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One Step at a Time - May 2014

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    One Step at a Time - May 2014

    Congratulations on the upcoming "hitching" FT!

    Hiya Alls, good to see you...

    Mama... Is it as hot as hell up there? Are you getting to do anything nice while you're on the trip? Comped dinners at least I hope...

    Nora... That's great news that FIL is moving into an assisted living facility... what a relief. Bummer on the bathroom wait. I remember one boat I crewed on before we started running them, there was SIX of us to a tiny little bathroom (head). No wonder they call the nautical terlets "heads"... they do your head IN.

    Dotts... I've had my own bathroom since 2005 (not that anyone's counting!) and would hate to share one again. I'm quite tidy usually, and another person's mess in there would be a very bad thing. I'm an only child! I don't share well!

    Niner... I wouldn't waste another moment's thought on that pair. Nobody is perfect and I'm SURE they've fucked up plenty of times themselves so no need for them to drag you over hot coals after you apologized... to heck with them. Their loss not yours.

    Pauly... Hilarious about Louie freaking out at Michelle's new look... bwahahaaaa! :H

    I reckon you guys are right... "if you don't tone it tan it". I just bought a new bottle hehe... Get some Fenny. Careful where you spray it on though, best do it in the shower or the garage.

    I'm tired. I'm going to do some stretching then take a nice hot shower. Then it's salad and a movie. I'm still not eating meat... it gets easier every day and to be honest I only miss it once in a blue moon. I'm slowly learning the meat replacements and actually really like Tofurkey sausages... they make a great snack. I hunted down Nutritional Yeast so I can try the Tofu Scramble thing (fake scrambled eggs). If you guys have any good Vegan "cheats" please share!

    Off to strrrreeeeeeeeeeeetttttch......................... .................


      One Step at a Time - May 2014

      Zen I am an only child too..and i agree with the sharing part...
      I am such a redhead pale face the tan thing made me look very strange so I just ignore my very pale legs....but they are now toned legs...for an old gal...;-))
      Mindless TV tonight....zzzzz
      Going to rental house tomorrow to get started on the things we need to do to get is listed and sold. I am feeling better about it but still hard....tons of pictures that will last me forever..

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        One Step at a Time - May 2014

        Dottie Belle;1665572 wrote: Nora one of the rules when we bought this house was 2 full baths..I hate sharing a bathroom....
        Smart woman!!! :H One day in my fairy tales, I will buy my own home (not holding my breath ) and it will have TWO bathrooms. :H
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          One Step at a Time - May 2014

          allswell;1665731 wrote: Sounds like 2014 is your year Ft. Good work, exercise, focus and love! Best to both of you!

          Training for an interesting 13.1 race next month in West Virginia. Looking forward to it so much.

          Sorry some people are pompous and somewhat unforgiving K9. No one got hurt over it, some people can make the Guinness records for holding a dime between their cheeks.
          Alls - you made me laugh out loud with your comment about the dime. ROTFL

          Hey - I was born in Charleston, West Virginia. Sounds like so much fun.

          It's really great to see you. You are missed. :h
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            One Step at a Time - May 2014

            Frequent Traveler;1665663 wrote: Hi Peepes,
            Life is good as I now just passed 2 months of no smoking, have a new job with same company that does allow me to do pretty much what I did with previous now defunct airline. Still looking for something with less travel but I will take this.
            Treadmill 5 days a week, eating better.. gotta look good on Oct 5th when we tie the knot.
            FT - how October wedding. Excuse me.....but we need DETAILS!!!! :H Are you planning on being based in New York or just waiting for the job situation to get settled?
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              One Step at a Time - May 2014

              Now my internet has started crawling again. It ticks me off. Tomorrow is the cable day though (in my head, it was today and I was so excited :H).

              Mama - love you friend!

              I'm going to go ahead & post this in case the internet takes a dive again. But, I have been thinking a lot about my friends here. So many - thank you for all the love & are getting me thru. :l
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                One Step at a Time - May 2014

                Nora, hope the cable guy rocks your day..;-))

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  One Step at a Time - May 2014

                  Sorry to be AWOL.

                  Got my mom to her pulmonary class LATE, as I thought it was Monday... When we got out of her class and back to my car, imagine my dismay to discover that my right rear tire was flat! Waited 40 minutes for the tow guy to come and put my spare on. Took mom out to lunch, dropped her off, and took the car to Goodyear to have the tire patched. Never again.

                  They were trying to up-sell me the whole time, and actually replaced an oil filter without my permission. When I got home, Mrs. Fen had cleared out the pantry due to a very minor red ant infiltrate. I went out to my work bench in the garage for some diatomaceous earth to kill the ants, and smelled radiator fluid at the grill of my car. I made an appointment with my regular mechanic for my car in the morning. I can't imagine those guys at Goodyear replacing my oil filter and not noticing radiator fluid everywhere. Sticking with my dealership guy from now on, I swear.


                    One Step at a Time - May 2014

                    Oh fen what a mess...I dont trust my car to just anyone either....hope your regular folks get is all fixed correctly...

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      One Step at a Time - May 2014

                      Thanks, Dottie...
                      My guy is a good one. Just hoped to side-step a bit today, but I will never do that again.


                        One Step at a Time - May 2014

                        fen u are lagging behind on the fit bit....u sleeping????

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          One Step at a Time - May 2014

                          Hi, Steppers!

                          I came to stalk Dot and make sure she's ok! Glad to see you here, Dot.

                          Hi to the rest of you. I love the camaraderie you have here.



                            One Step at a Time - May 2014

                            Hi Everybody- I am reading, believe me. Just not commenting, posting.
                            But I am so incredibly proud of everyome here, K9 Mama, Fenny, Pauly, Dots, Fen, Nora, Liz Allswell and FT...- Oh la La! :h YOu are a Poster for getting it done for sure!:wd:... and Pavati- Stalk away my friend. There is a great deal of comraderie here.

                            It is late. Spent all night in The Theatre at Dress Reheasal. Girls are in Peter Pan this year...They are Fireflies- too bloody cute! I enjoyed watching the show take shape- talking to some of the parents, and honestly I could sit and read back alot here- I made the Tech Guy give me the WIFI password... They perform on Friday and The troup is really very good so not a boring kid show by any means. And the girls have come a long way in their performance skills...
                            So, Lots to comment on but I want to only address K9 tonight. .. I was really just...sickened by that woman's response. Anyone who has known you even for 5 minutes, must have the brains to knwo that you are not an ill intentioned person. You are not mean or spirtually bereft- That one really GOT me as people who say that shit are clealy using whatevr 'faith' they proclaim instead of practicing it .. that just burns my butt.

                            I know you feel badly about whatever you said that night, but really...that is such a past life for you...seems you were just cruising by one night, saw the exit and decided to get off for a few minutes. No biggie... You turned around and got right back on the freeway. Sorry that be-witched (and bereft) woman was pissed you didn't signal at the turn.

                            I have a few of these poeple in my life as I know we all do. I think about them..I do. They were millstones around my neck and mile stones in my life...I guess they are nessecary evils, sweet K9- and you know I love you because I wrote necessary
                            in public and I can't spell that word..but for you...:h

                            Remember in Arbinger
                            I Philosphy , that this woman saw you as an Object,
                            not a person...
                            Which means she is in the box-
                            Difficult for her-

                            Okay, heading to bed.
                            Love you all :l
                            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                   tool box
                   newbie nest


                              One Step at a Time - May 2014

                              Good Morning Loves.
                              Nothing to report except I am working like a crazy person and want to go home.
                              We had a good dinner at Benihana's last night. I had some wine and passed out at nine.
                              Oh...... Bri's amniocentesis came back normal. The baby is fine. Yay!
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                One Step at a Time - May 2014

                                K9.....ditto what everyone else said about your "friend".
                                And Fen, extra hugs. Planning your mothers funeral must be gut wrenching.
                                I am in Winter Haven, FL. In the middle of NOWHERE!!
                                Hi to all!!!
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

