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Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

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    Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

    Hi Daisy,
    The definition of a looser is someone who gets down and stays down. Ok you had a fall from grace, but you have picked yourself up and are back here.
    It is so much better when we have support and encouragement, and when we have to come here and admit to our success our other.

    My brother is seeing a drugs counsellor this week, but I'm not sure he is really admitting he has a problem. Think he wants someone to tell him that he is in control and he is wrong.
    the times between when he is in control or when the drugs/AL are in control are becomming blurred.

    Very happy to report Day 10 AF, though God knows I have been tempted. My weight is also down a bit more to 11.8 1/4, which is the lowest for some years.
    with the cruise in 4 weeks time, it is helping my determination no end. Now if I could get under 11 by then!

    Sarha, Shue, Ellaq - where are your reports?
    look forward to hearing from you all


      Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

      Morning Glam. Aw, thanks for the welcome. I feel relieved to be back. Starting to feel a bit better - still look rough but hey-ho!!! You are doing great!
      Unfortunately, as we all know, we cannot move forward until we see that we have a problem ourselves. I don't think I really got my eyes opened until I got a good bit of AF time under my belt; you can then see the damage and destruction so clearly. Most people around me, family and friends, would deem me as normal but that, I now know is also their way of justifying what they are doing. I don't think it is on purpose - they are just locked in that world as I was for so long. Hopefully your brother doesn't have friends who are doing the same thing as I think this does help the addict justify what they are doing and makes it seem normal.
      Did he look for help or was he pushed towards it? I think that is where the difference is between moving forward or choosing to stay put for longer. Anyway, all you can do is be there and pray for him. I will too - and for you - and for me - and for all of us - Oh dear!!!!
      My other news is that I am going for the ultimate double whammy - have 4 cigarettes left in my packet and when they are done I'm done with them. Over the past year people have said don't torture yourself by doing 2 things at once but I think I will feel better able to do the exercise and therefore the feelgood effect should take hold quicker. I am prepared - patches and vaporiser at the ready. Wish me luck.
      Catch up with you later.
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

        Hey Daisy! I don't care what you have been up to, it is what you are doing now that matters. Delighted you are here. There is no pressure with exercise but I remember how good you feel once you start back in the pool.

        Glam you are doing so well with your family pressures, great work. Alcohol solves nothing especially stress, it causes it.

        Tips how is your 12 week program going? What is your plan?

        Day 10 AF & doing well, still battling with sugar cravings but have just bought some Chromium which should help. Normally at this stage I convince myself that I am better off drinking wine than eating chocolate as there is no fat in wine....
        Now I think maybe the fat in the chocolate is less harmful than the AL. There was just a report on the radio that said an 'average' glass of wine is 2 units of alcohol, but the normal glass that we drink in Ireland is 3 units, but women shouldn't have more than 2 units a day. How many of us could stop at 1 small glass, not me anyway. More than that amount is causing the huge increase of alcohol related diseases including cancer, hypertension, obesity & heart disease.
        Better get back to work.
        SJ xxx :groupluv:

        'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


          Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

          Sarahjane, so good to hear from you. Thanks for the welcome back. We'll make 2012 the year we make it work - alcohol-free, fit and fab!!!!
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

            good morning peeps on Day 11 of my AF journey.

            Thanks for your words and prayers Daisy. It really is a horrid time at the moment, especially for my poor mum. She is 76 and doesn't need this. Unfortunately I think at the moment my brother is being "pushed" towards help rather than reaching for it. Prayers, very gratefully received.

            I gave up smoking quite a few years ago now, but I was a 20 a day girl. When I gave up I also went on a "strict" diet as there was no way I wanted to put on weight as a consequence of giving up fags!
            AF Fit and FAB - great mantra.

            SJ, I did have a bit of sugar craving and allowed myself a couple of small chocolates each day for a few days. The dark choc mini-toblerones mainly. After 2 or max 3 I feel sick, so can't eat any more. I'm not a chocolate fan, more savoury - though don't get cravings for that, so on that score I think myself lucky.

            My hands, wrists and thumbs are all aching so much at the moment. I'm hoping it is down to the new release of Body pump I did on tuesday and not arthritis. I am a sports massage therapist and need my hands to do my job. My quads were also killing me yesterday, again, body pump, but after a nice relaxing jacuzzi last night feel much better today.

            Am working on a split 8 hours today, 3 hours, 1 1/2 hour, 3 1/2hour so not planning on going to the gym today as I just need to do it a little bit slower.
            Tomorrow though am booked in for 4 classes!!
            body pump

            then on Friday I've got a personal training session. Weight still at 11.8 1/4 this morning
            can't wait to see under 11.7!!

            Shue, Tips, Ellaq - hope you are all doing fine. look forward to hearing from you.


              Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

              Hi girls, just a quick check-in to say hello.
              SJane I wouldn't worry too much about the chocolate. I find when you really get into the exercise and are feeling the benefits of being AF everything tends to even out. Haven't made it to the pool for 2 months now so I am going to take the plunge this Saturday - looking forward to it. I have put on a few pounds and although I am still the same size, I can see my body shape changing. I know I look and feel so much better when I am in exercise mode.
              What's so strange is that just because I don't feel as good, I notice that I've started to dress down - back to sneakers and sweatshirts, where before I had started to take a bit of pride and dress up more.
              Glam, you are really filling your days!!! You must be sleeping well with all that exercise.
              Have to pick my daughter up from school now so will pop in later.
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

                Day 12 AF!

                How are you going with the AF and the NF Daisy?
                I know what you mean about the dressing up. Now I've lost so much weight I want to show off my new figure. I've realised also that I didn't have the same desire to go and see people or attend events when I felt fat and frumpy.

                Something else I have always wanted to do, apart from loosing weight, exercising more, stopping smoking and being in control of my drinking is
                to grow my nails. I have tried everything - so from today I am NBF (nail biting free!)

                took my dog for a quick walk, did pilates, step and body pump and was fairly knackered, then went to spin (my first time for about 10 years) and lasted 30 mins! Up to 930 cals so will take my dog for another walk and blast that 1000 cals.

                Not heard from my brother how his counselling session went, but I think he is having some mid-life crisis, break down and god knows what else!

                30 days to my cruise and counting. Tickets arrived today.


                  Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

                  Hey Glam, fingers crossed something clicks for your brother....
                  Good news on your weight-loss. I think it is important to keep dressing up a bit as it adds to the feel-good factor. For me I just find I have to do the exercise in order to feel that I look good enough first....probably a psychological thing but...
                  Doing great on AF and NF. Although I suppose I am not legitimately NF as I am vaping and using patches but I don't care - it's working for me so far....
                  Found since I haven't smoked I am able to drift off to sleep earlier and easier. Quite shocking really just how drug-induced my life was, with just alcohol and cigs.....
                  My daughter and I done a good 4.5 mile walk today - took an hour. Felt great, so I think I am on my way to 'exercise mode'. Yeeha!
                  Hope anyone who hasn't popped in is doing well - let us know!:h
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

                    Popping in to say that, although I have done reasonably well with the not drinking, I have also been sick with the flu and not exercising. Hopefully, next week I will start.

                    Good on all of you for working away on your fitness goals. I am coming up close behind you and will be reporting in soon.


                    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                    ? Lao-Tzu


                      Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

                      Hi All,

                      Day 13 & finding it a bit tough due to hormones but hanging in there.

                      Tips hope you get better soon.

                      Daisy well done on the walk & hang in there, you are doing really well.

                      Glam you are an exercise superstar!

                      Off to bed, catch up tomorrow.
                      SJ xxx :groupluv:

                      'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                        Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

                        Tipps, hope you feeling better soon - better resting on a flu - you'll only do damage if you exercise before you are well enough.
                        SJ hi. So sympathise with you on the hormone front. This past year I have noticed mine getting harder to deal with. It can take up almost 2 weeks of my month with weird and irrational thinking - another reason to go AF, NF and get a better diet. Hopefully with that and exercise, things will improve.
                        Glam, hope all going well with you. I actually never grew my nails until I got my engagement ring and was so embarrassed to show anyone. But I am not into the glam, long nails, just average length and tidy does me.
                        Doing ok and back swimming in the morning. That'll be interesting after such a long time away.....let you know how it goes.
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

                          Hi girls
                          reporting on on day 14 AF
                          Tips, sorry to hear you not feeling too good. Well done on not self medicating. Hope you are better very soon.
                          Daisy - hope you enjoy the swimming. Well done on AF and I was taking the NF as "no fags" (lol) realise now its "nicotine free" - so for now whilst you have patches etc I think my "no fags" tag holds!!

                          Sarah, well done on getting to day 14. God knows I have felt like a drink over the past two weeks. took my mum and sister out for a meal last night and I stuck to water.
                          Had a brilliant PT session yesterday, followed by a good walk, so 530 cals burn according to the HRM

                          No exercise today, though have seen 5 clients for treatments and its my nieces 21st birthday tonight. I am of course driving and looking forward to a good bop on the dance floor!

                          Catch up tomorrow



                            Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

                            Daisy -
                            I can't have long nails because of my work (sports massage, reflexology etc)
                            but they really are a disgrace and it is quite pathetic to still bite them at my age!!!
                            I get false ones every now and then - but I really do like lovely long nails!!
                            so still nail biting free for a few days now!!


                              Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

                              Hi Glam, good luck on the nail front. Maybe you should do what I'm doing at the minute - went to chemist and bought a dozen sugarfree lollies to suck on instead of smoking; might help when you feel like a chew on the nails!:H
                              Your job sounds great.
                              So glad you thought NF was 'no fags' - that suits me better; no-one can accuse me of lying!
                              Well, back swimming today and surprised myself by doing 64 lengths. Usually do 50, but didn't even expect to do that after a break of 2 months; just shows the difference not smoking and drinking makes. So I am pretty happy today that things are falling into place. Really felt like a drink and a puff last night but so glad I held out.
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                                Pinksters Just going for it in January 2012

                                Hiya Daisy -
                                well done on 64 lengths. That is fab, especially after the break.
                                and even better - fabulous work not giving in to the AL and the fags. I know it would be so easy to do the "just one" - but as we know only too well, one is never enough.
                                Went to my nieces 21st last night and stuck to sparkling water and made sensible choices at the buffet, apart from succumbing to a small piece of carrot cake (minus the butter cream)
                                Did loads of dancing and got home at 1.15am.
                                Leapt on the scales this morning, but weight still at 11.8

                                Still, great to report in on Day 15 AF

                                hope the rest of you are doing well - don't forget, it doesn't matter what you did - just get on here and "fess up" and get cracking.


