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    Good morning Nesters,

    glad to see everyone checking in
    It is snowing here so it should get to you fairly soon jennie!
    Wonder how much we will actually get??

    I have a busy day ahead keeping up with a three year old. Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Another easy day for us.....2 kids off sick so we finish at 3.30. Gonna go for a workout at the gym.
      I really enjoyed yesterday.....just being sober and feeling alive. Brought my mum to visit 2 old friends who hadn't been well.....I love old people so enjoyed it. We live close to the coast so took a wee drive and met up with my brother and friends. They have teamed up and built rowing boats which they are now getting out in the water. My sister-in-law was rowing yesterday.......told my brother I would like a go at rowing, so hopefully in a couple of weeks. I did have a wee go rowing a couple of years ago and remember it was tough.....better get on the rowing machine today.
      I feel happy with where I am right now.....I most certainly did not feel that way just a week ago....2 weekends in a row I was not a happy bunny. Just shows how much your thinking can change.
      Popped in to see my sister yesterday....she had been out the night before and tippling most of yesterday.....she was on skype with my brother from Boston...he was well oiled too! I had fun joining in the conversation and craic with them but not once did I feel I wanted to drink....actually the opposite....felt grateful to be sober. And my brother told me I looked great and was really impressed that I am not drinking....he reminded me of myself.....I always appreciated meeting someone who did not drink because I knew that is what I wanted. He knows inside that drink is an issue...he will work it out.
      One of my kiddies told me their mum went out with friends to a place in Belfast and it was something to do with ducks.......found out later she went to the theatre in Belfast to see Swan Lake! made me laugh!
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Good Morning, Chilly Nesters! Brrrr!

        Pav, thank you for your candid post. Staying sober is not all rainbows and unicorns....I have bad days, too. My one bad day now consists of a mood I'd give a score of 80%. If I compare this to the G/S/R I woke up to every day of my life for 30 years....I'll take it. They suck when they happen tho.
        About a year ago, I went to a banquet for a major retailer here in the South, they were celebrating 100 years in business. One of the first things that happened when we sat down, all these wait-people appeared with glasses of champagne! 'HOLY CRAP!' I thought....when the time came, I raised the glass with the best of them, then I SAT IT DOWN. Nobody noticed! Here is the good news, once we sat down, the guy sitting next to me (a real KNOW IT ALL) said, "This is really BAD champagne!" I thought, DAM, I'm glad I didn't blow my quit on BAD champagne!!! Bah! I notice that he drank it all, tho.

        Next Monday, I will be attending our National Sales Meeting in South Florida. I tell you, these meetings used to be a real endurance test. HEAVY DRINKERS, all. (and I used to keep up with them, mostly men). There are about 6 females in a 200 member salesforce. What I have found since being sober is that there will be some uncomfortable moments at first, but then will settle down after about an hour, and will be gone totally by 8:30. I have a plan. I used to be the first one there, AND with a head start on my buzz. Meeting colleagues I haven't seen in a year makes me nervous (still does). Instead of getting there at 7 on the dot, I will arrive later, and will have eaten something. I will hold a glass of water or diet coke as a deterrent. I don't have to stay until the place closes down...I'll head back up to my room prolly 9- ish....and check in here. By 9, most of the guys are well on their way to just isn't interesting to me anymore to hear the same old drunk stories. I'd much rather hang out with my friends in the nest! The following day, our meetings will start at 7:30. I will be glad I called it an early night as the Tums and Advil are passed around.

        I don't drink. Period. I am so proud of that.

        Hope everyone has a peaceful day today!!! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          I guess I’m due for my Day-30 statement.
          My husband and I are in a very difficult and scary situation. A total career crash 8 years ago, huge debts, juggling finances, law suits, selling whatever we can, paying off banks, taxes, lawyers, bill collectors, and getting our children through college at the same time…. the perfect storm. And the glasses of wine at the end of those stressful days were adding up. Our struggles are not over yet and we have very few solutions left so if I don’t get on top of things urgently and find solutions, our future looks pretty bleak. The other backdrop of my current situation is living, more like “exiled”, in the country, very isolated, far from all my family and friends, cold house, dark and dreary winter days. All that = anxiety and depression! So, I’ve decided that to give it my all, I’d better give up the drinking that although it gives some temporary relief from the stress and anxiety, in the end was hampering my efforts to dig ourselves out of this hole. So right after Christmas I got myself all psyched up and plugged in to mwo. With determination, all your helpful posts, and lots of hot tea and chocolat, i am now 31 days af and feeling pretty darn good. My general outlook is much better and in spite of the same daunting obstacles, I seem to be better at finding solutions, and acting on them. Things will certainly be difficult for some time but instead of being dragged down with problems, I’m busy finding solutions. So I guess I’ll just keep buggering on!
          Go as far as you can see.
          When you get there, you'll see further.


            Big Congratulations on 30 days, Mywayin!!!


              MyWayIn, I know Eloise could choke me (she is Prize Patrol for 30 days and under) but I just can't help myself in wishing you a big congratulations for this MILESTONER!!! Here's your hat!! :guy: (Eloise, I'm so sorry I keep doing this....)
              Thank you for the speech! Keep up the GREAT work and it will come back to you in spades! Nothing is improved by AL! So proud of you!!! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Good morning my feathery Nesters. I hope all of you out east are ready for the snow - it's the big news topic here in the Rockies!

                Lifechange - your post warmed my heart about your kids. I often feel the same way - so glad that we can enjoy the small moments with them, and BE THERE for them with more patience and attention. Life is too short to "piss" that away.

                Shoshanna - welcome to your new puppy! Such good friends our furry pals are. Glad to see you are hanging AF!

                Byrdie - BE PROUD... be DARN proud! (just felt like saying that). I feel proud every day that I choose to live life with my head in the game. Like PAV said, it's NOT all happy and perfect, but it is infinitely (not exaggerating) better. I feel like I'm living life now - as it was intended. There is not a day that goes by that I don't notice something that is better sober. It far outweighs any pleasure I got out of that one hour buzz.

                Mywayin - BIG congrats to you! I'm sorry for your struggles, but so happy for you that you are tackling the situation without alcohol. I've found that things can change pretty quickly with the right attitude and some innovation - two things that are hard to find while drinking. Great job - keep at it!

                I have to head to the city today - so I need to get in the shower. I'm very tired this am - but grateful for the sun. And I can't express how much pleasure I get from small things - like a warm shower with no one else in the house to yell for me or make me hurry!

                Keep up the good work everyone! Being AF is hard at first (and there are hard times along the way), but it becomes second nature and worth EVERY effort.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Originally posted by mywayin View Post
                  So I guess I’ll just keep buggering on!
                  Yay Mywayin, keep buggering on! Well done!
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Congratulationson your 30 days, Mywayin!

                    Shoshanna, enjoy your puppy! That should definately keep you busy (we had a puppy last winter so I know what it's like).

                    Daisy, I like your point about how your mind can change. We just need to hang in there. I really hate typing that when someone needs support because it sounds so trite. But we really do need to just hang in there. Whatever it is will pass and we can pick up our AF lives and go on.
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      Congratulations on 30 Days Myway!! That is a wonderful achievement.
                      Mary Lou

                      A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                        Congratulations Myway on 30 days a victory in the nest.

                        Well i had a bloody drinking dream last night. Where the hell did that come from and it was vodka and nearly a bottle. Well i suppose if i was going to drink i made it a good one. I had a real case of the "feck its", i didnt want to be 'perfect" anymore, i wanted to let loose. I drank and drank and it did nothing and i felt nothing. Not happy or sad emotionally, felt nothing. So glad it was a dream.

                        Oh Daisy, little kids come out with the best sayings dont they - "duck" i love that.

                        Im at work, i dont want to be at work! Robert is having a procedure today to ablate a spot on his liver so i will pop in to see him for lunch which will be nice.

                        take care all
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Congrats MyWayIn - 31 days is FANTASTIC!!!


                            31 DAYS My way in? Absolutely sensational friend! Keep it going.

                            I'm right behind you. Wishing everyone a safe, sober and magical MAE. Strap in if you need to. Passing the butt velcro to the..........................right. G

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Good evening Nesters,

                              CONGRATS on your 31 AF days mywayin, well done

                              Shoshanna, a new puppy, how nice!

                              Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a safe night in the nest for all.
                              I'm still watching my granddaughter so I have little free time lately. Hope everyone in the path of this snowstorm stays cozy & warm :hug:

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Big Congrats My Way In!! And to you guitarist, you are on your way! :sohappy: :welldone:

