes or so. I didn't finish the final 10 minutes. I felt like I'd done enough and didn't want to start hating it. I'm happy with that and happy that I did something today! Even 10 minutes is fine with me. Better than what I've been doing! I've been low carbing for almost 4 years now. It's just the way I eat. I had digestive issues before and low carbing definitely helps with that. Plus my cholesterol dropped almost 70 points by eating high fat and low carb! So my diet hasn't changed, but I've dropped about 6 pounds in the past 9 days that I've been AF! I'll take it!

            Blues Dancer--Aerial acrobatics? How fun! I didn't even know classes were offered in something like that! Hooray for the chatter quieting down.

            Barbara--Congrats again on 60 days! I can't wait until I can say the same.

            Doggygirl--I find that low carb definitely helps with the cravings. And I wouldn't worry about the fat intake. Fat satisfies you faster and will end up making you eat less. And as I said above, high fat low carb made my total cholesterol drop nearly 70 points. If I'm really craving something sweet to eat, I use unsweetened chocolate almond milk and mix it with stevia. You can drink it heated up like hot chocolate or blend it with some ice cubes in a blender for a milkshake type thing. I also add some chocolate flavored protein powder to it after a workout.

            I'm sorry for those I've skipped. I'm still trying to get to know everyone on this site. I've got to head out for work so I'll just wish you all the best. Have a great day.


              AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

              Hi everyone. Me again! Mrs Day 1!
              Barbara, congratulations. You deserve it. And you have been great at encouraging others here as well. I 'eventually' took you and Lavs advice and have purchased the 4CD pack and book. Read the book and got started on CDs yesterday and today. Also taking L-Glut.
              Its weird how each time I go to Day 1 I feel better prepared than the one before - maybe genuinely wasnt ready; I think I have everything in place so here I go again.
              If I keep waiting for a good day to start I know it wont be until September and God only knows what state I'd be in by then.....there is so much temptation over the holidays, which is why I am here today.
              I do notice that as soon as anyone finds out I am drinking again, the pressure is on; visitors to house, looking for nights out etc. And as soon as I go AF again, they all disappear. Shows you how many drinking buddies I have. They dont want me out with them until my next relapse - they can wait, ...and wait,....and wait, cos I want a decent life worth living where I can walk with my head held high!
              My son heads to USA tomorrow for a few months. Going to see him off in morning.
              I'll be back tomorrow on day 2. Looking forward to catching up with you all. Hope you're all meeting those, exercising, diet and AF goals with Gusto!!! Go Pinksters!:l
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise


                I am rooting for you. Keep me posted on what you think about the CD's! Good Luck to you.
                THOUGHTS become THINGS
                choose the GOOD

                AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                  AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                  Welcome back Daisy. Just keep on trying. I think having a plan will really help you this time.
                  Well, Pinksters I think I over did it in circus school today. I am bruised, battered and sore. I'm off to a hot bath and a very early AF night. Hope everyone is feeling fit and fabulous.
                  AF since 06/27/2011

                  Of all vices, drinking in the most imcompatible with greatness. Sir Walter Scott


                    AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                    Good Morning Pinksters,

                    I have been around family in the last few days, and some drinking. I have felt curious about how certain drinks taste, my sister offered me a sip of her peach/watermelon wine spritzer. But I just looked at it and thought....POISON in a pretty package!
                    She had one and that was it. I was so jealous. I could never drink one in my life.

                    Oh well, just more reassurance that I am an alkie, and there is no going back for me.

                    Mia, SJ, Blues, R4L, how are you all doing?
                    Daisy, how are the CD's working for you?
                    Hope you are all staying strong. I have another AL test next week as I am visiting some hard core drinkers on a kayak trip. I will keep up my strength and hopefully it will be easy, however I don't trust AL in any way shape or form.
                    I will not take my sobriety for granted....stay away from me AL, you're no good....:bat
                    THOUGHTS become THINGS
                    choose the GOOD

                    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                      AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                      Happy Thursday

                      Hi Pinksters,
                      Great to see how you are all doing.
                      Welcome Flyaway. :welcome:
                      Wow Barbara, Day 60!!!!! :l
                      Blues circus school sounds fab- let us know when you run away & join the circus- some of us might join you!
                      Daisy great to hear you are back on track. I think once you start seeing yourself differently then maybe your friend will. A great friend who is great fun who by the way doesn't drink AL- but is still great to be around. Or maybe you will develop different friendships that don't involve AL. I was talking to my friend who stopped drinking 5 years ago, who adores her AF life, says most people don't notice she doesn't drink. People still offer her wine all the time, but she is so comfortable with not drinking that they even notice her pushing it away. But people who knew her as 'a drinker' were not so comfortable, but that is about them & not her.
                      Just coming here & checking in makes a huge difference to me. It was always Thursdays that triggered my 'weekend' drinking as I work Thur evenings & would have several large glasses after work. Then more on Fri, Sat & Sun. Hangovers every Fri, Sat, Sun & Mon. Some weeks I would start on Tues or Wed & have a hangover 5 or 6 days a week. I rarely drank more that 3/4 or 1 bottle- still felt like crap.
                      Am so glad to be here!
                      I have found what DG & Flyaway have said about low carb/higher fat eating very useful. As soon as I eat any carbs I crave sugar- then I am up another pound. I have been doing Clean & Lean which is low carb but also low fat, so am introducing more fat today & seems to be helping. Don't feel so tired & haven't had my 3pm sugar craving. I have quite a lot of weight to loose so helping it will help that.
                      Hope everyone else is doing great.
                      Must fly & be domestic for a while.
                      Here's to a sober, productive & happy Thursday night!
                      SJ xxx :groupluv:

                      'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                        AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                        Hey pinksters!! Thanks to all for the words of support and encouragement!

                        Barbara, I remember when you first started posting here at MWO. Isn't it wonderful how far we can come as people without AL weighing us down?

                        Blues - Cirque de Soleil type stuff???? That sounds so cool. Oh to be young again!

                        Flyaway - I keep forgetting to put almond milk on my list. Gotta do that!

                        Daisy, welcome back. I had to make new friends in sobriety. I'm glad I did. I just don't even enjoy sitting around with heavy drinkers any more. And I was the queen of heavy drinkers back when.

                        SarahJane, I have tried lean and clean too. I guess it's taken a lot of beating my head against the wall to finally "get it" that low carb (with plenty of fat) is the best way for me to go. As described in the My Way Out book. And Julia Ross's The Diet Cure. There is a connection between alcoholism and sugar cravings/addiction and there is a specific "best practice" way of eating to best manage it. So why did I think I had to go off and dream up some other way of doing it, thinking that for ME it will WORK because I'M SO SPECIAL?????? Geez. I'm crazy sometimes!

                        Well, Today is day 6 on plan. Yesterday was dicey. I had a lot of cravings for sticking something in my mouth that were driven by some normal every day stressors. We all have days like that. Nothing earth shattering. My life is actually very good, which I need to keep reminding myself!!! Anyway...I did stick more food in my mouth than intended, but still managed to come in at 25G net carbs at the end of it all. I won't lose weight eating that many calories, but losing weight is not on my goal list at the moment. My goals for the rest of the month are:

                        1. Stick to the Atkins plan as written.

                        I'm gonna keep on truckin'. Hope all pinkies are fABulous today!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                          DG I wholeheartedly agree with you on the low carb high fat thing- some of us just shouldn't eat any other way. I am only on Day 2 of it & feel so much better. No sugar or wine cravings- and better moods.
                          It should help me to loose the weight too. The times in the past when I have been at my goal weight was when I was on a strict low carb diet- but I always sabotaged it with AL. Not this time!
                          I had The Diet Cure in the past- not sure where it is now. But have South Beach which is fine but a bit low in fat. A book came out last year called 'The Idiot Proof Diet' which is basically Atkins with lots of pink! Two mad English women wrote it & it is very funny-only problem is they recommend vodka quits alot after the 14 day start. But they do say if you drink at all then fat burning stops & hangovers are much worse. Fat burning is my goal so no AL for this pink princess.

                          How are you all doing? Must fly here & collect children- had a great 4 mile run this morning in the sunshine. x
                          SJ xxx :groupluv:

                          'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                            AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                            Morning Pinksters!

                            DG, yes it is amazing on how far we can come without AL. I'm bewildered sometimes when I look back. I was really depressed when I started. I had no idea which way it was going for me. That's why I'm so grateful to all of you. We are't meant to be alone while going through this. I was alone for so many years trying it, and failing. Coming here has really changed my life. When I say that I don't know if people understand the depths of my gratitude.
                            I am forever a changed person because of you here at MWO and I do understand and appreciate all of you every single day.
                            So happy to see everyone coming back and not letting this thread die. We came close, and it was terrible for me.
                            Have a great day everyone and I am a slug again with the exercise because I am visiting family. Don't have a way to play my exercise CD's and there is no time for me as people are up and moving around. How do you guys handle exercise while away from home?
                            Anyone have any advice on how much L-Glut works on a daily basis?
                            THOUGHTS become THINGS
                            choose the GOOD

                            AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                              AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                              I agree with you Barb and DG. I can't believe I wasted one precious moment on AL. A tremendous weight has been lifted. I started seriously on MWO two months ago. I am now fitter and happier then I have been in a long, long time. Exercise has been key for me in this process. I know I would not have commited to a plan if not for this thread. This week I have zumba'd, started aerial acrobatics, and gone to jazzercise. I intend to start hatha yoga as well. I have been quite unhappy as a bartender for a very long time, but I have felt stuck and had no idea what else I could possibly do. And then it dawned me. I love fitness. I love teaching. Fitness instructor and wellness coach. I have a long way to go but atleast it's an option.
                              So, my life is changing in so many ways thanks to all of you and MWO. I've even rekindled my spiritual life and started meditating again. I can't imagine going back to drinking. What a waste of precious time. Thanks Pinksters for all of your support. I wouldn't be where i am now without all of your support.
                              AF since 06/27/2011

                              Of all vices, drinking in the most imcompatible with greatness. Sir Walter Scott


                                AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                                Hi Pinksters

                                Hi Pinksters,
                                Wow Blues you are doing great. You would make a great fitness instructor/wellness coach- it is amazing how much we limit ourselves when continually poisoning our bodies with AL. One idea is to get a big piece of paper & draw/write what your perfect week would look like in a years time. How many hours working & what that work is, how much time exercising, meeting friends, sleeping, cooking etc. Make it the most amazing life you could imagine- then some more. Aim for the stars. You are already on the path, just keep it going.

                                I am not feeling great today- due to a bottle of wine last night. I am a bit annoyed with myself as it wasn't planned & I just thought that 1 glass on a Friday night would be nice. It was just a thought so I need to learn to move past it. But it was only one night & I am not drinking today. I am not going to give myself too much of a hard time as I am drinking way less than when I came to MWO. I still haven't got the MWO CD's that a member sent 2 weeks ago but I do have the Ailsa Frank CD that Glam sent me which I need to listen to everyday.
                                Just when I think I am getting somewhere I sabotage it- but I do think I am making progress.
                                I am going to get on with my day now, fuzzy head & all. I will stick to my low carb eating- DG I think we are very similar in what our bodies need in the way of food. Just need to stick to that way of eating now & not search for anything else- need to keep the AL right out for it to work.
                                Wont run today but looking forward to a great run tomorrow- will go for a good walk later to 'clear the head'.
                                SJ xxx :groupluv:

                                'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle

