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Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

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    Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

    Alright you arsenic feeding parasites. I know what you're thinkin. It's all Sarges fault I put on ten pounds over the holidays. I hear your excuses. If Sarges stigmata wasn't acting up he'd be here for me. If Sarge was around my panty hose wouldn't look like they have tennis balls in em. If Sarge this. If Sarge that. Well I'm baaaaaaaaack and you slimeballs are going to work your fan...I'm mean asses off. YOU GOT THAT??? WE are gonna Zumba like its 2099. Hmm...The summer of '99 reminds Sarge of the first time he kissed the nurse. Her lips were like two bologna rings. It was a hot August night on a grassy knoll....OH HELL you don't need to know. You NEED TO MOVE MOVE MOVE.........!

    Sarge Sez: A little beetroot goes a looong way!

    Motivation Corner:
    The truth of who you are
    The challenge of successful living is not in gaining access to life's abundance, for there is always plenty of it. The challenge is in recognizing that abundance and making it into things that are meaningful and fulfilling.

    Just as a tiny seed has within it all the information necessary to grow a massive tree, so do you have within you the kernel of your own fulfillment. That fulfillment comes about when you are most authentically you.

    You cannot deny your purpose in the name of success. For if there is no purpose behind the result, there is no success.

    Feel the truth of who you are. Put that truth into action in each moment of your life.

    You are highly skilled and experienced at taking action and making things happen. So choose to make those things happen that create and support what you value most.

    Pay great and loving attention to who you are. Continually give your own unique treasure to life, and you'll experience life at its absolute best.

    Healthy Lifestyle:
    Important Note: Sarge is very new to Zumba. He tried Zumba in the early 90's but quickly went back to regular beer![/video]]


    How To Make Exercise A Habit

    No matter how much you try to make it fun, and no matter what the experts tell you about how great you will feel, when you first start regular aerobic exercise, you will probably dislike it. Developing this healthy living habit takes time and effort. In the beginning it will be difficult, and time may move much more slowly than you'd like. You must force yourself to stick to your routine during this stage. A common pitfall is to forgo exercise on days when you feel tired and lethargic because you think you do not have enough energy for it. A secret, known to those who have become habitual exercisers, is that effort creates energy. Do not wait for energy to come when you are tired; create it by expending effort. You can easily prove to yourself that this principle works. Just try it.

    The inner voice that says you don't have time for exercise is lying. You can make time for it once you realize its priority in an overall program of preventive health maintenance and healthy living. In fact, regular exercise, by giving you more energy and a greater sense of well-being, will help you work more efficiently, so that you use your time better and have more to spare. I promise you that eventually you will move beyond the initial stage into a different relationship with aerobic activity. It will make you feel good both physically and mentally, at first after you finish exercising and later while you are doing it as well. Days without exercise will not feel quite right or complete. Then you will know that your good habit has begun to take solid form, and the chance of your abandoning the program will be much diminished.

    Tibetan Red Lentil Soup Cooky whipped up a batch and it was wonderful. We need to work on Cooky's waistline too. He's so fat he make Shamu look like a tic tac!

    Tibetan Red Lentil Soup Recipe | LIVESTRONG.COM

    . Attached files [img]/converted_files/45980=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

    Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

    Sarge, very happy you are back, but I think you should let us into the secret as to your last edit :H:H (yes, some of us read the fine print!!)

    Monday is my day off Sarge, but this is after a 2km sea swim and an 18 km bike ride on Sunday.

    If you have a magic wand for my running Sarge that would be great ....... just dont seem to be able to do it like I used to.

    Eating wise was good too - cereal for breakfast; chick pea and couscous and vegie salad for lunch; various left overs for dinner including fresh raspberries which were completely luxurious!!!!

    Looking forward to seeing the rest of the troops!
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

      GREAT to have yu back Sarge!

      I am feeling VERY motivated (not as much as Missy with all that healthy stuff and km's of swimming and biking....I am building up to that

      But I am starting the day with decaff coffee!
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

        Checking in to get rid of the tennis balls in my panty hose!
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

          OK Sarge - I'll play your silly game and test myself a tad. I haven't run foreeeeever. I don't do runnage. So, this evening at 6:50pm I set off to ralk around the perimeter of my property. (ralk = run + walk). I figured 20 long, swift stides followed by 10 quick sprints should be ok for starters. Well - I'm back at 7:02 huffin and a'puffin - but I completed the circuit. I know, I know ... only 12 minutes does not a marathon make but hey - I haven't run since the Mr.Whippy van almost turned out of our street.

          Sweating nicely now. Might I add, I performed this dastardly feat wearing my Blunnies. Let's see if I can improve tomorrow?


            Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

            You lot are inspiring me!
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

              Mr. Sargeant Sir,
              Can I join the squad?


                Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                I'm in this time Sarge. Last night was up too late reading "The Eat Clean Diet for Families" and have motivated myself to get rid of all the crap in my cupboard. Now I have nothing in my cupboard. Off to the market at lunch! My family and I wll eat better this year and I will get off my ass and exercise. Even if I just start by using the stairs only. Can't get too far ahead of myself or I will lose confidence and go back to the old eating habits. ODAT for me and my family! Thanks for starting this back up. Your humor makes me laugh - thus burning more calories!

                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                  YYaahhhh Sarge great to have you back, sir.

                  Put on 4lbs over the holidays but weighed in this morning a lost 1.5lbs last week. Healthy eating and exercising top of the agenda for 2011, go to 2 yoga classes per week but might change one to a bellydancing class to spice things up a bit.

                  Will get the soup pot out and have that lentil soup simmering on the stove in no time Sarge, sir

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                    Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                    Tennis balls? These are volley balls.

                    Egg on 1 slice of whole wheat toast and green beans (yes, green beans) for breakfast. An actual run v. a grudging walk planned for 1400 hours. Four holiday pounds gained. Cut my hair, hopefully lost at least 1. Over and out!
                    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                      Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                      reading "The Eat Clean Diet for Families" and have motivated myself to get rid of all the crap in my cupboard. Now I have nothing in my cupboard. >>

                      :H:H:H Wag
                      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                        Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                        Sarge Sir, *Salutes*

                        I went to Zumba last week and will be going tonight - it's a lot of fun, umm I mean it is a good workout SIR!

                        If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                          Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                          On Borad Sarge! Spin class this am, Oatmeal, fruit for breakfast.
                          Also, about a gallon of pipin' hot Joe


                            Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                            I don't do well with authority as you may have gleaned Techie.:H
                            I do appreciate all your input and sense of humour though and will be following and cheering in the sidelines.

                            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                            St. Francis of Assisi


                              Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                              I'm in! I'm good on the exercise (cardio and weights 4x a week and yoga twice) but the eating thing I could do better at! Looking forward to it!
                              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                              Everyday we choose the direction of change.

