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Army July 2021

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    Re: Army July 2021

    Morning and waves to the underooooos,

    Its a defo cardigan day today.

    Got the painter and decorator sorted he was chairing the Peer Group last night (its a group that people who have either had depression or still in it) chat group I go to last night so grabbed him afterward.

    The end of the re-furb is in sight. :thumbsup:
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: Army July 2021

      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
      Morning and waves to the underooooos,

      Its a defo cardigan day today.

      Got the painter and decorator sorted he was chairing the Peer Group last night (its a group that people who have either had depression or still in it) chat group I go to last night so grabbed him afterward.

      The end of the re-furb is in sight. :thumbsup:
      Afternoon all.

      Bet you are glad to have the end in sight JC. Guess your weather is coming our way, meant to rain at weekend. It has been a glorious week and I have to say I have enjoyed it. Eating outside last night had a real continental feel. The midges made an appearance at the end but we were ready to go home at that stage.

      My daughter flew back this morning. She was a little sad but we are planning a meet up in September all going well. It was so good to see her. Pain with all the tests and she has to quarantine when she gets back but has holidays. It is what it is, you just have to make the most of it.


        Re: Army July 2021

        That was great to have her back Rustop. Is quarantine still required after vaccination?
        Your right about the weather, may as well indulge while we have it. Had the kids out pier jumping until nearly 11, fabulous moon.

        not exaggerating JC when I say, I am SO JEALOUS that your done your refurb!!
        Widows and gutters being done tomorrow, its a start :happy2:
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Re: Army July 2021

          Morning and waves to the underooooos,
          We nipped around to my favourite cousin's last night................just to drop off her birthday card and a wee gift..........thought we'd be there 10 minutes top. Her eldest and his pregnant partner were already her other 3 kids. We've all got dogs so there were four of them running around. We didn't get home until after midnight and we got fed. :thumbsup:
          I'm zorsted.

          [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]............should be done by the end of August. We will have our house back. Its gone on that long we'll have to start again.
          Luckily when the S&H left home we put a bed settee in the back bedroom. There's a TV as well so Mikey and I will be taking up residence in there.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Re: Army July 2021

            Good morning Troopers! Well, afternoon, I guess.

            Rusters - glad that you had you daughter home for a visit. I know the parting is difficult but September is just a skip away. I thought of you yesterday as I went to a shop near here that sells all the makings for crocheting purses. I got the most lovely fuchsia yarn, a matching suede base, gorgi chain for the shoulder and a new crochet hook as well. I haven't picked up a hook in probably 35 years so it will be interesting to see how it comes out. Not planning anything fancy but I'm excited to be doing something new. Will post a pic when it's finished.

            Jacks - I love the freshness of a refurb but I don't envy you on the mess. I painted the living room, hallway and kitchen a couple of months ago and the place was a tip for two weeks. It does look lovely tho' and I will do the bathroom and bedrooms when the weather cools off a bit and I can leave the windows open. Mostly with aircon right now due to the heat. Anyway, I'm sure you and Mikey will enjoy the back room for now and the rest of the place when it's done!

            Mers - what's getting done at your place? Home improvements are always so exciting - it's like us getting a new hair colour or cut. Something new and lovely to enjoy! That pier jumping takes me back many years. We have a lake close to my home town and when we were teens we would go swimming at night - there was a floating dock about 20 metres from shore and we would swim out there and jump off till we were exhausted. Then back to shore to the canteen for some chips with salt and vinegar. They served them in a paper cone back then and I have never yet found chips to match the taste!

            Molls, glad you had a good holiday. At least the weather cooperated and you didn't get rain the whole time you were gone. I imagine the break did Joe good as well!

            Techster - love your new look but don't know how it will stand up to a triathlon!

            Waves to KTAB and Sugar and to anyone lurking!!

            Shout out to Satzybum, Startypants and Bridgeepoo!! Where are yiz, girlies???

            Back to the e-mails. Catch up laterz...
            Last edited by stirly-girly; July 23, 2021, 06:42 AM.
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Re: Army July 2021

              Evening and morning to the underoos,
              [MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION].......always a treat to see you. Its been one of the hottest days we've had in a long time. Huess who made a curryfor dinner? Mikey's spent most of the day in a bush. Might give it a go tomorrow if its as hot as today. Seemed to work for him...........I'll just shove him over a bit.
              Couldn't even pick my knitting needles up as they kept slipping out of my sweaty hands.
              And I'm a tad over-excited as The Olympics have started.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: Army July 2021

                Night everyone.

                Scorcher here today too. Went for swim in lake in the middle of nowhere this evening. Daughter has only had one vaccine Mary but they are very strict in Norway. She needed a negative test within 24 hours of flying and was not allowed to leave the airport until she had another negative test. Easier for Norwegian citizens but she has not applied for citizenship yet.

                Enjoy the crocheting Starty. I have not picked up a needle in weeks. Will bring away with me next week. Night everyone.


                  Re: Army July 2021

                  Well THAT was a mission! Most of the house from the ceiling down is painted and put back together and that is ENOUGH for a while!

                  Congrats Mers for the six years!!! Amazing!!!

                  Nice to see Stirly up there somewhere and what used to be Techie but now looks like something out of the 80s. Remember when the punks used to sit on the wall on the way to the crown jewels exhibition in the Tower of London and scream obscenities at people? Good times.

                  OK well I better coffee up and read back
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Re: Army July 2021

                    Morning and waves to the universe and the underooos,

                    [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]..................I'll have my coffee with a drop of milk and two sugars.

                    Its 24/7 Olympics here. The worst thing is I remember the last time it was held in Tokyo.It makes me feel about 100 years old.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: Army July 2021

                      Hello Army. I remember mentioning so time ago, that my Integrative Medicine Doctor prescribed low dose naltrexone while I had active cancer. It does have anti cancer and wonderful pain relief properties. I still continue to take it for arthritis pain and it really helps. My dosage is 4.5mg one capsule before bed. However, I really what to share another therapy I have recently been using along with Mrs Techie. It is cryotherapy. We stand in the chamber for a three minute session. Temps cycle to as low as -240 degrees. While it is extremely cold the session is over before you know it. So, I highly recommend you look for availability if you suffer from pain issues, it is simply life changing. It has helped both of us immensely. Significant reduction in pain & inflammation. A huge dose of endorphins is a bonus. Here is a pic of the device

                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Re: Army July 2021

                        Afternoon everyone.

                        Thanks for sharing that Techie, never heard of it. Wonder if it is available here, probably not. Well done Bridget on all the painting, bet that the place feels lovely and fresh. Enjoy the games JC.

                        Not as nice here today, or at least not as hot. Went to a farmers market and a walk in the gardens of a big house not far from here this morning. BBQ this evening.


                          Re: Army July 2021

                          I just did a google & it is available here! Never heard of it either, interesting [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION]

                          I loved todays weather - temps down and all that humidity gone. 23k run, easier to cope with. Good for Nothing Now, so here I am, early. :namaste:

                          Well done [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION], the place must be looking gorgeous! Himself painted the decking today. I wanted to rip it all up, but it looks great now! Think ive the painting bug now...
                          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                            Re: Army July 2021

                            [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]...........crikey you're early tonight. Just had a google myself and we've got about two clinics using cryotherapy near us.
                            Had a rather long nanna nap so I can stay up to watch the swimming and whatever else is going on in the Olympics. Yes, I'm obsessed.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: Army July 2021

                              Morning folks and a happy sober Sunday morning from a bush somewhere south of Dublin.....
                              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                                Re: Army July 2021

                                Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
                                Morning folks and a happy sober Sunday morning from a bush somewhere south of Dublin.....
                                Good morning Tabs and all to come. Another beautiful morning.. We have two rescue puppies here and they are enjoying playing on the grass for the first time. They had mange so are a bit weird looking as their hair is just growing back but it does your heart good to see them enjoying themselves and the simple things like being outside and the grass. Same for all of us.

                                Might do a road trip later to the Blessington lakes to show my SIL another part of the county. Have a lovely Sunday everyone.

